Individual self care days are ESSENTIAL as a parent of two. While it may feel like I’m always spending time with them together ie: Mealtimes, Bedtime, Family time etc I find it beneficial to cater to their individual needs and love languages. This gives us a chance to bond and create our own memories with just us. It gives me a chance to really connect to their minds and show them that I enjoy their unique interests and discover new things about them. Right now, Micah is a big fan of cuddling under super fuzzy blankets while Madison is always wanting to do something with movement or makeup ❤️✨#selfcaredays #momlife #familytime #familycontent #momcontentcreator
Here are a few ways you can promote independence and self esteem in your child/children!✨ Allow your child pick out their own outfit and compliment what they chose (Be specific) “I really like how you paired the blue shirt with the blue dinosaur on your socks”✨ Encourage them to do things like pour their own drinks, say affirmations in the mirror, and practice positive self talk.✨ When you see your child struggling with something such as zipping a coat, ask if they would like help or wait until they ask for help and encourage their persistence to do it on their own ✨ Praise! Even when they “fail” praise them for trying their best. “#motherhood #selfesteem #kidsindependence #independentkids
Working with children has always been a passion for me. Being able to play a significant role in children's development.As many parents will tell you, one of the most rewarding parts of spending your day with children is watching how they learn, grow and develop and that is so true.Not only do I get great joy in teaching but even greater joy in learning. Learning how to nurture different personalities, learning styles, and showing them how they can receive love even outside of the home.They keep me feeling young and inspired 💕 and I will always be grateful for this career path I’ve chosen. #childcare #healthychildhood #childcareprovider
Motherhood is a journey with ups and downs, but accepting ourselves as imperfect mothers is the key to finding joy in the everyday moments. #selfacceptance #imperfectmotherhood #findingjoy