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Mecé Magazine A Lifestyle Dream

The cover for our upcoming November issue of MECÉ ranks right up there as one of, if not the, sexiest covers we’ve offer...

The cover for our upcoming November issue of MECÉ ranks right up there as one of, if not the, sexiest covers we’ve offered! Gorgeous legs leading up to a gorgeous behind and then up to a beautiful face, it’s just everything you want to draw attention to the cover of a magazine.

Is it on the edge? But of course, it is!!

I want it to make you look twice, even three times! But believe me, all you’re seeing are curves, nothing more I can assure you of that!!

But do buy the issue and open it up, as the inside offers more heat, not just more gorgeous images, but some great editorial content as well...

As I’ve written in the past, we pride ourselves on the editorial content as much as the photography and beautiful ladies.

The November MECÉ drops in only a couple days!

Since I have this weekend off from my tour through Florida, I’m laying up at a hotel in Boca Raton. But before you start...

Since I have this weekend off from my tour through Florida, I’m laying up at a hotel in Boca Raton. But before you start saying why aren’t you at the beach, it’s been cloudy here, so I’ve been taking advantage of the time to do some writing for MECÉ’s upcoming November issue.

For you subscribers you all know at the end of every issue I write something called, A Loving Look Back. It’s basically a place where I write something that happened in my life, or some bit of information I feel photogs might enjoy reading, but hopefully, always something fascinating and involving my life in some manner.

This month I’m writing about being published and why you should pursue it or not, the how and such that I feel is something interesting and I hope, will help photographers out there to give that a go.

While pulling some stuff for that I came across some images I did for a magazine down in the Bahamas. It was a fashion shoot for a boutique in Atlantis, I believe Valentino to be exact.

We had spent the day at the beach shooting beachy stuff, (scored a cover) some stuff just outside of a restaurant that had a very cool, Bond girl vibe, and we were all pretty darn tired as the sun began to set. So, we set out to find another place to have a nice dinner. It was suggested we go to this one particular restaurant that sat on a bluff overlooking the ocean with a wonderful view of the setting sun. So, off we went.

When we arrived, it was fantastic. But as I got out of the van, I saw what looked like wooden stairs leading down from the bluff. Of course, I had to walk over to see where they went. As I looked down, I saw a small, old wooden dock. Then, just off a short distance away a sailboat anchored. As I continued to look, I saw how the ocean was reflecting the setting sun off it combined with the blues and it looked absolutely magnificent. Well, guess what? Yep, as my crew and cast begin to slowly walk toward the restaurant, I yelled at them to ‘wait a minute’!

My two assistants simply looked at each and knew instantly what that meant. They went to the van and began to pull out gear. I ran over and told my makeup artist to get Cora freshened up as quickly as possible and meet us down on that down some 50 ft below and to be careful on the stairs as they were steep.

My guys had already pulled my Hensel ring light and a second head and were heading down along with a couple light stands. They knew exactly what I would ask for and were already on it.

I also told Cora, my model, to throw on the Valentino jacket and for her to keep her black bikini bottoms on and for my makeup artist to put the shiny silver wig on her. Then I grabbed my camera and a couple lenses and headed down to the dock.

Once there I told my guys I needed a side light from the right since having one of them in the ocean was out of the question, as it was quite deep where this small dock sat, so please figure it out. My assistant said he would hold onto the end post then hang out a bit while holding the strobe in order to keep it from striking her face, only the jacket and her legs, perfect.

Next it was setting up the ring, which I had my other assistant hold so I could shoot the traditional way, through it. Next, to determine the exposure. I did a couple pics of the setting sun and clouds to determine it, then used my strobe meter to set the exposure for the ring.

Now, as all you photographers know, when you turn your makeup artist loose to “freshen” a model, even when time is of the absolute essence, they still move at a snail’s pace. It’s just inherent, always. But at the same time, I respect what they’re doing too, it’s just that when the sun is setting and you’re needing to shoot ‘something’, well, you do tend to get a little impatient. Plus, those two still had to work their way down to the dock!

As I began to use the radio asking, how close are we, a few dozen times, finally I hear them coming down the stairs, and so worth the wait! Cora looked stunning. But the sun had set and all we had was that glow, but man, what a glow. Add to the fact the boat sitting off in the distance had turned on their lights, well, the magic was ready to happen.

Cora looked dazzling in every shot, the strobes worked, my assistant hanging out over the water did not fall into the ocean and we got one incredible picture for the boutique (and our portfolios).

Don’t ask, because yes, this was shot totally on location in the Bahamas!


I am back in Florida doing my driving gig, and now, a cloudy Florida, with yesterday and today also a very windy Florida...

I am back in Florida doing my driving gig, and now, a cloudy Florida, with yesterday and today also a very windy Florida too. But that’s from a cold front moving down from the north so it should pass in the next few days, hopefully. But I can’t wait for the sun again!

While I’m traveling and doing this program during the day, at night I’m always thinking about the next issue of MECÉ, which is always just a few weeks away, with this next one being November.

How can it already be nearly November? Look out, 2025 is coming sooner than we think.

Anyway, we have more great stuff for all my readers, along with a quite gorgeous redhead appearing in the middle, named Alexis.

Here's just something to whet the appetite and make you go pick up a current October copy, with the beautiful, blonde Mallory, to get ready for the November soon to follow! Both are stunning issues I might add! Even if I do say so myself! LMAO

Okay, I must get ready for the day, so enjoy Alexis, but also grab the current October issue with Mallory, you will love them both, promise!

October is here and so is our October issue of MECÉ! And our cover model is one gorgeous Texas gal. Her name is Mallory,...

October is here and so is our October issue of MECÉ! And our cover model is one gorgeous Texas gal. Her name is Mallory, and we are so excited to have her as our MITM!

As always, we have two additional pictorials with one of those a pictorial I did during the August 2nd party we threw in Dallas. The theme was based on the movie, Eyes Wide Shut which we’ve titled, Eyes Wide Open. Two of our centerfold models along with a blind-folded pianist creating a very provocative feature. A hint is in the center picture below.

In our September issue we began a three-part feature on a man by the name of Epstein. Yeah, that guy, the one who didn’t kill himself.

We are doing a three-part exposé on the man. It’s an in-depth piece and if you’ve not yet read Part I, grab the September issue, then grab Part 2 in our October issue.

Grab your copy or better yet, a subscription @ MECÉ Magazine (dot) com! (I can’t put the real link or FB will accuse me of spamming).

And there’s so much more!


As you have, I’m sure noticed, in just another day or so another month rolls around. Yes, October is upon us already! Wo...

As you have, I’m sure noticed, in just another day or so another month rolls around. Yes, October is upon us already! Wow, the year is into its home stretch!!!

So, I’m just gonna post this photograph here for now with more to be said about the subject a bit later.


Anyone who doesn’t read this post will assume I shot these pictures, but I DID NOT. They were done by one of my contribu...

Anyone who doesn’t read this post will assume I shot these pictures, but I DID NOT. They were done by one of my contributors to MECÉ, his name is Robert Cairns.

Robert is located down in southern Florida and has photographed some gorgeous ladies who love MECÉ and want to be a part of it. Which of course I love, as do my readers, as you might guess!

This young lady’s name is CeCe, and she is in the current August issue.

So, anyone out there who has not yet looked into my magazine, well, you might want to give it a try. I think you may be more than pleasantly surprised at the content.

Besides beautiful women, we also have some great reading material as well! You know how guys buy it for the articles, well, I give them some awesome articles to read!

In closing, should any of you photographers out there feel your work fits the look of MECÉ, go to the website,, and check out the submission guidelines found there. You just might be published one day should you wish it...

Since the party we held in Dallas, I’ve stayed in Dallas for a short while looking for more talent for MECÉ, which I mus...

Since the party we held in Dallas, I’ve stayed in Dallas for a short while looking for more talent for MECÉ, which I must say is going very well.

Then yesterday I received a call from a dear friend in Longview, where I first began my photography career and my home, saying that one of the actors from Deadpool was doing a signing at the Roughneck Harley-Davidson store in Longview. The actor’s name is Randal Reeder.

Now, I met Randal, gosh, probably a dozen or more years ago when I was still living in LA. We had lunch together and had a chance to talk about some people we both knew from down Texas way, even talking about possibly doing something together in the future.

But, as luck would have it, he got super busy as did I and we’ve been doing our own thing ever since.

Now, it seems Randal has been in all the Deadpool movies as one of the bad guys who hangs around the Deadpool bar. In Deadpool II he was the guy who slapped Ryan Reynolds’ future movie girlfriend on the butt with her grabbing Randal’s manhood.

Anyway, with the latest movie blowing up, literally, everywhere and the fact he was only a couple hour’s drive away, I had to go see him. Especially since he will make one heck of an interview subject for my September issue! (Yes, I asked him to put a word in for me with Ryan in hopes I might score him as a future interview subject too…) Duh!

And yes, he’s this big! I stand 6’ tall so he’s massive but the nicest guy you’ll ever meet.

And to top it off, one of the young ladies who works at the store came up to me saying she would love to be in MECÉ as one of my models! Going home again was more than fun in so many ways.

Thanks to my friend Keith Stone for calling and letting me know Randal was in town.

All I’m gonna say is, I’m standing on a corner! If you can’t figure it out from there, well… lol

All I’m gonna say is, I’m standing on a corner!

If you can’t figure it out from there, well… lol

Since the start of MECÉ we’ve been able to launch each monthly magazine on the 1st of its assigned month. So, our March ...

Since the start of MECÉ we’ve been able to launch each monthly magazine on the 1st of its assigned month. So, our March is out, and I have been remiss by not announcing it! I’ve got a lot going on. Check it out because it’s another stellar issue to enjoy!

Along with the issue, we’ve got a few spots left for the workshop…

To register for my April workshop, go here:

You can find MECÉ magazine at:

Just so much going on!! Okay, you know I’ve got this workshop coming up in late April. Add to that our March issue of ME...

Just so much going on!!

Okay, you know I’ve got this workshop coming up in late April. Add to that our March issue of MECÉ comes out tomorrow with more gorgeous women and wonderful articles.

Something I’ve never done before is offer a tiny look at what’s written inside, only the pics, Well, here’s a combination. I’m offering the March cover, a picture from Autumn’s pictorial and the opening spread that includes, each month, what’s found inside the issue.

Please read it all to get an idea of what MECÉ is about and what’s inside the issue. Hoping you’re pleasantly surprised.

You can find the magazine at:

To register for the workshop, go here:

There are still a few days left for you to grab a copy of my February issue starring the luscious Juliet! And while you’...

There are still a few days left for you to grab a copy of my February issue starring the luscious Juliet! And while you’re there, register for my next workshop at the end of April. It’s going to be another fantastic one for sure!

I pull out all the stops when I do my programs so even if you’ve been to one before, you’ll love what we have in store for this next one!! Oh yeah…


Workshop Link:

My February MODEL in the Middle and myself did an interview yesterday that is now up on YouTube, Stories with Brisco and...

My February MODEL in the Middle and myself did an interview yesterday that is now up on YouTube, Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw.

If you have some time, check out the interview which is now live. Catch it here!

Also, here’s the link for MECÉ:

For those wishing to join me at my April Workshop go here: Workshop

And for my NFTs:

On this BONUS EPISODE of Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw, our hall of famers Gerald Brisco and John Bradshaw Layfield welcome back David Mecey and special g...

It’s February! New MODEL in the Middle for MECÉ!! (Also, my Birthday month!!! Just sayin…)Grab the February issue of MEC...

It’s February! New MODEL in the Middle for MECÉ!! (Also, my Birthday month!!! Just sayin…)

Grab the February issue of MECÉ where you will find Juliet Wilde… Oh yes!

And for all of you wishing to do my April Workshop, you can register on my MECÉ Magazine website too! It is up…

A “Two-fer” so to speak! lol Magazine Workshop

Yesterday it appears Pl***oy (yeah, the company) posted this on Instagram. It’s one of many photos I did of Playmate Suz...

Yesterday it appears Pl***oy (yeah, the company) posted this on Instagram. It’s one of many photos I did of Playmate Suzi Athena Singstock Simpson for her Playmate pictorial. We were on a glacier in Alaska for it. I had also shot her gatefold so just more images to go along with her layout.

It was nice to see they gave me my credit…

** IMPORTANT! ** Here’s something that I hope the digi-peeps will love! As of December 3rd, at 12 pm PST, I began sellin...

** IMPORTANT! ** Here’s something that I hope the digi-peeps will love!

As of December 3rd, at 12 pm PST, I began selling my NFTs on OpenSea. It’s a collection that showcases my work from my years pre-Pl***oy, Pl***oy, to fashion, beauty, and everything in between. Starting with over 150 photographs, more will be added as we progress.

Search davidmecey (no spaces) on OpenSea or click the link below to find my collection. Be advised the collection is on the Polygon Network. You must own Polygon tokens in your wallet to make a purchase!

ANY questions about how to purchase tokens or my collection, contact me at this email addy: [email protected]

The Collection:

Just a little pic to get your attention... LOL

One of the items I feel that sets MECÉ apart, and no brag, just what I’ve been told, is its editorial content. We’ve wor...

One of the items I feel that sets MECÉ apart, and no brag, just what I’ve been told, is its editorial content.

We’ve worked hard to make the articles be substantial, even though they be somewhat short reads, they are current and fun. Which to me is what makes the magazine a real magazine.

Each month we do an interview with someone of some standing out in the world. Some examples, we’ve interviewed an 8-time Grammy award winning producer, one of the biggest names in magic here in Vegas, two country western artists, a pop artist, one of the stunt drivers from the movie, Ford vs. Ferrari, the former mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar Goodman and in our November issue, an Indy Car driver (due to Vegas having the F1 race here). So, we are attempting to be on top of things for sure!

So, with December being the month of ‘Christmas’ who else should we interview than the real Santa Claus! Yep, the man himself is our interviewee and what an interview it is!

To be honest, I’m not sure he’s ever been interviewed before! But we got him, and I photographed him too!

Here's the opening to our Q&A-7 interview for Santa and one of the pictures from his photo shoot. For those few who have read it, they’ve all told me they absolutely loved it! Grab your copy today and give it a read, I really feel you will enjoy it too…


Q&A-7, An Interview with Santa Claus
David Mecey

We feel we’ve scored the ultimate interview and what better month to share it than the month of December. With a ton of research, hassling many friends in high places we were able to not only find, but also secure an interview with the mystical, magical, arguably the most famous icon on earth, Santa Claus. Or, as he is sometimes called, Saint Nicholas, or Kris Kringle.

We are profoundly proud and so excited to have him with us, even for a few minutes to ask him what we hope, are some of those intriguing questions so many people around the world would like answered. And though we only ask 7, we’ll try to make those 7 questions count! So, let’s begin our interview with the man, the myth, the legend, Saint Nick!

1)There’s not one person in the world, or shall we say very, very few, who do not know who Santa or Saint Nicholas, or even, Kris Kringle is. When did you take on the role of Santa Claus and even a bigger additional question, where did you get those reindeer that fly?!

Workshop: January (12th), 13th, 14th register here:
My registered peeps get a bonus day (12th) if they can make it on that Friday!!

December MECÉ Magazine is now on sale:


10300 W Charleston Boulevard, Ste 13/457



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