I'm still here, I promise!!!
Schmeeownsyou here!
I wanna thank everyone who's been super supportive and checking in on me throughout this year, had a rough go of it and it's been tough to make myself post and update my socials. As I say in the video I am thinking about starting up a Twitch stream because I like to think I'm funny and it might be a good idea. Lemme know in the comments or my DMs if you think this is a good idea or not!
I had to reshoot this a few times because I was unaware of the 1 minute limit for videos on Insta (shows how often I post long videos).
#twitchstreamermaybe #goodorbadidea #stuckinmybrain #iamstillhere #youguysareamazing #thankyouforwatching #schmeeownsyou
Call me Flankrat
No healing! I hold a special hatred in my heart for Ana and her cursed snipe heals! Technically this counts as flanking right? I could go so far as to call myself Flankrat, right? Too late, it's done!
#flankrat #nohealingana #minekilling #sirboomalot #isaidnohealing #thiscountsasaflankright #junkrat #highlight #schmeeownsyou #ps4
Normally I'd make a bad joke about bunker-busting with a duck, but I like duck-busting better! Nifty little double with a little shield breakage and my terrible driving as a bonus!
#duckbusting #bunkerbustingwithaduck #yourshieldmeansnothingtome #quackquack #doublekill #junkrat #highlight #schmeeownsyou #ps4
I think this highlight created a new, stranger form of rock-paper-scissors? Introducing : Pin-Swing-Rock! Pin and Swing both win against each other, but Rock beats all clearly...
#pinswingrock #reinhardt #thatllteachyoutowalkwithoutlooking #slapthathealer #ohnoarock #highlight #schmeeownsyou #ps4
Eat My Turrets!
I do love getting Sym on Mystery Heroes, especially on point defense maps like Ilios! I prefer booping characters, but this one warms my heart and my controller! Fairly weak double but eat my turrets!!!
#weakdoubles #eatmyturrets #mysteryheroes #minilazors #symmetra #potg_ow #schmeeownsyou #ps4
How dare you sir! I was minding my own business just boosting into a wall when you decide to pin me! How rude! Take this! And that! And one of these! And you over there crouching down trying not to be seen! HAVE AT YOU!
#howdareyou #doilooklikeiwantthat #haveatyou #nosneakattacksfromyou #takethis #andthat #andoneofthese #reinhardt #highlight #schmeeownsyou #ps4
You Shall Not Pass!
No bridges for you! I channeled my inner Gandalf with my smooth rider boy Lucy and knocked those pesky healers right off that bridge before they could do much more than cry and scream "POR QUE?!"
#porque #peskyhealers #boop #actuallydoubleboop #gandalfvibes #youshallnotpass #smoothriderboy #lucio #potg_ow #schmeeownsyou #ps4
Zero G Death Hammer!
Baby D.Va may have killed me, but I made her body flop around in Zero G as revenge!
#highlight #makethatbodyflop #nogravityforyou #revengestrike #pinslapstrike #rienhardt #highlight #ps4 #schmeeownsyou
I picked this up a while ago and just never got around to editing and posting! I totally wasn't going for Baptiste but he got in my way! Fear me and my mighty beam of doom! Also a nice shoutout to Mei for that nifty wall!
#surprisedouble #whyyoudothis #thanksmei #fearmybeam #donttrytorun #highlight #overwatch #moira #ps4 #schmeeownsyou