Rebekah Femia

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Rebekah Femia Specialising in helping women step into their divine feminine essence & Leading with their feminine flow instead of the masculine force.

How are you choosing to show up in your experiences?  With judgement With frustration With fear With resentment With cri...

How are you choosing to show up in your experiences?

With judgement
With frustration
With fear
With resentment
With criticism
With shame
With sadness
As the victim?

Or are you coming with gratitude?
With compassion
With forgiveness
With self responsibility
With empowerment
With passion
With solutions
As the leader?

We get to choose how we show up and the energy in which we see every experience.

It’s why I love and crave personal growth and development every single day of my existence.

Because I now understand I have a choice.

I understand that my perception and reality in how I see things is completely based off my personal experiences, beliefs and 100% my responsibility.

My past experiences are what makes me see the world how it is and my energy is something I choose.

I can now see the frustration and fear, the judgment and resentment for what it is.

I know that all that comes from choosing to show up like this past the moment in which I feel it is creating more of this negative energy and then pouring it into those around me.

Not being able to get myself back to a place of owning my own emotions in any situation is avoidance.

It’s not taking responsibility and placing blame.

This is my own inability to let go of the attachment I have to being right.

I choose not to show up like this for myself first and for everyone that I lead, love and let into my circle.

I choose to deal with my own internal struggles by working through my trigger before I project them.

Giving myself the space to reflect and go inward instead of reacting.

I choose to show up with love and compassion for myself so I can extend it to those around me.

I choose to practise instant forgiveness.

I choose this practise everyday and when I don’t I forgive myself right away I don’t fall into self judgment I just choose to try again tomorrow.

First we must lead ourselves before we can lead anyone else.

As a leader my priority is to make this way of BEing my commitment and focus.

To lead from my heart with integrity, to show my true authentic soul when I fall down.

To be a human BEing and always be in a constant evolution of this experience we get to have and the woman I choose to be.

Hold yourself accountable to your own standards and values without placing this on others.

How are you choosing to show up for yourself right now?

Are are you placing blame on everything external or taking ownership for your results and experience of life?

Radical self responsibility and ownership is sexy and will support you in getting EVERYTHING you desire in this life.


Normalise saying no without needing to over- explain or justify yourself.
FYI…….No thank you is a full sentence.


Doubting yourself is a waste of time.
Stop doing it immediately you have big things to do!
BIG! Go do them….

Who am I? Like who am I really? As I have spent a lot of time in solitude, deep healing and rest this last few months I ...

Who am I?

Like who am I really?

As I have spent a lot of time in solitude, deep healing and rest this last few months I have sat in a lot of self reflection.

Who am I?

Who am I without my following?
Who am I without my business?
Who am I without the money?
Who am I without being of service?
Who am I without my mission?
Who am I without my tribe?
Who am I without creating?
Who am I without my achievements?
Who am I without being a coach?
Who am I without being the leader?

Who am I at the core of my essence without the mission, the purpose, the creation, the accolades, the vision, the impact, the service, the abundance of wealth.

Who am I really?

And sitting in the quiet, the stillness, the feeling of being disconnected from everyone and everything was empowering and also empty.

As a visionary leader I spend most of my time committed to the people, the vision, my work, the evolution of humanity.

Creating, serving, birthing, leading, training, evolving, growing.

And the identity of who I am and who I choose to become within that sometimes takes over the truth of who I am really.

Just a living breathing woman floating through this universe for a speck of time contributing in a tiny way to the expansiveness and intensiveness of this planet.

To feel so powerful and knowing that your making such an impact with all you are doing in the world while also so teeny tiny in the reality of the universe within all space and time.

Who am I really?

What do I like?

What am I here for?

What makes me, me?

What is my role?

Why did I come back in this time?

Sometimes life can feel so intense and heavy going into deep inquiry about yourself and the world.

And sometimes it can feel like the biggest cosmic joke because non of it really matters and it’s all a big game.

I am grateful I have the capacity and curiosity to question everything.

To even question myself, my beliefs, my values, my role, my expansion, my behaviour, my understanding, my vision.

To sit in the nothingness that feels uncomfortable AF to strip away all that we think we know to reveal a different truth of what we have never experienced before.

In the uncertainty, the unconscious, the unconventional, the unconditional nature of life.

The depths of which we don’t allow ourselves to go often as it uncovers things we would rather keep to ourselves, covered, hidden.

Avoiding, ignoring, distracting from the endless conversations that come when you truly go there.

The more you question the less answers are available and the more questions you have.

This human experience is a wild ride.

One I am grateful for and also one that makes me constantly feel like I am not from here, I don’t belong here and I am just playing human until I go home.

Back to the ethers wherever I came from.

There has been moments I have had a fear of dying in this human form but also a desire to be released back to my natural state.

So much polarity,
So much confusion,

While also so much simplicity, inner knowing and surrender to what is.

This divine moment in time is all we have.

And whatever we feel we get to express.

Whatever we know we get to share.

Whatever we do we get to enjoy.

Because we really know nothing FOR SURE.

Just a bunch of humans trying to figure out and explain the unexplainable.

Put words to thoughts.
Put faces to names.
Put expression to feelings.

Comprehend the incomprehensible.

Us humans always trying to figure it out and make sense of everything that doesn’t need to be made sense of.

And this is the main reason my soul yearns for me to be home where there is no need to figure it out, explain or question.

Where there is always a deep sense of knowing, being, allowing, surrendered to the truth of what we are which is stardust travelling through space and time.

What a trip this journey to earth really is 🌍

Who has felt this deeply recently?
Or just me having a wild inner vortex journey!

RADICAL SELF RESPONSIBILITY IS REALLY COOL......HAVE YOU TRIED IT LATELY?  Until you take full responsibility for where ...


Until you take full responsibility for where you are in life.

You will keep recycling the same experiences.

It’s not your circumstances.

It’s not your parents.

It’s not the break up.

It’s not your finances.

It’s not your relationship.

It’s not the economy.

It’s not the pandemic.

It’s not the kids.

It’s YOU.

Your mindset.

Your beliefs.

Your actions.

Which lead to your decisions.

First own it,
Take responsibility for it,
Forgive yourself,
Then change it,

Take Action.
Take responsibility.
Live your best life.

Yoni puja ❤️Aka p***y worshiping. Yoni puja is a sacred ta***ic ritual that has supported me in fully accepted my body a...

Yoni puja ❤️

Aka p***y worshiping.

Yoni puja is a sacred ta***ic ritual that has supported me in fully accepted my body and tapping into my goddess power!

My creativity, my acceptance of self, my magic, my bliss, my fullest potential, devotion and self expression.

Our yoni is the most powerful force on the planet.

She literally creates and gives life.

“Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels.” (Yoni Ta**ra, Patala 7)

“Women are heaven; women are dharma; and women are the highest penance. Women are Buddha; women are the Sangha; and women are the perfection of Wisdom.” (Yoni Ta**ra)

“The divine yoni is as brilliant as tens of millions of suns and as cool as tens of millions of moons.” (Shiva Samhita, 15th century)

As women we don’t worship ourselves enough.

As humans we don’t worship ourselves enough.

We are not taught how but we get to start.

When we respect ourselves we respect all women.

And we connect on a level that makes us unique while empowering all women around us to shine brightly.

Have you worshiped yourself lately?

Have you worshiped your yoni lately?


Life is responding to you…… So everything showing up right now in your life is a reflection of you and what you are choo...

Life is responding to you……

So everything showing up right now in your life is a reflection of you and what you are choosing.

Seriously read that again!

Life is so so simple.

What you focus on you find,
What you think about you bring about,
If you think you can or think you can’t your right,
Life isn’t happening to you it’s happening for you,
Your vibe attracts your tribe,
You attract what you are,

The list could go on from many people explaining this in different ways with different words but it’s all saying the same thing.

The energy in which you choose to show up in life stems from your belief systems and values.

Your actions and behaviours that you choose everyday stem from your belief systems and values.

How you see the world is a reflection of how you see yourself.

If you want a different life and for people to start reflection something different back to you then all you need to do is change your perception of what’s going on around you.

It truly is that simple.

The challenging part is changing the conditioning and programming that has you believe that you are right.

That the beliefs and made up stories you created are true.

Unlearning that everything is a made up story is the challenge.

Everything you thought was true may not be.

Those limiting beliefs,
That abandonment,
That unworthiness,

It was all created by YOU.

From an experience you had with someone else sure.

But YOU made it mean that.

You made someone leaving mean your were abandoned.

You made someone falling out of love with you mean your not worthy.

You decided that action meant that.

It didn’t.
It doesn’t.

So being in fear of this after the first experience of it creates the very thing you are afraid of as a repeated pattern in your life.

Until you heal it.

Instead of making people jump through hoops proving they are not going to do the same thing to you someone in your past did.

Actually pushing them to walk away because people don’t want to prove to you or should need to that they will not repeat a behaviour they didn’t do in the first place.

Making people pay for someone else’s behaviour is a sure way to have them want to walk away.

And this will reinforce your belief system that “everyone walks away” that “I am not worthy of someone staying”

And when they do you were not abandoned like your beliefs would like you to believe.

They just don’t want to try and convince you over and over of their truth which is they love you and you are perfect when all you can see is YOUR belief that you are not.

If you don’t heal your core wounds all you will do is attract the same experience into your life over and over again.

And not from the other person but from your own perception of the situation because you will only see the thing that you are afraid of happening to you trying to protect yourself from it not happening again.

Do the work.

Heal your own s**t.

It’s no one else’s responsibility.

I will give you a personal example of something that happened to me last year.

I had been journeying with a man for 6 months in a beautiful relationship and divine union.

After 7 months he decided that he needed space to work on some deep trauma and couldn’t show up in a way that I required to be in relationship with me.

He didn’t handle it how I would have.

He sent me a cryptic text message then disappeared for 2 weeks.

Now one of my core wounds my entire life has been abandonment.

From when my dad left when I was 6.

My dad never left ME or being my dad he left my mum but I made it mean at 6 that I was abandoned, not worthy and unlovable.


Of course not consciously, not on purpose. At 6 how do you even understand that.

And I continued to repeat this pattern with men for many many years. Because my belief system would turn any situation or experience into validation that this was true.

I “always get abandoned” and I was “not worthy of love”

I actually created this over and over by MY behaviour in donation relationships as I was always looking for the out, I was always looking for the signs, I would always want to protect myself and leave them before they left me.

Now I have done the work on healing this trauma and belief I don’t feel abandoned when people walk away from me or leave my life anymore.

This man I was in a relationship with had not done the healing he needed to, to not bring his past wounds into our relationship.

He also wasn’t willing to work on them as a union together either.

So if I was still in my victim and trauma of being abandoned then I would have just used this experience to validate and prove that yet again someone abandoned me and I wasn’t worthy of love.

But that’s not true.

It’s not my truth anymore.

I saw it for what it was.

2 humans having a human experience.

I gave him so much compassion for where he is, not asking him or needing him to give me anything he doesn’t have the capacity for.

Knowing it’s all his stuff not mine.

Knowing who I am, what I want, what I deserve, what I’m available for and how worthy I am of that.

And so this experience didn’t trigger my trauma response of abandonment.

It showed me many beautiful things about myself, about divine union and I was able to see it as a blessing and a gift.

Also walk away with an understanding that our journey has ended and that’s ok.

Not all relationships, friendships, partnerships will last forever.

If I still had this story playing out of abandonment it would have been the perfect excuse to validate the old bs story.

This ALWAYS happens to me.

Why does this KEEP happening.

But the truth of it is the only person who can abandon me is myself.

Offffff yep hits you right when you own that!

And I did this for years by letting this story rule my life and my relationships.

But I chose to release it so I am no longer kept a prisoner.

My story now is that I am safe, loved, held always and that everything I need is inside of me so every other relationship I choose to be in adds massive value to my life.

I am not looking for people to fulfil my insecurities so that I am whole.

Demanding they prove to me how worthy I am of love by showing up in a way that feeds my insecurities.

I know this to be true already.

I release people when it’s time to end that contract we entered into and I see only love for me and that person through everything word spoken, action taken no matter what happened.

You can chose to stay in the suffering of the drama and chaos you create or you can choose self reflection, ownership and peace.

I have lived both these realities and now I choose peace!

Peace every fu**in time!

How is life currently responding to you?

What story do you have to release to create a new response?

Do you know what your biggest core wound and trauma is?

And lastly what are you doing everyday to release it from your stored memory that is keeping you stuck believing it’s true?

One of the best things I did was work with people who could hold me as I released this trauma in a safe space.

To feel fully held as you face your pain and suffering is a gift.

One of those people who has held me in my traumas especially around abandonment is Preston smiles. I worked with him and his wife Alexi and it was life changing!

I am about to enter another 4 week container with him and some of my soul tribe as I open even deeper layers of wisdom within and unlock more of my truth and power.

If you want to join me in a very sacred 4 week container I am doing with Preston smiles in February then reach out.

Healing our hearts and trauma radically shifts out perception and changes our reality from the inside out.

This work is such a gift and one I am grateful to have been committed to for the last 8 years of my life.

If now is your time to UNLOCK your own magic, power and reach more of your peak potential through deep healing and somatic work reach out and I will share the details with you of his program so you can join me.

The world needs a safe place to heal, to feel, to unpack these deep emotions and to make sense of what is happening right now.

The more healed humans we have contributing to the world the more it heals humanity.

And that is something I am honoured to be part of 🙏

Them: why are you so committed to your vision and business? Me: because I want my children to inherit land, businesses, ...

Them: why are you so committed to your vision and business?

Me: because I want my children to inherit land, businesses, properties, empowering beliefs, internal freedom and a strong sense of self not pain, trauma, struggle and a broke ass mindset.

And for these ladies……

Because not only have their lives changed but their families have been positively impacted and so has their entire communities.

The ripple effect has served thousands just by these women here being served, empowered and supported by me.

If you are a parent that wants the same things for your children and are looking for a way to create an additional income online you want to be part of vision 2022 mastermind.

Comment below “legacy” to get access to our exclusive 2 day mastermind that will support you in setting up a legacy business and income today.

Who wants to pass down the new way of living, earning and impacting down to the next generation and your children?

I know that’s what me and my tribe of leaders are here for 🙋‍♀️

Weather it’s true or not. If it’s YOUR truth then it’s your reality and that’s all that matters! So many people say to o...

Weather it’s true or not.

If it’s YOUR truth then it’s your reality and that’s all that matters!

So many people say to other people your “delusional” me being one of them that gets this a lot……. because we are not living in a shared society narrative or reality.

So my reality doesn’t fit into their narrative which means I must be delusional?

Or are they delusional?

But I mean who fu**in cares?

If I choose to believe in unicorns and fairies and that even through what is happening in the external world that MY life is great, positive and inspiring.

Then that’s MY reality.

So who is to say what is true?

Truth is no one is wrong and no one is right!

Just different perceptions of truth.

Everyone has a different perspective of what reality looks like.

And I don’t think it matters if someone can’t see your reality or thinks your delusional if it makes you happy and brings you joy then you do you boo!

Our reality is ours to choose!

So choose one that makes you happy, is full of laughs and serves the life you desire to live.

Life really is to short.

And I don’t care that other peoples reality isn’t the same as mine because what I know to be true is they have chosen the one they have for a reason, for a season or a lesson.

If it’s your truth LIVE IN IT!


P.s if your reality right now is being in a bath fully clothed drinking champagne then that’s ok I feel you🥂


You keep searching for a miracle…..

But you keep forgetting you ARE the miracle.

Stop blaming Social media for ya problems or triggered emotions……. ❌So many are talking about how “fake” social media is...

Stop blaming Social media for ya problems or triggered emotions……. ❌

So many are talking about how “fake” social media is.

So I wanted to share my perceptive in hopes it may support you in your experience here if your choosing to continue spending your precious time on social media.

People share their lives and themselves on here but most only share some parts.

But we are dealing with real people with real emotions, real lives and real experiences.

Most only share the highlight reels.

Many only run a business from here.

It’s easy to blame social media for causing so many problems within us and in society.

But what about self ownership?

What about self responsibility?

It’s like saying it’s my parents fault I’m like this, it’s my partners fault I acted like that, it’s my friends fault I feel like this.


Just like social media.

It’s your responsibility to understand how and why it’s used.

Choose with intention how YOU will use it.

Understand that not everyone shows their full lives on here.

In fact most don’t show every piece of their life but fact is that happens in the real world to!

People don’t share everything with everyone and why should they have to?

The complexities of life, the polarity, the depth most people don’t yet understand themselves so how can they share it if they don’t truly understand it?

Not everyone shows the good, bad and ugly.

Not everyone has to.

It’s everyone’s choice what they share.

It’s your choice not to compare.

To understand people are putting their best foot forward here.

That people edit and filter almost everything so comparing your at home real life to the perfectly curated influencer life is ridiculous.

But when you do it because of your own insecurities why is it “social media’s” fault?

Can you not take responsibility for your own actions, your own perception and your own insecurities that are triggered when you see this?

In a world where virtual reality is only getting stronger it means if you want to play here you need to also get stronger.

In your boundaries,
In your discernment,
It your availability,
In your self worth,

So yes it’s real but it’s also fragmented pieces that people are willing to show you.

It’s not ALL of someone’s life.

Just because people don’t share all of themselves with you doesn’t mean the parts they do share are fake.

No one owes anyone anything and I believe it’s truly a gift when people do share their stories, their knowledge, their hearts.

So next time you see someone’s highlight as your having your breakdown remember it’s YOU that’s comparing your current situation to someone else’s without any context.

Next time you feel less than because someone has shared their wins please remember:

We all have breakdowns,
We all cry,
We all make mistakes,
We all sometimes want to give up,
We all fall off in our commitments,
We all don’t hit every life goal,
We all have self worth stuff that gets triggered,
We all sometimes look homeless,
We all sometimes want to hide in bed all day,

And it’s ok if you don’t show that!

Your social media is yours, your personal brand is yours and you get to show up here exactly how you choose to.

It’s also your responsibility to understand how it works and not get sucked into comparison by thinking that the person you admire, your following doesn’t have their own s**t days to just like you!

We get to take our power back by remembering to not pedestal people.

By owning our own experience on these platforms and taking full radical self responsibility for our perception of what we see.

If your getting to the point where it’s disruptive, negative, toxic then take a break.

Switch your phone off, plant your feet in nature, put your face in the sun, hike a mountain, swim in the ocean, connect with your bestie, hug someone, create something.

Remember your social media life and your in person life can be seperate. They are also intertwined in every aspect.

They are both real and they both can benefit your life greatly.

I LOVE social media.

I have created the most divine friendships, a 7 figure empire, collaborations with people globally and it inspires me, teaches me and calls me forward in the most beautiful ways.

I am also extremely intentional with my time on it.

I am deeply connected to myself and my truth.

I play in my own magical world here on the planet with people in nature more than anything because that’s what lights me up.

And I know if it’s all getting to much, if I am overwhelmed, if it feels toxic here on these platforms I am the one in control of my time on it, my perception and my experience.

If I am having this experience it has more to do with what’s going on internally rather than externally.

We get to end the blame game and start taking some radical self responsibility because no one is holding a gun to your head making you do anything in life.

What you consume, what you create, what you give, what you receive……

Is all a choice so choose wisely and take back your power.

I am so grateful for this platform.

I am also so grateful I understand how it works and am educated so I can create a positive user experience that supports me, empowers me and allows me to be in control.

If your blaming social media right now for anything that’s happening in your life or the world it might be time to look in the mirror and do some deep inquiry into the user……

Once we reframe what this is, just fast information and access to infinite possibilities.

Only then can we use it as a tool and not a distraction.

The Truth is: We can’t make someone else in charge of how and when we feel what we feel.

How do you feel about social media? What does it bring up for YOU?

P.s candid shot of me FEELING fabulous on a beach in San Diego living my best life working from my phone on social media ✌️

I have always believed in love.I have always believed in humanity. I have always believed in the goodness of people. I h...

I have always believed in love.

I have always believed in humanity.

I have always believed in the goodness of people.

I have always believed at the core the world wants the best for you.

And no matter how many times people have proven this to be untrue I STILL BELIEVE.

No matter what is going on in the world to distract us from this right now and waiver in our faith in humanity I STILL BELIEVE.

Because it’s my truth.

The world will sometimes give you facts and data to make you believe your truth isn’t right.

But don’t let the world break your spirit even when there is prove that the world is against you.

It will give you experiences that sometimes knock you out of the magic you feel in your heart but stay true.

It will try and show you people that will make you question it but stay true.

True to what you know in your heart.

That we are love,
That we are good,
That we are compassionate,
That we are giving,

That humanity is the light,
That we want the best for our planet,
That we want to see each other succeed,
That we want to be love, give love and receive love.

No matter what happens in my life the truth is that.

I have always believed in love.

I have always believed in humanity.

I have always believed in the goodness of people.

I have always believed at the core the world wants the best for you, for me and for all of humanity.

And nothing will ever change that ❤️

I do it for the LOVE and that’s why I make so much money. The reason I make so much money in my online business is becau...

I do it for the LOVE and that’s why I make so much money.

The reason I make so much money in my online business is because I LOVE supporting people to create financial freedom, sovereignty and transform their life to be truly living in their power MORE than making money.

I always have and I always will!

It’s why quite honestly I don’t really HAVE to work at this point in my business if I didn’t want to.

But what else would I do?

Lay on a beach passionless with no purpose?

My business would continue hitting ranks and money would continue coming into my bank……. pretty much without me if I just let it. That’s legacy baby!

And while that is EPIC and I am so grateful for the legacy structure this compensation plan provides.

Grateful for the work I have put in over the years to get here. 8 years to be exact!

I love this work I GET to do everyday more than I love the money.

I thrive off seeing others succeed.

I love enrolling new people into my business and their own vision, helping them see what I see and create what I have.

Until everyone that wants to be financially free and work with me IS my vision isn’t fulfilled.

Who people become on this journey is my most favourite thing.

Healing past trauma, releasing limiting belief systems, moving from victim to ownership, from self doubt to self love, from people pleaser to powerful goddess or god!

I love the creation aspect of what I do,
I love the story telling,
I love inspiring others with my unique story,
I love seeing someone shift deeply when they have a breakthrough,
I love seeing someone own their own brilliance,
I love seeing people own their worth after decades of self doubt,
I love being part of a community of like minded people,
I love being part of someone’s journey,
I love sharing the wisdom that’s been passed down to me,
I love activating someone’s vision,
I love feeling on purpose,

That’s what I live for and no amount of money will ever be better than that!

It’s why I will continue this work as my passion and still be enrolling people into this vision in 20 years!

Supporting women to achieve their ultimate success whatever that looks like for them.

Because that is true freedom for their families and entire communities.

Abundance being passed down as the legacy.

A positive and growth mindset being passed down to our next generation.

Self ownership and inner freedom as our core value to truly change humanity for the better.

So remember why you do what you do……..

What are you here for??

What is that vision and mission deep inside you that keeps you up at night and ignites your soul everyday?

Because if you don’t love the process, if your not passionate about serving and supporting others, if you don’t get fulfilled from the work you do………

If your just in it for the money.

I guarantee you won’t make much of it if any at all 🔥

The money is the bonus for a job well done but nothing can take the place of the love of the work.

Your bank account is a direct reflection of the amount of people you have served and impacted.

Truth bomb for ya because I don’t know any other way to tell it like it is!

Your welcome and I’m forever grateful ❤️




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