Hey everyone. I don’t know if everyone know this but I have a dog named Bella Faulkner who I adopted back in January 2009. She’s 16 years old now and has trouble walking as well as hearing and seeing at all because of an ear infection and arthritis. Any support you can give will go towards helping her get the care that she needs.
Since the accident when I got knocked off of my bicycle, I’ve been stuck at home and haven’t been able to work because of the backbrace and physical therapy. My job let me go and my car clutch had already gone out last May a year ago. I just need help from the community. I posted on Reddit about needing support and they suggested that I make a “go fund me” for her. The link is below.
Hi, my name is Dylan Faulkner. I am raising money for my dog, Bella Faulk… Dylan Faulkner needs your support for Support Bella Faulkner's Urgent Medical Needs