Regardless of whether you want to lose weight, get healthy, get in better shape or achieve all of the above, a good exercise program has three main components.
⭐️ Cardio exercises. Any activity that increases your heart rate, from walking or jogging to cycling or fitness classes. Regardless of the exercise, it is always wise to do a warm-up with light cardio for 5 to 10 minutes.
⭐️ Strength training. At first, you don't need to use heavy weights or even spend a lot of time on strength training, but you do need to lift weights. Your muscles will become stronger, more massive and bulkier, and the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn in general, which helps with weight loss.
⭐️ Flexibility training is necessary to perform a full range of movements for each exercise. Stretching increases flexibility and helps your body recover from exercise.
Although some people prefer to set aside a day to focus on flexibility, you don't need a separate workout for this - stretching should be included in each workout as a warm-up. Some people prefer to set a schedule with days devoted only to cardio or strength training, but these exercises can be performed on the same day or even in combination with intensive training.
🤓 Set a weekly schedule in advance to get the right amount of exercise for each of the three types of workout during the week.