Heidi Timms

Heidi Timms Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Heidi Timms, Digital creator, .

There are HUGE amounts of high-frequency light coming through to our planet right now and it is ramping up in an enormou...

There are HUGE amounts of high-frequency light coming through to our planet right now and it is ramping up in an enormous scale.

So many of us are experiencing ascension symptoms like never before.

This means we are all integrating this light at a completely unequivocal rate right into the structure of our DNA.

As we begin to ascend into fifth-dimensional consciousness our bodies hold more light. A natural process of this is we clear any density, trauma, unresolved emotional baggage holding us anchored in the third-dimensional consciousness.

I've been in a revolving door with my shadows... facing, purging & understanding why I've never felt at home on this planet. Why I've always been the black sheep and never fit into any human construct.

Why I've never fit into any box that society has tried to put me in and I understand now that I am here as a SEEDER ☄

This process has been INTENSE...

I find I can't locate the words to appropriately describe energy most of the time. I see it in my mind's eye, read it in the field and feel it through my heart and there's no earthly language to articulate this. Telepathy has always made sense to me and felt more natural than the primitive human language.

Light Language has been the most profound tool for healing I have ever experienced and it's activating in lightworkers over the globe.

People are Awakening at a rate never seen before. What an exciting time to have chosen to incarnate.

We the Starseeds, Wayshowers and Lightworkers are gently showing the path.

For me this has felt like Mother Earth is pulsing and I can hear her voice through the stones, trees, dirt, air, grass, and water. It's like all of these elements are revealing a language and information that I hadn't been able to access to this degree until a few years ago.

Do you feel like you are trying to make sense of the world around you, your spiritual abilities and gifts and trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together? Or do you feel like you are well on your path of understanding?

This week I've felt like I'm walking between worlds...Like the veil is SO thin and I have one half of my soul in another...

This week I've felt like I'm walking between worlds...

Like the veil is SO thin and I have one half of my soul in another portion of existence in another space-time dimension.

I've felt blank every time I've gone to share on here and no human words to suitably describe what I've felt.

So many lightworkers are experiencing these effects right now...

Ready to leap and enter the void

Ready to breath more deeply than ever before

Ready to open ourselves to ancient waves of consciousness that our souls remember which are embedded in our DNA

We are being guided to exactly where we need to be

Who else can feel the massive expansion and upgrades streaming in right now???

Are you following your passions and/or life purpose?✨Do you know what your passions and life purpose are?✨This can be a ...

Are you following your passions and/or life purpose?✨

Do you know what your passions and life purpose are?✨

This can be a triggering/activating question when asked directly to your face...

No matter if the answer is yes, no or maybe you are exactly where you are meant to be right now?

It took me until 9 years ago to begin to uncover my soul mission. I ALWAYS knew what it was but I had to become brutally honest with myself and then cultivate the courage to follow it.

Would you be truly happy to live out the rest of your life, living as you do now?

How does that FEEL within your body?

Observe if there's any constriction or expansion?

Observe where those sensations are residing within your body.

Do it now...pause...breath...feel
If the answer is expansion, then you are following your bliss so keep going beautiful soul 💛💛💛

If the answer is constriction then would you be happy with feeling that way for the rest of your life????

If the answer is no then it’s up to YOU to pivot and find what it is that lights you up and pursue it!

The world NEEDS more souls who have activated their soul purpose/mission/passion work RIGHT NOW MORE THEN EVER!

By following my heart I have manifested two purpose-driven and passion-filled businesses that I feel complete EXPANSION within.

If you are feeling like you need gentle guidance, someone to look deeply into your field and support you to unlock your soul path then I might be your person.

Link in comments 👇👇👇👇👇

Let's talk about community...Who here is missing this vital piece in their lives and businesses???I sure was after havin...

Let's talk about community...

Who here is missing this vital piece in their lives and businesses???

I sure was after having my business for six and a half years.

I was on the entrepreneurial hamster wheel and felt exhausted by not being surrounded by other people reaching for their dreams too.

It was lonely, depleting and uninspiring

I put it out to the multiverse and she answered...

I discovered a global community of thousands of people all thinking outside the box

I discovered a community of people who were all shooting for their dreams and inspiring others to do the same.

They were leveraging a done for you business model that had a step by step process to take you from zero to six, seven figures.

Some had existing businesses like myself and some had no experience and knowledge but we're so committed to changing their lives and
learning the skills to actualise their dreams.

What excited me most was I could continue with my soul mission and purpose work and I could run this business model alongside it adding another income stream with the gift of community.

I said YES TO ME and I found my wild business tribe full of change-makers, visionaries who encourage and support me to shoot for my dreams ✨

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?I want to share some truths from literally years of hearing my own BS day after day.So here it ...


I want to share some truths from literally years of hearing my own BS day after day.

So here it is...

Are you waiting for the perfect timing?

There’s no such thing...it doesn't exist...it’s a load of rubbish we tell ourselves because we are afraid to step into our dreams right then and there.

If I waited for things to feel like a heck yeah and in perfect alignment then I’d probably be in the same position I was in...

If I waited for the money, to be debt free I sure as heck wouldn't be where I am

If I didn’t trust the opportunity that landed right in my lap, I'd still be where I was.

If I picked everything apart like I usually did and had to know all of the details, I would have found excuses to not start.

If I denied my own power to call in what I truly desired and needed, I would probably still be finding who I am as a Wombyn, Mother and Partner.

Feeling restricted in my life knowing I had a calling for something greater
Feeling lost like I wasn't fulfilling my dreams
Feeling disempowered and not taking full control of my life and future
Putting everyone's needs before my own then feeling resentful
Handing over my time for money and working for someone else's dreams
Building their empire because it’s “safe” and I didnt have to take any calculated risks

But because I wanted out of that way of living my life so badly knowing that if I did that for the rest of my life then I would be one unhappy and unfulfilled wombyn so instead I followed my heart, intuition, higher guidance, whatever it is that calls you forth

And I said YES to ME and I began to

Work on the most rewarding future I could ever possibly imagine for my family

Work toward lifetime income paid EVERY month even when I’m not working

Generational wealth
Eco evolution
Sustainable and conscious growth
Being in a community that radiates Freedom - Inner and Outer

If you have read this far, thank you
Here’s your chance to discover for yourself the power of seeing what’s being offered to you and saying yes to the next step.

If you wish to know more pop a
YES TO ME in the comments
And I’ll send you a 35min pre-recorded overview 💛

Every Sunday I sit for 2 hours with a group of beautiful wombyn who come together to learn and deepen our Shamanic roots...

Every Sunday I sit for 2 hours with a group of beautiful wombyn who come together to learn and deepen our Shamanic roots.

Last Sunday we journeyed with healing with the oceans 🌊

We were asked to create a medicine wheel, call in our guides and bring something within ourselves that needed healing.

What I brought to this was a question...

What is this veil sometimes I experience with my psychic abilities where I feel foggy like the answers are there but I can't see them?

I was transported to my childhood and shown EXACTLY what I was searching for


I experienced some extremely traumatic events as a child, like seeing a man hanging from the rafters in an old house we lived in

Or having deep paralysing fear in my sleep from being watched

Or being followed around the house and the temperature in the room going freezing cold

This is ALL from spirits that have passed over, there's a lot more but for the sake of sharing some of my journeys ill keep it relatively short.

None of this I understood and I had no guide to show me the ways of the spirit world and create safety for me to comprehend what I experienced

So I tried to shut my abilities down as much as I could by attempting to ignore them, drugs, alcohol, burying my head in the sand...

But what you resist, persists!

In all honesty, I had no choice but to open myself up again because I was beginning to get physically sick from not following my soul mission/purpose

So the reason I experienced this veil sometimes is that I STILL felt unsafe to be me ALL OF ME and let people see me, for me

The things I experience can't be put into human words most of the time and I can't translate them most of the time so I keep much to myself but this is all changing now because I have the ability to lean into what is uncomfortable and transmute it so I grow and expand myself

Now that I've asked the question, searched, then faced my shadows and gently leaned into the uncomfortable (again) and again, I am no longer UNSAFE.

I am held, always ❤

So my purpose to sharing this deeply personal experience is there are ALWAYS parts of ourselves that hold us back, that don't trust what we truly are and no matter the level of shadow work we have done there's always more to uncover....its an ongoing evolutionary journey, always.

You are safe here ❤

Your life is your imaginings expressed into physical form.Your imaginings are the manifestation into the physical world ...

Your life is your imaginings expressed into physical form.

Your imaginings are the manifestation into the physical world all of the things you believe in most (positive and not so) consciously and unconsciously.

So where you are right now in your life is a direct result of everything you believe...simple

If you aren't happy with where you see yourself then it's up to you and only you to change this.

As soon as I completely understood this I stepped out from being the passenger in my life to being in control of my dreams, visions and creating a beautiful life, living my soul's mission.

This is so important, do you agree?

To ALL the beautiful women out there in my circle and wider circle you are the seeds of change. Every time you stand up ...

To ALL the beautiful women out there in my circle and wider circle you are the seeds of change.

Every time you stand up and speak up
Every time you share your gifts
Every time you trust yourself
Every time you honour your boundaries
Every time you get out of your comfort zone
Every time you stand up for yourself
Every time you voice your opinions
Every time you lead with your heart
Every time you tap into your creativity
Every time you push the constraints of society
Every time you follow your intuition
Every time you take an opportunity for growth
Every time you invest in yourself
Every time you put your needs before everything

You lift the paradigm of suppression and shift our multidimensional selves into a new timeline with others collectively together ❤


So as some of you know I have an online business…however there are so many online businesses out there now, so I thought it was time I broke it down for you...

I was calling in another aligned stream of income for years leading up to find what I would describe as a New Earth business model.

I needed it to weave and complement my healing work as this is my soul mission and it always comes first.

So this New Earth business model works via attraction marketing (where your soul-aligned clients and customers are naturally attracted to what you embody, what you share on social media and your energy, simple!)

I partnered with an education academy that fully supports and gives me all the skills, mentorship and support I need to grow, thrive and monetise free social media platforms then I partnered with what is called a “high ticket offer”

What is a high ticket offer? You're wondering…

This is a product or service that has high commissions. So for example, if you were affiliated with a company that sells essential oils and you wanted to make $100 you would need to sell around $500 worth of oils at $20 commission per sale to make $100!! That's a lot of effort for not much reward.

However, if you are affiliated with a company that has a high ticket offer like I am then you would only need 1 sale per month to make an extra $1000!!

Do the maths…

So to make a very very healthy online income from anywhere in the world in the pockets of your time and build towards Generational Wealth ( which means that when your at a certain point in your business you receive monthly bonuses for the rest of your life and that gets passed onto your children or whoever else) this was a no brainer for me🤷‍♀️

There's a one time investment and you never lose your rank, everyone wins and the community is a bunch of soul sisters ( some of them below in the 4min clip) who are breaking free of the matrix, building their dreams and 100% embody and support each other to thrive together.

See what I mean about a New Earth business model! ✨ 🌏 ✨

If you're interested to know more about how I do this then I have a beautiful 35min video put together by my soul sisters that breaks this down in simple-sized chunks.

Comment below if you want me to send it to you and let's chat ✨


Let's talk about spirituality and money....For as long as I could remember I had this deep desire to be in financial ove...

Let's talk about spirituality and money....

For as long as I could remember I had this deep desire to be in financial overflow. From a young age, I always wanted to be "rich"...

Not to have big mansions, cars and expensive "things" but to have experiences, travel travel and more travel, eat only organic, be able to give my children life-changing opportunities for growth and fun, support charities with reforestation projects, have a magickal property and build community, have massages and healing treatments weekly and gift them to others.

Around 8 years ago when I asked my guides at the beach why I wasn't in a better financial position and what my subconscious beliefs around money were...well I wasn't prepared for what came up 🤦‍♀️

You can't be "spiritual" and be "rich" 🤢

This was so clear that it was like a bomb had been dropped 💥

All of my life I've been on my spiritual path, I had hippy parents, surrounded myself with people on their spiritual path, numerous courses, circles and workshops, owed property in Byron Bay and through all of these interactions and experiences I formed the deep beliefs that...

It's not "spirituality accepted" to be rich...

You can't evolve on your spiritual path with money...

Money does not bring evolution...

Money is evil and a human construct...

Money does not bring deep fulfilling happiness...

What a load of BS 🤦‍♀️

We vilify people who want for more 🤷‍♀️

I'm SO done with that mindset!!


Money in the hands of spiritual people will do phenomenal things to raise the collective consciousness!! 🙋‍♀️

So for the past 8 years, I've been dedicated AF to upgrading my money beliefs, doing the shadow work, breaking down and building from a firm foundation 💜

I know it's my responsibility to be financially abundant and it is yours too because you're not doing yourself or the world any favours by staying in scarcity and lack...sorry not sorry 😘

Are you looking for a Heart-Connected, Impact-Driven, Soul-Fired Tribe of Women making a difference AND an income? who h...

Are you looking for a Heart-Connected, Impact-Driven, Soul-Fired Tribe of Women making a difference AND an income? who has a step by step business model that you can run side by side & weave into your purpose work?

So you can BE more, DO more and CREATE more from a place of ease and feminine flow?

🌻 Do you want to grow your business to however many figures you desire and still have time for the things you LOVE?

🌻 Do you want to focus on bringing in more and more alignment to your business and life?

🌻 Are you ready to let go of the traumas
that are impacting how you show up in your life, business and relationships?

🌻 Because you're highly passionate, skilled & creative in you're purpose work yet you lack the step by step strategy, mindset and mentorship to hit your goals, but you don't want to invest in multiple programmes?

🌻 Are you ready to find your Tribe of women, who just like you, walk against the grain of convention, light your own path and are a change-maker with a massive mission on your heart, who shine your own soul light through a divine message that was written in your DNA to heal the world just by sharing your light?

Wednesday 02.02.2022 at 2.22pm NZ time you will have the opportunity to meet a collective of women who are doing all the above and who are holding a potent conversation with an opportunity to partner with us.

Grow your income, your impact and your soul's calling! PM me and I will send you the details or comment below 💛

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Release what no longer serves you...and you open yourself to far greater opportunities. When one door closes naturally a...

Release what no longer serves you...and you open yourself to far greater opportunities.

When one door closes naturally another opens

I find myself coming back online after a few weeks off social media to a massive heaviness dripping down my newsfeed

A heaviness that has sunk into so many peoples psyches and there's mass C@vid burnout.

I've shared plenty of info over the past 2 years that has been fear based (factual, but still fear-based) this lowers our frequency, this disempowers us then draws that lower energy to us like a moth to a flame which then self perpetuates.

So this year my priority is to uplift, to offer a perspective that raises your frequency and has clear authentic intent to permeate your field with consciousness-raising content and subjects.

The more we harness and redirect our attention towards higher perspectives the more we can operate from the heart regardless of the 3D narrative playing out ❤️

I choose to Empower

I choose to speak from a place of absolute expansion

We've got this beautiful beings of light ✨

Happiest of festive seasons to you from us. 2021...what a year!!

Happiest of festive seasons to you from us.

2021...what a year!!

After two and a half years of being a new mama (again for the 3rd time), closing my clinic in New Zealand and running my...

After two and a half years of being a new mama (again for the 3rd time), closing my clinic in New Zealand and running my businesses online, I'm finally seeing clients again for 1:1 hands-on treatments here in South Australia 🥳

How I've missed the power of touch 💛

One element I very much noticed was the difference in the heaviness my clients were holding within their physical and energy bodies.... Unquestionably more turmoil and layered fear.

I know the last 20 years cultivating knowledge in a professional capacity and a lifetime of unlocking my gifts has brought me to this time and space to assist particular people with their human experience, understanding their purpose and supporting them on their ascension journey.

I'm going to be checking out from social media for a wee while so I can honour myself and tune into the energies of 2022 and what I'm birthing through some magickal new offerings.

If you feel the call to work with me in a healing capacity or ready to bring in 2022 by starting your online business then send me a pm 🥰

Have a restful and peaceful transition into the new year 💛 xx

Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, encourage you to elevate yourself and are a few steps ahead of where y...

Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, encourage you to elevate yourself and are a few steps ahead of where you going is non-negotiable if you want to change from where you are currently to where you want to go.


It's going to cost you your comfort zone time and time again, you're going to get reeeeeally uncomfortable and have to stretch yourself so you can step into the person and life that you crave.

You're going to have to look at your shadows, triggers, outdated beliefs and behaviours and understand where they came from, what purpose they have served you and if they're serving you now for your growth.

I could never have stepped into the person I wanted to become if I had not looked at and faced front on those aspects of myself and walked through the fire of initiation.

There comes a time when we become so tired of our old ways, feel lost, unsatisfied and ache for a new path.

It starts with YOU and only YOU ☄

You are the ONLY person that is standing in your way 🤷‍♀️


So get out of your own way, blast the fear of failure and fear of success out of the water, stop self sabotaging and and stop saying 'next week, next month, next year' because that may never come and if you start NOW you will be leaps and bounds ahead then if you waited and played safe 💜

20 months ago I could see what was going to happen with these waxines...10 years ago my partner and I took the "red pill...

20 months ago I could see what was going to happen with these waxines...

10 years ago my partner and I took the "red pill" so we could read the terrain

14 months ago I began to prepare financially to exit the broken system

I did and am doing this by leveraging a 'done for you' online business model that is in total alignment with my beliefs and fully intergrates with my passions and established business

We are going to see variant after variant...cue more control, more💉 boosters, more 💉injuries & deaths, more laws being past that infringe in our basic human rights, more job losses, social credit system being implemented and the corporation that calls itself a government telling you what is the truth and follow these laws or else...and a whole bunch more that I won't go into on this page

So now that you have awoken to the truth what steps have you taken or you want to take to set yourself and your family up for the uncertain future?

Tomorrow we are sharing what women can do to set themselves up financially and begin to exit the broken system.

This model works for anyone who has a business already or not at all, it works for anyone from all walks of life BUT it only works if you are committed to upgrading your beliefs around what is possible and available to you.

Pop a comment below if you want in and I'll send you the details 💛

Coming soon...

Coming soon...

∆I want to have a conversation about women in their smallness∆ NO ONE is coming to save you...NO ONE is coming to rip yo...

∆I want to have a conversation about women in their smallness∆

NO ONE is coming to save you...

NO ONE is coming to rip you out of your current situation and place you into your dream life...NO ONE

NO ONE is going to hand you your dreams

NO ONE is going to walk you through the fire and do your INNER work for you

ON ONE is going to make you slow down and listen to your inner guidance for you to get the answers you so deeply desire

ON ONE is going to do your money work for you and heal your blocks to gain financial freedom

ON ONE is going to stop you from people-pleasing so you step into an empowered feminine goddess

ON ONE is going to set boundaries for you and teach people how to treat you

ON ONE is going to do the work on your throat chakra over and over and over so you start speaking your truth

ON ONE is going to liberate you from the bo***ge of eons of divine feminine suppression and ancestral trauma that has kept you playing small

ON ONE is going to open your eyes to YOUR light and provoke you to search for your life purpose, your soul blueprint or your spiritual awakening

It's up to YOU and YOU alone to walk through the fire, do the INNER WORK and keep following what ONLY feels right in your body, because the body is the tuning folk for Galactic consciousness to anchor in your human form

∆ YOUR medicine is someone else's key to help them unlock their medicine ∆

I'm launching my new website in November and I'm finally offering my Channelled Energy Readings, Business Mentorship and my first online course to take you though a step by step process to unlocking your psychic abilities as well as ReLaunching my high frequency skincare collection.

If you want to be placed on my waiting list for exclusive offers and updates then jump into the link below.


∆∆∆ What you seek is seeking you ∆∆∆I was reminded today in multiple ways of the immense and profound power of simply pu...

∆∆∆ What you seek is seeking you ∆∆∆

I was reminded today in multiple ways of the immense and profound power of simply putting your intention out into the multiverse and allowing what you seek to come in divine timing.

Being in the energy of receiving and allowing

Listening to the whispers

Leaning into trust

Taking aligned action

I spent too many years to count in the masculine energy of push goal-driven hustle

The past few years I've rejected anything that looked like and felt like that energy

When we allow what is meant for us to come to us we create a direct link with the source where what we desire is housed

Then it flows effortlessly to us like placing ourselves into a river where we are completely supported by the current that is moving us downstream with ease and grace

I wanted to know my Starseed origin...so I learnt

I wanted to acknowledge my psychic abilities...so I unlocked them

I needed to heal my ancestral trauma...so I sat in it and journeyed

I wanted to communicate with plants...so I listened

I wanted to work with sacred sites, portals & grids....so I tuned in & was shown in divine timing when I was energetically ready for the work

I wanted to surround myself with people of the highest possible frequency....so I cast my net far and wide and they were sent to me

I wanted to be in feminine flow with my business...so I listened to my body and she showed me the way

So everything you seek is seeking you, you first must listen and take aligned action that feels good in all the ways.

Sacred knowledge is always freely available ✨ You just need to listen

∆Shifting density residing within your body∆Last month I journeyed with 25 women in a private container for 21 days of e...

∆Shifting density residing within your body∆

Last month I journeyed with 25 women in a private container for 21 days of embodiment practices.

This full moon has kicked my butt and with all the chaos and crumbling happening, I could feel it begin to creep into my field, body and human mind.

So this morning I engaged in additional embodiment practises then what I normally do on the daily because my soul was screaming for a release of the density I was carrying.

So I danced, shook and shook that dense energy out of me, channelled light language, did the sacral pump (which is so freaken powerful, thank you Corrie to no end ❤) released through my voice and then laid out in the sunshine and dined on chocolate.

I now have the tools now more then ever to process in a healthy way any unwanted emotions that are sitting within my field so they don't trickle down into my physical body and cause me mental, emotional and physical pain.

What are your embodiment practice for when you are feeling all the feels and need to release in a healthy way?

What do you stand for? It's a question I've asked myself intently over the past 21 months of this global "situation" In ...

What do you stand for?

It's a question I've asked myself intently over the past 21 months of this global "situation"

In my humanness I've certainly been through the spectrum of emotions like we all have from massive confusion to anger and rage to deep sadness for a world so lost.

I have been feeling so much anger come up for me over the past few days.

This morning I learnt that for my family and myself to get home to NZ as of February 1st we will need the 💉💉💉

And this is a gigantic ❌❌❌❌❌❌

From the very moment that this 💉 was suggested as a possible "solution" to ending this EVERYTHING IN MY ENTIRE BEING SAID NO!! I 100 % trust my immune system 💃

I know without a single doubt that this 💉 is not for my family.

I've done my due diligence and am completely informed. I've questioned EVERYTHING and have come to a very firm NO.

I stand for my childrens freedoms

I stand for my right to question "orders"

I stand for my sovereign self

I stand for truth, honestly and transparency

I stand for independent critical thinking

I stand for choice

I stand for moving my families life closer to
nature and stepping away from conformity

I stand for taking daily steps to eject myself from the constriction of a society in fear

I stand for becoming so financially resilient that nothing has a hold over my income or earning potential

I stand for living a life closer to nature and my children retaining their innocence

I urge YOU to tune in and ask yourself " is this 💉 for me?" Be brave and listen to what comes up.

Regards if you choose to take the 💉 or not we NEED to unify, to come together and take a stand for our freedoms and our freedom to choose.

What do you stand for?

Let's explore contrast for a minute...We have this misconception within our society to believe that when we are experien...

Let's explore contrast for a minute...

We have this misconception within our society to believe that when we are experiencing challenging times we believe it to be "bad" or involving emotions we don't necessarily
want to feel.

Lately I've been experiencing the contrast of E-motions (Energy in Motion)

Instability with my physical surroundings and where we want to put down roots
Within my relationship
Within my motherhood
Within my body that keeps purging

I've been a rock for my family whilst we navigate through some very heavy personal things and after getting pretty "sick" and my body is still purging after a month...releasing old sticky stuck energies that no longer serve.

I can feel I'm on the precipice of an entirely new energy upgrade and spreading my wings further.

Right... back to the contrast...

How would we know the full range of feelings we are capable of in our human form if it were not for our incredible ability to FEEL all of our EMOTIONS.

I've been releasing the conditioning that we are meant to be happy all the time...who the heck made that s**t up!

Part of this is that there are people who hold light and anchor frequencies into mumma earth. This means we are transmuting the collective consciousness into higher dimensions...which means we FEEL it ALL.

That's why we incarnated into this time space reality...BUT gosh is it exhausting atm!

How would you know what pure joy, love and elation feels like if you didn't know sorrow, desperation and anger?

So if you are feeling the vast contrast of your E-motions then know it's perfect and IT WILL PASS.... you're doing beautifully, keep going!



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