It's so easy to neglect yourself and there is so much stigma about therapy. But you know... It's hard - and it's still hard to this day... But I'm so glad I walked down this path. If we're ill, most of us will probably just take some paracetamol and get on with our day (that's me to a t) but after a while if the illness persists, we start to worry. What if it's this? what if it's that - then we consult google and find out we have 24 hours to live then FINALY go to the dr's or hospital to try and fix what's wrong.
Same with injuries, we have something a bit sore, we leave it for a bit - but when it gets worse, we go to the hospital or physio - but the point is eventually when we see this noticeable problem growing - We Get It Sorted.
Therapy is the same man. Just like our bodies and our health our brains need a checkup as well ... why do we take such good care of our physical health but disregard the mental - why are we so ashamed to talk about it. You wouldn't feel embarrased saying I have a broken bone or a fractured something. But when we talk about mental health - we shy away, wonder what people will say, will they judge?
F**k them.
That's their problem not yours. If you broke your leg or something and ended up in a wheelchair then someone laughed at you - how would that be percieved?
Food for thought.
Anyway I hope you have a fantastic rest of your week. The podcast should be back up and running in a couple of weeks so we'll say aiming for May! I'll have plenty to rant, I mean talk about.