
Bend.Light Man Making Meaning

why you embody christmas:"...Christmas is a dramatic build up that leads to the celebration of the present. The opening ...

why you embody christmas:

"...Christmas is a dramatic build up that leads to the celebration of the present. The opening of the present, which is no accident, the present can mean gift and now, now is a gift, but opening the present is a representation of the discovery or rediscovery of the deepest parts of you..."


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People need the world to make sense, if the world doesn’t make sense the depression and anxiety that life naturally brin...

People need the world to make sense, if the world doesn’t make sense the depression and anxiety that life naturally brings is amplified drastically and will continue to get worse the longer it doesn’t make sense. One of the worst things that you can do to try and make it make sense is swallow lies. The thing with lies is it implies truth, you can turn a blind eye to things but it’ll slowly corrupt your soul over the duration of the lie. The more you add on, the faster things will begin to fall apart, it'll be okay at first, but ultimately reality will snap back and what was being avoided will need to be confronted. You absolutely can believe a lie, you can not know what you believe, the only thing that will set the soul free is truth.


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To say you do not believe in anything is utter rubbish, you have to believe in something, even if you are unable to arti...

To say you do not believe in anything is utter rubbish, you have to believe in something, even if you are unable to articulate it. If by chance you get to visibly see nothing with your eyes, it will be something you are unable to articulate, perhaps it is easier to say nothing other than fumble around words with uncertainty. Belief systems are incredibly difficult to understand, they are filled with contradictions, the concepts may truly not make sense, and sometimes they can make you feel uncomfortable. The belief system reaches down into the depths of your soul but is also visible by the words you choose to express yourself with. The systems influence your movement, your perceptions, and your feelings. If you dare to truly know what you believe, watch yourself like a stranger. I say this with a kind heart, if you are like most people, you don’t have a belief system, the belief system has you.


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I can only say this from the life I live, only as a father did I realize the importance of family. I am not taking anyth...

I can only say this from the life I live, only as a father did I realize the importance of family. I am not taking anything away from people who aren’t parents and still have the ability to recognize the importance of family, nor people who disagree and think that families are not as important, either which way you frame family, family is a role in your life, for better or for worse. As a father the mentality is how to set something right, while the son's mentality is what is wrong; life develops from “what can the world do for me” to “what can I do for the world”. A mature mind realizes that they are truly father and son or mother and daughter. Of course you play many roles in your life, but the most important two are parent and child, perhaps it is the only time you experience a perfect relationship, something genuinely perfect. Granted a baby is born healthy with minimal complications, as long as you take care of the child, a relationship between a parent and child is perfect until around 9 months. As a child develops their sense of will, and when wills conflict with each other, tension will be added to the relationship and the conflict must be resolved or room for resentment can grow, and it can grow quite rapidly. The perfect relationship ceases to exist.

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...for people it is extremely difficult to reconcile two opposing narratives. We are good at only understanding one side of a story, it's easier to understand something when you can say that something is good or bad; it is more difficult, but more rewarding to understand something as is.


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Lebron’s Space Jam is better than Michael’s Space Jam. Jordan and James' acting abilities are the same, it would be unfa...

Lebron’s Space Jam is better than Michael’s Space Jam. Jordan and James' acting abilities are the same, it would be unfair to compare them cinematically for obvious reasons. The only difference is the stories being told. Jordan’s Space Jam story captures Jordan’s individual greatness, his killer will, scorer mentality, you know he was taking the last shot regardless. James’s story is about his team, and letting his team shine, if the best play is to pass, he’s going to trust you to shoot the shot, win or lose. The narrative to space jam, is a reflection of their respective legacy's, which is why James titled it Space Jam: A New Legacy.


If you cannot maintain a healthy relationship with family members, the likelihood of maintaining a relationship outside ...

If you cannot maintain a healthy relationship with family members, the likelihood of maintaining a relationship outside of the family is drastically low, it is a position you do not want to find yourself in. A positive image of family would reinforce the ideas of an unfailing amount of trust, unconditional love, and loyalty. As we all know blood is thicker than water. Trust, love and loyalty are three pillars that we need to maintain a healthy relationship; even lacking in one of these areas may be enough to make the relationship crumble.

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You have to see yourself as a bad guy sometimes. If you don’t allow yourself to be the bad guy, then it is highly probab...

You have to see yourself as a bad guy sometimes. If you don’t allow yourself to be the bad guy, then it is highly probable you’ll never see the damage you cause to other people. You can always paint yourself to be the good guy in every story you are in, you are allowed to control your own narrative. It is just a bad idea to think that you are a hero in everyone's story. The truth is you are going to be someone's bad guy. It is impossible to not come across someone that grinds your gears, everyone isn’t meant to like you, and that's okay, it's okay to be someone's bad guy.


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It is commonplace to view yourself as a good person, which I am sure everyone is who is reading this. It is dangerous to...

It is commonplace to view yourself as a good person, which I am sure everyone is who is reading this. It is dangerous to view yourself solely as a good person because it leaves you to project the bad elsewhere. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, lived through deadly amounts of hate, millions of people die in his home country and he was banned for his book in which he wrote, “the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart…”, your philosophy of evil is formed and manifest in the unconscious. If the philosophy is left in the unconscious, you project evil onto the world, but if you bring your philosophy into consciousness, you will see the evil within you. Once you see it within you, you’ll start a journey towards self discipline, unless you enjoy being evil.

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It is fine to have a lack of trust in government, society, and people, but you cannot lose trust in yourself. To be hone...

It is fine to have a lack of trust in government, society, and people, but you cannot lose trust in yourself. To be honest, you will get lost in life and you’ll lose a part of yourself that you wish you didn’t. It is a part of life, it is something that we have to do, we have to lose ourselves to find ourselves again. As time keeps ticking, we experience the process of time, our identity will continue to change until the ticks stop. There should be a difference between the 18 year old you and the 28 year old you, if there is not, then i would assume life is very difficult. We have to go through the process of time. You have to trust yourself and be honest with yourself, if you cannot be honest with yourself, you’ll turn your own social fabric against you. Be yourself.


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Honesty can be one of those things that we forget to think about. We all know the importance of honesty and we unanimous...

Honesty can be one of those things that we forget to think about. We all know the importance of honesty and we unanimously agree we should be honest. We can convince ourselves of what we think and what we believe, but if you really want to know what you think and believe, watch yourself intently. You will learn a lot about yourself that you didn’t know. I know I have caught myself lying and had the chance to correct myself but didn’t, it is a human experience that we all find ourselves in. The reason why we noticed we were lying is because our conscience is making us aware of the fact, we are in the beginning stages of not trusting ourselves.

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The closest person to you it's going to do the most damage to you and that is just a fact of life. The damage is designe...

The closest person to you it's going to do the most damage to you and that is just a fact of life. The damage is designed to let people grow closer together, or it is going to push them apart, and there is no way out of it. It is a part of the deal of having a relationship with someone, it's a social contract if you will and there is a price to pay for breaching the contract. If you can heal from damage, the bond has true potential to be unbreakable. You have to know if you can go through something difficult together, but there has to be honesty, without it everything else falls apart.


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Not acting is still a decision that we make and the consequence for not acting is almost the worst thing you can do. It ...

Not acting is still a decision that we make and the consequence for not acting is almost the worst thing you can do. It is going to prolong the inevitable outcome that you are afraid to admit, life be ironic, if you pay close attention to the details. Life is a mental game and you have to come ready to play or else life is going to kick your ass, but you have the ability to kick its ass too. Life is there to teach you things about yourself, life will teach you feelings that you didn’t know possible; or quite the contrary, life's lessons come off as a threat to the ego. It is more than possible to become mad at the game and to hate all the players in the game. A deep resentment toward humanity is the rejection of their own status in humanity, but have the inability to realize it because of a lack of self awareness of who they truly are.


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Have you heard of the concept of perfection paralysis? It is when you want to do something, but everything has to go or ...

Have you heard of the concept of perfection paralysis? It is when you want to do something, but everything has to go or be perfect but because it has to be perfect it never realizes its full potential. Whatever the project is or whatever the idea is, is dead in water because it was not given enough time to grow, and is trampled by the fear of failure. Failure is a powerful motivator, quite the contrary, failure is a powerful oppressor. We are gifted with the brain that we have, our brains have the ability to see the future. The possibilities are endless to the futures we see, and there isn’t enough time to see them all, therefore because we couldn’t see it all, we will never know if we will make the right decision and so we never act, we freeze and let the time pass.


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Everyone battles with something, it is a gift for being alive. People at least have one skeleton in the closet, but if y...

Everyone battles with something, it is a gift for being alive. People at least have one skeleton in the closet, but if you were honest, as soon as you open the door bodies be falling out. I digress, the point is throughout the day a healthy person will experience a range of emotions, we need them all so we can process the day properly. Happiness is good in doses but trying to pursue happiness leads to emptiness.


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To experience emotions they are not inherently good or bad, although you may interpret happy is good, and sad is bad. It...

To experience emotions they are not inherently good or bad, although you may interpret happy is good, and sad is bad. It isn’t helpful to view the world this way, for one, it makes being sad wrong; there is a lot of utility in feeling sad, it can help you grow, help you grief, and it helps you open your eyes to the heartache of humanity. The second, it idolizes happiness, and we all want to be happy so badly, and that is our problem. To be happy all the time is unrealistic for an adult, life be traumatic like that. Everyone battles with something, it is a gift for being alive.


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Your life is your own, you get to write your own story. How do you write a better story? Make better decisions. How do y...

Your life is your own, you get to write your own story. How do you write a better story? Make better decisions. How do you make better decisions? It depends on the area, seek to educate yourself in the little free time you have. You get to choose what you focus on, it is your own story. This is true for everyone living in America, most people have the ability to make their own decisions, that is a part of the American dream. Granted, there are cases where people have the inability to make their own decisions. There is a random element to life, and it do be unfair sometimes, but it do be happening. Overall, if you are reading this, I'd imagine you have more freedom, you and I are privileged in this way.


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Check out the whole blog at today! --You can find any information you want to support your narrative, most...

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You can find any information you want to support your narrative, most people have the ability to improve their lives, some choose to do, and some don’t; anything else is an excuse or reasons why something happened, in the end, how your life looks fundamentally comes down to the decisions that you make or don’t make. If any business makes bad decisions for the company, the company is going to go under. The company should go under because there is a lack of self-awareness to recognize the inequities of the company. Tiny holes in the boat are no problem, as long as they get fixed, often, they get ignored and tiny holes turn into bigger holes, until the boat is flooded, that is what happens when you don't improve.

The best thing for Simba was embracing nihilism, because for the first time in his young life he felt, he knew how life ...

The best thing for Simba was embracing nihilism, because for the first time in his young life he felt, he knew how life gets dark. Simba knew how rapid the waves of life can knock you down and keep you down.

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I am starting a new series called "Man Making Meaning", it is where I watch or listen to something and interpret in my o...

I am starting a new series called "Man Making Meaning", it is where I watch or listen to something and interpret in my opinion what the meaning is. Here is a sample:

If someone is going into business for selfish reasons, then companies tend to be more likely to be corrupt, but if you go into business for the greater good, then companies tend to be less likely to be corrupt. Over the course of your life, true intentions will eventually show and manifest itself into reality. We can see that with the Once-lers’ intentions when he went into business for a selfish reason. The Once-ler has a void in his soul, he thought the answer was to get his mother to accept and love him and the only way to do that is being as successful as possible. The Once-ler was willing to break a promise he made to the Lorax, so his mother would be “happier”. The Once-ler cowered away and the film transitioned into the song, “How Bad Can I Be?”, and it does a phenomenal job of capturing how quickly people can become tyrannical and an immediate impact for evil in the world when they have the money and power they want.


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What you do is what you become; a thought always precedes action. If we are not sure of your value structure, the best t...

What you do is what you become; a thought always precedes action. If we are not sure of your value structure, the best thing we can do is look how we prioritize our time. How we prioritize our time is another honest reflection of our value structure.

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A soulmate is not solely sold on physical features, what truly matters is the soul itself. A soulmate is someone you dan...

A soulmate is not solely sold on physical features, what truly matters is the soul itself. A soulmate is someone you dance through life with, both literally and metaphorically. When you dance you are in unison with your soulmate, there is an equal push and pull, give and take, a constant motion of back and forth, it is as if you are moving together like flowing water. With a soulmate you get a bond like no other; there will be times trouble places a heavy burden on your bond, but with a true soulmate the bond will only bend, never to be broken.

The only way to get a soulmate, is to be a soulmate.

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Most people lose their grandparents first, some lose parents, siblings, or other various types of loved ones, but no pai...

Most people lose their grandparents first, some lose parents, siblings, or other various types of loved ones, but no pain is greater than the other. All losses and pain from losses suck equally, it is not about whose pain is worse. Anyone who loses a loved one is on a rollercoaster from hell. At times, the ride seems endlessly painful, but it is a journey that we all must go through. If you are living life well, then life is suffering; in a way it means you were able to successfully attach to someone, deep down you have a genuine connection of love. Unfortunately, everything must come to an end. If you do not find meaning for the pain, hell becomes a real bottomless pit that you fall into, the darker days will only get darker and longer, which is why it is important to find meaning in suffering.


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For the most part, our beliefs are a sensitive subject to talk about, which is why spending time thinking about our beli...

For the most part, our beliefs are a sensitive subject to talk about, which is why spending time thinking about our beliefs relieves some frustration. The more time that we spend thinking critically, the chances increase of escaping an ideological possession. The Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung once said, “people have ideas, ideas have people”, throughout human history this has been nothing but the truth. Our ideas become comfort zones in our mind, only accepting other ideas that would support our ideas, and rejecting any idea that contradicts our ideas. As it plays out into conversation, it is hard to communicate an idea that has internal contradictions that we have not yet contemplated. We must sit down, think about, and iron out the idea until we are able to articulate the idea effectively. It is extremely hard to do, but it is extremely rewarding. Once we realize we are able to think freely, we realize thinking freely is the realest sense of freedom that there is.

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Language is common enough for people to understand but unique enough to where a certain word or a set of words can have ...

Language is common enough for people to understand but unique enough to where a certain word or a set of words can have a different meaning to someone else. In order to understand how we see the world; we must be able to define the world. If we are able to define things without having to shift the definition, we will be able to better articulate our ideas and point of view more clearly because our ideas become more aligned, coherent, logical, but most importantly across time it remains true. It is when we must shift our definition in a conversation our ideas are becoming a little less aligned, coherent and logical, but most importantly a little less true. The more an idea starts to unravel, the more frustrated we are likely to get. Frustration can come from an inner battle between two different views or ideas that are conflicted with one another.

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