Economic Gains from Social Inclusivity
On 7th December, the G & T auditorium witnessed an enlightening evening of discourse on “Economic Gains from Social Inclusivity”. The seminar was hosted by the IBA Economics Club and included a panel of three guests and two moderators. Ms. Sarah Nizamani imparted her thoughts regarding gender inclusivity and its impact on the economy. She engaged the audience with her carefully crafted presentation which highlighted key factors regarding low female participation in employment. The other esteemed panelist was a professor from Habib University, Mr.Moeini Feizabadi whose expertise lies in political innovation in the economy. He shared his expert opinions on the role of Government and youth in being socially inclusive. Ms.Laiba Ghanyani, a visually impaired student at IBA, also graced the panel with her presence. She shared her experiences in the work place and in her educational journey, to give an overview to the audience regarding the situation of social inclusivity in Pakistan, how one can overcome the barriers and what we need to do as a nation to benefit from being more inclusive. A question and answer session followed the seminar where the audience members asked the panelists thought evoking questions which the panelists answered with enthusiasm. The panelists encouraged the audience, as youth and students to be the change makers and take active part in creating more inclusive environments to set a precedent. The session concluded with distributing souvenirs to the panelists and refreshments for the audience.
Informative session on NTHP Scholarship
Mr. Rizwan Bukhari (Assistant Manager Nthp, IBA Karachi) is with us on board and he will be guiding students about nthp.
Our session With Alnafi Founder Sir Muhammad Faisal conducted by our host Raja Omer
Importance of Public speaking and MUNs
We are delighted to have Mr. Aqib Khalique with us on board. Apart from being a good Public Speaker he is CEO of KY Planners and President KYMUN as well.
#mun #PublicSpeaking #ibatimes #confidence #podcasts #aqibkhalique #skullsession
IBA elections
All the best
IBA election 2021
All the best
I urge other candidates to share their manifestos also. We will get it shared.
IBA Karachi Election 2021 Candidate
All the best dear
Share Your Manifesto We will share on Our page #The_IBA_Times
According to WHO breast cancer is 2nd most common type of cancer in Women worldwide. Despite the advances in the diagnosis and treatment still its leading cause of Death in Women. Its 99% curable on its early stages. IN ORDER TO CREATE AWARENESS REGARDING BREAST CANCER we are going to conduct a webinar. Our Guest speaker Dr Tausif will Explain each and Every thing,You should Know about breast cancer. He will also explain Methods of diagnosis and Treatment. Our second guest speaker will be Hafsa Arif A young breast cancer Survivor, She will share Her story of breast cancer survival. How she faced chemotherapy pain? LAST speaker will be Shahid Rasool Who will share His mother Story of breast cancer. His mother treatment is on the way.
In order to save your life as well as Your family members don't miss this opportunity.
Join us Oct 16th, Saturday night, 7pm.
Breast Cancer Webinar
Dr. Toseef is presenting complete information one should know about breast cancer. Having basic knowledge of breast cancer is necessary for everyone. Also share it with the people in need of this.
#ibatimes #CancerAwarenessMonth #breastcancerawareness #webinar #kingedward
Breast Cancer Awareness Webinar
Breast Cancer is a major issue faced by woman. Awareness regarding this disease prevents patient from suffering mentally and physically. Team of The IBA Times invite you to attend this webinar on 16th October at 7 pm.
Skull Session Episode 1
We are delighted to have Mr. Ali Sajid President YES, NUST with us. It is an informative session on entrepreneurship. Please join us.