
StudySession Welcome to StudySession! In my videos I try to make concise and effective education videos to help s


Let’s talk about how to study less and learn more. It’s almost time for the beginning of the new school year 2021. In this video we’ll talk about how you can get good grades in school! My goal with this channel is to allow students all over the world to learn for free, in videos that are concise and topic-specific. However, this still does not address a major reason students struggle to get good grades in school. This is poor time-management. In this video I talk about various techniques to allow you to retain information you study better!

This timeline is meant to help you better understand how to study less and learn more:
0:00 Introduction.
0:16 Goals of this video.
0:43 Reasons students struggle in school.
2:06 How to be a better student.
4:36 Cue Card study technique.
5:03 Cheat Sheet study technique.
6:27 Optimizing study sessions.
7:40 Outro

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Welcome to our beginner’s OpenFOAM course. The goal for this OpenFOAM course is to help foster in new OpenFOAM users through a series of videos that are concise and well explained with the knowledge that the initial learning curve can be a bit challenging. This playlist of videos will cover everything from a walkthrough of how to download OpenFOAM on various operating systems, to creating geometries, meshes, running your own simulations even in OpenFOAM and everything in between.

“This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software via, and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks.”

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This video is part of our beginner’s OpenFOAM playlist. OpenFOAM is a free, open-source CFD software mainly developed by OpenCFD Ltd. This OpenFOAM course is designed to help new user’s navigate through what can be an initial difficult learning curve. This introductory OpenFOAM course will cover everything that a new OpenFOAM user needs to get started.


Rational functions are functions that are ratios to one polynomial over another polynomial. In this video we talk more in depth about what a rational function is, how to find discontinuities in rational functions, how to find vertical, horizontal and slant asymptotes of rational functions.

This timeline is meant to help you better understand what rational functions are:
0:00 Introduction.
0:14 What is a Rational Function?
0:35 Review of Polynomials
1:00 Things to look out for in rational functions.
2:27 Holes in rational functions
3:04 Vertical Asymptotes
3:28 Horizontal Asymptotes
5:46 Outro

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This video is part of our Precalculus playlist. Precalculus is typically taught in the 10th grade, however, sometime later. Precalculus courses typically cover algebra and trigonometry. The purpose of taking a Precalculus course is to prepare students with many mathematic fundamentals for future calculus courses.


Energy balances are commonly used in process modelling. Process modelling is our way of finding equations to accurately describe the physical system that we are studying. Energy balances are required when there is the potential for fluctuating temperature within your control volume (your region of interest).

General Balance Equation for Process models:

This timeline is meant to help you understand how to use a mass balances:
0:00 Introduction.
0:21 Steps to develop ODE from energy balance.
0:58 Energy Balance example.
6:33 Outro

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This video is part of our Control Systems course. Control Systems (also known as Process Dynamics Control) is the study of systems to minimize dynamic fluctuations in systems. In this playlist we will learn everything from the fundamentals to discussing how to develop theoretical and empirical process models!


The solid angle derivation and intuition are both presented in this video. We go through what a solid angle is and the intuition behind solid angles. A Solid angle is a 2-dimensional angle in 3-dimensional space and it can be used to find the angle or surface area a given surface occupies. The information presented in this video is a necessary foundation to our next video on radiation intensity.

Worked example using the solid angle:

This timeline is meant to help you understand solid angles:
0:00 Introduction.
0:22 Review of planar angles (1D Angles) and radians.
1:18 Introduction to solid angles.
3:20 Solid angle derivation.
6:59 Outro

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This video is part of our Heat Transfer course. Heat Transfer is an interesting field of study and focuses primarily around the three modes of heat transfer, that is conduction, convection and radiation. This is taught in just about all engineering courses and I hope that this playlist will make what is typically considered a tough course much easier for you.


Let’s talk about thermoset polymer properties and briefly about the production methods of thermoset polymers. Thermoset polymers are incredibly useful and multi-purpose. In this video we go through some of the general properties that many thermoset polymers have and briefly we talk about the ways in which thermosets are produced, however, these production methods will be covered more in depth in future videos.

This timeline is meant to help you better understand the properties and production methods for thermoset polymers:
0:00 Introduction
0:22 Review of Thermoset Polymers
1:16 General Thermoset Polymer Properties
3:05 Common Thermoset Production Methods
3:36 Outro

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This video is part of our polymer engineering course. Polymer engineering is the study of polymers. In particular the study of polymers different properties and characteristics. In this playlist we will learn everything from the fundamentals of polymers to a more complex understanding of how polymers are derived and characterized.


There are 5 basic chemical reactions that we will frequently see in this reaction engineering course. The 5 types of chemical reactions are Synthesis Reaction, Decomposition Reaction, Single Replacement Reaction, Double Replacement Reaction and Combustion Reactions!

This timeline is meant to help you better understand single reaction systems:
0:00 Introduction.
0:10 Types of Chemical reactions
0:35 Synthesis Reactions.
1:11 Decomposition Reactions.
1:53 Single-Replacement Reactions.
2:45 Double-Replacement Reactions.
3:17 Combustion Reactions.
4:44 Outro

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This video is part of our Chemical Reaction Engineering course. Chemical reaction engineering (also known as reactor and reaction engineering) is a course that introduces that relationship between the study of both chemical kinetics (the rate and manner in which chemical species react to create another chemical species) and the types of reactors that chemical reactions take place in (batch reactor, plug-flow reactor etc…). Throughout this course we will talk about how to design various chemical reactors, economics of developing a chemical reactor and many more interesting topics.


Mass balances are commonly used in process modelling. Process modelling is our way of finding equations to accurately describe the physical system that we are studying. Mass balances are required when there is the potential for fluctuating mass within your control volume (your region of interest.

General Balance Equation for Process models:

This timeline is meant to help you understand how to use a mass balances:
0:00 Introduction.
0:37 Steps to develop ODE from mass balance.
1:16 Mass Balance example.
6:46 Outro

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This video is part of our Control Systems course. Control Systems (also known as Process Dynamics Control) is the study of systems to minimize dynamic fluctuations in systems. In this playlist we will learn everything from the fundamentals to discussing how to develop theoretical and empirical process models!


The fractional function in heat transfer is a way of understanding how much (as a fraction) emission occurs within a certain range of wavelengths over the total emission from the blackbody. Therefore, understanding the fractional function can help us understand how energy is distributed when released from a blackbody.

Reference to “The Blackbody Fraction, Infinite Series and Spreadsheets”:

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This video is part of our Heat Transfer course. Heat Transfer is an interesting field of study and focuses primarily around the three modes of heat transfer, that is conduction, convection and radiation. This is taught in just about all engineering courses and I hope that this playlist will make what is typically considered a tough course much easier for you.


Let’s talk about thermoplastic polymer properties briefly about the production methods of thermoplastic polymers. Thermoplastic polymers are incredibly useful and multi-purpose. In this video we go through some of the general properties that many thermoplastic polymers have and briefly we talk about the ways in which thermoplastics are produced, however, these production methods will be covered more in depth in future videos.

This timeline is meant to help you better understand the properties and production methods for thermoplastic polymers:
0:00 Introduction
0:21 Review of Thermoplastic Polymers
1:39 General Thermoplastic Polymer Properties
3:05 Common Thermoplastic Production Methods
3:57 Outro

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This video is part of our polymer engineering course. Polymer engineering is the study of polymers. In particular the study of polymers different properties and characteristics. In this playlist we will learn everything from the fundamentals of polymers to a more complex understanding of how polymers are derived and characterized.


Classes and instances in Python are extremely interesting and useful! Python classes are defined objects that act as a blueprint to python instances. Python instances are created sub-objects of the classes. For example a python class could be a car and you would define lots of key attributes about a car and every instance of that class would have its own characteristics to fill in that arguments created by the python class!

This timeline is meant to help you better understand python classes, instances, attributes and methods:
0:00 Introduction.
0:11 What is a class in Python?
0:40 What is an instance in Python?
1:15 What is a Python Method?
1:32 What is a Python Attribute?
2:00 Empty class in Python
2:29 Class and instance example.
4:50 How to print attribute of a class in Python
5:22 Outro

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What is Python and why you should learn Python? Python programming, in particular Python 3, is a growing programming language that is loved by many programmers due to its simple syntax and ease of use. Python allows for relatively easy debugging of your codes and there are many beautiful Python IDE’s available for free to make coding more enjoyable. Python is also very popular among Data Scientists and many machine learning applications.


Nonlinear numerical methods are incredibly useful in many aspects of modern STEM, probably much more than you may realize. In this video I talk about what non-linear equations are and briefly go over how we can solve non-linear systems of equations in numerical methods!

This timeline is meant to help you better understand what nonlinear numerical methods are:
0:00 Introduction.
0:17 Review of Linear Equations / Systems of Linear Equations
0:56 What is a nonlinear equation / system of nonlinear equations
1:10 What does solving a nonlinear equation mean?
2:00 Introduction to closed loop methods.
2:27 Introduction to open loop methods.
2:55 Help solving nonlinear equations.
3:20 Outro

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This video is part of our Numerical Methods course. Numerical methods is about solving math problems through approximating the solution of problems that would be difficult or impossible to solve analytically. In this playlist we will cover topics such as solving systems of linear equations, solving systems of non-linear equations, numerical integration, numerical derivatives, etc..


Gauss-Seidel Method is an iterative numerical method that can be used to easily solve non-singular linear matrices. In this video we go over how you can implement the Gauss-Seidel Method in Microsoft Excel.

Proof the matrix is diagonally-dominant: [YouTube](

This timeline is meant to help you better understand how to solve a linear matrix using Jacobi Iteration in Microsoft Excel:
0:00 Introduction
0:19 What is the Gauss-Seidel Method?
0:33 Problem Introduction
1:05​ Implementing Gauss-Seidel Method into Microsoft Excel.
4:55 Outro

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This video is part of our Numerical Methods course. Numerical methods is about solving math problems through approximating the solution of problems that would be difficult or impossible to solve analytically. In this playlist we will cover topics such as solving systems of linear equations, solving systems of non-linear equations, numerical integration, numerical derivatives, etc..


Gauss-Seidel Method is an iterative numerical method that can be used to easily solve non-singular linear matrices. In this video we go over the theory behind how to solve a matrix with Gauss-Seidel Method. In the next video however, I will solve some practice problems using the Gauss-Seidel iterative numerical method.

This timeline is meant to help you better understand the theory behind the Gauss-Seidel Method:
0:00 Introduction.
0:18 Requirements for Gauss-Seidel Method.
0:26 Diagonal dominance in iterative numerical methods.
0:51 Checking for diagonal dominance.
1:30 Gauss-Seidel Method Example.
4:05 Validating Gauss-Seidel Method Results.
5:16 Outro

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This video is part of our Numerical Methods course. Numerical methods is about solving math problems through approximating the solution of problems that would be difficult or impossible to solve analytically. In this playlist we will cover topics such as solving systems of linear equations, solving systems of non-linear equations, numerical integration, numerical derivatives, etc..


Reciprocal functions are very distinctive from their graphical shape. In this video we talk about what reciprocal functions are and go through some examples of identifying reciprocal functions mathematically and identifying reciprocal functions graphically.

This timeline is meant to help you better understand what reciprocal functions are:
0:00 Introduction.
0:08 Review of functions
0:37 What are reciprocal functions?
1:34 General reciprocal function
2:13 Identify the reciprocal function equation
3:40 Identify the reciprocal function graph
4:51 Outro

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This video is part of our Precalculus playlist. Precalculus is typically taught in the 10th grade, however, sometime later. Precalculus courses typically cover algebra and trigonometry. The purpose of taking a Precalculus course is to prepare students with many mathematic fundamentals for future calculus courses.


Storing and printing strings in C++ is an excellent starting point to learning how to code in C++. Strings are characters that are strung together and they provide us a great way to using regular text in C++ and many other programming languages. In this video we talk about storing strings as variables in C++ and how to print strings in C++.

This timeline is meant to help you better understand how to use and store strings in C++:
0:00 Introduction.
0:13 What are strings in C++?
0:42 Printing a string in C++
1:53 Storing a string as a variable in C++
2:08 Using namespace std in C++
3:02 Outro

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This video is part of our learn C++ course. C++ is the original object-oriented programming languages is used in tons of things you interact with daily like search engines, various applications, game engines, simulation or video editing software and much more! In this series we will take you from a novice C++ coder to someone confident in their abilities to develop your own code using C++!


The extent of reaction is a method for understanding our reacting system through seeing how many “steps” our reaction takes. The extent of reaction is particularly useful in multiple reaction systems as conversion really only works for single reaction systems.

This timeline is meant to help you better understand single reaction systems:
0:00 Introduction.
0:37 What are the benefits of using the extent of reaction?
1:02 Single reaction system extent of reaction example.
2:47 Multiple reaction system extent of reaction example.
6:02 Outro

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This video is part of our Chemical Reaction Engineering course. Chemical reaction engineering (also known as reactor and reaction engineering) is a course that introduces that relationship between the study of both chemical kinetics (the rate and manner in which chemical species react to create another chemical species) and the types of reactors that chemical reactions take place in (batch reactor, plug-flow reactor etc…). Throughout this course we will talk about how to design various chemical reactors, economics of developing a chemical reactor and many more interesting topics.


The Gauss-Seidel Method is an iterative numerical method that can be used to easily solve non-singular linear matrices. In this video we go over the theory behind how to solve a matrix with Gauss-Seidel Method. In the next video however, I will solve some practice problems using the Gauss-Seidel iterative numerical method.

This timeline is meant to help you better understand the theory behind the Gauss-Seidel Method:
0:00 Introduction.
0:10 What is the Gauss-Seidel Method Method?
0:39 Steps to solving a linear system of equations with the Jacobi Method.
4:30 Outro

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This video is part of our Numerical Methods course. Numerical methods is about solving math problems through approximating the solution of problems that would be difficult or impossible to solve analytically. In this playlist we will cover topics such as solving systems of linear equations, solving systems of non-linear equations, numerical integration, numerical derivatives, etc..



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