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fearlessly commited to the truth

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

The Safe Church tribunal are well on it's way and still the church, laywers, predident, priest and bishops and the whole...

The Safe Church tribunal are well on it's way and still the church, laywers, predident, priest and bishops and the whole process are villified by June Major, it is not justice that she want, she wants a public lynching and will be satisfied with nothing except total destruction. Please watch the YouTube videos, the truth are clear to see


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“The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism …” Martin Luther King

"Give the king your justice, O God … May he judge your people with righteousness, and your poor with justice … May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the needy, and crush the oppressor." (Psalm 72)


Fr, John Hardon wrote:

“Never in the history of Christianity has the Church needed holy people more than in our day. … The murder of innocent unborn children has become the law of most of the once-civilized nations of the world. The propagation of untruth and the consequent multiplication of evil have no counterpart in any previous period in human history.

There is no other solution for the crisis of our age than for holy people to be channels of grace to a world that is starving for divine truth and dying out of thirst for the love of God.

This is the mission of the Holy Spirit as we approach the twenty-first century. It is nothing less than producing saints among Christians in every state of life. Ordinary bishops, ordinary priests, ordinary religious, ordinary fathers and mothers, ordinary Catholics will not even survive the massive revolution through which the Church is going in our day. We need heroic Catholics, sanctified by the Holy Spirit, to restore even sanity in the modern world


I am ashamed , Lord have mercy


Today is First Friday in January


O Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Thee I consecrate and offer up my person and my life, my actions, trials, and sufferings, that my entire being may henceforth only be employed in loving, honoring and glorifying Thee. This is my irrevocable will, to belong entirely to Thee, and to do all for Thy love, renouncing with my whole heart all that can displease Thee.

I take Thee, O Sacred Heart, for the sole object of my love, the protection of my life, the pledge of my salvation, the remedy of my frailty and inconstancy, the reparation for all the defects of my life, and my secure refuge at the hour of my death. Be Thou, O Most Merciful Heart, my justification before God Thy Father, and screen me from His anger which I have so justly merited. I fear all from my own weakness and malice, but placing my entire confidence in Thee, O Heart of Love, I hope all from Thine infinite Goodness. Annihilate in me all that can displease or resist Thee. Imprint Thy pure love so deeply in my heart that I may never forget Thee or be separated from Thee.

I beseech Thee, through Thine infinite Goodness, grant that my name be engraved upon Thy Heart, for in this I place all my happiness and all my glory, to live and to die as one of Thy devoted servants.

- St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

To celebrate   rights day ,condemning violence ,whilst at the same time supporting the murder of innocent children in th...

To celebrate rights day ,condemning violence ,whilst at the same time supporting the murder of innocent children in the womb is not only intellectual dishonesty but a monumental hypocrisy ,until all humans born and unborn are valued and receive equal rights any celebration is a neo liberal exercise in futility that does not please God or serve man Life

November edition of the populare news letter coming soon

November edition of the popular
e news letter coming soon

Being a PRIEST is ranked among the four most difficult "professions" in the world.  This is because a PRIEST must be at ...

Being a PRIEST is ranked among the four most difficult "professions" in the world. This is because a PRIEST must be at the same time:
• advisor
• reconciler
• marriage counselor
• youth counselor
• leader trainer
• Bible teacher
• intercessor, etc., etc.

Besides being:
• church porter
• Company administrator
• engineer
• bricklayer
• event promoter
• first to arrive and last to leave ...

And yet, all PRIESTS face constant criticism such as:
-the mass doesn't fill me
-the homily is too long
-just think about money
- in addition to many others ...

One of the most difficult things in a PRIEST's life is knowing that the people for whom they give their life will betray you. The PRIEST is usually the most lonely person in the community: you can even see a PRIEST surrounded by people, but rarely by people interested in their problems, needs or even in their life, let alone in the demands that the communities themselves place on them .

So I would like to give you some advice: if you have a PRIEST or have PRIEST as friends, take care of them, protect them, pray for them, understand their vision, support them, but above all love them, don't forget the promise of Jesus himself.

"And I will give you shepherds after my heart, who will feed you with knowledge and intelligence" (Jer 3,15). Therefore, take care of them because "they personally watch over your souls, since they will be accountable for them" (Heb 13,17).

Let us honor with our prayers the lives of all those men of God who have sacrificed so many things, including some of their own needs and that of their families to fulfill God's call.
Value the time a PRIEST dedicates to you.

(Unknown author)


"Normality is a paved road, it is comfortable to walk on but no flowers grow
' Vincent van Gogh"
Iet a thousand flowers bloom

Today on the feast day of St Vitalis i like many of you received a memorandum from the Archbishop of Cape Town under the...

Today on the feast day of St Vitalis i like many of you received a memorandum from the Archbishop of Cape Town under the heading of Gender Based Violence .This follows hot on the heals of a “ bible study’ by Miranda Pillay that is filled with feminist talking points and propaganda .The moruti that is in charge of all the main morutis ,that are in charge of all the other morutis highlight the following points adopted by that ill fated PSC that will go down in the annals of church History as the death of an inclusive church for the sake of inclusivity .
5. That we immediately stop referring to male priests as “Fr” and begin to use more gender inclusive titles like Reverend, Moruti, etc. and point
12. That men become more involved in challenging patriarchy and GBV. This should begin with a men’s webinar, where men speak about their experience of male privilege
I assume that in the Great wisdom of all the Holy morutis this is the main way of mitigating or doing away with the scourge of violence that threatens the world
Well done Morotis and mamas ,you have disposed of your duties very well the church and society would be a different place from now on . The only thought that come to mind when I consider the asinine fatuity of this exercise in futility is ,; who is this people ? ,who and what is this church ?
I have no answers but the story of St Vitalis give me great comfort .He was the slave of St. Agricola and a dedicated Christian ,who was arrested and condemned for his faith,. He faced his death with such courage and faith that Agricola was converted and he accepted his own crucifixion ,all for the sake of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified . So take courage my brothers ,the body can be killed but you cannot control the heart or the mind .We own our Allegiance to God
Isaiah 32:6 For the fool speaks folly, and his heart is busy with iniquity, to practice ungodliness, to utter error concerning the LORD, to leave the craving of the hungry unsatisfied, and to deprive the thirsty of drink.


"Why do you keep attacking the archbishop and the church, is your case not sub judice by both the safe church commision and under investigation by the police, I support you in seeking justice, but find the sideshows you indulge in quite disturbing. "
I made this comment on a recent post of june dolly major after she once again attacked the archbishop and the church . We all should support the search for justice especially where there's such a serious claim, but as the gospel of all Saints day remind us we should also thirst for righteousness, that includes a commitment to the truth, to fairness, to respect for all people and processes and a willingness to let all be heard. A trial by media and public spectacle might entertain, villify and gain support but cannot be righteous as it destroys and hurt and does not allow for the other voices to be heard, As persons of faith the end can never justify the means, as we reveal most clearly who we are by our actions or inactions

Despite the current speculation about what the Holy Father  pope Francis may or may not have said about same s*x civil u...

Despite the current speculation about what the Holy Father pope Francis may or may not have said about same s*x civil unions the letter to the bishops from St John Paul II and then cardinal Ratzinger are stil the best exposition and final word on the oficial teaching of the Church

1. The issue of homos*xuality and the moral evaluation of homos*xual acts have increasingly become a matter of public debate, even in Catholic circles. Since this debate often advances arguments and makes assertions inconsistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church, it is quite rightly a cause f...

The opening line of Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason) may be the most poetic of any papal...

The opening line of Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason) may be the most poetic of any papal document:

“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.”

The Holy Father wrote these words two decades ago to combat the prevailing assumption that faith is incompatible with reason. In the years since, Fides et Ratio has only become more important as our civilization’s relationship with truth has further degraded.

Truth: that, really, is what Fides et Ratio is about—not just the encyclical but the human faculties of faith and reason God didn’t give us these capacities so that we could have faith in conspiracy theories or so that we could think up cleverer and cleverer ways to get rich. He gave them to us, like He gave everything else to us, so that we can grow in relationship with Him—specifically, in the case of faith and reason, by pursuing the truth about Him.

There is one God, and there is one truth about Him and the universe He created. It simply can’t be, therefore, that our natural capacities for faith and reason, when rightly ordered, could lead us to contradictory conclusions. Our civilizational crisis of faith and reason is, fundamentally, a crisis of truth—a despair that we could ever really know the deepest truths about who and why we are.
Scott Hahn


I read a rather sad blog post this morning, about the end of a parish blog. It was a parish diary of St Peter’s at London docks, and the priest who wrote it bids farewell to his readers. St P…

It is there where we truly find ourselves

It is there where we truly find ourselves


Na die oggen gebed van gister , lees en d**k ek mos nog so bietjie dieper oor die Psalm 15.
Who may come into the Sanctuary?
A sad reality of our times is that sacred things have suffered the bains of profanity even at the hands of Christians. In some places “Sacred facades” are presented to the masses at public Divine Services. As a result the holy things have become a “free for all” the sacred has become a victim of secularization even now as the “new normal” has been coined. But in reality this has come along before this, we have gradually, unknowingly and in even in some instances very rapidly made the sacred to become secular. We have done so by our lives and decorum. This psalm I believe poses a striking question those who are responsible for choosing church leaders and ministers “who may dwell in the tent of the Lord” the psalm I believe provides a framework or a template for the lifestyle of any church leader. It also for me personally, further demonstrates that we cannot separate or loosen ourselves from our ecclesiastical lives. So in the practise of discernment in its most honest and unbiased form and in being open and obedient to the work of the Holy Spirit, the question remains “who may dwell in the tent of the Lord” the answer is …Psalm 15.(with special permission to Fr Craig Abrahams )

The future of Acsa

The future of Acsa


The outcome was inevitable of course. The Rt. Rev. William Love, Bishop of Albany was found guilty of violating General Convention Resolution B012 by a hearing appeal convened by the Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely of Rhode Island.

"The Hearing Panel has found me guilty of failing to abide by the Discipline and Worship of The Episcopal Church, and thus violating my ordination vows," Bishop Love told VOL. He said a 42-page decision document will be issued later.

"While I am very disappointed and strongly disagree with the Decision of the Hearing Panel, particularly their argument that B012 was passed as an authorized revision to the Book of Common Prayer, they have issued their judgement. Unfortunately, given the nature of this case, I have no reason to believe that appealing the Hearing Panel's Decision would result in any different outcome."

Love said a separate hearing will be scheduled within the month to discuss the terms of discipline to be carried out. "Until then, we don't know what actions will be taken. Whatever the final outcome, it will severely impact not only me and the ministry entrusted to me as Bishop of Albany, but it will also seriously impact the life and ministry of the Diocese. I continue to pray that somehow God will use all of this for His purposes."

Love told VOL that he had received word late Friday night, October 2nd, that the Hearing Panel, convened by Knisely, had reached its verdict regarding my issuance of a Pastoral Letter and Directive to the clergy and people of the Diocese of Albany on Nov. 10, 2018, in response to the 79th General Convention Resolution B012. outlining their decision, a copy of which will be posted to the Diocesan Website.

The Summary of Opinion states, "This Panel unanimously concludes that TEC has met its burden of showing, by clear and convincing evidence, that Bishop Love has violated Canon IV.4.1(c) in that his November 10, [2018] Pastoral Directive violated the Discipline of the Church..."

Read more:


Pope Benedict XVI's Prayer for Priests

Lord Jesus Christ, eternal High Priest,
You offered yourself to the Father on the altar of the Cross
and through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
gave Your priestly people a share in Your redeeming sacrifice.

Hear our prayer for the sanctification of our priests.
Grant that all who are ordained to the ministerial priesthood
may be ever more conformed to You, the Divine Master.
May they preach the Gospel with pure heart and clear conscience.

Let them be shepherds according to Your own Heart,
single-minded in service to You and to the Church
and shining examples of a holy, simple and joyful life.

Through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Your Mother and ours,
draw all priests and the flocks entrusted to their care
to the fullness of eternal life where you live and reign
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

St. Faustina, apoatle of Divine mercy pray for us - that our Lord will raise up more courageous leaders to teach, guide ...

St. Faustina, apoatle of Divine mercy pray for us - that our Lord will raise up more courageous leaders to teach, guide and protect Your people.




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