"What does it feel like to be broke down"
It feels like nails scratching a cross a chalk board!
The feeling as if you have nothing, yes I mean nothing left to give!
The feeling you want to give everybody everything "but you cant"
What is rock bottom? And why should you ever ask the question!
Yet be known as a "man" I can speak truthfully!
You can climb the highest mountain, and that only fills adrenaline for what you accomplished! "Not happiness"
Money and material is all that the world we live In today!
I'll be the one to tell you "money" has no value! As we all reach for the dollar! " I did "
I thought that would bring "happiness!!
True happiness is through understanding, I'm only 33 and Jan 1st I'll be 34!
I'm not saying I understand everything but I can honestly say I understand life!
Yes we must work for what we want and need,but where do we draw that line!!
"I'm leaving this open ended" copy and paste and add what you feel!! All I ask is speak from your soul!! Godbless