Lucius Coal

Lucius Coal Lucius Coal is a news analyst commentating on political and cultural news in an uplifting, positive, and forward thinking approach.

Bypass the main stream media talking heads and join the conversation.


The American experiment is experiencing a great awakening. With the power grab by Joe Biden and the United States on the Brink what will the future hold? Our only hope is enough people wake up to the propaganda.

The election meme cannons hit another level; Mike Pence is the establishment; The secular nation of Syria is under attack by the United States; Trump makes a splash in the swamp; and our freedoms continue to erode under lockdown.

Be sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT your thoughts on what has become the propaganda war of the 21st century. As always enjoy the show. Coal Train. CHOO CHOO!
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Cooties Virus? CDC wants 2 masks... WHY NOT 20? The federal government along with the Center for Disease Control want Am...

Cooties Virus? CDC wants 2 masks... WHY NOT 20?

The federal government along with the Center for Disease Control want Americans to wear 2 masks. 2 doesn't seem like quite enough. Why not make it 20? The fact they haven't sent a space suit out to every American is a travesty. Is it not clear to everyone at this point they have NO IDEA what they are doing?

CDC recommends Americans to wear 2 masks; New independent study shows CDC may have gas lighted numbers; 18% approval congress lectures the American people on violence; Dallas Mavericks & Mark Cuban decide to not play the National Anthem, Women's sports may be a thing of the past; Time Magazine admits everything; and Bitcoin goes to the MOON!

Welcome to the clown fiesta that is the Sanity Stream with Lucius Coal. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on what has become the Clown States of America. Enjoy!

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The federal government along with the Center for Disease Control want Americans to wear 2 masks. 2 doesn't seem like quite enough. Why not make it 20? The fa...


Why? Why bend the knee to the Swamp on your way out? Sad!

The Dark Winter is upon us as Big Tech lays it's iron fist into free speech and leftists world wide celebrate. Joe Biden...

The Dark Winter is upon us as Big Tech lays it's iron fist into free speech and leftists world wide celebrate. Joe Biden Won so Hard he needs 25,000 national guard for inauguration day. The Clown Show continues...

YouTube, Facebook, & Twitter continues to purge Conservative voices from their "platforms"; 25,000 National Guard Troops are stationed in DC as the Police State takes hold; The mainstream media continues to gaslight Americans into forgetting about a year of riots; and Goldman Sachs takes a stab at Bitcoin.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on what has become the biggest fraud on the minds of the American people. Time to rise up. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

The Dark Winter is upon us as Big Tech lays it's iron fist into free speech and leftists world wide celebrate. Joe Biden Won so Hard he needs 25,000 national...

Charlatans like Lin Wood & Qanon destroying the America First movement with repeated lies and deceit for hopeless people...

Charlatans like Lin Wood & Qanon destroying the America First movement with repeated lies and deceit for hopeless people who need something to believe in. This insidious movement has hamstrung a Patriotic STORM into believing a deep diving wingnut of filled with conspiracies.

Lin Wood & QAnon continues to ILLIGITAMIZE the America First message; Parler is taken down by Amazon as Q-tards spout the next super SECRET plan; The Federal Reserve is in OVERDRIVE sending Americans to Bitcoin; Ashli Babbit was a Q conspirator who is now diseased; and the Technostate is in full effect as conservatives flee to alternative tech.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT as we battle to take this country back. We. Will. Win. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Charlatans like Lin Wood & Qanon destroying the America First movement with repeated lies and deceit for hopeless people who need something to believe in. Th...

  DELETED Off Facebook?! The Great Conservative Cleansing BEGINS | SS 64The end is nigh for many Conservative creators a...

DELETED Off Facebook?! The Great Conservative Cleansing BEGINS | SS 64

The end is nigh for many Conservative creators as big tech lays it's IRON FIST into the MAGA movement. The Walkaway movement which is a very moderate group that engages in people who have switched from the left side of the aisle to the right with upward of 500,000 members on Facebook has been DELETED.

The Great Conservative PURGE has begun and no one is safe; Political prisoners are now being rounded up by the FBI; Lindsey Graham is castigated by his constituents after setting his target on MAGA; and Alternative Tech is the final bastion for freedom fighters around the world.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on what is bound to be the end to freedom of speech on the net. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

The end is nigh for many Conservative creators as big tech lays it's IRON FIST into the MAGA movement. The Walkaway movement which is a very moderate group t...

Capitol SIEGE the END of MAGA? WHO is to BLAME? | SS 63Did the Trump Rally in DC HELP or HURT the MAGA Movement? Who is ...

Capitol SIEGE the END of MAGA? WHO is to BLAME? | SS 63

Did the Trump Rally in DC HELP or HURT the MAGA Movement? Who is to blame? We go down the lists of protentional suspects.

Trump protesters SIEGE the Capitol building with nefarious selfies; Congress is actually scared of their constituents; BLM cheers on the big government police state; Q & Linn Wood continues to spread disinformation; and Trump needs some time to self-reflect.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on how WE as a movement can push this freedom onward to brighter days. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Did the Trump Rally in DC HELP or HURT the MAGA Movement? Who is to blame? We go down the lists of protentional suspects.Trump protesters SIEGE the Capitol b...

Is Mike Pence Trump's Election SAVIOR or COWARD? | SS 60The election comes down to a day to end all days on January 6th ...

Is Mike Pence Trump's Election SAVIOR or COWARD? | SS 60

The election comes down to a day to end all days on January 6th with the wielder of ultimate power in the hands of Vice President Mike Pence. Will he turn out to be Trump's election SAVIOR or fall flat as a COWARD? The fate of the republic now rests with one man.

Mike Pence says congress will expose the evidence; The Republican establishment in Georgia doubles down on their losing efforts; Washington DC calls in the National Guard for Trump supporters; and the Senate overrules Trump on the NDAA while pushing for another 20 years in the Middle East.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the craziness that is US American politics. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

The election comes down to a day to end all days on January 6th with the wielder of ultimate power in the hands of Vice President Mike Pence. Will he turn ou...

Republicans BEG to LOSE Georgia!? Trump Supporters STOMP Police? | SS 59Republicans accelerate their demise in the Georg...

Republicans BEG to LOSE Georgia!? Trump Supporters STOMP Police? | SS 59

Republicans accelerate their demise in the Georgia runoff election as they charge ahead to BASH their base into compliance with the establishment neo-cons. Senator Kelly Loeffler despises her constituents so much she will throw them under the bus over the NDAA thinking they are stupid enough to still vote for her.

Republicans hard charge back to their neo-conservative ways; Police officers lose more support from America First supporters as they bus ANTIFA into a Patriot rally; The police state of Canada goes into full overdrive kidnapping family members on New Years eve; and top US Official claims virus leaked from Wuhan lab.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on how we push this movement ONWARD! Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Republicans accelerate their demise in the Georgia runoff election as they charge ahead to BASH their base into compliance with the establishment neo-cons. S...

Our GOVERNMENT is CORRUPT... Including TRUMP | SS 58The US Government is a corrupt mess of bureaucracy and political fan...

Our GOVERNMENT is CORRUPT... Including TRUMP | SS 58

The US Government is a corrupt mess of bureaucracy and political fanfare used to manipulate the public into compliance with a uni-party disguised as choice. Our President Donald Trump lay the last nail in the coffin after signing a bloated pork-filled "stimulus" bill that furthers the divide between multi-national billionaires and the dying middle class. It's one big show.

Eric Swalwell calls out Cruz for "threatening democracy"; Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler puts on the tough guy act; Duncan Lemp is murdered by police with impunity; and Yemeni civilians continue to be massacred by US ally Saudi Arabia.

The Republic is dead and the American people are asleep with no fight in them. A bloated, fat, and obtuse America will NOTHING to stop the tyranny that is the state.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the decline that is the USA.

The US Government is a corrupt mess of bureaucracy and political fanfare used to manipulate the public into compliance with a uni-party disguised as choice. ...

Mitch McConnell BACKSTABS Trump on $2000 increase in the new stimulus bill. Another brazen act of betrayal by the deep s...

Mitch McConnell BACKSTABS Trump on $2000 increase in the new stimulus bill. Another brazen act of betrayal by the deep state neo-con establishment. This party has got to GO! 3rd party is the only viable way forward...

McConnell betrays Trump AGAIN; New COOTIES mutation has been sighted in Colorado, Kansas city mayor resigns after receiving MAJOR backlash from a local mask mandate; and Boston Dynamics releases incredible footage of dancing robots.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on yet another knife in the back of every American from the powers that be. No more RINOS lets take this movement onto greener pastures. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Mitch McConnell BACKSTABS Trump on $2000 increase in the new stimulus bill. Another brazen act of betrayal by the deep state neo-con establishment. This part...

The amazing patriot Don of Plebeian Media did me the great service of joining forces for a fantastic podcast where we at...

The amazing patriot Don of Plebeian Media did me the great service of joining forces for a fantastic podcast where we attack the utter insanity that has been the massive censorship across all the main internet platforms and our duty to fight back with righteous indignation.

The 1984 Great Reset has brought in the coming age of total censorship to any dissident; The lockdowns continue to destroy the economy & small business; The new "Stimulus Bill" is a total sham; and sowing the seeds of liberty while taking MASSIVE ACTION is the only way to reclaim our republic.

LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, and head over to Plebeian Media's youtube channel and click that SUBSCRIBE button!

The amazing patriot Don of Plebeian Media did me the great service of joining forces for a fantastic podcast where we attack the utter insanity that has been...

Trump NEEDS Our HELP Call Your Senator TODAY (Here is How!) | SS 56President Donald Trump calls on all United States Pat...

Trump NEEDS Our HELP Call Your Senator TODAY (Here is How!) | SS 56

President Donald Trump calls on all United States Patriots to do our civic duty and CALL OUR SENATORS TODAY in anticipation for the day of reckoning on January 6th, 2020 for the largest MAGA rally in history. It is due or die time for our great republic. Take action. NOW!

Donald Trump calls on all patriots to call our senators; YouTube begins deleting Trump's videos; Aliens are shooting fireballs across the world including the US; FBI states Anthony Warner is the Nashville blaster; and The New York Times says it is "stunning & brave" to cancel culture children.


President Donald Trump calls on all United States Patriots to do our civic duty and CALL OUR SENATORS TODAY in anticipation for the day of reckoning on Janua...

Trump has finally started going SCORCHED EARTH on the GOP establishment who have done very little to nothing to help our...

Trump has finally started going SCORCHED EARTH on the GOP establishment who have done very little to nothing to help our President from pulling a victory out of the jaws of defeat in 2020. Senators Mitch McConnell & Lindsey Graham remain silent as the republic falls into chaos and the future of a just republic lays in the balance.

Trump goes fire & fury on GOP establishment on twitter; A 3rd party may be the only path for future contenders; White House outlines why they vetoed Defense Bill without Section 230; and the US Mint releases the 2021 quarter of George Washington crossing the Delaware.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, & COMMENT! Lets beat these dirty globalists back to the hole form whence they came. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Trump has finally started going SCORCHED EARTH on the GOP establishment who have done very little to nothing to help our President from pulling a victory out...

The mad man Donald Trump actually did it ladies and gentlemen. After a plethora of pressure from both the right and the ...

The mad man Donald Trump actually did it ladies and gentlemen. After a plethora of pressure from both the right and the left President Donald Trump has vowed to veto the pork-filled covid relief stimulus package! Not only that but he even doubled-down to veto the defense bill that failed to include a change in section 230. Unreal!

Trump claims to want $2000 to go to every American in massive blow to stimulus bill; Defense Bill is struck down for no section 230 changes; New strain of Covid coming out of Brazil; and Joe Biden says whites will be the minority in America by 2040.

I lost faith and Trump restores it. Now lets OPEN UP the Country! LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, & COMMENT! Coal Train baby CHOO CHOO!

The mad man Donald Trump actually did it ladies and gentlemen. After a plethora of pressure from both the right and the left President Donald Trump has vowed...

Stimulus Bill SCAM the END of America's Freedom | SS 53The brand new 2nd stimulus bill is a scam and an END of America's...

Stimulus Bill SCAM the END of America's Freedom | SS 53

The brand new 2nd stimulus bill is a scam and an END of America's freedom. As low information Americans swell up with JOY over the prospect of a stimulus check update of $600 our entire way of life for our children and grandchildren is destroyed.

The big banks, big pharma, multi-national corporations, and foreign governments have all teamed up with congress as well as Trump to push through another giant wealth transfer from America's working class into the greedy hands of billionaires who will silence you if you ever even dare to QUESTION their methods. WELCOME TO THE UN-UNITED STATES OF FEAR!

Lock us down. Shut us up. Blast low-IQ nonsense. Then expect a big THANK YOU for shoving a giant rubber up our proverbial bottom. NOPE!


The brand new 2nd stimulus bill is a scam and an END of America's freedom. As low information Americans swell up with JOY over the prospect of a stimulus che...

Trump's SECRET Victory Party & Matt Gaetz DUMPSTERS Rino Establishment | SS 52Is there really a SUPER SECRET Trump plan ...

Trump's SECRET Victory Party & Matt Gaetz DUMPSTERS Rino Establishment | SS 52

Is there really a SUPER SECRET Trump plan to some how claim victory in January? New revelations and push back by GOP populists threaten the dual party establishment at its very core. The establishment is in panic mode and our last chance at a BIG WIN lays in the balance.

Matt Gaetz at a Turning Point USA event takes the Republican hacks to the preverbal wood shed; Wuhan, China dances in the streets as the United Kingdom sees a new mutation of the cough; January 6th may become the largest MAGA march in history; and lockdowns continue to destroy the fabric of the western world.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the insanity that is 2020. Enjoy the show. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Is there really a SUPER SECRET Trump plan to some how claim victory in January? New revelations and push back by GOP populists threaten the dual party establ...

Andrew Yang FLOATS "Mark of the Beast" Barcode | SS 51Andrew Yang floats the idea of people having a barcode after recei...

Andrew Yang FLOATS "Mark of the Beast" Barcode | SS 51

Andrew Yang floats the idea of people having a barcode after receiving the shot. The medical tyranny that is the USA is on it's merry way to sheep farm. Wide scale legacy media propaganda continually follies the safety of the vaccine while people look for anyone to provide some sort of leadership.

Andrew Yang endorses the mark of the beast for vaccines; Tennessee nurse faints on live TV while talking about the koof; Brazil mandates citizens take vaccine or face sanctions; Supreme court is terrified of ANTIFA; and congressmen contemplate questioning election.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the demise of our republic. Never stop fighting. The battle has just begun. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Andrew Yang floats the idea of people having a barcode after receiving the shot. The medical tyranny that is the USA is on it's merry way to sheep farm. Wid...

BETRAYAL: McConnell & Graham TRAITORS & Cuomo BANS Rebel Flag | SS 50The ultimate betrayal is among us as Mitch McConnel...

BETRAYAL: McConnell & Graham TRAITORS & Cuomo BANS Rebel Flag | SS 50

The ultimate betrayal is among us as Mitch McConnell & Lindsey Graham stabs the knife into the backs of every Trump supporting patriot. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo drops the hammer by banning the sale of confederate (rebel) flags in an all out attack on free speech. The great republic of the United States is being torched.

Andrew Cuomo bans the sale of southern pride; Texas to draft legislation to succeed from USA; Julian Assange leak clears him of all wrong doing for the nefarious crime of journalism; Mitch McConnell backstabs his own constituents; Lindsey Graham goes full RINO on Edward Snowden; and Georgia Election sees NO CHANGE from 2020.

The republic is on the brink of extinction. Succession may be the only answer. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, & COMMENT. Stop this madness! Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

The ultimate betrayal is among us as Mitch McConnell & Lindsey Graham stabs the knife into the backs of every Trump supporting patriot. New York Governor And...

[CORRUPTION] Seth Rich Wikileaks & CCP Agents EXPOSED | SS 49 The United States of America is under attack by it's own i...

[CORRUPTION] Seth Rich Wikileaks & CCP Agents EXPOSED | SS 49

The United States of America is under attack by it's own institutions. Seth Rich FOIA request may lead to information with a connection to WIKILEAKS and the CCP has major data dump highlighting key CCP figureheads in the USA. The insanity never ends ladies & gentlemen.

Seth Rich FOIA request may draw ties to WIKILEAKS, CCP agents in high levels of power dumped as legacy media refuses to cover, section 230 is on overdrive with no end in sight, and the all talk no action approach by republicans/courts are an end to the republic as we know it.

The Sanity Stream is back with black pills galore. The republic is dying, the courts are corrupt, our politicians are bought, our economy is dwindling, and nobody seems to care. Welcome to America!

The United States of America is under attack by it's own institutions. Seth Rich FOIA request may lead to information with a connection to WIKILEAKS and the ...

Youtube 1984 Election WRONG THINKThe new Youtube 1984 technocracy has finally arrived! All hail communism and the minist...

Youtube 1984 Election WRONG THINK

The new Youtube 1984 technocracy has finally arrived! All hail communism and the ministry of truth! HUZAHH! In shocking new development Multi-national billion dollar entity Youtube which is owned by Google establishes tyrannical measure barring nearly all speech that even dares to question the legitimacy of the Election of 2020. Tyranny takes another step forward.

Youtube bans nearly all speech about election integrity; Michigan Democrat State Representative Cynthia Johnson threatens Donald Trump supporters; Communist China Spy sucky sucky's Representative Eric Swalwell; and Texas drops massive election lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

The Sanity Stream is here for you to regain your sanity with Lucius Coal. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on this tyranny taking it's true form. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

The new Youtube 1984 technocracy has finally arrived! All hail communism and the ministry of truth! HUZAHH! In shocking new development Multi-national billio...

TOP SECRET: Trump BLASTS Georgia Governor Brian Kemp | SS 47Trump blasts the corrupt Governor of Georgia Brian Kemp is f...

TOP SECRET: Trump BLASTS Georgia Governor Brian Kemp | SS 47

Trump blasts the corrupt Governor of Georgia Brian Kemp is fiery tweet after video evidence shows poll workers counting votes long into the night after telling watchers everyone was going home. The giant vote spike for Biden coincidentally happens to be during this intimate moment of secrecy. The Sanity Stream is SPICY today ladies & gentlemen!

Trump blasts Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for not auditing the Georgia vote; Kemp's daughter's boyfriend Harris Deal is ruled deceased after fiery car accident; Justice Alito to hear Pennsylvania absentee ballot case; Leftist school employee goes into road rage screech fest; and Santa tells innocent child no nerf guns.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the insanity that has become the United States of America. As always enjoy the show. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Trump blasts the corrupt Governor of Georgia Brian Kemp is fiery tweet after video evidence shows poll workers counting votes long into the night after telli...

Breaking video out of the Georgia Election where the State Farm Arena in Atlanta showcases poll workers shuffling people...

Breaking video out of the Georgia Election where the State Farm Arena in Atlanta showcases poll workers shuffling people out in order to continue counting votes deep into the night unsupervised. The legacy media is dead silent on the matter and leftist NPC explode with a childlike tantrum. The Sanity Stream with Lucius Coal is ONLINE!

The Georgia election takes a turn against Joe Biden, The Republican & Democrat party are the SAME thing; Brian Kemp panders as he grasps for straws; and Mayor Garcetti with Gavin Newsome of California destroy small business with the pedal to the floor.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the TREASON against our great USA. Enjoy!

Breaking video out of the Georgia Election where the State Farm Arena in Atlanta showcases poll workers shuffling people out in order to continue counting vo...

Small Business DESTROYED Families Now HOMELESS | Sanity Stream: Episode 45 Small Business in the USA is under full scale...

Small Business DESTROYED Families Now HOMELESS | Sanity Stream: Episode 45

Small Business in the USA is under full scale ATTACK by draconian edicts professed by Government "royalty." The utter hypocrisy is destroying the American dream at breakneck speed and shattering the American way of life. It is time to FIGHT BACK and smash these commies!

Small business is held to a different standard then multi-billion dollar corporate entities; Election fraud is out in the open while the DOJ do nothing; Bill Barr feeds the media about no election fraud; Trump looks to end section 230; and Candace Owens takes on the "fact checkers."

If you enjoy the Sanity Stream with Lucius Coal then LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the insanity that is the USA. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Small Business in the USA is under full scale ATTACK by draconian edicts professed by Government "royalty." The utter hypocrisy is destroying the American dr...

Do your part by voting democrat like a battered wife. The 15 tell tale signs of abuse sound a lot like the media, big te...

Do your part by voting democrat like a battered wife. The 15 tell tale signs of abuse sound a lot like the media, big tech, and the science beating you into submission. Orwell would not be surprised by where we are today. The Sanity Stream with Lucius Coal is Back!

The 15 signs of abuse by voting Democrat; Biden's dog puts Joe on his butt; Rand Paul gets heat from twitter mob; Arizona highlights massive fraud; Hotep Jesus breaks another leftist; and Rightwing influencers like Shapiro & Kirk are on hiatus while Nick Fuentes FIGHTS.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the latest in this political nightmare. Apologies for the setup as we are working on our way to 1000 patriots strong. Enjoy!

Do your part by voting democrat like a battered wife. The 15 tell tale signs of abuse sound a lot like the media, big tech, and the science beating you into ...

I CALLED TORONTO POLICE! BBQ Restaurant LOCKED DOWN 100+ Police Officers | Sanity Stream: Episode 43Adam Skelly is arres...

I CALLED TORONTO POLICE! BBQ Restaurant LOCKED DOWN 100+ Police Officers | Sanity Stream: Episode 43

Adam Skelly is arrested after trying to walk into his own restaurant by over 100 police officers "upholding the law" that King Justin Trudeau has enacted. The western world continues to burn and the people continue to stand idly by.

Adam Skelly is arrested by "yes men" Toronto police who continue to uphold draconian lockdown measures; SCOTUS narrowly provides relief making it illegal for Governor Cuomo to mandate religious intolerance; The FBI does nothing about the election; and Tyranny has become all to real in the "land of the free."

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the madness that is the Western World. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

Adam Skelly is arrested after trying to walk into his own restaurant by over 100 police officers "upholding the law" that King Justin Trudeau has enacted. Th...

Medical Tyranny LOCKDOWNS Police GLADLY Comply | Sanity Stream: Episode 42Governors Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and ...

Medical Tyranny LOCKDOWNS Police GLADLY Comply | Sanity Stream: Episode 42

Governors Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Tom Wolf continue to lockdown entire states over a 99% virus in a new form of medical tyranny. A major looming threat of police who are "just following orders" rises as they enforce unconstitutional edicts of curfews, stay at home orders, and destroying family get togethers. This new form of fascism comes with a smiling face and a baton to the skull.

Lockdowns across the USA effect California, Pennsylvania, & Michigan; Police receive the green light to brutalize the populace in the name of "safety"; The Government aims to vaccinate children without parental consent; and a rise of populist candidates including YOU need to run for office.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on this authoritarian overreach by a fascist government regime. Coal Train BOOM BOOM!

Governors Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Tom Wolf continue to lockdown entire states over a 99% virus in a new form of medical tyranny. A major looming ...

Trump Supporters FRIENDLY FIRE Just Before Election Certification | Sanity Stream: Episode 41As the election heats up to...

Trump Supporters FRIENDLY FIRE Just Before Election Certification | Sanity Stream: Episode 41

As the election heats up to new levels of dysphoria Trump Supporters clash about petty grievances that don't further the movement. With the election only a few weeks away from being certified now is the WORST TIME to be fighting amongst each other. We must UNITE and stand in solidarity to stop the steal. FRIENDLY FIRE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

Sidney Powell is given distance from Trump's legal team; Nick Fuentes of America First and Brandon Straka of Walk Away start a twitter spat; Ali Alexander gets dragged through the mud by conservative commentators; Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu holds secret meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; and Airlines aim to make COVID vaccinations mandatory.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and COMMENT what you think about this frivolous bickering. It is time to UNITE not fight amongst ourselves! Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

As the election heats up to new levels of dysphoria Trump Supporters clash about petty grievances that don't further the movement. With the election only a f...

It is time to   against these totalitarian mandates placed on the people by hypocritical governors who claim to be doing...

It is time to against these totalitarian mandates placed on the people by hypocritical governors who claim to be doing these despicable acts of government overreach all in the name of safety. The American people are FED UP with your LIES! Trump supporters protest in lockdowns in masse the world over.

Gavin Newsom's fascist edict curfew lockdown faces anti-lockdown protesters; The anniversary of John F Kennedy's assassination sparks new speculations; and Black Rifle Coffee blunders itself into a public relations nightmare from both side of the isle.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and of course COMMENT on the recent craziness that is the United States of America. Coal Train CHOO CHOO!

It is time to against these totalitarian mandates placed on the people by hypocritical governors who claim to be doing these despicable acts of go...




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