This Moultrie camera has been keeping busy. #kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #wildhogs #moultrieproducts
My Moultrie camera caught these deer coming through the woods #kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #deer #moultrieproducts
Hen of the woods mushroom
Here is a clip from my bow hunting trip to Illinois. Check the full video out on YouTube #kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #cooking #henofthewoods #mushrooms
From 73 degrees to a record breaking temperature of 4 degrees in our area.No cabbage went to waste 🤣#kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #garden #cabbage #snow #snowday
Did I dream this or what 🤣. 15 degrees and 90% chance of snow in South Louisiana. #kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #coldweather #garden #cabbage # broccoli #Louisiana
The big boar is showing who is boss. Moultrie Products #kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #wildpig #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #kfredfloatpopper #kfredspinningreel #kfredjigs
One of my Moultrie cameras captured these Louisiana wild pigs coming through the woods. #kendallfredererick #Kfred #kendallfrederickonyoutube #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #kfred #kfredfloatpopper #kfredspinningreel #wildpigs Moultrie Products
From seed to Harvest. Full video on YouTube. #kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #Kfred #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #cabbage #cabbagecasserole #farmtotable
Here’s the tool we made to remove the hair from the wild pigs. Check out the full catch and cook on YouTube. Merry Christmas everyone! #kendallfredererick #Kfred #kendallfrederickonyoutube #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #kfredfloatpopper #kfredspinningreel #kfredjigs #pigtrapping #wildpig #catchandcook #CracklingPork #cracklins
Dropped the door on this pig last night. Now that he’s out the way ,maybe I can get the group that’s hanging around. Y’all stay tuned. #kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #Kfred #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #kfredfloatpopper #kfredjigs #catchandcook #kfredspinningreel #pigtrapping #wildpig
Shrimp Stew with eggs cooked on a old wood burning stove . Shrimp Catch*Clean*Cook coming very soon.#kfred #kendallfredererick #kendallfrederickonyoutube #kfredseasoning #kfredfishfry #shrimp #catchandcook
My latest wild pig {catch and cook } on YouTube .Link in Bio #Kfred #wildpig #kfredseasoning #catchcleanandcook #kendallfrederickonyoutube #pigtrap #pigtrapping #moultrieproducts