Life is to wake up and start your day with optimism and work, meet people you love and help you on the hardships of life, and also meet people hate them and patience for them to receive the great reward.
There is no meaning to life without parents and friends.
Life is work and struggle, we do not live in paradise where comfort and well-being.
Everyone has to work and make an effort that gives life a meaning.
Life is to see the fruit of your effort.
There is no life without values and beliefs.
Values and beliefs are what guide man in the journey of his life.
Values are what define the goal that man seeks. People who share your beliefs should share your life.
These people grow your life and make it become more beautiful.
Even people who do not agree with you in the same beliefs give life a meaning.
مقالات باللغة الانجليزية عن الحياة
اذا كانت هذه القطعة الانجليزية التي تشرح المقال عن الحياة والان سوف نقدم لكم ترجمة هذه القمالة
خلق الله الاكوان ومن ضمنها كوكب الارض الذي نعيش عليه.
وهب الله الحياة لكل شئ علي وجه الارض ليس الانسان فقط, ولكن يشاركنا الحياه علي هذا الكوكب الكثير من الكائنات.