Ban a Bot and you incur their Wrath...
Ban a Bot and you incur their Wrath...
Dance Time with Tali..... Again....
Dance Time with Tali..... Again....
Enemies in Mass Effect are Tricksy!
Enemies in Mass Effect are Tricksy!
First Mass Effect LE Bug! Shepherd doesn't want to listen to me...
First Mass Effect LE Bug! Shepherd doesn't want to listen to me...
Geth Collossus Down... BOOM! Ashley's Face!
Geth Collossus Down... BOOM! Ashley's Face!
Goro Majima from Yakuza can scare-surprise me in any GAME!!
Goro Majima from Yakuza can scare-surprise me in any GAME!!
Headshot and Alert Timing made me Happy!
Headshot and Alert Timing made me Happy!
I know its just another Glitch but When in space...
I know its just another Glitch but When in space...
Ok Someone take Tali to a Dance Floor Seriously.
Ok Someone take Tali to a Dance Floor Seriously.
Remember if your crazy and have Pain in your head you can always shake it off...
Crazy People have interesting Body Physics....
Shifty-Looking Cow knows what he did!!!
Shifty-Looking Cow knows what he did!!!
Snipers Knockback bit too OP even for the Worlds themselves...
Snipers Knockback bit too OP even for the Worlds themselves...