Using Athenascope to make this showcase reel. #callofdutygameplay #callofdutygamer #callofdutymodernwarfare #callofdutydaily #callpfdutymultyplayerclips #callofduty #athenascopehighlights #athenascopeweeklyshowcase @athenascope
Getting reacquainted with #apexlegends . Love the new Mirage abilities. Need a couple people to play with. Playing with randoms is not great.
What's your favorite legend?
#apexlegendsclips #apexclips #apexlegendsgame #apexlegendsdaily #apexlegendspc
Just One Last Kill! LOL Call of Duty Modern Warfare Warzone Plunder Gameplay
One last kill... pleeassseeee.
Playing with three friends each on difference platforms, pc, xbox and ps4. Have been experiencing some crazy glitching with PS4 friend not being able to hear or speak to me through in game coms. I can hear everyone else and talk to everyone else, and others in my party can hear my ps4 friend. Very strange and weird.
#CallofDuty, #PlunderGameplay, #CODWarzone, Call of Duty Modern Warfare Warzone Plunder Gameplay, call of duty modern warfare warzone plunder gameplay, plunder, warzone, modern warfare, modern warfare warzone, warzone plunder gameplay, cod warzone, warzone gameplay, modern warfare plunder, plunder gameplay, call of duty, gameplay
GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
Memory: 32 GB RAM (31.89 GB RAM usable)
Current resolution: 2560 x 1440, 144Hz
Operating system:
Gotta love Renetti burst level. Even the single gun is OP. #callofdutymodernwarfare #codmw #codclips #codtopplays #callofdutygameplay #40yearoldgamer
#callofdutymodernwarfare shipment relentless! #callofdutygamer #40yearoldgamer #callpfdutymultyplayerclips #callofdutydaily
Call of Duty Highlight Reel
Call of Duty Highlight Reel using AthenaScope, amazing system.
Call of Duty highlights #codmw #cod #codwarzone #multiplayergaming #pcmasterrace
Call of Duty highlights #codmw #cod #codwarzone #multiplayergaming #pcmasterrace