Squad rasa Duo vs Pro Squad CODM Garena
Squad rasa Duo gara-gara team ada yang disconnected. Walaupun nuub yang penting bisa having fun.
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Terimakasih ☺😇🙏
Device: Redmi Note 8 Pro
Apps Editor: KineMaster
#GamersBersatuLawanCorona #MabarCODM #callofdutymobile #CODMobile #gamerindonesia #stayhome #thebankthankahmereren
Pro squad vs bot Call of Duty Mobile Garena
Please enjoy the video and help me to like and comment on this page to reach 100 followers😁👍
Open donate bagi para MVP dimanapun kalian berada at https://sociabuzz.com/justdot/donate
Terimakasih ☺😇🙏
Device: Redmi Note 8 Pro
Apps Editor: KineMaster
#GamersBersatuLawanCorona #MabarCODM #callofdutymobile #CODMobile #gamerindonesia #stayhome #thebankthankahmereren
Random Squad Call of Duty Mobile Garena
Sometimes or almost in every solo player when they matchmarking will found the squad like this whose had no teamwork.
Please enjoy the video and help me to like and comment on this page to reach 100 followers 😁👍
Open donate bagi para MVP dimanapun kalian berada at https://sociabuzz.com/justdot/donate
Terimakasih ☺😇🙏
Device: Redmi Note 8 Pro
Apps Editor: KineMaster
#GamersBersatuLawanCorona #MabarCODM #callofdutymobile #CODMobile #gamerindonesia #stayhome #thebankthankahmereren
Mabar CODM Garena
Mabar kemarin dengan Wayan Gaming. Berhubung masih belum bisa live streaming karena kendala mirroring audio yang masih kurang baik. Maaf juga karena videonya ga ada audio gamenya karena pake earphone jadi audio gamenya ga kerecord 😅😅😅
Please enjoy the video and help me to like and follow on this page to reach 100 followers (don't forget to visit my bro's page too) 😁👍
Open donate bagi para MVP dimanapun kalian berada at https://sociabuzz.com/justdot/donate
Terimakasih ☺😇🙏
Device: Redmi Note 8 Pro
Apps Editor: KineMaster
#GamersBersatuLawanCorona #MabarCODM #callofdutymobile #CODMobile #gamerindonesia #stayhome #thebankthankahmereren