
TitansR9 TitansR9- USMC Veteran Home chasing my dream to stream everyday to some wonderful people.

Here you will find some of the highest Apex Stats and currently holding a World Record, Chill vibes and one seriously amazing community.


Check us out on the green side today fam đź‘€

I know it’s been awhile but man! These past few months have been absolutely insane! Little man is growing so fast! He’s ...

I know it’s been awhile but man! These past few months have been absolutely insane! Little man is growing so fast! He’s doing much better since he’s been able to recover from his two open heart surgeries, However we still have one big operation to go! Depending on how the next one goes will determine if he will need consistent surgeries throughout his life or if what they have done will be enough to where he won’t need another one! But as of right now we have been home for a few weeks and our little bean is doing good! Thank you to everyone for the prayers while we were on the hospital it is truly amazing to have so many people behind our little man! Will keep everyone updated when we go back but until then it’s work work work work for us and spending all the time we can with our little bean. Thank you all 🙏 ❤️


I know it’s been a while since we did a update but man we have been busy! After what seemed like a eternity our son Elliott is doing much better and is on his road of recovery. We had some major scares and setbacks coming in for his first open heart surgery and he even needed a second surgery after his cardiac arrest and blood clot that happened and that was never apart of the plan. Definitely the scariest and most stressful event of my life so far. I cannot thank everyone enough for the well wishes, prayers, and support you guys have shown our family throughout this. Elliott is doing so much better now, so good we may even get to take him home soon. One major surgery down and one more to go! We don’t know when the next one will be scheduled but it could be anywhere from 3 months to a year from now. Thank you guys for everything and we will be sure to keep everyone updated on his journey through the next one! I love you guys thank you all. Words can’t describe our gratitude and appreciation to all ❤️


Update on Elliott. Thursday Night he went back into the OR for another surgery to remove his clot in his heart. The doctors think that when he went into cardiac arrest the first time and had to receive CPR that, that is when this clot began to form since then the doctors said the surgery went well they upped his blood thinners to try and prevent this from happening again. Since Elliott had a cardiac arrest the first surgery they went ahead and left him on the ventilator this time around for a day after the surgery so that his body could rest heal and recover. Yesterday we took him off the ventilator and since then he’s doing well. He’s still in some pain and they have been keeping him comfortable but he hasn’t had a seizure since coming off this time he also has not had a fever this time around. He’s still showing signs of discomfort but he just had two major open heart surgeries so I can only imagine how bad he has been hurting. But right now we are on the uphill battle that he keeps making progress the way that he is. My wife and I and my family thank everyone for the love and the prayers they have been sending our little boy during this time. Thank you everyone. We’ll continue giving updates as the days go on

Update for everyone about Elliott. He’s out of his second surgery. They were able to get all of the clot out of his hear...

Update for everyone about Elliott. He’s out of his second surgery. They were able to get all of the clot out of his heart. He’s back on the ventilator and will be on it all day today the original plan was to remove the vent today but his little body isn’t ready for that. He’s had a lot of stress on it this week. So again we are just waiting for him to rest up so he can get taken back off the ventilator. What a week this guy has had. It has been one unexpected problem after another for him. I can’t thank you guys enough for the wishes and the prayers and all the support that has been given to our little boy. My wife and I are speechless about it. We will continue to give these updates when we can so that everyone can stay updated about what is happening. Also my family was reached out to by a very nice couple that lives about an hour away from us about doing a fundraiser with shirts for our son here is the link for that if anyone would like a T-Shirt this will be going on until the 10th of September. Our bean is approaching his second month in the hospital and we’re just patiently waiting for this to be over and for us to be able to take our son home again. http://hayesdesignscaseyil.myshopify.com/collections/elliott-strong-fundraiser?fbclid=IwAR3dUCdn6SHignP5_SeYN80DjwG1JSgy5iMuj2h_Ao9TI2-N_QFw-YN53NQ

Infant Onesie, Toddler, and Youth will come on Caribbean Melange Blue. Adults will come on Heather Sapphire Blue. Hayes Designs created an image on the front with on the back. Sizes available: Infant: NB, 6m, 12m, 18m, 24m Toddler: 2t, 3t, 4t, 5/6, 7 Youth: XS-XL Adult: S-4X


Honestly can’t catch a break. Bean has a clog in his stent that was put in so tomorrow he has to go back into surgery. Just giving a update to everyone.


Update for Elliott. He’s been taken off the ventilator and he is breathing on his own. He’s maintaining his stats as of right now and he’s just getting some much needed rest. He’s having some tremors on the right side of his body in his right leg and his right arm so they want to hook him up to the EEG machine to make sure everything is all good with his Brain he has opened his eyes as well and been able to see me and his mom being here with him. Today is also the first day we will get to hold him. We’re taking baby steps but he’s doing much better then he was a couple days ago when he coded right in front of us. Thank you all for the prayers you have been sending. We appreciate every single one of you ❤️


Update on Elliott. He’s been on the ventilator for the last couple of days. He’s fighting vigorously everyday to beat this. As a father of this little warrior. I see the strength in him that I’ll never have. As the days have been going on he’s taking more and more breaths on his own. They wanted to try and remove the vent yesterday but when they went to try they noticed that his body is still to swollen and removing the vent may make trying to breath even harder for him so we are waiting for his swelling to go down. So for now he’s still on the ventilator we are waiting to see what the drs want to do today when they see him. He did desat last night again as well they said he has fluid or mucas in his lungs which again is making it hard for him to breath but he’s on medication to hopefully make it better. I’ll keep on doing updates as we continue on in this. Hopefully we can get off the life support machines and he can do things on his own soon. I can’t thank everyone enough for the support along this journey as this has been the hardest thing I have ever been through in my life thank you all for the love and the support.

I just want to express my thankfulness to everyone right now all the messages and phone calls. He’s still on life suppor...

I just want to express my thankfulness to everyone right now all the messages and phone calls. He’s still on life support as of right now and we are just in the waiting game to see how this is going to happen. I’m making this post because I have a lot of people asking how they can help beyond just keeping him in their thoughts and prayers so I’m making this post here. We started a go fund me a couple weeks ago for me and my family so that my wife and I could take time away from our jobs and be here with our son. My wife hasn’t been working from the start of this and now I will not be working until I’m certain my little one is going to be okay. So I will be dropping our go fund me link on this post for everyone that’s messaging me about it. It is https://gofund.me/567e5f85 lastly I just want to say thank you to everyone for having Elliott’s back and my family’s during this time. This has been the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through personally and I believe my son is a fighter. Thank you guys i really don’t know how else to word it. I’m completely overwhelmed with the amount of love in everyone’s hearts. It’s truly amazing to have this community at our sides.

Hello, my name is Anneliesse and I am the mom of a strong and amazing three m… Anneliesse Eastin needs your support for Help while our son is in the hospital

Just want to update everyone. Yesterday our son went into his first open heart surgery. The doctors came back and told u...

Just want to update everyone. Yesterday our son went into his first open heart surgery. The doctors came back and told us the operation went well that there wasn’t any hiccups or issues and that he was doing well and on his way to recovery. Last night about 8:30 our son let out a cry and immediately went into cardiac arrest. The doctors are uncertain what caused it but they suspect that the surgery was just to much on his little body. He went 13 minutes receiving CPR before they finally were able to get a stable heart beat back. He’s currently on life support machines like a ventilator and others to take the stress off his body and help him recover. For now he’s again stable but the next coming days will be tough on him. I ask that everyone continue sending their prayers to my son and my family as we deal with this. Idk when the next update will be but for now he’s stable and he’s fighting. This little boy is the strongest I’ve ever seen and we’re standing by him through thick and thin.

Well guys tomorrow is the day of our first heart surgery. Pray for our little bean. Squeezing him tight tonight.

Well guys tomorrow is the day of our first heart surgery. Pray for our little bean. Squeezing him tight tonight.


Guess what fam we live 🙂 on that green side ❤️


Heart surgery on the 15th our little bean is in high spirits


We live fam! Found my controller! On the green side


I’m going to attempt to play some apex. We live on the green side fam!

Wow. Words are just not available right now. I just want to say thank you to everyone for the wishes the prayers and the...

Wow. Words are just not available right now. I just want to say thank you to everyone for the wishes the prayers and the https://gofund.me/12e461d6 page. My family thanks you. Thank you for rallying behind our little bean. It means everything to us. Also before we go back to work tomorrow morning I think I’m going to have a stream today so be looking for it! I can better answer any questions anyone has but again I wanted to make this post today and just express me and my wife’s gratitude. Thank you all ❤️

Hello, my name is Anneliesse and I am the mom of a strong and amazing three m… Anneliesse Eastin needs your support for Help while our son is in the hospital

For some reason it wouldn’t let me add to my post earlier but this is our little bean being taken to the hospital https:...

For some reason it wouldn’t let me add to my post earlier but this is our little bean being taken to the hospital https://gofund.me/12e461d6

Well guys reality finally hit about two nights ago. Haven’t said anything to anyone because me and my wife are processin...

Well guys reality finally hit about two nights ago. Haven’t said anything to anyone because me and my wife are processing what’s going on as of two nights ago my son was transported by ambulance to the Peoria, Children’s Hospital, where they are going to hold him and monitor him until we can do his open heart surgery now because my son’s case is so complicated, he will most likely have two surgeries, and be in the hospital for almost 20 weeks. I will be sure to keep everyone updated along this process and this journey but until this is over, I don’t know how often I will be able to stream, and after much discussion with my wife, this is the last thing I wanted to do, but we did in fact, make a go fund me, because over the course of these 20 weeks my wife will not be working and will be present with our little bean. He’s such a strong joyful beautiful child and the absolute best of me. I truly believe this child will do something special one day I will be working 70 hour weeks so that my wife can stay next to my son side this is extremely difficult and hard to not only process but to deal with you guys have done so much for me and my family over the last two years. I can’t think everyone enough for the constant support. It truly means more to me than you’ll ever know if you guys would like to help my family you can donate to this go fund me by all means though you do not have to do this even just some prayers and sharing this post and helping us get Elliott’s story out there means a lot to us. This is by far the hardest time of our lives, knowing that my son needs help and there’s absolutely nothing I can do to help him keep us and my family in your prayers over these next 20 weeks and I will be sure to keep everyone updated. Thank you for what you do and continue to do for me and my family you guys are truly amazing and for now much love stay safe and again, thank you.

Hello, my name is Anneliesse and I am the mom of a strong and amazing three m… Anneliesse Eastin needs your support for Help while our son is in the hospital


Crazy how I haven’t posted in so long. I just want to say that I miss everybody so much and much of you I still chat with now and it’s honestly amazing to see all this friendships and relationships we built up over our two years of streaming. I just want to clarify to everyone that we are not done! We took some much needed time off from the games! My life has gotten so crazy with the addition of our new little man. We started a new job and moved into a new home! However my sons heart surgery is right around the corner, we’re expecting the drs to give us a date probably on Monday this coming week so we’re definitely a little nervous for this, but I wanted to make a post stating that we do plan on returning a couple days a week maybe on some apex and just kinda do some content creation for some fun and no longer attempt to be a full time streamer I find this will be a more healthy alternative and experience for me and the community as well! Thank you to everyone who’s been here who’s reached out and to everyone that’s been apart of this goated community we have built! Sadly tho my streams will now only be on kick but I do plan on coming back maybe in the coming week and or two weeks depending on my son! Thank you guys for a incredible ride and amazing journey it’s truly been a honor of a lifetime. Much love 9erFAM ❤️


Amoung us community games on kick! Come play!


We have had people asking to run a among us community night recently and I think tomorrow will be the day! We will NOT be live in the Morning because I have things going on, But we are shooting for the evening maybe around 5 or 6pm Central Standard Time! If you would like to play come on out!


Who would be down for community among us games?


Live on kick!


Happy Mother’s Day fam! Doing a lunch with my mom today then we will be live later tonight enjoy the day and again Happy Mother’s Day to all!

Baby T is One Month old and our little miracle baby is thriving! Thank you guys so much for all the prayers and support ...

Baby T is One Month old and our little miracle baby is thriving! Thank you guys so much for all the prayers and support here recently! I cannot explain how much it means to us! Thank you! We will continue to keep everyone updated on when Elliotts heart surgery will be but as of right now we’re taking every day we can with this little man and smothering him with all the love we can possibly give! Thank you guys for all that you do. We love you ❤️


We live on kick today fam! Have a blessed day!


We live on kick and YouTube fam! Come catch some games!


Got baby Ts heart appointments today! Wish us luck! I don’t know if we will be able to go live today or not because of the times his two appointments are it’s also a two hour drive one way to the children’s hospital i will keep everyone updated! Have a blessed day fam!


Live on kick fam!




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