Sarah Beth

Sarah Beth Helping people find passion and purpose through tips, motivation and inspiration! Your dream life of


Okay, I need to get my brows done and I need help!

Microblade or powder brow and why??

Say these loving kindness affirmations loud and proud!⁣⁣🦋may I be safe⁣🦋may I be peaceful ⁣🦋may I be kind to myself⁣🦋may...

Say these loving kindness affirmations loud and proud!⁣

🦋may I be safe⁣
🦋may I be peaceful ⁣
🦋may I be kind to myself⁣
🦋may I accept myself the way I am⁣
🦋may I be FREE⁣

Place your hand on your heart and rly try to FEEL into these statements. ⁣

What does it feel like in your body to have compassion for yourself?

38! Wow! Another year around the sun.. this has been one of the hardest years of my life but, I’ve learned so so much mo...

38! Wow! Another year around the sun.. this has been one of the hardest years of my life but, I’ve learned so so much more than I ever have before. I’ve changed on a fundamental lvl and my whole mindset has shifted. I’m finally beating this damn eating disorder that’s been trying to kill me since I was only 8. I’m finally starting to realize I have actual worth in this world. I’m the best mom to my son that I’ve ever been. I’m growing and learning and changing at a rapid rate. It’s so terrifying but it’s also so so exciting! I’m finally getting to a place where I know I’m gonna feel free. And I deserve that peace. YOU deserve that peace. We all do. You matter and you are so loved. As am I. It’s time we all realized that and started acting from a place of love instead of fear. The world would be a much better place if we did🫶🏻

38! Wow! Another year around the sun.. this has been one of the hardest years of my life but, I’ve learned so so much mo...

38! Wow! Another year around the sun.. this has been one of the hardest years of my life but, I’ve learned so so much more than I ever have before. I’ve changed on a fundamental lvl and my whole mindset has shifted. I’m finally beating this damn eating disorder that’s been trying to kill me since I was only 8. I’m finally starting to realize I have actual worth in this world. I’m the best mom to my son that I’ve ever been. I’m growing and learning and changing at a rapid rate. It’s so terrifying but it’s also so so exciting! I’m finally getting to a place where I know I’m gonna feel free. And I deserve that peace. YOU deserve that peace. We all do. You matter and you are so loved. As am I. It’s time we all realized that and started acting from a place of love instead of fear. The world would be a much better place if we did🫶🏻

Be kind to yourself, always🫶🏻

Be kind to yourself, always🫶🏻

My baby is not so much a baby anymore. It feels like he was just a baby and I blinked and he was grown. How did this hap...

My baby is not so much a baby anymore. It feels like he was just a baby and I blinked and he was grown. How did this happen!?🤣🤪 he’s turned into this amazing person who thinks deeply on important issues, is super kind to others, and is so smart and funny. He’s so much more than I could ever describe in words. I couldn’t be more proud of the man he’s become. I won’t go into too much detail about his life bc I don’t want to invade his privacy or embarrass him.⁣

His gf, ele, is the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. She’s so kind and so smart and she’s just such a generally good person. I couldn’t have picked a better girl for my son if I tried! She’s such a good influence on him.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼⁣

This is their second winter formal together and they had so much fun! They always have fun when they’re together tho. Even when they’re just laying around. It’s so neat to see the love in their eyes every time they look at each other.❤️ they’ve been together a little over a year now and for their 6 month anniversary, Braedon took her on a hot air balloon ride and then for a picnic! It was the sweetest thing! For their year, ele took him on the Portland spirit for dinner bc B had mentioned it would be cool. ⁣

I truly hope these two make it forever bc I’d love to have ele as a daughter in law someday. I love them both so much!!💕💕

It’s been a rly long time since I’ve been on my socials bc I’ve been so sick these last years. Anyway, I thought I’d rei...

It’s been a rly long time since I’ve been on my socials bc I’ve been so sick these last years. Anyway, I thought I’d reintroduce myself for any new ppl or for those that just forgot what I’m all about☺️⁣

I’m Sarah and I’m 37 with a 17 year old son, Braedon. He’s the light of my life and words can’t express what he means to me.⁣

I have a bf, Michael, who I love very deeply. He’s a good man but I think we’re gonna take a break while I’m in treatment bc he can’t support me in this and that makes it worse for me.⁣

I love reading, like RLY love it lol. I love to go hiking, spend time in nature, practice my spiritual practices daily, shopping, going to the movies, going to the beach, and hanging out w my friends and small family.⁣

I love my spiritual practices so much, like I can’t make it thru the day without them. I especially love meditating, breathwork, and planting myself firmly in the ground of mama earth.⁣

I believe gratitude changes everything! The more grateful you are, the happier you’ll be and the things you want will just start appearing in your life.⁣

I’ve been battling anorexia for almost 30 years-since I was 8. I’m trying so hard to heal bc this s**t is tough!⁣

I have a dog named Bandit who’s such a rascal. But, he’s my rascal and I love the sweet little guy so much!⁣

That’s me in a nutshell☺️ ⁣

What’s a fact about yourself you’d like to share w me so we can get to know each other better?⁣


And in fact, you ARE love. So be you, always💜

And in fact, you ARE love. So be you, always💜


Reminder: Self love can look vastly different on different days✨

Some days self love might look like feeling so great about yourself that it never enters your mind to care what other people think. You let go and forgive yourself for any imperfections. You unapologetically accept yourself for everything you are. ⁣

These are the days it's easy to look yourself in the eye and say "I love you so much ______"⁣

Other days self love might look like correcting the unkind words that seem to KEEP popping into your mind. You consciously work to think kind thoughts about yourself and to not compare yourself with anyone else.⁣

Most days are somewhere in the inbetween. ⁣

I encourage everyone to practice self love every single day. Even on the days when it doesn't come as easily. Actually, ESPECIALLY on the days it doesn't come so easy. ⁣

You want to be happy? Love yourself, no matter what that looks like today. It may not be that easy, but it is that simple💖💫


How the heck is my baby in high school!? How have 14 years gone by so quickly?A good reminder to cherish every moment💖💛

How the heck is my baby in high school!? How have 14 years gone by so quickly?

A good reminder to cherish every moment💖💛

“I most often find that happiness is right where I planted it"⁣🌻⁣Whatever you're focused on is what you're attracting mo...

“I most often find that happiness is right where I planted it"⁣🌻

Whatever you're focused on is what you're attracting more of into your life. ⁣

If you choose to focus on all the things that are missing or you feel aren't going well, these are the things that will continually be drawn into your life. You will always feel like things are going wrong. You will always feel the pain of what you lack.⁣

If you choose to focus on the good things in your life, you will consistently draw more good things into your life. If you're grateful for what you have, the universe will give you more and more to be grateful for.⁣

That's not to say you should never have negative emotions. You absolutely should give yourself space to feel ALL your feelings.

You just don’t have to live inside the negative emotions. Instead, see if you can acknowledge the feeling, figure out what it’s trying to tell you, thank it for the information and release it to the universe when you’re ready💖💫

I choose to plant happiness all around me. Weave it in, out & through everything in my life. Even the hard things. That way it's never far away when I need to consciously reach for it.

It’s not always easy and I don’t always succeed, but it is always worth it to keep trying. Keep planting the seeds. See what starts to grow & change in your life once you do🌻🌿

Where have you been planting happiness in your life lately?⁣✨

Self care can look different on different days🌻⁣I am a wholehearted subscriber to a morning and evening self care routin...

Self care can look different on different days🌻

I am a wholehearted subscriber to a morning and evening self care routine. This helps me form the habit, create the space in my day, start and end my days in the right mindset.⁣

There are days though where it's just impractical or an impossibility. This used to upset me and throw off my day. Now I've come to accept this as a part of life and being adaptable is important too.⁣

I encourage you to look for the quiet, small moments where you can take a minute and create space for yourself throughout your day.⁣

During your break, can you take a short walk outside instead of sitting and scrolling on your phone?⁣🌿

Can you step away and take 5 - 10 deep, cleansing breaths before reacting to an unpleasant situation?⁣

Can you choose to call a friend who'll add good conversation and laughter to your day instead of talking to that person who always brings you down?⁣

What's one small thing you did for yourself today?⁣💖💫

Know your worth💖💫

Know your worth💖💫

Growth happens in the difficult, uncomfortable spaces outside our comfort zones.🌱⁣People talk about personal growth like...

Growth happens in the difficult, uncomfortable spaces outside our comfort zones.🌱

People talk about personal growth like it's this glamorous process that everyone should strive for.⁣

While it's true that everyone should continually strive to grow as a person.. it's far from a cool, comfortable process.⁣

Growing is often painful..messy..chaotic..most definitely uncomfortable.🌿

Be patient with yourself. Have compassion for what you're going through. It's not an easy thing you're doing. Be proud of yourself for doing it anyway.⁣

So here's to the discomfort on the path to becoming your highest self. Keep going. You've got this!⁣💖💫


Have you been showing up for yourself every single day?⁣⁣It can be challenging in day to day life to carve out time to r...

Have you been showing up for yourself every single day?⁣

It can be challenging in day to day life to carve out time to really care for yourself. I used to think self care was the least important aspect of life and if I'm honest..I felt like I was "wasting" my time or being selfish with it.⁣

I always wanted to feel happy..grow..manage life well😂...
⁣..but I didn't really know what or how to go about it. All of my programming told me to just WORK harder, get more done, never spend a spare minute on myself in which I could be being "productive" ⁣

SHOCKER: I still wasn't happy no matter how hard I worked.⁣

It took me awhile, but eventually I was able to shift my mindset into realizing that practicing self care and truly loving myself are the most important things I could ever do with my time. ⁣

The only path to lasting happiness is getting to know and love yourself for exactly who and where you are in the moment, while continually striving to learn and grow🌱

I encourage you to find one thing you love to do for yourself and commit to doing it everyday. ⁣

If you don't know, that's totally ok! Try to observe and notice shifts throughout your day. What brings you peace? What makes you feel most rested? When do you feel most loved?⁣

Some ideas to get you started:⁣
🦋Gratitude journal⁣
🦋Get outside in nature ⁣
🦋Creative expression⁣
🦋Cuddle up with a loved one⁣

It doesn't really matter what you choose as long as it really fills you up. Commit to this every day. NO MATTER WHAT. Make it such a priority that you can't go to bed until it's done. Soon it'll become a habit and won't be so hard to stick to.⁣

Watch how your life begins to change💖💫


Time spent with family & nature is so special🌿

Time spent with family & nature is so special🌿

I am terrible with technology y'all. I don't know why I have some weird shame surrounding that fact(laugh)⁣⁣My point is,...

I am terrible with technology y'all. I don't know why I have some weird shame surrounding that fact(laugh)⁣

My point is, I never would have felt confident enough to start an online business without the support of . ⁣

I have been feeling so stuck in my dead end 9 - 5, working myself into the ground for people who don't care about or appreciate me, for wages that still aren't really enough to make ends meet. But, I never knew there was another option until I was introduced to The Free Life Movement.⁣

Their school of marketing training platform offers so much value and support that it allowed me to feel comfortable enough to make the leap and start my business. ⁣

If you've been dreaming of ditching your day job or just starting a side gig, here's what you can expect when you decide you're ready to sign up for our platform:⁣

✨A discovery process- a series of training videos that explain more about what we do, the company we're partnered with, and our high ticket offer. This process also helps you get clear on where you want your life to go.⁣
✨You'll learn more about the Free Life Movement and why we do what we do.⁣
✨A Facebook group for additional lifetime support⁣
✨Weekly live mastermind calls that are packed full of info & value⁣
✨A 1:1 coaching call with one of our experts who will answer any and all questions and concerns around starting your business.⁣
✨Access to our WhatsApp chat groups for 24/7 continual support⁣
✨Access to all past and future trainings for life. These trainings walk you through how to start and grow your biz in an easy to follow step-by-step process.⁣

Honestly, if I can do this being so tech impaired, anyone can do this with the support of the Free Life Movement. ⁣

💧If you've been looking for something different
💧If you love all things health, wealth, & sustainability
💧If you want to change your life...⁣

Let's chat about making your dreams a reality⁣💖💫


We've been taking a lot of walks and trips to the park lately. ⁣⁣It's been a year of improvising and new ways of doing t...

We've been taking a lot of walks and trips to the park lately. ⁣

It's been a year of improvising and new ways of doing things for sure. I love getting outside no matter the reason or where I'm going...⁣

Braedon isn’t so easy to please😂 He's bored of taking pretty much the same trip outside everyday, even though we often walk to new places. ⁣

To all my fellow moms, what have you been doing to keep the kids entertained and happy this summer?⁣

If you've got any suggestions I'd love to hear them!⁣


TRUE FREEDOM means...⁣⁣✨space is created for personal growth & development⁣✨financial abundance⁣✨overcoming limiting bel...

TRUE FREEDOM means...⁣

✨space is created for personal growth & development⁣
✨financial abundance⁣
✨overcoming limiting beliefs
✨healthy body, mind, spirit ⁣
✨living life on your own terms⁣
✨surpassing your potential⁣
✨spending time with people you love⁣
✨doing what you love⁣ without time constraints
✨consistently learning & developing new skills⁣
✨living in a state of compassion & love for yourself and others⁣
✨letting go of all things that do not serve you⁣
✨becoming connected with your inner self⁣
✨experiencing life to your fullest ⁣

All of these concepts will mix and match to add up to something completely unique to you and your life.⁣

Everyone's dreams and goals for their lives are different. So, different people could experience ultimate freedom in completely different ways🌻🌱

There's no wrong way to find your freedom, except not to try. Embrace your uniqueness. Don't compare your dreams & goals to anyone else's. ⁣

Find whateva makes you feel most free and chase those things like your life depends on it...cuz well, it kinda does💖💫


Time slips away so quickly. ⁣⁣We tend to think being uncomfortable or afraid means we shouldn’t do something. Should sta...

Time slips away so quickly. ⁣

We tend to think being uncomfortable or afraid means we shouldn’t do something. Should stay where we are because that’s where it feels safe.⁣

But staying inside our comfort zone means we never grow. So embrace the fear that comes with the unknown✨⁣ free💖💫

Tie dye day was a massive success!✨⁣⁣Everyone had so much fun creating a joyful experience together. ⁣⁣A day spent in th...

Tie dye day was a massive success!✨⁣

Everyone had so much fun creating a joyful experience together. ⁣

A day spent in the warmth of the sun,⁣
Laughing with people you love☀️⁣

Those are the days that’ll never be forgotten. The days you’ll know you truly lived life to its fullest.⁣


I hope you were able to love yourself today. And if not, I hope you try again tomorrow💖💫

I hope you were able to love yourself today. And if not, I hope you try again tomorrow💖💫

“I FEEL FAT”⁣⁣Most people will tell you fat is not a feeling. And they’re right, it’s not.⁣⁣But anyone with an eating di...


Most people will tell you fat is not a feeling. And they’re right, it’s not.⁣

But anyone with an eating disorder knows what it “feels” like to feel fat. ⁣

I totally get it! It can be incredibly frustrating to try explaining how you feel in your body to someone who has never had an E.D. ⁣

I always felt so misunderstood when I talked about my ED or my feelings surrounding it.⁣

Why talk if nobody gets it anyway?? ⁣

I knew it wasn’t their fault they didn’t understand and it was frustrating for them too. I knew they wanted to be there for me.⁣

I know fat is not a feeling. I also know YOU know how it feels. BUT my sister, best friend, mother...doesn’t. So why would I tell them that’s how I felt, knowing they wouldn’t get it?⁣

It leads to a cycle of feeling misunderstood, getting upset, shutting down, isolation..⁣

I’ve learned to communicate a little differently and I’ve found it to be incredibly effective in avoiding that cycle.⁣

Now, when I want to express that I feel fat...⁣

I try to figure out what’s actually making me FEEL that way and I express that instead.⁣

The ACTUAL feelings behind this are usually shame/guilt/negativity towards my body or something I ate.⁣

When I tell my sister I’m feeling really insecure in my body or a lot of shame over what I had for breakfast..⁣

She’s better able to understand what I’m saying and instead of frustration on both sides, we’re able to have a healthy, productive conversation.⁣

So the next time you find yourself feeling frustrated and misunderstood..⁣

I encourage you to look inside yourself for the actual feelings behind the vague disordered thoughts and use those as your form of communication and expression instead.⁣

This’ll be difficult at first! You’re not used to feeling or super identifying how you’re feeling. So be patient and kind to yourself while you learn✨⁣

Learning this skill helped me feel so much closer and more connected to the people in my life. ⁣

Once people understand you better and the lines of communication are open & healthy..⁣

They’re better able to support you on your journey of recovery💖💫⁣

DM me for support! You’ve got this!🌻🌱⁣


TW: My eating disorder was like having two selves inside my mind.⁣

It was a weirdly dysfunctional relationship between myself and...myself.⁣

I never learned how to have a healthy relationship. Almost every relationship was dysfunctional.⁣

Abuse. Neglect. Control. Codependence. ⁣

I also had a belief pattern that people always leave. This became a self-fulfilling cycle of being abandoned.⁣

Which led to the belief, I “wasn’t good at relationships” and people just didn’t like me.⁣

ED felt like this special part of me that would NEVER LEAVE. Knowing this to be true made me feel incredibly safe.⁣

It didn’t matter how badly ED hurt me. I could handle it. The pain and isolation were familiar, so therefore, safe. ⁣

When it became apparent that I needed help, I resisted for so long.⁣

Once I found an amazing doc, I resisted everything she said. ⁣

I didn’t understand this at the time. I wanted so badly to get better! I was tired of being in pain, being afraid, barely surviving. So why wasn’t I doing what my awesome doc said??⁣

What I know now ~ I wanted to WANT to get better. But I didn’t actually want to get better.⁣

It felt like I’d be killing a part of myself.⁣

Sure I wanted to get long as I could stay the same.⁣

This way of thinking kept me stuck for so long.⁣

Because now I know ~ ED was lying to and manipulating ME as much as the people around me.⁣

The reason I wasn’t good at relationships wasn’t bc people didn’t like me! It was bc of ED!⁣

It’s hard to have healthy relationships when your brain is starving. When you sneak & lie so nobody finds out. When you have next to no self worth.⁣

When I fully committed to recovery, I realized ED wasn’t a part of myself that needed to be DESTROYED.⁣

ED was part of myself that desperately needed to be HEALED✨⁣

If you’ve been resisting recovery out of fear, I hope you’re able to move past that now.⁣

It’s time to heal the trauma that’s been keeping you stuck. You didn’t come here to be sick and barely survive.⁣

You came to creat an awesome life to THRIVE in. To share your gifts with the world. And you will! Cuz you’re amazing and you’ve got this!💖💫⁣

DM me for support!⁣

Oh darling, you’re exhausted.⁣⁣Your mind. Your body. Your spirit.⁣⁣You think you’re alone. That no one can understand or...

Oh darling, you’re exhausted.⁣

Your mind. Your body. Your spirit.⁣

You think you’re alone. That no one can understand or see your pain.⁣

But your body tells a story of a mind that’s been at war with itself for far too long.⁣

I know it hurts. I see your pain. I feel your exhaustion. ⁣

It’s time to win this war, for good.⁣

You’ve been standing in the middle of the field, toeing the line, never really choosing sides for far too long.⁣

You WANT more than anything to get better. To heal. To know who you really are & love yourself. ⁣

To stop just surviving your life and start THRIVING✨⁣


ED. It’s all you’ve ever known. It’s who you are. It’s your best friend. The one thing you always can count on to remain constant. ⁣

Who are you without ED anyway?⁣

It’s time to find out sis. It’s time to grow🌱⁣

Envision yourself at the end of a path.⁣

The person you see is completely healed. Incredibly successful. Wildly happy. ⁣

This is your future self. You are THRIVING✨⁣

I hope you will start moving down that path. Even just one step. As long as it’s today. ⁣

I’ve made it so far so quickly it still surprises me. That can be your story too!⁣

You can do this! I’m here to support you. I soon will be offering 1:1 coaching to be able to help way more, so keep watch for that✌️⁣

You’ve got this!!💖💫⁣

TW: Just enjoying a lil nature hike and picnic on this gorgeous day with the fam like it’s no big deal🌻⁣⁣Before recovery...

TW: Just enjoying a lil nature hike and picnic on this gorgeous day with the fam like it’s no big deal🌻⁣

Before recovery, this day either wouldn’t have happened at all or it wouldn’t have been fun for me if it had.⁣

I would’ve WANTED to go and enjoy myself. ⁣

The rule maker inside my head wouldn’t have allowed it.⁣

There was always a cycle to weekend days and plans made with friends or family. I would be so excited to spend time with someone I loved!⁣

Inevitably EDs very opinionated voice would pipe in.⁣
☠️It would cut into exercise time! Couldn’t have that! Weekends were for MORE exercise, not less.⁣
☠️I’d have to eat something at the picnic or deal with everyone’s worry.⁣
☠️I was tired from working all week and deserved to have the weekend to myself to rest.⁣
☠️These thoughts just created an endless loop of anxiety until the thought of going wasn’t even appealing anymore.⁣

On the occasions when I did manage to make it to an event, ED would get so angry and loud that I’d start questioning why I ever thought it’d be fun to go.⁣

I used to hold so tightly to my eating disorder. It was all I’d ever known. I didn’t know who I’d be without it. I felt like I’d be losing an essential part of myself. So many reasons that seemed so valid at the time.⁣

Now I can see what I was missing all those years.⁣

While I did let a part of myself go, I gained so much more🌈⁣

🌱Today I was able to completely immerse myself in conversation and laughter with my family.⁣
🌱I was able to truly appreciate the beauty of the natural world.⁣
🌱I was able to be silly and have fun without worrying what anyone around me thought. ⁣
🌱I was able to eat lunch with my family without anxiety or scheming about compensatory behaviors.⁣

I spent the day with my family under the sun and I realized:⁣

I have gained the freedom to be completely HAPPY💖💫⁣

What can you do TODAY to start walking down your own path to happiness? It doesn’t have to be major, just put a foot on the path. ⁣

It’s hard, it’s messy, it’s WORTH it. DM me if you need help taking that first step! Sometimes that’s the hardest one. You’ve got this!!✨⁣

Feel your feelings!✨⁣This week was really hard for me y’all.⁣Days/weeks like this, ED likes to pop in to test my resolve...

Feel your feelings!✨

This week was really hard for me y’all.

Days/weeks like this, ED likes to pop in to test my resolve and see if I’ve got any weak spots.⁣

Let me tell you, it’s not always easy for me to make the choice to stay on the path of recovery.⁣

EDs call can sometimes feel so incredibly seductive, especially during the hard days.⁣

When this happens, it helps me to remember why and how I got where I am now.⁣

I learned from a young age that feelings were not acceptable. They were messy, dangerous and not tolerated if they weren’t positive.⁣

To survive as a child I developed the ultimate coping mechanism.⁣

By using my eating disorder behaviors..⁣

I learned how NOT to feel anything. ⁣

☠️In depriving my body of energy and nutrients, I took away any ability I had to feel.⁣

Makes sense right? No extra energy for emotions when your body is struggling to use its scarce resources to stay alive.⁣

When I first started recovering, before the weight gain or any of the other things, it was feeling my feelings that was the most difficult. ⁣

This is what actually had me questioning if I was really down for this whole recovery thing.⁣

I’ve learned since then to get real serious about giving myself space, compassion, love, empathy during the hard days.⁣

I mean, of COURSE I sometimes struggle with feelings and their expression. ⁣

I practiced not feeling anything pretty much my entire life. ⁣

I still have so much to learn and that’s okay. It helps to remind myself and appreciate how truly far I’ve come.⁣

I encourage you to spend some time with your feelings this weekend.⁣
👉🏻Acknowledge them⁣
👉🏾Name them⁣
👉🏿Get to know them⁣
👉🏼Write to and about them⁣
👉🏽Talk about them with someone you trust⁣

Become familiar with all your feelings. They automatically become less intimidating when you know them in detail. Allow yourself to feel ALL emotions without judgement. ⁣

Remember to have compassion for yourself and be kind. This isn’t an easy path, but it is WORTH it🌈

Let’s start LIVING life, instead of just SURVIVING it. We can do it together! Send me a message if you’d like support on your journey. You’ve got this!!💖💫


Let us celebrate health & sustainability🥳⁣⁣I am so in love with kangen water and my Enagic machines. Not all water is cr...

Let us celebrate health & sustainability🥳⁣

I am so in love with kangen water and my Enagic machines. Not all water is created equal, and kangen is most definitely top shelf with health benefits felt pretty immediately.⁣

I legit call it my magic, healing water!😂⁣

Ok, ok it’s not magic! It’s actually science! Kangen water is alkalized, micro clustered, and rich in active molecular hydrogen. There are over 1000 scientific studies showing hydrogen has therapeutic benefits in essentially every organ.⁣

Some of the many benefits:⁣
💧powerful antioxidant ⁣
💧easily absorbed~ 6x faster than tap/bottled⁣
💧improves skin health⁣
💧boosts energy⁣
💧improves digestion ⁣
💧protects against cell damage & gives the mitochondria a boost!⁣

The K8(in pic) has 8 steel plates the water passes through inside. It’s effectively like the water is being hit by a lightening strike, which breaks the water molecule apart. The molecules, now smaller, are more easily able to enter and hydrate cells!💦⁣

The hydrogen that was broken off the water molecule is now active and able to bind to and neutralize free radicals in the body. Those free radicals are ping ponging around your body causing damage so it’s pretty awesome to have an abundance of hydrogen to get them the heck outta there!⁣

The drinking water is alkalized, which helps neutralize and release toxic acidic buildup from your body. ⁣

And that’s just the drinking water y’all! I didn’t even get into the 70+ uses outside drinking, which make this product incredibly sustainable. The reduced plastic in our house is AMAZING.💖💫

Did I mention K8 lives 25+ years? It’s legit the best investment I’ve ever made. I actually feel really proud of it! Is that weird??😂

Eating disorders are WEIRD.⁣⁣⁣⁣Did you know an eating disorder could be competitive? ⁣⁣⁣⁣As if it's not enough that you ...

Eating disorders are WEIRD.⁣⁣
Did you know an eating disorder could be competitive? ⁣⁣
As if it's not enough that you restrict, binge, purge, exercise till you drop..⁣⁣
You have to restrict, binge, purge, exercise till you drop BETTER than anyone else. ⁣⁣
All so you can:⁣
Look thinner⁣⁣
Weigh less⁣⁣
Exercise longer⁣
than the very sick person in the b⁣ed next to you in treatment.⁣
Last year I lost any semblance of control and realized I needed help.
From the first day, Dr Samara was adamant that I needed residential treatment. ⁣
I initially agreed to go. And then I started freaking out.⁣⁣
I wasn't skinny enough!⁣⁣
I wasn't sick enough!⁣⁣
I didn't exercise enough!⁣⁣
I still ate too much, weighed too much, blah blah blah.

ALL the thoughts that I know you know already.⁣
In response, I set about making myself SICKER⁣, so I could be THINNER⁣⁣ and DESERVE treatment.⁣⁣
I almost died trying to be sick enough to feel like I deserved a spot in a treatment program, taking up space and the doctors time. ⁣⁣
In actuality, my eating disorder wanted me to be the sickest one in the program. ⁣⁣
Sound familiar?⁣⁣
If you find yourself in need of professional help, it might help to remember this:⁣
A healthy person doesn't wish to be sick. In feeling like you need to be sickER, you already meet the criteria for being sick enough for treatment, irregardless of any of the other symptoms I know you're experiencing.⁣⁣
Remind yourself that ED is terrified and that means you're on the right path. You ARE sick enough. You ARE worth it. You’re allowed to take up space..feels pretty great after you get used to it actually😉⁣

I know it’s scary but what if, just this once you trust yourself and put yourself first? Recovery is hard and it’s also WORTH it. There’s so much satisfaction, beauty, joy in life when you’re nourished well enough to be able to see the endless possibilities. To truly love yourself, which you WILL, is an indescribably beautiful feeling!💖💫

Choose to take another step toward recovery today. You're a rockstar and you are gonna CRUSH this part of the journey✨



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