Thanks Steve from @transcendparanormal for the late birthday present! They smell awful but hopefully between the smell and the nunchuck feet it’ll protect me from the evil ghosts! (Everything at for sale at oddities was ethnically sourced, no dogs were harmed in the making of this video). Video cred: @journeyofweird
Sometimes birds have the perfect timing at Sweet Springs Sanitarium #ghost #bird #paranormal #spoopy #scared #birdsarentreal
More drone action from today 😂 #Virginia #ashland #amtrak #local
Little flash light Play in the hospital at henricus #paranormal #spooky #spirit #ghost #investigation #history
Our newest episode is out now for yalls listening pleasure! Go check it out and let us know what you think a ghost is #ghost #spirits #paranormal #entity #podcast
Last October filming #cerealkiller #spooky #halloween
We talked woo woo...aliens....and everything in between. We all whipped out our decks to talk about how big they were #podcast #witchy #spoopy #tarot #spirits #ghost #paranormal #aliens #howbigisyourdeck
DID WE ACTUALLY DIE IN 2012?! Were the Mayans right all along? Did we just get sucked into a blackhole and come out in an exact parallel universe? Find out on the newest episode that dropped TODAY! #conspiracytheory #2012 #Mayan #calendar #scary #multiverse #parallel #space #expansionofourminds #science
This is bucket list place for me (chris)! Newest episode out now!!!! #transalleghenylunaticasylum #westvirginia #spooky #paranormal #mentalhealth #scary #spirits #sadness #campfirechronicles #podcast
Did you know Dolley Madison protects the roses with a 1911 👀 #history #paranormal #tiktok #Whitehouse #ghost #dontFwithher #rosegarden
Last minute research for tomorrow night and I'm out here doin tikie tokies #crunchtime #lastminute #research #Whitehouse #ghost #spoopy #tiktok