This is not a political post for any party or candidate just truth:
Lately I’ve been seeing posts and videos from both sides saying if you are a “CHRISTian” that you shouldn’t vote for a candidate.😒
I think we have forgotten that “CHRISTian” means CHRIST like, and by virtue of that I think we have forgotten what CHRIST was like. Jesus wasn’t in favor of a political party or politics period. He was in favor of your soul being saved!!
I’m open to a real intelligent debate/conversation about this.
CHRIST/GOD, is not going to condemn you to hell and or you will not be excommunicated from CHRISTianity because of your vote. Man might try to do those things but not GOD or JESUS WHO IS THE CHRIST.
If you believe that your vote affects your CHRISTianty and your spot in heaven, you are lost and I would encourage you to get back to the Bible and read John 3:16, and check out Proverbs 21:1 as well.