Microsoft Flight simulator - The Great Pyramid of Giza
Lets start off with exploring The Great Pyramid of Giza! Microsoft flight simulator 2020 does not disappoint with their graphics! Microsoft has used real world data, with live weather via Bing maps! Microsoft flight simulator has outdone themselves with this one!
Enjoy video #1 of the series exploring famous landmarks in Microsoft flight simulator 2020
Flying around Seattle inverted when this happened!
So many questions with no answers! Where did the plane go!? Did everyone survive?!?
This game is so beautiful! What was you first impresion when it released?
Falling off the train in Warzone be like
How many times have you been in this situation while trying to take over the train?
Why am i so stubborn...
Mini Royale win! My stubbornness got the best of me!
First time seeing a Sin A Storm video? Drop in to one of the live streams! Mon - Wed - Fri 5:00 Pm PST!
Merch!! --
Monthly Giveaways!! --
OHHH I almost got youuu!!
New highest kill count for me in plunder!
First time seeing a Sin A Storm video? Drop in to one of the live streams! Mon - Wed - Fri 5:00 Pm PST!
Merch!! --
Monthly Giveaways!! --
Song 1: Super Chubtastic - Secret Agent 23 Skidoo
Song 2: Devil (feat. Barbasauce) - Neko Fuzz
Clips of the week!
Clips of the week!! It has been a great week for sniper kills and explosions!
First time seeing a Sin A Storm Video? Come check out a live stream Mon - Wed - Fri 5:00Pm PST!
Merch!! --
Monthly Giveaways!! --
Song -- Toast by Mike Floss
Explosions! but HOW!
Explosions!! But how!? Dumbfounded buy these 2 clips! i have no idea how i did it but its awesome!! The giveaway is live till August 31, 2020! Check the pinned post on the page for more details!
Dont forget to check out my youtube channel! Like follow and shure for more content! Live mon - wed -fri 5:00pm PST!
Subscribe to my youtube:
Monthly giveaway starts here!:
2 man squad just won plunder!?
Frankenbullet and I teamed up and got this incredible win! First time winning plunder with only 2 people!
First time seeing a Sin A Storm Gaming video? Make sure to give it a like and a follow!
I stream Monday - Wendnesday - Friday - 5:00 PM PST
Check out my Youtube:
!!!GIVEAWAY!!! Three lucky people are going to win a $50 Game giftcard (Steam, Xbox game pass or PS store, Your choice!) More Details on how to enter to win are in the pined post on Sin A Storm Gaming's page!! Good luck!
They didn't see it coming!
Squad wipe out of no where, They didnt know what hit em!
Clip from 7/24 stream. Come check out a stream mon, wed and fri 5:00pm PST.
I do not own rights to the music, Music is NCS