“Luto” marks the feature debut of acclaimed director Andres Arochi. The film is a powerhouse visual and spiritual odyssey that fuses drama and documentary in a spellbinding journey that explores grief, life and everything in between. It's a surreal and magical film that pulls back the veil of contemporary Mexico to reveal the inescapable ancient rituals of death ingrained in the culture. “Luto” was shot entirely in Mexico, and the crew traversed over 14000 km like pilgrims setting off into the unknown.
In a desperate attempt to overcome the grief caused by his girlfriend’s passing, Damian sets off on a journey across Mexico. Haunted by memories and regrets, he finds solace through conversations with strangers, witnessing the rituals they participate in to cope with death.
Director: Andres Arochi Tinajero
Script: Andres Arochi Tinajero & Gonzalo Romero
Producers: Santiago Tron & Andres Arochi Tinajero Co-Producers: Carla Mooney, Delwyn Mooney
Executive Producers: Pablo Garcia Gaterer, Gabriel Stavenhagen, Miguel Fernandez Stevensson, Carla Mooney, Delwyn Mooney
Irish Film & Television Academy (IFTA) Screen Producers Ireland
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