The world's only underwater post office || Urdu || Hindi
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✅ Ten weird hotels in the world with amazing facts||Where everything is found|| Urdu|| Hindi
✅Extremely embarrassing and shocking laws about America
✅||What are the parts of the male body that get taller||then women run away?||Urdu||Hindi||
✅Shameful and amazing facts about Japanese women|| Urdu || Hindi ||
✅The shameful things that happened in South Korea and their absolute facts
✅How is the obsession with Tik Tok spreading obscenity and pornography among girls?||Urdu||Hind||
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In today's modern age, it has not been difficult to get information about anything because the internet has made it easy to get it. However, man is still unaware of many facts that are extremely difficult to believe. Today's article is about a few such strange and interesting facts. That will definitely add to your knowledge.
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There is usually an interval of 5 to 10 minutes between two twins, but there are two twins in the world. There is a gap of 87 days between them. And this record is also listed in the Guinness Book. The names of these two twin sisters are Amy and Katie.
The world's deepest postbox is built on a beach called Susami in Japan. This post box is ins
Ten weird hotels in the world with amazing facts||Where everything is found|| Urdu|| Hindi
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||Ten weird hotels in the world with amazing facts||Where everything is found|| Urdu|| Hindi
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Are you bored of going to restaurants in your neighborhood? And looking for an adventure?so discover the reality is coming for you.
The story of ten weird restaurants where you can get rid of this boredom.
Restaurant on the plane
The McDonald's branch in New Zealand is built on a dormant aircraft. This McDonald's branch is located on the North Island of New Zealand and in the popular tourist destination of Tapu.
Maldives 'Underwater' Restaurant
Maldives' Atha Underwater Restaurant is located in the middle of the sea. Where you can enjoy delicious food and see sea creatures.
However, booking here is not so easy as there are only 14 seats in this restaurant. Don't worry about your safety. Because the 2004 tsunami didn't hurt the restaurant. In addition, people were allowed to stay in the restaurant in 2010, but the service was soon cut off.
Volcano Restaurant
Meals are cooked and served to guests at the El Diablo restaurant on the Spanish island of Lanzarote. Tourists come here to enjoy delicious food as well as the beautiful scenery of the surroundings. Most of the food is served here, which is a specialty of the area.
Air Restaurant
If you are afraid of high places. So this restaurant is not for you.
Located in 60 ci
Extremely embarrassing and shocking laws about America||Urdu||Hindi||
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||Extremely embarrassing and shocking laws about America||Urdu||Hindi||
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Some obsolete laws are such that if they are seen in today's context, they seem very interesting and strange, but they present a memorable picture of the past. Some of the laws that have been enacted in the past by various US states and city governments are in the law books. Here are some interesting rules
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The crime of tying a giraffe to a pole:
Many U.S. states have legislated for many other animals, such as a law in Atlanta that says it is a crime to tie a giraffe to an electric or telephone pole. It seems. In those days, people not only kept giraffes but also tied them to electricity and telephone poles, while in Baltimore, the law required citizens to go to the cinema with the lion to watch a movie. Can't take the hall.
Law against eating ice cream with forks:
Ice cream is popular everywhere in the world but it seems so. In the past, some US states have had some problems with ice cream. Which is reflected in the legislation. For example, the city administration of Bucknell, Indiana, passed a law against eating ice cream with a fork at the airport. A Delaware law states that a pilot or passenger cannot board an ice cream with a pocket in his pocket or stand in line to board an aircraft.
Prohibition on eating garlic:
Garlic is considered essential by today's medical experts for health. But the laws of the United States a few decades ago paint a different picture. A law in Gary, Indiana, state
Important secrets about women || Women who don't tell men || And Woman Facts || Urdu || Hindi ||
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Important secrets about women || Women who don't tell men || And Woman Facts || Urdu || Hindi ||
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✅ Ten weird hotels in the world with amazing facts||Where everything is found|| Urdu|| Hindi
✅Extremely embarrassing and shocking laws about America
✅||What are the parts of the male body that get taller||then women run away?||Urdu||Hindi||
✅Shameful and amazing facts about Japanese women|| Urdu || Hindi ||
✅The shameful things that happened in South Korea and their absolute facts
✅How is the obsession with TikTok spreading obscenity and pornography among girls?||Urdu||Hind||
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From day one, the debate has been going on that men and women are equal. It is said that there is no work that women cannot do. Whether it is physical, psychological or intellectual.
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► Physical difference:
Women have shorter, wider face, less spread chin, shorter legs and longer trunk length from neck to navel than men. In women, the length of the index (first) finger is usually longer than the ring finger (third), while in men it is the opposite. Boys have longer teeth than girls. Women's abdomen, kidneys, liver, and appendix are larger than men's, while the lungs are smaller
Women have more water in their blood. They h
What are the parts of the male body that get taller||then women run away?||Urdu||Hindi||
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||What are the parts of the male body that get taller||then women run away?||Urdu||Hindi||
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According to one estimate, if such things are long on men's bodies, women will run away from them. They don't even come close.
Sometimes it happens. That any girl goes for the first meeting with a smiling boy. But then the poor boy is not ready for another meeting despite his best efforts. The unfortunate boy wonders what went wrong but doesn't understand. In fact, most men are unaware of the subtleties that can make women hate them.
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NO 1: The fact that a man's nails are long is the only thing that can drive any woman away from it. Women themselves like to have long nails but men's long nails are poisonous to them. Especially if her long nails are dirty, she can't even think of meeting such a man again.
NO 2: The stench from the feet is another thing that is enough to drive a woman away.
NO 3: In fact, no one, male or female, wants to experience foot odor as men usually wear closed shoes for longer periods of time, so they need to take special care to keep their socks clean and their feet free from sweat. So that there is no problem of stench.
NO 4: Bad breath is a different matter. But women also dislike it. Because most men use cigarettes or betel, etc., which causes bad breath. This means that women in the air do not like smokers.
There is no shortage of men who never tire of saying how popular they are with women. Such things in front of men can make them heroes. But when women hear such things, they know the truth and avoid meeting again.
Shameful and amazing facts about Japanese women|| Urdu || Hindi ||
|| Shameful and amazing facts about Japanese women|| Urdu || Hindi ||
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Japan is also called the land of the rising sun. Some of the world's largest business companies, such as Toyota, Suzuki, Yamaha, Sony, Honda, etc. are from Japan.
1 Friends, many of you may not know the true nature of Chapan. There are also many interesting facts about Japan that you may not have heard of. Let me tell you a few interesting facts.
2 People around the world try to adopt children at an early age, but the average age of 98% of people adopted in Japan is 20 to 30 years old. This hundreds of years old tradition, especially in business circles, is meant to keep the family business in the family. If a man does not have a male heir, he adopts one of his relatives or acquaintances or makes them his son-in-law so that the property does not go out of the house.
3 In Japan, more than one million people are called Heikomori. These are people who have been cut off from society for years.
4 It is common in Japan to die from overwork. In Japan, the term "Kuroshio" is used. A separate Kuroshio hotline network has also been set up for the families of those affected by overwork or those who die due to overwork. In Japan, some Kuroshio victims work 110 hours a week or more than 4,000 hours a year.
People commit suicide under such pressure of work. Evaluate the severity of the work from here that a nurse suffering from carotid artery had to work 5 times a month in 32 hour shifts, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. Cause to go
5 The Japanese government organizes meetings for young boys and girls.
The government is trying to get young people to get married early and have children. The government's concern is that since 2010, Japan's population has shrunk by more th
The shameful things that happened in South Korea and their absolute facts
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The shameful things that happened in South Korea and their absolute facts
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Friends, do you know that there is such a country in this world? Where people spend 90 million a year on their make-up.
Where you can drink alcohol during the day. Friends, the name of this country is South Korea. Friends, today we are going to tell you some facts about South Korea that will blow your mind.
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1: Sustainability South is the largest market for plastic surgery.
According to experts, one in five women in South Korea and one in two men have undergone plastic surgery.
2: The birthday of every child born in the world is usually celebrated one year later.
But in South Korea, whenever a baby is born, it is considered a year old.
And a year later, his second birthday is celebrated.
That is, they count the time the baby spends in the mother's womb.
3: The way Valentine's Day is celebrated in South Korea is also different from the rest of the world. Here on this day, not men but women offer roses or cholets to men.And after a mother, these people celebrate White Day.
And on this day men give roses to their girlfriends.
4: Friends in South Korea, women and men also use Makeup in their daily lives.Wear makeup for going to the office and separate makeup for joining a party.
5: Friends if you like to drink alcohol. So you will be happy to hear this fact.
Because South Korea is the only country where you can hang out on the street drunk.And even vandalism on the road will not stop you.
According to Korean law, this is your right. Because this road is made of the tax you will pay.
6: Friends in South Korea have begun to w
||How is the obsession with Tik Tok spreading obscenity and pornography among girls?||Urdu||Hind||
||How is the obsession with Tik Tok spreading obscenity and pornography among girls?||Urdu||Hind||
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Most Amazing Things You Should Know About Tik Tok | Facts About Tiktok in Urdu | Hindi |
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Friends, today is the age of social media which has driven everyone crazy Without which we cannot live .And we can't afford to give up .Apps like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have driven us so crazy, that we have done it ourselves. And we all know what's going on on social media. Friends, before you start the video, please subscribe to our Channel and click on the existing bell icon to know more such facts. Friends, TikTok has become the number one app in the world for spreading pornography.
It is used by 800 million people in about 155 countries around the world. Friends China launched such a launch in September 2016.
What's more, it has gained so much popularity that it has not gained as much popularity as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Friends, the purpose of this app was to target the younger generation of Muslims. Friends, have you ever considered that you will not find any videos about the Jewish race on this app?
But the people of our Muslim society are drowning in this sea of obscenity.
Friends, an estimated number of people who use this app are from Muslim countries.
What's worse is the large number of Muslim women.
Friends, these women come out dressed in vulgar and vulgar clothes and the devil seems to prevail over every person who sees them.
Friends, these people have no fear of God or the Hereafter. Most of our women are doing things that would not be appropriate to mention in this video in order to make themselves famous and get a Like in this pornographic app. Fr