Master Junar

Master Junar PLAY. CARDS. TOYS.

The Master is live! Now playing the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Come come my Friend.

The Master is live! Now playing the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Come come my Friend.

PLAY. dot.


Craven's reanimated co**se told Geralt and Yennefer about Ciri's stay on Hindarsfjall. She had made a dramatic entrance, popping out of thin air in a narrow escape from some unknown danger. Exhausted and wounded, she was carried by a mysterious companion who then entrusted her into Craven's care. He took her home, where his family tended to her with warmth and kindness. For the first time in a very long while, Ciri had a moment to catch her breath and enjoy life's simple comforts.

Sadly, she was not given long to savor these blissful moments. The Wild Hunt had caught Ciri's scent. Dark clouds gathered in the sky, puddles began to ice over and the ruthless wraiths rode towards the village. Ciri knew she was in no shape to defeat her assailants. Craven, or rather Skjall, for that was the unfortunate lad's true name, decided to help her, putting his own life and honor at risk.

Ciri raced off to Drowned Dead Rock, where she rejoined her masked companion. From what Skjall could see the two got into some sort of quarrel, which the mysterious man ended by putting Ciri to sleep with a spell. He then set her down in a boat and sailed off with her into the thick fog blanketing the surrounding sea.

Ciri had thus escaped the Wild Hunt once again. Skjall was less fortunate - the wraiths had wounded him and left him for dead. Yet he had life in him still and fought his way back to consciousness. When his eyes opened, he saw he was lying on the beach near a boat - the very same vessel in which Ciri and her companion had sailed away the night before. Now it bore but a single, highly unusual passenger -- the ugliest man in the world.


While talking to the inhabitants of Larvik, Geralt and Yennefer found out Ciri had been in the village right before the Wild Hunt had descended upon it. She had ridden off with a man called Craven, heading towards Drowned Dead Rock. Geralt and Yennefer decided they had to find this Craven - though both knew there was little chance he would still be alive when they did. The monster dwelling in Freya's garden did not take kindly to visitors.

Geralt, an expert tracker if there ever was one, had little trouble retracing Craven's footsteps. Putting the lie to his insulting nickname, Craven had bravely faced the monster in the garden... and, sad to say, was mortally wounded as a result. Feeling the life seep out of him, Craven found shelter in an underground chamber. That is where he died, and that is where Geralt found his body. This could have marked the end of the trail, and most certainly would have, dear reader, if not for Yennefer's determination...


Though Ermion was incensed (no druidic pun intended) at Yennefer and Geralt's theft and desecration of an ancient artifact, he was willing to put his anger aside to help them find Ciri. He told them of the Hunt's recent destruction of the village of Lofoten. Geralt and Yennefer knew at once it could not have been a chance attack. Ciri. They went there looking for her.

Geralt and Yennefer's suspicions were soon confirmed. Ciri had indeed been seen in Lofoten right before the Wild Hunt appeared. Yet none who had survived the village's devastation knew what she had been doing there or where she had gone. They all agreed that the only one who might know more about her fate was a man now known only as Craven. This individual had behaved disgracefully during the Hunt's attack, for which crime he had been stripped of his name and expelled from the community. He had then set out to redeem himself by defeating the monster dwelling in Freya's garden... and never returned.


A magic cataclysm had devastated a large part of the isle of Ard Skellig, and Yennefer suspected Ciri had had something to do with it. The raven-haired sorceress thus set out with Geralt to the isle's mysteriously deformed woods to look for signs of their one-time ward's presence.


Crach an Craite, an old friend, invited Geralt and Yennefer to a farewell feast for the recently-departed King Bran. One does not refuse such invitations in Skellige, and so, willing or not, Geralt had no choice but to meet Yennefer at the castle gates and attend the wake at her side.

Bran's wake was in full swing, with mead flowing plentifully and Geralt making quite a splash with the jarls, when suddenly Yennefer announced she needed to meet with the witcher in a more private setting. Yet she did not have in mind what you do, dear reader. Instead, she wanted Geralt to accompany her as she broke into the druid Ermion's laboratory. Her goal? To steal an artifact known as the Mask of Uroboros. As you can see, life with Yennefer was full of surprises, a fact Geralt had grown used to and even, one dares say, quite fond of.

After much wandering, Yennefer finally found the mask she had been seeking. When Ermion's laboratory grew dangerous, she teleported herself and Geralt back to her quarters. Once there, they... well. what they did is not really any of your concern, dear reader.
Afterwards, they returned to the wake.

Crach an Craite only arrived as the wake was drawing to a close – he and the other jarls had locked themselves away in a proverbial smoke-filled room to scheme plans for Skellige's future. That business finished, he now pulled Geralt and Yennefer aside for a talk. When he heard they were searching for Ciri, he agreed at once to provide them with everything they needed.

Luckily for Crach's treasury, Yennefer did not need everything, just Ermion's permission to examine a mysteriously deformed forest - the result of a magic explosion that might have involved Ciri.

Crach promised to convince Ermion, and as his word was as reliable as his beard was red, Geralt and Yennefer set off at once towards the magic-damaged woods.


Crach an Craite, an old friend, invited Geralt and Yennefer to a farewell feast for the recently-departed King Bran. One does not refuse such invitations in Skellige, and so, willing or not, Geralt had no choice but to meet Yennefer at the castle gates and attend the wake at her side.

Bran's wake was in full swing, with mead flowing plentifully and Geralt making quite a splash with the jarls, when suddenly Yennefer announced she needed to meet with the witcher in a more private setting. Yet she did not have in mind what you do, dear reader. Instead, she wanted Geralt to accompany her as she broke into the druid Ermion's laboratory. Her goal? To steal an artifact known as the Mask of Uroboros. As you can see, life with Yennefer was full of surprises, a fact Geralt had grown used to and even, one dares say, quite fond of.

After much wandering, Yennefer finally found the mask she had been seeking. When Ermion's laboratory grew dangerous, she teleported herself and Geralt back to her quarters. Once there, they... well. what they did is not really any of your concern, dear reader.
Afterwards, they returned to the wake.

Crach an Craite only arrived as the wake was drawing to a close – he and the other jarls had locked themselves away in a proverbial smoke-filled room to scheme plans for Skellige's future. That business finished, he now pulled Geralt and Yennefer aside for a talk. When he heard they were searching for Ciri, he agreed at once to provide them with everything they needed.

Luckily for Crach's treasury, Yennefer did not need everything, just Ermion's permission to examine a mysteriously deformed forest - the result of a magic explosion that might have involved Ciri.

Crach promised to convince Ermion, and as his word was as reliable as his beard was red, Geralt and Yennefer set off at once towards the magic-damaged woods.


Crach an Craite, an old friend, invited Geralt and Yennefer to a farewell feast for the recently-departed King Bran. One does not refuse such invitations in Skellige, and so, willing or not, Geralt had no choice but to meet Yennefer at the castle gates and attend the wake at her side.

Bran's wake was in full swing, with mead flowing plentifully and Geralt making quite a splash with the jarls, when suddenly Yennefer announced she needed to meet with the witcher in a more private setting. Yet she did not have in mind what you do, dear reader. Instead, she wanted Geralt to accompany her as she broke into the druid Ermion's laboratory. Her goal? To steal an artifact known as the Mask of Uroboros. As you can see, life with Yennefer was full of surprises, a fact Geralt had grown used to and even, one dares say, quite fond of.

After much wandering, Yennefer finally found the mask she had been seeking. When Ermion's laboratory grew dangerous, she teleported herself and Geralt back to her quarters. Once there, they... well. what they did is not really any of your concern, dear reader.
Afterwards, they returned to the wake.

Crach an Craite only arrived as the wake was drawing to a close – he and the other jarls had locked themselves away in a proverbial smoke-filled room to scheme plans for Skellige's future. That business finished, he now pulled Geralt and Yennefer aside for a talk. When he heard they were searching for Ciri, he agreed at once to provide them with everything they needed.

Luckily for Crach's treasury, Yennefer did not need everything, just Ermion's permission to examine a mysteriously deformed forest - the result of a magic explosion that might have involved Ciri.

Crach promised to convince Ermion, and as his word was as reliable as his beard was red, Geralt and Yennefer set off at once towards the magic-damaged woods.


Crach an Craite, an old friend, invited Geralt and Yennefer to a farewell feast for the recently-departed King Bran. One does not refuse such invitations in Skellige, and so, willing or not, Geralt had no choice but to meet Yennefer at the castle gates and attend the wake at her side.

Bran's wake was in full swing, with mead flowing plentifully and Geralt making quite a splash with the jarls, when suddenly Yennefer announced she needed to meet with the witcher in a more private setting. Yet she did not have in mind what you do, dear reader. Instead, she wanted Geralt to accompany her as she broke into the druid Ermion's laboratory. Her goal? To steal an artifact known as the Mask of Uroboros. As you can see, life with Yennefer was full of surprises, a fact Geralt had grown used to and even, one dares say, quite fond of.

After much wandering, Yennefer finally found the mask she had been seeking. When Ermion's laboratory grew dangerous, she teleported herself and Geralt back to her quarters. Once there, they... well. what they did is not really any of your concern, dear reader.
Afterwards, they returned to the wake.

Crach an Craite only arrived as the wake was drawing to a close – he and the other jarls had locked themselves away in a proverbial smoke-filled room to scheme plans for Skellige's future. That business finished, he now pulled Geralt and Yennefer aside for a talk. When he heard they were searching for Ciri, he agreed at once to provide them with everything they needed.

Luckily for Crach's treasury, Yennefer did not need everything, just Ermion's permission to examine a mysteriously deformed forest - the result of a magic explosion that might have involved Ciri.

Crach promised to convince Ermion, and as his word was as reliable as his beard was red, Geralt and Yennefer set off at once towards the magic-damaged woods.


The search for Ciri had taken Yennefer to the wind-swept Skellige Isles - that is to say, lest your mind fill with visions of our elegant sorceress shivering on some barren rock - it had taken her to a suite of comfortable rooms near Kaer Trolde Castle on the isle of Ard Skellig. Geralt was to join her there and thus set off to the port in Novigrad, where he hoped to find a captain bold enough to brave the pirate-infested waters en route.

After much searching, Geralt found just such a man. A certain Captain Wolverstone had agreed to sail to Skellige. Whether he was abnormally brave or abnormally stupid is unknown – the vodka he gulped in buckets could have enhanced either quality. We can also hope it helped sooth his nerves when, to no one's surprise, pirates attacked the ship off the archipelago's shores. Geralt was thrown overboard during the tussle, and awoke face-down in the Skellige sand.

Geralt recovered from his tumultuous landing and eventually reached Kaer Trolde castle – home to Crach, jarl of Clan an Craite. There he discovered all the notables of Skellige had gathered to bury King Bran, who had breathed his last a few days prior. In attendance as well: Yennefer.


As you surely recall, Geralt knew Ciri had been in Novigrad, that she had contacted Dudu and me and that afterwards all three of us had plummeted straight into a writhing snake pit of trouble. The last person to have seen Ciri was yours truly, but I, too, had disappeared without a trace. Geralt accurately surmised that Dudu would be the easiest of our ill-fated trio to find. He went to the one person who could help him do this - Priscilla.

It should be noted that Priscilla counted an incomparable ingenuity amongst her many virtues. Barely had Geralt explained the problem when she hit upon a solution. Dudu had taken on some unknown form and gone into hiding. Their only hope of luring him out - a clear sign from his old friends in Madame Irina's mummers' troupe.

Priscilla thus decided to put on a play - one Dudu would be sure to attend and that would clearly convey it was safe for him to reveal himself. Geralt agreed to the plan and the two got down to work.

The play was a success. Although not the finest spectacle to ever grace the Butchers' Yard, it more than sufficed for Priscilla's purposes - Dudu attended the play and revealed himself at its end. Geralt quickly pulled him behind the curtain and began questioning him about me and Ciri. This is how the witcher learned that I was a prisoner of the Church of the Eternal Fire.


As you surely recall, Geralt knew Ciri had been in Novigrad, that she had contacted Dudu and me and that afterwards all three of us had plummeted straight into a writhing snake pit of trouble. The last person to have seen Ciri was yours truly, but I, too, had disappeared without a trace. Geralt accurately surmised that Dudu would be the easiest of our ill-fated trio to find. He went to the one person who could help him do this - Priscilla.

It should be noted that Priscilla counted an incomparable ingenuity amongst her many virtues. Barely had Geralt explained the problem when she hit upon a solution. Dudu had taken on some unknown form and gone into hiding. Their only hope of luring him out - a clear sign from his old friends in Madame Irina's mummers' troupe.
Priscilla thus decided to put on a play - one Dudu would be sure to attend and that would clearly convey it was safe for him to reveal himself. Geralt agreed to the plan and the two got down to work.

The play was a success. Although not the finest spectacle to ever grace the Butchers' Yard, it more than sufficed for Priscilla's purposes - Dudu attended the play and revealed himself at its end. Geralt quickly pulled him behind the curtain and began questioning him about me and Ciri. This is how the witcher learned that I was a prisoner of the Church of the Eternal Fire.


When are you gonna finally burn this piece of junk?


Mhm. Better.


The Vegelbud family's out-of-town estate was famed not only for its lovely guardians and sumptuous banquets, but also for the series of horse races organized there in honor of one of the line's illustrious ancestors, Erasmus. Geralt, who had spent a great many years in the saddle, decided to test his mettle in this derby - lured, perhaps, by the sizable reward promised to the victor.

The Vegelbud races segued into an unexpected encore. Cleaver, one of the[sic] Novigrad crime lords, was so impressed by the witcher's riding prowess that he offered him the chance to take part in the equally famed (though illegal) race organized by the local underworld.

Though the nighttime race was rife with obstacles, Geralt managed to win it as well. Sadly, he was not given long to celebrate his triumph, for the city guard, alarmed by the ruckus of galloping horses at an hour when decent people should be asleep, broke up the event and scattered its participants.


Near the Nilfgaardian camp Geralt ran into a noblewoman from far-off Nazair. She had journeyed to the front in search of her son, a soldier. The woman was worried because her son would write her often, but at some point had suddenly stopped. No one in the camp knew what had happened to him, but the woman did not believe they were truly ignorant. She offered Geralt a reward for discovering the truth.

It turned out the noblewoman's son had decided to desert along with some other disgruntled soldiers. A search party had immediately been sent after them. Some were caught and killed, while others managed to escape. Sadly, the woman's son was among those hanged. When she learned this, she was overcome with grief. The letter Geralt had found on her son's body informed her how monstrous war can be and how hard it is to judge the actions of the soldiers taking part in it.


While in Novigrad, Geralt came across a notice offering a bounty for killing a certain White Lady haunting the fields outside the city. The witcher, who was always in need of coin for... what does he spend his coin on? Armor? Swords? Clips to hold back his hair? At any rate, he was forever short of it, and so accepted the contract.

Geralt spent more time walking through the rich farmlands outside Novigrad. During one such stroll he happened across the ruins of a tower. Whether out of curiosity or because of the throbbing of his medallion, Geralt decided to investigate. It will surely come as no surprise that this investigation uncovered evidence of a monster's presence...

The White Lady turned out to be a noonwraith. In order to defeat this phantom, Geralt first had to find out what bound it to the abandoned tower and its surrounding fields.
Geralt uncovered the tragic fate of the woman who had turned into a noonwraith - then sent her on to the next world. The bounty issuer was clearly relieved to hear this and handed Geralt his due.


Though Geralt avoided politics like the plague, there were times when he simply couldn't avoid getting entangled. This was very much the case when Roche and Dijkstra convinced him to find their co-conspirator. The man had gone off undercover to resolve a certain matter among the Nilfgaardians and simply disappeared.

Upon finding Dijkstra mingling among the fugitive mages, then watching him assist them in their flight, Geralt got the sinking feeling the erstwhile spy would want a favor in return. He could not have been more correct, for as soon as the mages had set sail for Kovir's hospitable shores, Dijkstra confessed that he had set in motion a plot to assassinate Radovid and asked the witcher to meet him promptly at the Passiflora.


There was not much in the way of entertainment at Crow's Perch, so the baron's men were always looking for new ways to pass the time. One of their favorites - horse racing at night and the chance for friendly (and not-so-friendly) betting that went along with it. Though the witcher had plenty of other things to occupy his time, he decided he could spare a few moments to take part in these races.

Geralt was the first to ride past the finish line - which should come as no surprise, given all the time he had spent in the saddle and the fact that, unlike all the other participants, he could see in the dark. The baron's men expressed their admiration for his equestrian prowess (thought perhaps not in those exact words) and encouraged him to join them again some other time.


Those under Roche's command rarely defied orders. When they did, the task of disciplining them fell to Roche's second-in-command, Ves. No one who endured a reprimand from this tight-lipped yet strong-armed soldier would ever think of insubordination again.

Yet this time Ves strayed from her usual loyalty and ignored Roche's orders by leaving her post without permission. Faced with an unusual dilemma, Vernon decided to turn to the witcher for help.

Yet Roche and Geralt did not come to the rescue in time. Ves fought to save the peasants of Mulbrydale - though she knew full well she stood no chance of winning against her substantially more numerous opponents. No historian will write of this stuggle, nor will any bard sing of it, and no gravestone shall mark Ves' resting place.

Vernon Roche fell into dour spirits after Geralt's conversation with Radovid at the chess club. He didn't want to say right then what had blackened his mood. Instead, he asked the witcher to come talk to him at his hideout near Oxenfurt.


Those under Roche's command rarely defied orders. When they did, the task of disciplining them fell to Roche's second-in-command, Ves. No one who endured a reprimand from this tight-lipped yet strong-armed soldier would ever think of insubordination again.

Yet this time Ves strayed from her usual loyalty and ignored Roche's orders by leaving her post without permission. Faced with an unusual dilemma, Vernon decided to turn to the witcher for help.

Yet Roche and Geralt did not come to the rescue in time. Ves fought to save the peasants of Mulbrydale - though she knew full well she stood no chance of winning against her substantially more numerous opponents. No historian will write of this stuggle, nor will any bard sing of it, and no gravestone shall mark Ves' resting place.

Vernon Roche fell into dour spirits after Geralt's conversation with Radovid at the chess club. He didn't want to say right then what had blackened his mood. Instead, he asked the witcher to come talk to him at his hideout near Oxenfurt.

Hey check this out! I'm playing The Last of Us live on YouTube! Come and troll me! =) Newb!

Hey check this out! I'm playing The Last of Us live on YouTube! Come and troll me! =) Newb!

THE LAST OF US Playthrough. Get some popcorn or chips, just sit back and relax, have a break, have a kitkat, Watch!


Geralt found out a series of fistfights was being organized in Novigrad. He had participated in such fights in the past and grown to like the feel of his fist pounding into some lunkhead's skull. He thus decided to take part.
To earn the right to fight for the Novigrad championship, Geralt first had to defeat three lesser challengers.
Fight after fight Geralt laid low the best Novigrad had to offer. In the end he was declared the city's champion.




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