Neither constructive nor destructive criticism is fair if it believes that all Nigerian politicians are the same or all of them are corrupt because such a criticism is one-sided. Therefore, I fully subscribe to the Hausa adage "Ba a taruwa a zama daya." We are aware that some politicians are good and some are bad. As a result of this, it is good to know some of the following Nigerian politicians:
1. Nescient Politicians
2. Insouciant Politicians
3. Selfless Politicians
4. Marxist Politicians
These categories of politicians will be cursory highlighted in the subsequent paragraphs.
1. Nescient Politicians
Nescient Politicians are completely ignorant of both positive and negative political struggles. They neither know how to bring development their people nor how to bring underdevelopment to their people. Their main aim is to occupy political offices.
Characteristics of Nescient Politicians
i. being unmindful of people suffering.
ii. being reserved in calling government attention to the problems of their people.
iii. being unaware their people’s yearnings.
iv. seeking support from people during election.
2. Insouciant Politicians
Insouciant politicians are excessively nonchalant about their country, constituencies, districts, state or local governments. They worry not about anything - good or bad- happening to their people. Their sole aim is to have dominance and superiority in the society.
Characteristics of Insouciant Politicians
i. nonchalance about the problems of their people.
ii. complacence about the issues that matter.
iii. aloofness on public interest, and
iv. stinginess on people's requests.
3. Selfless Politicians
Selfless politicians have more positive concerns for their people than for themselves. They are generous and bountiful, spending a lot for the happiness and development of their people. They execute projects, make donations, give free items such as cars, motorcycles, etc. to their people.
Characteristics of selfless Politicians
i. generous to their people,
ii. open to their people,
iii. altruist to their people, and
iv. mindful of their people's yearnings.
4. Marxist Politicians
Marxist politicians are the bourgeoisie that predominantly oppress the proletariat. They are full of exploitation in their honour and to the chagrin of their people. Marxist politicians know everything about negative and positive developments. They know very well how to make things right, but they choose to ignore that for their own gains. These politicians are more destructive and cynical than the other three combined.
Characteristics of Marxist Politicians
i. bringing exploitation,
ii. practising tyranny,
iii. supporting subjugation,
iv. creating discrimination, and
v. hoisting insecurity.
Of all these categories of politicians, only selfless politicians are needed for the development of the society. Unfortunately, the other three are the ones that dominate the political spheres of Nigeria.
To this end, getting rid of our problems is a collective action. We can only do that when we positively, uncynnically and optimistically put all hands on deck to see the success and survival of selfless political struggles in Nigeria. And anyone that does not join the crusade is also part of the problems of the country.
Thank you,
Tukur Musa Imam
Monday, 10 October, 2022
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