The Bipolar DM Show
This is a previous broadcast of the Bipolar DM Show.
The Bipolar DM Show
Today we interview Pick Up & Go Games.
The Bipolar DM Show: When Depression Physically Hurts
264 million people suffer from depression worldwide each year. It is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Those who don't know what depression is like will see a glimpse into it in this episode.
The Bipolar DM Show
We talk about Dungeons & Dragons, indie writing, and living with a mental illness.
The Bipolar DM Show
Today we talk about creating an old school campaign, living with maladaptive ruminations and bipolar flashbacks.
The Bipolar DM Show interviews Mike Thiel
In today's show, we visit again with Mike Thiel, a therapist who uses Dungeons & Dragons in a therapeutic setting.
The Bipolar DM Show
We talk about Dungeons & Dragons, indie writing, and living with a mental illness.
The Bipolar DM Show
This is a previous broadcast of the Bipolar DM Show.
The Bipolar DM Show: Improving Life with Bipolar
Today we discuss some techniques to improve ones life with Bipolar. Many are simple things that you can do now.
The Bipolar DM Show Interviews Guy S.
Today we interview Guy S. from "How to be a great GM" YouTube show.
Rebroadcast of interview with Kay.
We are rebroadcasting our interview with author Kay P. who lives with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
The Bipolar Dragons: Come what may.
Our party defeated a malnourished cyclops and a little old woman to get the kidnapped children back. Our brave adventurers are now on the lookout for their next adventure.
The Bipolar DM interviews author Kay Pilon.
We talk with Kay about her writings and living with Disassociate Identity Disorder.
Bipolar Dragons: The Missing
A pair of sisters go missing and a witch is the main suspect.
The Bipolar DM Show discusses the Winter Blues
The Bipolar DM Show discusses Seasonal Affective Disorder, Bipolar Depression, Major Depression.