Elevate Motherhood

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Elevate Motherhood Encouraging moms in their high calling 💖🙏🏻Simplicity/Organization/Mom Hacks/Positive Mindset

I think sometimes moms think WE have to do it all, be enough. But really we don’t. And thank God for that! We just have ...

I think sometimes moms think WE have to do it all, be enough. But really we don’t. And thank God for that! We just have to be fully dependent on God. Seeking him first and pointing back to him in all things. He gives us grace for each day. He’s strong when we are weak. And we have his power within us in the Holy Spirit. He’s enough for our kids too. Praise God! Right?

Podcast episode coming soon about how moms slowly transfer our kids’ dependence on us to dependence on God, and how beautiful and important that is! 🎧

”Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

”If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.“
‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Receive God’s peace and joy. Love your family and keep the main things the main things! 🫶🏻 God’s got this!

The first of the school year brings a lot of changes and my heart goes out to all the little kids and families who strug...

The first of the school year brings a lot of changes and my heart goes out to all the little kids and families who struggle with it!

As Christians, we have the power of the Holy Spirit! And it’s our job to remind our kids who they ARE. Speak these verses out to your kids and in prayer for your kids.

You’ve got this, mamas! 💖🙏🏻

You guys are loving the back to school prayer episode- Prayers for Our Kids! 💖 It’s a short, easy to listen to prayer pa...

You guys are loving the back to school prayer episode- Prayers for Our Kids! 💖 It’s a short, easy to listen to prayer packed with scripture.

Head to CourtneyLundeen.com/prayers-for-kids to read it all and see the scriptures included, or check out Elevate Motherhood Podcast Episode 28!

Speak these prayers and truths over your kids as they begin another year. To God the Glory! 💖

💖 new episode! This one is packed with fun ideas to make your back-to-school season memorable and fun! And as always, I’...

💖 new episode! This one is packed with fun ideas to make your back-to-school season memorable and fun! And as always, I’m helping you find ideas to “let it be easy” so we can be more present and truly enjoy it all! 💖

And, this episode includes a separate bonus episode of back to school prayers packed with scripture! Hope it’s a blessing for you!

Episode 27 Back to School:


Episode 28 Prayers for Our Kids:


Share your ideas here!! Thank you! 💖

Share your ideas here!! Thank you! 💖

💖🎤new episode!  #26! Is it okay to grieve a season of life ending while being 100% excited for the next? As Christians, ...

💖🎤new episode! #26!
Is it okay to grieve a season of life ending while being 100% excited for the next? As Christians, we are called to not be led by our emotions, but we still experience them. How do we handle it? We are always believing God's best for our lives is still to come.
Consider this a conversation with a mom friend navigating it all, too! Whether you're going from married with no kids to having your first baby, or deciding when you're finished being pregnant and having babies, there's something here for you!

💖 lots of good ideas in Episode 25! Reminder to check it out if you haven’t yet!

💖 lots of good ideas in Episode 25! Reminder to check it out if you haven’t yet!

There’s a lot out there about designing, decorating, and organizing your home… but I couldn’t find much about setting it...

There’s a lot out there about designing, decorating, and organizing your home… but I couldn’t find much about setting it up FOR KIDS. 👧🏻🧒🏼🧒🏽👧🏼For them, for YOU. For families! If you haven’t listened to Episode 25 yet- here is an overview! 🥰

#1- Put things where they can reach them. If you want your kid to start dressing themselves but their socks are in a top drawer only adults can reach, it’s not going to happen! If you criticize every outfit they pick out and make them go change again, it’s not going to be a positive experience! Set the things up that you want your kids to do, in a way they can actually do it! ✨Set their closet up so they can only reach the clothes that are okay for them to wear. Or pre-select clothes for the week and let them grab the outfit for themselves each day.

*kids typically want independence and to be able to do things for themselves and honestly it teaches them confidence that they CAN do things and CAN make decisions for themselves within reasonable limits that you have already placed.

#2- make them feel special. Maybe all the photos on Pinterest don’t include family pictures, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it tastefully! Kids can’t see the photos on our phones, print them out and hang them up! 📸Consider a few larger photos in main areas and some smaller, more fun photos in their rooms! And- show off their art! Or have them help you make some art to display! 🎨🖼️{for more details check out podcast episode 25}

#3- give reasonable boundaries. Decide what is worth telling your kids not to touch or mess up and what isn’t. I personally err on the side of setting your own house up to be kid-friendly especially with young toddlers! And if you want kids to help you manage belongings, help them by having a reasonable number of belongings. 4,000 toys available at all times without systems in place might just be too much to manage!

If you want more of this- check out our online course! The Elevate Motherhood Home Organization Master Class is FOR MOMS and it’s packed with ideas like this to make your home more fun and less work. Head to CourtneyLundeen.com to check it out! Facebook friends can use code VIP20 for 20% off! Money-back guarantee that it’ll make your life easier! 💖

Hey, Moms! Looking for a more simple, present life?Introducing- the Elevate Motherhood Home Organization Master Class! W...

Hey, Moms! Looking for a more simple, present life?

Introducing- the Elevate Motherhood Home Organization Master Class!

We’ll help you get your home (and life) organized and systemized so you can relax and enjoy your time with the ones who matter most.

* Spend your free time playing with your kids instead of cleaning up your house.
* Be the welcoming host you've always wanted to be, without worrying if your house is clean enough.
* Quickly find the things you're looking for.
* Prepare food more easily because your kitchen is organized, USE the groceries you buy.
* RELAX and keep your family and God at the top of your priorities, because you have the TIME.


Our online course contains easy-to-follow basic steps for decluttering and systemizing your home.
* 14+ specific lessons for each room of your home packed with tips & tricks especially for families
* Video & audio teaching, PDFs, checklists, product recommendations
* Available on mobile phones, desktop, tablets, and through an app for easy listening
* Complete this course at your own pace, on your own time, fitting easily into your family's schedule
* Your life will feel lighter and your home will feel more relaxing with each lesson you complete

***Access to the Elevate Motherhood Community is included as a FREE BONUS for a limited time! Ask your questions, share before and after pictures, and celebrate your progress within the community! I share more pictures and videos of my own home within the community as well!

The contents of the Elevate Motherhood Home Organization Master Class will exceed your expectations, or get your money back 100%!

Head to CourtneyLundeen.com to start today!

Use code EM50 for 50% off! This offer ends next week. This makes the total under $40! 💝🤟🏻

This is so sweet! Any second-time moms know the feelings ❤️

This is so sweet! Any second-time moms know the feelings ❤️

The First Year Again

It’s a little bit different
to the very first time,
all of your firsts
are no longer mine

No less special,
some lessons still new
Still realising
all of the things I can do

I know what’s in store
and the hard days do end
I break a bit less
as I’ve learnt how to bend

I’m not striving for perfect,
good enough will do
I don’t bother with books
I know to read you

I’m a little less bothered
with the toys and the mess
I know that achievements
means doing my best

I do what feels right
with a much louder voice
I guess you stop listening
when you block out the noise

But I don’t know it all,
I’m still caught by surprise,
more tired than ever
with much softer eyes

My arms are much stronger
as I’ve carried for years
There are maps on my face
from smiles and tears

I don’t chase the milestones
And I don’t count the days,
It’s much faster now
as I’m split in more ways

It’s more rushed than I’d like,
naps wherever we are
Let us just have a moment -
off we go in the car

It’s busy I know,
and some days I feel spent
While you are all smiles
and cheeks, and content

I catch myself wishing
as I watch you grow
I could go back to the start
with what I now know

But each one of you
have helped me grow tall
In the depths of these seasons,
the whirlwind of it all

You’ve given me shape
You’ve taught me to be
You handed me pieces
To this puzzle of me

I have done this before.
but I haven’t with you
This first year, my darling,
is entirely new.

Jess Urlichs
Words for print here: https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/1493175582/
Art: Amanda Oleander Art

You know when toddlers try to do everything with all their might? It’s their go-to move! 🙃 Things are stuck and they jus...

You know when toddlers try to do everything with all their might? It’s their go-to move! 🙃 Things are stuck and they just want to force it! It doesn’t work so they get frustrated! ….They always miss the “wiggle”! Try this next time your toddler is frustrated with something and see if it works! It’ll help them learn to do things for themselves. I heard my 2 year old daughter saying it the other day trying to put her shoes on and I thought, “it’s working!” So I thought I’d share! 💖 It applies to a million situations. Same thing goes for “wiggle pull, wiggle pull.”

Aren’t we so thankful to be their gentle and patient teachers?! 💖🙏🏻🙌🏻

Keep up the good work mamas!

This testimonial shows the whole reason I created the online course for moms! Setting up our homes to serve our families...

This testimonial shows the whole reason I created the online course for moms! Setting up our homes to serve our families! I share lots of tricks to foster independence for kids which in turn builds their confidence and makes for less work for mom! Wins all around! 🙌🏻

Now that I’ve learned how hard it is to start something new I’m in awe of people who do it so well! I know it takes a lo...

Now that I’ve learned how hard it is to start something new I’m in awe of people who do it so well! I know it takes a lot of work and it’s fun to support others!

I grew up with Taylor and she creates THE cutest stuff! She’s a mom of littles too! Just wanted to share with you guys!! Check it out!

Cooking + trying out new recipes is something I absolutely love to do for my family. Our Recipe Binder has been the best addition to my Meal Planning Notepad. I look through my tried and true recipes, and some I want to try, add them to the meal plan for the week, and create my grocery list! It's that simple (and pretty) 😍




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