Word of Mouth

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Word of Mouth Golden Tee videos, streams, and talk.


Dear Golden Tee Community,

It is with a heavy heart and deep regret that I must share some troubling news regarding Incredible Technologies, Inc., the company behind the game we all love. Over the past years, I have made numerous attempts to resolve serious issues related to data breaches in 2020 and 2022, as well as other questionable business practices, through direct and private communications. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, the company has not been forthcoming or responsive to these concerns.

As many of you know, I have always been a passionate advocate for Golden Tee and its community. My goal has never been punitive; rather, I have sought to encourage the company to act morally, ethically, and legally. However, instead of working towards a resolution that benefits both myself and the community, Incredible Technologies, Inc. has chosen to be combative and unresponsive.

I gave Incredible Technologies a deadline of July 12th to address these issues. Following this, I was contacted by a law firm representing Incredible Technologies, which requested additional time to review the case. In the spirit of cooperation, I extended the deadline to July 19th. Despite this extension and the opportunity to resolve these matters amicably, Incredible Technologies has continued to evade responsibility.

In my dedication to the Golden Tee community, I have been patient and considerate, deliberately waiting to address these issues so as not to disrupt the 2024 World Championships. Hoping to see a sign of good faith, I strongly advised Incredible Technologies to provide even the bare minimum of restitution to an individual player from the previous year's World Championship. However, they once again evaded and dismissed this request. My other modest and reasonable requests—such as providing restitution for financial losses incurred by everyone due to downtime and addressing coding issues in the game—were similarly ignored.

It is with great reluctance and after exhausting every other avenue that I must inform you that I am agreeing to take part in legal action to protect the interests of all affected parties and uphold the integrity of our community. Furthermore, I am investigating the potentially fraudulent activities and ill-gotten gains associated with Incredible Technologies' business practices. Due to confidentiality concerns, I cannot provide more details at this time. These actions are necessary to ensure that the company is held accountable and that the gaming community is protected.

Please be on the lookout for more information coming soon. I appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate this challenging situation. It is my hope that through these actions, we can bring about positive change and ensure that the game and community we cherish are safeguarded for the future.

Marc Muklewicz


All of our cramming must've helped! We made the main, even won a course! Not a bad start, even took 5/6 in money shot!

Starting the day with one of our dear friends and someone who helped cram a lot Chris Anthony. Let's all congratulate him on a great first trip. Unfortunately, he'll have to do his work from the losers side!

Good luck to everyone today!

Haven't been able to sleep yet, so why not keep grinding!Starting back up at 10amSee you soon!As always tips are welcome...

Haven't been able to sleep yet, so why not keep grinding!

Starting back up at 10am

See you soon!

As always tips are welcome: [email protected] for all venmo, PayPal, and zelle

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

School stuff done for the day.   Let's start the "work day" at 4pm central.Send invites!As always tips are welcome: mulc...

School stuff done for the day. Let's start the "work day" at 4pm central.

Send invites!

As always tips are welcome: [email protected] for all venmo, PayPal, and zelle

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411


Round 2 starts around 10pm central!

See you soon!

As always tips are welcome: gt.live/tipthemouth

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411


Hearing my fantastic group for worlds has gotten me fired up to play! We will turn it on any minute.

I may need some help tuning the audio a bit better right now.

We will have a new location after worlds that will be much better(if the isp can handle it)

See you soon!

As always tips are welcome: gt.live/tipthemouth
🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

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Haven't had any time to play this week but I've got time now! Going live at Midnight Central! See you soon! I need invites too please!

As always tips are welcome: gt.live/tipthemouth
🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411


Morning update. Shoulder is a bit sore this morning. No real hangover, which is what I was scared of more. There were some signs that the game as there, just consistency.

Come Monday, I'll start the stream everytime I'm going to play as I try to work on this new style and see if it's workable by Vegas.

Thanks for joining in everyone! Missed you guys!

The End of The Mouth starts in 1 hour!I've got my Titos and lemonade.  Come see the terrible.And send 2024 invites pleas...

The End of The Mouth starts in 1 hour!

I've got my Titos and lemonade. Come see the terrible.

And send 2024 invites please!

As always tips are welcome: gt.live/tipthemouth

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

The Mouth is closed.  Grab your favorite beverage and come send him off in style at 8pm central.***I'm not smart.  This ...

The Mouth is closed. Grab your favorite beverage and come send him off in style at 8pm central.

***I'm not smart. This FRIDAY NIGHT. So sorry guys! I don't drink on school nights***
As always tips are welcome: gt.live/tipthemouth

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411


What a couple of weeks! Shoulder surgery recovery going pretty well, if not for external factors. Sorry that I kind of went radio silence, but we got rear ended just after the surgery, and I had to extend the recovery time as well as not

On top of that, we had been been planning a move for next summer to coincide with law school, but come to find out that we need to move asap. So we will be moving in cedar rapids, then moving permanently next summer.

Jill and I are coming to worlds and as of right now, there will be no extra target rush slot because of me!

The biggest thing is that I'm horrible right now and need to practice and hopefully this week the accident settles and I can get started!

Before any of you good people comment, the accident was not b terrible and won't be have any life long issues, more short term issues.

Thanks everyone and can't wait to see you all shortly!


Fortunately, we figured out the problem, unfortunately, the changes are taking longer than expected, so we'll have to get the show back started on Monday.

Thanks for the patience!

Finals week and shoulder surgery recovery in progress and moving at a great pace!  For all intents and purposes, the sho...

Finals week and shoulder surgery recovery in progress and moving at a great pace! For all intents and purposes, the shoulder does not hurt much at all. The bicep feels like jello and will need some rehab, but that shouldn't change anything.

We will plan for a return to action Friday Night, 8pm cst start time (this might change but day should stay)

The plan was to focus on the early years courses first but after watching the missouri open, Congrats to Christopher Wengler on pulling it out, your career arch is similar to another player I know, there's things that we can all work on, even those without the use of an arm.

So the main focus will be on click chipping. It's so extremely valuable, that if you want to be competitive, you'll need to incorporate it into your game. I'm not great at it yet in practice, but some time spent together will allow us to gain a full control of the physics that you will be able to adapt to your game. I'll also do a better job of tagging certain topics, so the channel isn't a mess of data, but something you can use as a tool moving forward.

I also have not played the new tee boxes at all, and have only played 1 game of red sands.

I look forward to getting back with all of you, so know that I can't wait to get back on the grind with you.

Please make sure to like and subscribe to all content and I'll keep feeding you, with the help of Chef King!

Mouth is in surgery right now. It's only about 3 hours so hopefully he will be done soon and get ready to start healing....

Mouth is in surgery right now. It's only about 3 hours so hopefully he will be done soon and get ready to start healing. Fingers crossed he's starting to feel better in a few days!

Going under the knife this morning and getting this shoulder cleaned up!  Finals all next week and home for the summer.T...

Going under the knife this morning and getting this shoulder cleaned up! Finals all next week and home for the summer.

There has been a lack of content out there, so we're going to change that. With the help of Richard King, I will be doing an aggressive stream/recovery schedule, with the hope of being healthy enough to play and play well at worlds.

Go and enjoy yourselves in STL, then come and get serious. Planning on the first stream being next Wednesday but depending on pain levels, might be Monday or Friday.

We will start by going through the basics on early years courses, while still touching them all and concluding with the current year and a decision if I've still got it. Any which way we do it, there will be tons of knowledge up the taking!

Have fun this weekend and excited to see you all soon!


Good morning everyone!Good and bad news to share.  Shoulder surgery scheduled for 5/1.  That's great news for me because...

Good morning everyone!

Good and bad news to share. Shoulder surgery scheduled for 5/1. That's great news for me because its so damn painful. We don't need to do a full replacement, just going in reattching some tendons and taking 2-3 mm off of my clavicle. Recovery time 3-6 weeks and doc says I'll be pain free permanently.

The bad news on this, is that I'll be on the shelf for the most part until then. I'll get up some streams depending on how I'm feeling and maybe even play at World's (so many pros/cons other than the shoulder).

All and all, good things. I can't remember the last time I wasn't in pain so I'm stoked!

I'll give you all some heads up if I'm going live!

Thanks for all the love everyone!

I have a tough balancing to do.On one hand,  I've gor a company that I'm absolutely astounded by their lack of professio...

I have a tough balancing to do.

On one hand, I've gor a company that I'm absolutely astounded by their lack of professionalism and complete failure in customer care..

On the other, we've got a bunch of great guys, needing help preparing for the Wisconsin tournament found here pegttour.com

So my pride or my friends?

Today, I choose you.

At 3pm, we will go live on Cumberland and help you guys walk through it to prep for next weekend.

As always tips are welcome: [email protected] for all venmo, PayPal, and zelle

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

Sports Club, League and News HTML Template

Today IT released the shocking info on a kit that will be available shortly(cost unknown), to upgrade your legacy commer...

Today IT released the shocking info on a kit that will be available shortly(cost unknown), to upgrade your legacy commercial cabinets to PGA TOUR cabinets.

To me, this is finally the last straw, personally and professionally.

This is a bald faced lie, that they told me PERSONALLY AND PROFESSIONALLY, on multiple occassions, that I have professed to be factual info to everyone in this community.

They used my WORD as a tool to push their lies upon you and for that I'm truly sorry. I have told 1000's of you information that was told to me as fact, that its against any of their partnership agreements and that any old equipment could never carry this branding or software. This is another flat out lie that I've been pushing to our community and it makes me sick that I've helped perpetuate it.

Throughout the years, decisions have been made that have affected me negatively and that I didn't agree with, but until recently, I never questioned the integrity of the individuals making them. Its disappointing to admit, but I was totally duped. Today's announcement clearly shows that these people not only lack the competency to manage this company, but at the first sign of any financial strife, their word instantly means nothing. They are willing to sacrifice any semblance of integrity at the first sign of hardship.

For all of you that took my words as gospel and spent money on upgrades or made my recommended changes, I'm truly sorry. My word is all I've got, if there's anything I can do to regain that trust, I'm all ears.

If anyone has any specific instances of lies you've been told regarding this topic, specifically, if you've taken action based off these lies, please send your stories/info to

[email protected]

I will do whatever I can to help rectify these situations.

Much Love to all of you!

Marc "The Mouth" Muklewicz


Well it's been a minute! For the first time in a while, I actually feel like playing some.

I'll go live at 2am central and play around a bit.

Come on by and spin a few!

As always tips are welcome: [email protected] for all venmo, PayPal, and zelle

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411


This is going to be a tough post.

I've lived and loved this game for over 2 decades. My life would be a hell of a lot more empty without it and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you.

Before the Dallas tournament, I gave a list of "demands" if you would. I quoted it because they were very reasonable requests. They were 90 percent gameplay requests and fixes needed. At this point, some of them have been addressed(the personal things have been, so thanks AK) but most have not been.

I stopped at the bar to play after class and it's not good. Sure you can play hours a day and get past all of the issues, but I. Not that guy anymore. The game is broken and no one seems to care. We'd rather talk a about stouts, but not the whole absolutely broken mechanic.

All of you know, I've put my heart and soul into this s**t, but at this time, I will no longer be putting any more time or effort into the game. I've offered my services, for free in the past(proven by besting their inadequate support with no internal resources), now, I offered all of my free time (for a negotiable fee), but alas, nothing.

I will no longer be sacrificing my time for anything GT related(people not included)

No more GT streams of any sort until we start getting these MAJOR issues fixed.

I love you all, but I'm spent. Thanks everyone for your support!

Love you all and I pray I see you all soon, but I can't count on it.


Merry Christmas, everyone!

As we gather around with our loved ones to celebrate this joyous season, Jill and I want to take a moment to extend our heartfelt gratitude to this wonderful community. You are not just friends or neighbors; you are our family.

This year has reminded us of the incredible strength and kindness that we share as a community. The support, the laughter, and even the challenges we've faced together have only made our bonds stronger.

As we enjoy the festive spirit, we also recognize that this time of year can be challenging for some. Please remember, our door is always open. Whether you need a helping hand, a listening ear, or just some company, Jill and I are here for you. Don't hesitate to reach out.

Let's continue to look out for each other and spread the warmth and love that defines us as a community. Wishing you all a Christmas filled with joy, peace, and love.

Happy Holidays!

Been a minute but it's time to play again. 4pm central.  Event and daily!As always tips are welcome: mulco411@gmail.com ...

Been a minute but it's time to play again.

4pm central. Event and daily!

As always tips are welcome: [email protected] for all venmo, PayPal, and zelle

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

It's been a nice hiatus,  albeit busier than expected!  Had a wonderful time in Dallas, too many good people to names, b...

It's been a nice hiatus, albeit busier than expected!

Had a wonderful time in Dallas, too many good people to names, but as always, Power Events Golden Tee Tour knocked one out of the park!

Finished off the term well with all As and a B and starting at University of Iowa come January.

Starting Monday, we will get back into the streaming game a little bit with some early daily walk-throughs.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and we will see you then!



Gotten a few requests for another day stream, Daily Walk-through, bitch session.  Anchors up at 1pm central!As always ti...

Gotten a few requests for another day stream, Daily Walk-through, bitch session.

Anchors up at 1pm central!

As always tips are welcome: [email protected] for all venmo, PayPal, and zelle

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

Thanksgiving break woo hoo!What better way to set it off than with a new event mode(fingers crossed) and an early Monday...

Thanksgiving break woo hoo!

What better way to set it off than with a new event mode(fingers crossed) and an early Monday show!

Going live at 1 pm central!

Lock in the daily and check out the event.

As always tips are welcome: [email protected] for all venmo, PayPal, and zelle

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

Well, haven't gotten the new rig going yet, but got the old back up and running!Join me as take on this week's freaky......

Well, haven't gotten the new rig going yet, but got the old back up and running!

Join me as take on this week's freaky... Heather? Well at least it's a great old course for the daily. Let's see how we tackle it!

8pm central start time

As always tips are welcome: [email protected] for all venmo, PayPal, and zelle

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

Good news!  Got a new rig for streaming purposes!Bad news, I fu**ed something up moving enduring around and can't anythi...

Good news! Got a new rig for streaming purposes!

Bad news, I fu**ed something up moving enduring around and can't anything running correctly.

I need some King love but he's unavailable right now.

Going to have to hold off on tonight.

I'll leave you with this though.


Going live tonight at 730pm central. HE events week 6. Won't spend a lot of time on it since its holes we all already know and love.

Get those raffle invites flowing again and we will play all night!

🎉As always tips are welcome: gt.live/tipthemouth

🟣Twitch: twitch.tv/themouth411
🔵Facebook Gaming: fb.gg/themouth411
🔴Youtube: youtube.com/themouth411

Hope everyone is safe and see you tonight@ 730PM Central!!





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