IHS Fees Updates UK government has increased its IHS fees and it will be implemented from 6th of Feb 2024 so you will be paying more then 800£ for 2 years If you are Waiting for applying your PSW Visa make sure you do on right time which will save you money Follow for more #studentsuccess #PSW #StudyintheUK #studentslife #uk #internationalstudents #followformore
How long will it take for your visa to get approved #StudentLife #studentsuccess #StudyintheUK #studyabroad #followers #uk
Depression | struggles of international students | take care of your self #internationalstudents #universityofoxford #sociology #universities #studyabroad #DepressionAndAnxietyAwareness #DepressionIsNotAJoke #savelife #followforfollowback #AmjadAliSpeaks #fyp
Suicidal thoughts | student life | struggles of students | feeling homesick | finding part time jobs | missing home | missing family | depression | how to fight depression | how to | depression study in uk | study abroad | share | dont come before watching | watch this video before you come to uk | watch this video before you come to australia | watch this video before come to usa | watch this video before you come to canada #share #depression #internationalstudents
Apply your psw visa now | dont delay #internationalstudents #PSW #PSWVISA #studentlife #studentsuccess #london #universityadmissions #workpermit
Visas are being refused #internationalstudents #studyabroad #england #uk #india #PSW #followmypage
UK aajao sare #internationalstudents #londonlife #studentlife
My friend got scammed 60k for certificates | how much does it cost for bachelors | Unheard Opinion #internationalstudents
Dating apps trap | they are coming after your kids | save yourself from this | #internationalstudents #beaware
Job miljayegi appko #followformore #internationalstudents #england #studyabroad #uk #studyabroad
How much you will earn by cash in hand jobs #uk #followformore #internationalstudents #england #studyabroad #university