Thanks for the shoutout WEIRD RAP!
As artists clamber to put out sub-par music for Bandcamp day, saturating the music world with mediocrity, devaluing themselves and human culture in general, several of today's releases rise above the rest for me.
Unsung: Sup Bub (feat. Lt Headtrip, Duncecap, Lamon Manuel, Cunabear, Bloodmoney Perez, Bunga, Iceberg Theory, etc.) is a real fun rollercoaster. (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope Records) http://saserecords.bandcamp.com
serengeti's The Gentle Fall is a sparsely-produced pairing of soft-spoken rhymes backed up by nothing but acoustic guitar. http://serengetidave.bandcamp.com
Wild Height Keech is expertly-crafted western-themed country-fried rock rap (but good). (Cold Rhymes Records) http://heightkeech.bandcamp.com
"Plague Days" is a lament by blacklisted political rapper sole backed by flute-driven trap courtesy of DJ Pain 1. (Sorry, my descriptions suck.) http://sole.bandcamp.com
The 'U Deserve This Beautiful Art Vol. 2' free compilation features some great tracks by Darko The Super, Torito, Tone Tank, Steel Tipped Dove, Serengeti and more. ( ) http://uddtba.bandcamp.com
And finally, the PTP / Purple Tape Pedigree label, besides releasing a lot of great music, has recently been publishing books, including Quartermaster by Joe Cochran - "a monthly journal of vetted research pertaining to the ongoing class struggle. The information housed in these books are collected with the intent to present information outside of the algorithm. It is meant to be a resource for individuals, collectives & organizations to either pool into their own research or begin their own research with this work as it’s starting point." http://purpletapepedigree.bandcamp.com
Oh yeah, Weird Rap itself has a Bandcamp with AMAZING releases featuring Kool Keith, Myka 9, Clipping, Mike Ladd, Rammellzee Beans, Lil Ghostwriter & many more. http://weirdrap.bandcamp.com