Good Morning!
My name is Christine, I am one of three hosts here at The Voiceless: A True Crime Podcast. We have taken a break for a bit and will soon be posting new episodes this year.
Our podcast differentiates from the true crime genre style podcasts as we try our best to give a voice to voiceless. The voiceless being those of the LGTBQ+, BIPOC and MMIWMG2S communities.
We wanted to bring their voice back and get more eyes and ears on the problems we are facing with how certain cases just aren't given as much attention as others.
Me and the girls have a printful design made for everyone to buy from my business website the profit is not much for us but 25% of whatever we get will be donated to a non-profit like bear clan/winnipeg indeginious warriors. The other 75% is going towards the cost of software/website fees and after that the rest of it will be donated.
This design was sparked after too many episodes involving injustice and Jana Williams case being completely overlooked.
Count to 10 in Cree with Cheyenne!
1 - 𝗽𝗲𝘆𝗮𝗸
2 - 𝗻𝗶̂𝘀𝗼
3 - 𝗻𝗶̂𝘀𝘁𝗼
4 - 𝗻𝗲̂𝘄𝗼
5 - 𝗻𝗶̂𝘆𝗮𝗻𝗮̂𝗻
6 - 𝗻𝗶𝗸𝗼𝘁𝘄𝗮̂𝘀𝗶𝗸
7 - 𝘁𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗸𝗼𝗵𝗽
8 - 𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗮̂𝗻𝗲𝘄
9 - 𝗸𝗲̂𝗸𝗮̂-𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗮̂𝘁𝗮𝗵𝘁
10 - 𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗮̂𝘁𝗮𝗵𝘁
#nehiyawewin #Cree #learning #CreeWordOftheDay #Indigenous #twospirit #indigenousbeadwork #IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg #mmiwg2s #indigenousartist #mmiwgawareness #nomorestolensisters #nomoresilence #bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1 #BLM #indigenouslivesmatter❤️💛🖤
Ishkwaa-naawakwe (Ish-kwuh-nuh-wah-kway) It is afternoon
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
Gigizhebaawagad (Gih-zjee-buh-wah-gut) It is morning
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
In-gichi-inendam (in-guh-chee-nen-dum) Im happy
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
Waawaabiganoojinh (Wah-wah-big-uh-new-jee) Mouse
it is my (Christine) birthday and this is now my favourite word of the day
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
Ind-ayekoz (In-day-uh-kawz) Im tired
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
Gimiwan (Gih-mih-wun) It is raining
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
Gizhide (Gih-zjee-day) it is hot
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
Gizaagi'in (Gee-zaw-geen) I love you
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
Nish*tgwaan (nish-tick-wun) My head
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana
Gizhaate (Gih-jzaw-teh) The sun is shining warmly
#Anishinaabemowin #Anishinaabemowinwordoftheday #Anishinaabe #Ojibwe #Ojibwa
#OjibweWordOftheDay #Indigenous
#IndigenousLanguages #Canada #mmiw #mmiwg
#mmiwg2s #mmiwawareness #mmiwgawareness
#mmiwg2stakesbackcanada #mmiwg2sawareness
#voiceless #podcastersofinstagram
#truecrimecommunity #nomorestolensisters
#nomoresilence #truecrime #everychildmatters
#bipoc #lgbtq2sia+ #stolenland #landback #treaty1
#BLM #IndigenousLivesMatter #lightingthe8thfire #eighthfire #batchewana