We have to instill in this next generation that there is more to life than just “chasing a bag.” I’m scared that we are watching a generation “chase a bag” with no desire to “leave an impact.” I watched my mom go to the nursing home on Saturdays to do elders’ hair with no compensation and no fanfare. Impact. I watched my village give their blood, sweat, and tears to make sure they left their community better than they found it. Impact. Again, there’s nothing wrong with “getting a bag,” but that can’t be the totality. And if we are going to embrace this “bag chasing” culture, we must at a minimum instill a level of uncompromising integrity while doing it: professionalism, being astute in business affairs, honesty, and high character. While I admire this “go get it” culture that’s rising, if it’s not connected and grounded in humility and a level of servanthood, we will breed a selfish and egotistic generation that’s not interested in the overall well-being of their community. We will have a lot of hustle and no impact.