Fran Lewis's Book reviews

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Fran Lewis's Book reviews I am a book reviewer and this page will be only for reviews of books that I have done and will post. I review books for NO CHARGE. Fran

I am an avid speed reader, educator, book reviewer , online interviewer and host of a radio show on Blog Talk Radio. I worked with children with reading and other learning problems for over 30 years in the NYC school system. I am the author of six books and soon to have a seventh.


The mystical mirror has seen many faces, some innocent and some deserving of punishment. This is the mirror of truth, and it punishes evildoers severely.


Dave garret


When there was no Moon: Irma Fritz

Equal opportunities, girls forced to
marry a chosen partner, human rights banned and barred and honor killing paramount. Imagine growing up in a world where girls were told to do mending, farm work, and other chores, and reading and school were forbidden. Pakistan is our location and moral laws in question and Islam according to the author's research calls murder a heinous crime, it also considers it a private matter and solved by using Sharia Law. Meet Samina and Nasir using alternating chapters to present their viewpoints, as you will take part in what you might call the prologue titled: cause of Death Woman when you hear a woman scream and a man catches her beating her to death some taking pictures of cellphones and others while wondering her crime. To restore the family's honor, she's beaten to death and the final words will haunt you. As the story begins and we meet Samina and Nasir we will later understand what happened in the beginning when the murder of a woman or girl by a male family member justifies his actions by claiming as in this case that the victim brought dishonor upon the family name or prestige.

Samina is a young girl living in a hard work filled with rules, chores, and a government school that is too far away as she pines for one closer by. Little Bird is what he calls her, and little did she know that although Nasir is much older their lives will blend as one. Khusa is her town, and her parents are on two different sides of the fence until it all changes. She has her school and teacher within a year what she learned is more than others in a lifetime.
A farmer, with a wife and two sons Nasir tells of his life planting cotton, rice fields, and wheat stalks, and the prideful women ate his primary workers and children.
Each chapter within the first 5 allows us to understand Nasir and his family with ng as a unit plus Samina and her family are not quite as receptive poking fun at her and her father allowing her to attend middle school for his purposes that will help him save money.
Then Samina becomes a woman, and her sisters and brothers are mean and cruel with their comments. But now she can wear and get her dupatta, which is also called chunky, chunari, and Sundari. A long shawl scarf is worn to cover their heads and shoulders. When Nasir sees her his mind goes in many different directions, but he does not comment and has a talk with her father about the government and more about Bhutto's historic landform and saving his lands by dividing them he kept the legal portion and dividing the rest of the holdings to his stepbrothers. Heated discussions about the land and its divisions of it and Nasir is worried that Qamar will want to marry Samina to the wrong family and make it her downfall waiting all that she's learned. A country with tough and at times unjust customs as the author takes us into
Nasir's thinking and how Samina will understand how the rain helps the soil and fills the canals and reservoirs and more. Yet Qamar is narrow-minded and sticks to old ways and his attitude his thoughts about his disputes with his brothers and how they each work his land alone. A dysfunctional family and how his family is the opposite. Zamil his wife created a serious rift in the family and a family that was united had to live apart for the safety of the children. Nasir has decisions to make and Samina's family needed help from outside to work on the farm. Her teacher's son was one helper and he liked one of her sisters, but will it work out?
Fear, discipline, and cast out if a girl dared to defy her father's choice for a husband. The underlying Abu did his daughter and then both sisters a double wedding, one to wed a cousin and the other a cobbler just to care for his children. Some customs seem cruel and arranged marriages unyielding.
Author Irma Fritz brings to the surface the indignities, abuse verbal and physical that women face living in a country where their rights are controlled by parents who make arranged marriages for the benefit of the child but for their own selfish needs. Freedom of speech and the right to choose are just two of the horrors girls face growing up in a country that is cold and heartless and more.
Nasir and Samina meet undercover and hope that they will be as one, but Zamil is the barrier as he shares spring celebration, his pride in his sons, and Samina the fear of marrying her cruel cousin for her father's financial benefit. Plus, her hope of becoming a teacher would be gone. Parents never consider their children's wishes or opinions.
Terror strikes when Raheebah and Dhaki disappear and decide to elope leaving Esmeray you scream and fight with Samina even though she knew what was going to happen. Two sisters never come together as one and a family so angered and so narrow-minded they sought and seek revenge. What kind of family kills a child for wanting happiness? What sunt takes the niece's choice as a criminal and takes all she had?
Nasir and Zamil have it out and the result widens the gap, but will his deed allow him freedom? What about Samina?
Then Nasir has to deal with the family of his wife and whether will he pay for her death and his will Samina react.
Nasir has to quarantine so to speak until his lawyer can deal with her family and yet he relives his life with her and why his sons are special but talking to the young child who does not speak gives him an undivided audience without casting his opinions or hoping Allah will come closer to him.
When Raheebah is found and Dhaki deserted her instead of embracing her return the father and sons take revenge on her because she tried to flee from her commitment to a marriage she did not want. Even though she did not marry Dhaki it was still a stigma and the money promised to the father Amu would not come. What will he do when he learns about Samina and Nasir’ A story so tragic, so devastating about a father who was unyielding, insensitive and refused to give any respect to the women in his life and trained his sons to downplay and disrespect even their mother at times Ammu suffers at the hand of her sons and husband and the ending will bring us back to the first chapter but first learn of the deception, cruelty, and lies told by a father. Learn about the greed, hatred, and dishonor a father bestows on his daughters. Learn that living without choices, having to do a man’s bidding, and not being able to voice your opinions one girl Samina who was filled with joy, and love, adored her husband and her sons learned the true meaning of what happens when the world grows dark and mother whispers her final wishes into her daughter’s ear as the darkness creates a shadow over one man and his family when you look up into the sky and realize what happens WHEN THERE IS NO MOON! In an evil world where men promise to honor and protect their women and one young girl rises above and teaches so many. Children need to embrace education, work, honor and love those that are within their grasp and understand the reason for living is love. Author Irma Fritz brings us so many life lessons not only for the girls who suffered at Amu’s hand but for those here and in every country to embrace their freedoms and more.
Fran Lewis: Just reviews


Just another site


Overdue or Die

Life gets entangled in Clover Ridge when different events become controversial and dangerous. A music event at the library creates conflict when Emily Fielding rants and raves that the new addition to the library belongs to her.
Her niece took hold of her but it did put a damper on the event. It only has worse as Emily draws attention in other areas and the confirmation about who owns the new edition of the library is confirmed as Marion enters and along with her boss Sally tells Carrie our events planner about an unusual one planned for kids in the new edition.
As the planner, she has to help coordinate the events and choose the date and times. But things get direr when Carrie and her fiance Dylan talk about a painting that belonged to him and going to check out the person who had it then a phone call to change it all he was attacked and in the hospital and she calls her father to help learn more. Taylor Reston is Emily's niece and has dementia. Then contacting Wally Featherstone, who used to be her lawyer and there are questions to be answered regarding the new edition and other properties she claimed she owned.
The painting in question that got Dylan attacked is the Terrence Haggerty that the artist had given to Dylan's uncle. But Jack Winslow kept it for safe keeping yet where was he? Events get more dangerous as Susan who does the art for the library had her work exhibited in a gallery down by Martha Mallory. But Susan is hiding something and Carrie always needs to learn more and seed her with Martha but not a pleasant interaction. Why?
My favorite ghost Evelyn carries inquisitiveness she hopes to learn the truth Dylan and Carrie get invited to view the art collection of Victor Zalinka art collector and successful businessman Dylan checks out the collection and uses his eye for telling a forgery, we learn he spots a forgery in the collection as they have to choose the ones for the art show at the library. Then Angela's cat goes missing and that leads Carrie to uncover how and who and why?
Martha is found murdered in her art gallery and Evelyn relates facts about Martha's family tree to Carrie and expects her to solve the murder. Susan was asked to paint a copy of a famous painter's painting and if she refused to do more the end up being able to the next outcome will not be favorable would she be accused of painting forgeries for money? But there are many suspects but first Carrie is going to attend the wake, Emily's funeral, and in-between somehow prepare Thanksgiving dinner and make sure Uncle Bosco sticks to his diet after his heart attack.
The wake for Martha was eventful as Ron her husband demanded that Victor leave and it got more interesting as she wondered why. Martha has a jaded past. Her relationship with a crime boss she sent to jail who was the father of her only child, and let's add her involvement in a fraudulent art scam and how she tried to get or force Susan to become part of it. Of course, John Mathers can as police and friend. But the funeral for Martha took on a dangerous turn when Denny Sullivan hit up and ranted and raved about how Martha was into the business of having expensive paintings painted and sold as if they were real. The forgot business and threatened anyone who defied her plus she was responsible for putting his father in jail. But what about Cousin Leroy and his shady behavior? What about Babette his girlfriend? Who killed Denny? What happened in the ER and did Denny kill Martha what about Emily? Added in Dylan and Carrie have to pick a place and date for their wedding yet she discounts them all why?
Then Mathers consults with her about Denny and his cousin Leroy but how did Mick Sullivan's men get to Leroy and is Clover Ridge dangerous and what about Ron and his stepdaughter Felicity? Events get complicated and Victor is questioned. Leroy wants to make the choices for the art in the gallery and Mick Sullivan aims Leroy for his cousin's murder. But Carrie seems to always be in the thick of things and sees something, follows the killer and you won't believe who is hiding in plain sight, who ran the forgery business, Leroy's role, why Emily was killed, and in the end, if you cross this person, are over the top with excuses you too will pay the price, get it done on time, or your life will end because you too must understand overdue or die. each character plays a part in solving parts of difficult issues, as Dylan and Carrie hope they survive and when will they pick a wedding date or will they?
The author leaves us with many unanswered questions. Author Allison Brook strikes many high shelves as we enter the library, joining in the events and hoping Clover Ridge Library does find its patrons hoping they Are not overdue in any way and die.
Fran Lewis just reviews


Billy Balloon: Jack Payton
Colors are special and each individual brings joy to someone or something. Imagine being entered into a special race for children. Imagine if you can win the race it would be exciting. Billy Balloon is bright red and has a beautiful smile that makes you just want to hug him but not too hard. The children in the school are excited about the upcoming Balloon Race and can't wait to choose the one they will enter. Waiting for the balloon workers to bring the balloons each child created their special name tag with their name and address so that the person that finds his/ her balloon can hopefully become their pen pal. That's exciting and the amazing colorful illustrations bring Billy and all of the balloons to life. The rumble and roar of the truck with the balloons add to the excitement. The first sunny day of Spring marks when this race takes place and the children tie their handmade name cards to their balloons. Imagine the balloon floating up into the air in the sky and a child that could live anywhere might find it. As the children finish their name cards they are so excited and now check out the faces on page 13 and see the balloons coming in on page 14. Colors are called out, specific balloons are requested and their choices are heard and made. Excitement explodes as the balloons get bigger. Get ready, here we go. Help count down as the clock starts to join in. The excitement is real and the children scream as the balloons take off and where the wind up is a mystery. Who's going to win? Wilk someone finds my balloon they all say. Billy Balloon gets bigger and goes faster and then: he's winning but it's getting darker. What happens next will keep you in suspense and make you wonder if he's going to be okay. Author Jack Payton gives readers a touch of mystery, suspense, and drama. Check out Billy's face and his expression on page 28. Where does he land? Is that safe? What happens? Did anyone find him if so who? A surprise ending that might make you cheer and wonder: is the race over? Is it back on? You decide!
With two special pages were added to teach children how to create their name cards and how you can partner with the author and help write Billy's next adventure.
The final page allows you to hear the author's voice as he tells readers why he wrote this book and about a real writing exercise that he remembers.
Sometimes real life can bring your stories from the past and embrace the idea in the present. Meet Billy Balloon and take the journey with him.
Fran Lewis just reviews

Welcome Allan Topol RG Belsky TJ O'Connor and Jim Nesbitt to mj network : join me Fran Lewis for this great di How do real life issues in the news play a part in your novels in the following ways: The opioid crisis and your main character Gambling addiction Alcohol issues with young people and adult...


The Gomorrah Gambit
The opening scene sets the tone for what is about to happen. A publicist embroiled in the jihadist cause is caught in the crosshairs of a battle in Syria taking place in 2014. He takes a picture of his cousin’s co**se and things that every death has a message and sharing it on the social media is the answer. The rampage begins.
Azi Bello is our main character and is a professional hacker and not very socially oriented. His online friend, Sigma sends him an urgent message sending him documents that would suggest that 50 Islamic martyrs are not dead but alive. They are creating and preparing for a huge massive terrorist attack called Gomorrah. But the dark web is not that discreet and Azi has no idea that his whereabout on it have been tracked when he receives a knock on the door of his shed where he does his work and a woman named Anna appears. Claiming she is from an unnamed intelligence service and knows every minute detail of his life and requires that he does whatever she needs to capture Sigma. A friendship will be tested, trusts betrayed and Azi meets her and things fall into a complex place. Trying to figure out how to escape detection, things fall into a complex place. Trying to figure out how to escape detection, find a way to escape detection, a phone or some type of communication that they cannot trace, things take on a sinister turn. From Berlin to Greece and California’s Silicon Valley will he survive.
Things get out of hand when Azi connects with Anna and then Munira is kidnapped and he is placed in a situation that he cannot get out of. Trading files and interfacing with a dark network called Gomorrah, he betrays Sigma in May ways, but she is placed in danger. Anna threatens his life and plans to make him her personal slave in some respects. Munira has two cousins that have been recruited by IS and the story and plot thicken as Azi must enlist the help of Odi and then another contact in order to infiltrate Gomorrah as someone else using that identity to find the information needed to find Munira. Ad his best friend is his only true ally, but the attacks are increasing, kidnapping, killer robots and the author takes Azi down many dark and dangerous paths.
Hoping to stay alive he aligns himself with Dr. Eleni and you wonder whether she can really be trusted. Traveling in disguise and using different alias he even becomes a squatter and learns to live humbly all the while searching for Odi and Munira. But, when Kabir her cousin becomes part of his network and now knows that he must do what Azi says things take on a different turn. But, will this ever end?
When Kabir intertwines with Azi and Ad and Odi connect with him they all try to have access to Gomorrah but are the sources real?
Kabir spends ten days in silence and he is working with Dr. Tal but will he be under his spell or Azi’s. Things get dangerous as Azi and his allies must move around, and Anna uses threats and force to get him under her power doing whatever she wants to axis the dark web and Gomorrah. Men bugged Munira’s place and took his tech apart while his eyes were on the explosions happening everywhere. Lies and betrayals and it is wise that Munira believes in the deceptions that they have created. Gomorrah is the link to the Islamic Republic. Anna is dangerous and scares Azi into submission and convinces him to betray Munira. Two voices are heard, and the plot is in two parts: Azi and Kabir but how they intersect and interact will bring chills to the reader.
Nabir is in Syria and works with the media propaganda for IS.
Thinking he will be able to escape the clutches of those that control them both Kabir and Azi both have compromising information for both sides, hoping to escape the trafficking routes into Turkey and then both Azi and Munira escape to Germany where they hope that Odi has a save place for them to live but will Anna let him go?
The pieces fall into place, but we learn that someone is not who she appears to be and the betrayals and lies run deep as Azi and Ad face off with Amira who is linked to Gomorrah but will her plan to take them both down win? Her goal is to kill both Azi and Ad but who is she really and when the explosions and protests begin how many will die? Anna is in the forefront, Azi and Ad are at risk and the final fate of Gomorrah and the diabolical plan has yet to be revealed.
The Islamic Republic’s approach to gender politics comes front and center and makes the power of life and death more profitable and plausible to Amira. With her deceptions and manipulations of their messages, through tailored offerings and opportunities regarding Gomorrah, and through the good old-fashioned impersonation of non-existent informants. The intelligence services fondness for surveillance over action has on made her opportunities more golden.
When Azi and Ad come face to face with a deadly woman will they survive what she has planned and already done? Will Anna or anyone find them and what happens when Odi is caught too? Looking at his screen and seeing the messages dating back to the present Azi realizes what is about to happen. Ad is severely injured and is fate is unknown. What was the plan that someone set in motion? Why tip off the world. The only reason is that it was all a gambit and that the true game is won somewhere else and this person betrayed more than just him and his friends.
The Freedom rally is the target and will come under terrorist attack. People will be killed, and four Interpol vans have been hijacked by the terrorist and things are happening fast and the authorities are at a loss. The author leaves us in total suspense as we wonder how this will all play out. Will they take down Gomorrah? Will the Islamic win? What about Munira what was her true goal? The ending will shock readers the final accounting will leave many dead and Azi will find himself in a new age, new world and must decide exactly where life will take him next. When the final explosions take place which side wins? What about Azi will Anna let him go? Some endings are new beginnings and the technology the author created for this novel lets readers know that there are so many ways to hack into systems both government and even yours, that you wonder what happens every time you do research or look up something on the net. The dark web is out there, and the author leaves us wondering if he is going to bring back Azi and Anna plus Odi again. Great characters, interesting plot that is electrifying and terrifying as the reader feels the fear and the danger created by author Tom Chatfield hoping that the Gomorrah Gambit is stopped.
Fran Lewis: Just reviews


Where Will My Heart Beat?
Spirits connect at times and lives intertwine without warning. The loss of a sibling is traumatic and hard to get over. Hauntings from your past can hinder your present. Serene seems caught up in a world she cannot explain and dealing with her present life cause her to escape. Married with a child she seems to love her daughter but something within her haunts her and she cannot settle on what it is. As a physical therapist she is enlisted to help those in need . A short encounter at the start of the novel with someone referred to as Mr J starts a chain of events in her mind bringing her to her mother who hands her a notebook explaining nightmares and dreams that might help her to understand but insist sends her away.
After reading the notebook and envisioning what is related she decides to go off to Mar Elias with her friend Sonia to sort out her feelings, deal with her thoughts and decide on her life. Even though she loves her daughter and her husband seems angered and resentful she goes off to find herself and haunted by her meeting with Mr J.
Adel Jacob comes from a wealthy family filled with their own secrets, rules, prejudices and mores. His father is the Mayor of Crescent and his mother has her own interests and their views about people tell readers that they are narrow minded and judgmental. Getting to know them you realize that Adel is a model son but when you meet his brother Aslan a wave of chills and ice will pass over you. Adel is polite, loves his Nana and respects all adults while Aslan orders people around, abuses Adel anyway he can and manipulates his parents who seemed blinded by his actions.
Losing her brother took a toll on Serene and often as with Adel when they intersect later on you can feel the despair liss of hope and feeling of giving up. Sonia is her true friend and hopes to help her thrower depression but that black cloud lingers throughout the novel.
Adel has a best friend named Malec who helps around his estate. Their friendship was strong but jealousy and cruelty would take his life. His sister,Mona was Adel’s love but when Malec was killed she inverted into herself and her mother could no longer cope with life.
Aslan was heartless and determined to destroy Adel and an accident but an intentional push down a flight of stairs took away his mobility and put Adel in a wheelchair with limited range of being able to walk. With Serene assigned to provide his therapy it would take time before they actually connect.

Learning more about Adel’s family, his father’s plans for Crescent , the landscape, the projects to enhance the town, the community that has wonderful people but a sinister mind that wanted theses changes and control of the construction project for his own financial gain.
Mona became withdrawn when her brother dies and Serene although older seemed lost in her thoughts and past and at times caught up in her grief.
Mona was depressed but unheard truths will linger and be revealed when Abel is older but will he be able to face another harsh reality about his family?
Serene had a surge of energy that formed one night and she could not understand it at first. She had to synchronize with the waves of feelings that channeled within her. As we learn more about Adel and the fact that after the accident he left his home and would return 25 years later. His part were killed in an accident and Mona drowned and Malec was gone as he hunted for answers that would take him face to face with Aslan and some harsh realities that he would need to understand and face.
Eeman was his Nana’s day nurse before losing her too. Nana Thabita provides the sage wisdom and hopefully the impetus for Adel to make those positive changes for Crescent and the people but we soon learn that Aslan wanted certain controls and although the estate was left to Adel you won’t believe what happens when he meets him face to face as they created change in their hospital and other places and his brother although appears to care the author allows readers to see his countenance and feel the hidden truths.
Reading his thoughts on pages 250-252 you understand that his life was just one fleeting moment. If an opportunity comes your way can you circle back ? Should you lose hope? Some give up while Adel has to find his own circle of life and define his circumference and his destiny. His relationship with Serene takes many turns and like the rainbow she saw her parents vanished off the surface of the earth and when you read her final words you wonder why she spoke and did as she related.
Marrying Eeman enriched his life but two harsh truths would shake his spirit to the core. Pictures, pasts, learning about Eeman from Serene, Adel sees himself through different eyes.
The final scenes are compelling and tragic as Adel realizes the magnitude of his brother’s goals and deception. Who killed his dog, did Mona drown or was she killed and did someone throw rocks at Malec?
Serene left her final words to her daughter and missed some valuable moments in her life . “ it was fear of defeat that claims you before you actually lose something.” As Sonia presents Adel with her tragic words. His final moments sun it all up as those he loved are gone and now he dreams of what he thinks the people are relating: anger, protests and discontent but is it real or his imagination? Reliving the past he realizes the present: nothing scares him anymore. He has come full circle and his circle of life as created by author Loubna Hassanieh,PhD, is both tragic and yet hopeful at times as Adel must decide for himself and the look someone is leaving him with as he has to decide: where will my heart beat now?
Characters filled with hope, despair, disharmony, deception and a town with people that just wanted to appreciate its beauty, culture and history.
A story filled with family discord, parents blinded by their own lives and disregarded the evil of a sin who needed mental help, this is a must read for everyone.
Fran Lewis just reviews


The Witches Protection Program: Michael Okon

At the heart of this novel most would think is the battle between the Davina vs. the Willas. In other words, good vs evil in the world of witches. But when you look deeper inside and hear the rantings and ravings of some of the witches you realize that there is much more. One witch who is now the head of Pendragon and owns this cosmetic company has foiled the market where her company is now worth trillions. But Bernadette Pendragon is not satisfied, and her new face cream Pendragon Glow has a special DNA formula that will not only make women feel beautiful and young, but she will control their movements, shopping desires and take over the world with her glow cream. The power of suggestion will win out and she will encourage these customers to purchase huge amounts of other products using telepathy and the power of suggestion. Can she be stopped?

Meet Scarlett, Julie, Wu and Dominic plus Vincenza and Jasmine who are on Bernadette’s staff and each one vying for her attention, approval and oh yeah, her money in the end. Morgan Pendragon is her niece and the story opens with Bernadette threatening to disown her and take away all her fabulous perks if she does not sign over her rights to the company. But Morgan might not be a practicing witch but somehow she manages to hide the papers where no one will ever find them but will her aunt realize that?
Meet the star of the novel Wesley Rockville who starts out in a rocky fashion after botching up an assignment assigned to a 232 year old government association.

Each member of her staff wanting recognition and Bernadette claiming she is looking to fight for women and stop their plight with not getting equal wages, equal jobs and equal recognition but how does this equate with taking over the world. Her supplies and her products are ready for distribution and the ones that are in the states they might be able to stop them from being shipped and sold but what about those going overseas?
Meet my favorite character Fat Baby Junie who is totally amazing, manages to take charge when danger is in the air and you definitely don’t want to eat her green stew or anything else that she makes. But, in the pinch and if you are in danger watch out for her, she’s amazing.

As we get to know Wesley, we realize that he does not believe in witches and Morgan wants to steer clear of anything that deals with them especially the Willas thinking that her aunt is not evil. When the plot continues and the events turn odd we begin the understand the powers of these witches, how they can turn on each other, cast spells in every direction and do things that you would never imagine to themselves, others and anyone that dares to try and stop whatever it is they want to do and more.

The violence is different as the creatures come out and the characters must fight in unconventional ways which does keep reader interest. Snakes, worms and other things you would not normally have to combat, and people turned into ice, another hanging in the balance as author Michael Okon pulls out all the stops and we get the know the true power of the Willas. Added in we get to realize that Wesley is not as bad as his father thought when he banished him to the protection program and with the help of Alistair his new partner you won’t believe what they are capable of doing and the stunts they pull in order to stop Bernadette at her own game but can they?

Lies, truths and betrayals run the gambit as the author takes us inside the minds of the characters each one vying for power, recognition and not caring about the methods used. Scarlett is quire resourceful and really wants to take on Morgan in order to delete her from Bernadette’s trust and be her number one assistant hoping she will leave it all to her and not Morgan.

Morgan winds up working in odd ways with Wesley, but she does get captured, taken in, placed in dangerous situations and yet uses her intelligence and resourcefulness to hopefully overcome the obstacles in her way. But, will she finally use her talents as a witch? What about flying if need be?

The final scenes are quite unique and the graphics if they were created would be the basis for a great graphic comic or science fiction movie. Bernadette is delusional but so is the rest of her team as Morgan fights for her life, Wesley tries to protect her, Alistair and Bernadette face off and a secret is revealed that will change Morgan’s life. Who wins? Who will remain to fight another day and the author includes a short story or chapter at the end that leads readers to possibly believe that the author is not done with Wes, Alistair and we get to know Genevieve Fox as he states that some endings just might be beginnings but who is he bringing back? Will Wesley go back to the police force now that Harris has more faith in him? When things get tense his father wants to intercede and take over you won’t believe what happens. The Witches Protection Program is vital to the protection and safety of witches, their families and anyone associated with them in order to make sure that the good wishes are never without security.

What is the fate of everyone? What happens when Bernadette completely loses it? Will she win? Will they finally stop the shipment and what clever methods does Junie employ you won’t believe her creativity? Join the fun, the battles and what about the Glow cream any takers? Once again author Michael Okon creates a novel filled with humor, sarcasm, suspense and unanswered questions. Will Morgan remain in the picture? What about her relationship with Alistair? Learn more when you wisely stay on the good side of the Davinas and read this novel.

Fran Lewis: Just reviews



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