Regardless of who "wins," let's meet to build the world we really want at this free online event-
Rising Together: Assessing the Post-Election Day Moment, Charting What’s Next (Tues, 11/11 9am PST, noon ET) Rising Together: Assessing the Post-Election Day Moment, Charting What’s Next
The 2024 election has left our communities, movements, and society in a dangerous place. We invite movement leaders, organizers, journalists, scholars, and community members to come together for critical reflection and connection.
Date & Time:
Monday, November 11th | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET
Register now: bit.ly/PostElectionAssembly
What to Expect:
- Insights from journalists Norman Stockwell, Laura Flanders, and Erin Aubry Kaplan
- Movement panel with Presente.org, encuentro 5, Online 2 Offline Strategy, Resist and Build, and more
- Breakout sessions on:
--- Voting rights & election integrity
--- Mobilizing against political violence
--- Union responses
--- Democratizing the economy
--- Open space for participants to lead discussions on topics of their choosing
Our power is in collective action. Together, we’ll:
- Map our assets, skills, and knowledge
- Share ideas for immediate action
- Build solidarity to push for long-term system change
Turn this moment into momentum!