Adventuring Dimwits and Hyperactive Dragons

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Adventuring Dimwits and Hyperactive Dragons A DnD Podcast that is made up of a group of Neuro-Divergents creating a world together A DnD Podcast that takes place in the homebrewed world of Eamyn.

Made by a group of Neurodivergent friends that just wanted to have some fun until their DM started recording sessions


"Hoes don't get cold" Jacque

look for this quote and others in Ep. 44- Pt 2 of the Zaney Crew Arc.


im bad at social media but heres the quick takes from Gidron's backstory

Quick takes

Gideon backstory pt. 1- Practicing Maneuvers
- introducing Gideon Mourningstar and EB.
- World building strong smart
- Presenting human tiefling
- “You could have been getting murdered” refers to Jacques serial killer sessions we run. Carson chose to do the backstory instead.
- I’m really bad at explaining things
- The “it’s 2012” joke rears it’s random head again. Inside jokes are my pitfalls
- “I’m proud of you sport”
- We lost Carson as soon as we start for real.
- Bret hops on and then the rest of the session he just sends stuff to the chat.
- This is the marking point of Carson’s last session without audacity recordings. Which explains the audio cutting out some
- Miron Evermist is a favorite npc of mine
- Love that Carson switched his wisdom and Dexterity stats to represent his age difference
- Love the interaction between Miron and Gideon
- My daughter Ada… wonder who that is
- Finding out about Gideon’s parents was a fun part of this session. It just never came up before
- I have to slip in a jelly or jam comment into the backstory.
- An overripe fruit with jelly.
- “I have a refined palate”
- Incorporating my inability to come up with words into actual character mannerisms
- “Single minded” haha
- Me getting into meal description
- “This sh*ts fu***ng good”
- Ceryneian cut is a fun reference.
- Getting on a first name basis
- “Would you like to play a game”
- Carson def knew what was coming and Dreading it
- Carson doing his best to steer this but sadly as a backstory it’s railroaded
- Stewart? No general Luscious
- This was before short stories about general Lucius
- Bret In the chat references Nort killing the kid on the dungeon.
- “Got em”

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The Librarian

The Librarian


Fjorbs Side adventures: Late Fees ep. 1
Quick takes

- “I doodled her.” “So did zane”
- This was a last minute session I believe we did cause bret was unable to make it. And ended up being a lot of fun even though I had done no prep
- Kris is a fun character I love her Lady bug wings basically.
- This was recorded over a year ago so I was definitely less experienced DMing.
- Carson giving a good recap of early Kris sessions
- Asteria is a really cool character.
- Asteria has a nightwalker tattoo…
- Fjorbs is a time traveling Guild built on the back of a massive Turtle like creature (Torterra Pokémon)
- Gunner is by far one of my favorite npcs. Up there with Divi for sure.
- Rasp is a bad word for me to say cause I’m not great with R’s
- Drox is the head Barbarian Librarian of Fjorbs.
- Chakram tambourine
- First roll of the night bring a nat 20 is great.
- Tardy returner
- Me just talking to myself cause Gunner is a talkative npc and Asteria is not a talkative character.
- “Trying to bard”
- Carson and I just gushing.
- The Kris and Asteria Dynamic is fantastic
- Westlight “come for the chicken, stay for the chicken”
- Steven universe references.
- Gunner always keeps notes on everything and asks a ton of questions.
- “Trying to get better at keeping notes”. I’m not any better a year later
- Kris mimicking Asteria is my favorite.
- Bartender is a spitting John Wayne esque character.
- God I talk to myself so much this session.
- “Foppers guide to Heads and Asses” is a great book title
- Migraines are the worse
- Aleatoric is a fun word
- All of us learn other languages but can’t retain it. I wish I could actually speak German or French.
- “No air quotes around ‘interesting’”
- Maple leaf
- Thursday sessions didn’t last long. But now we have Sunday and Tuesday sessions
- I’m terrible at angles.
- Wow it’s so small
- There’s so much that’s in this late fees episode that connects with the main campaign. Recorded a year apart and was not even planned when I decided to put this as a filler. Coincidence is great.
- If you haven’t ever watched the music video for “actual cannibal Shia Lebouf”. You need to
- Lade Kilson Blademaster from another world. My npc from a previous campaign in the world of Wheel of Time was a ladies man. So it’s really funny with Bret and Carson both being worried about playing females around him.
- The entrance to Fjorbs is whenever the members of the guild need it most.
- Back when we were confused about tabaxi and their Darkvision
- Not a lot happens, no fight or anything but still a fun session for us.


Episode 26- The Patrick Stewart Fiasco
Quick takes

- I don’t know why I said “baack together like that”
- Before we started recording Bret goes on about not knowing who Patrick Stewart is. And it breaks my mind a bit. You only get to hear the little bit at the end
- I’m really trying to do intros in the episode.
- I’ve known Carson for 13 years but Gideon is taking my mind over
- Sheena is super bad at doing accents
- Sheena shakes dog hair all over my drinks
- 7:40 Carson talks about this being our latest start and then we continue talking for like 20 more minutes or so
- Parks and Rec references never end
- 11:11 a false start basically
- Bret leaves the chat like a brat. It’s so good.
- I change my players names in the discord everytime we have a session.
- And my players change their status to quotes from different campaigns and text based all the time. Check it out
- We recorded this in June. And then we did the whole month of other stuff for July. Episode 27 is recorded a month later.
- God campaign is a level 25 home brew super “one shot” just to test out my skills to counter what my players can come up with. We recorded episode one in 2022. Now have recorded episode two. The final episode may be recorded in 2024 ha.
- 2 out of 3 of my kids have to stay alive. Then Jacque didn’t even bring in my two kids.
- Discussing forgetting sub class abilities
- “We could actually start playing dnd!” 17 minutes in.
- The silence and me having to throw Divi in there. “Yah I’m haskell”
- Divi is just me being me.
- Divi is bot six 2.
- Divi is my favorite as always.
- “I have a couple of sea based dragons. Yes”
- Steak talk.
- “What’s our forward momentum”
- “I’ll be right back” then in the background “I’m just really tired of listening to them talk”
- I always love getting to hear what they say when I’m gone as I edit
- Gideon asks to be attacked and every session since then he’s been like “hey not now”
- “Off to one pile”
- Jacque and I had an hour long conversation leading up to the Valron talk. Just discussing hell and Val and everything. That will be on our patreon at some point as bonus content. Lots of goose talk.
- Love sunshine at Night.
- Serise canonically does not understand pronouns and why we need them. This of course is to help cover for me constantly fu***ng them up.
- That is a really ducking long dead air period god. Someone really needs to tell me when I duck up this bad. Ugh
- Like seriously. I skipped forward so much to finally hear anything. How did I mess it up that bad. Bashing my head against a wall. Now here I am a week and a half after it’s published thinking I have to go back and edit it now.
- I did set a 5 minute timer but paused it here and there to make the actual conversation that long. With descriptions in between.
- Atleast there wasn’t dead air afterwards.
- Glucose Guardian is the nb version of sugar daddy
- Sheena has celiacs which is why I constantly make gluten intolerance being fake jokes
- Sunshine attacking gideon is so good.
- “Kitty” I love Serise
- Divi got a tattoo of a sexy Harengon in the text based.
- An hour in. And still an hour left
- Bret’s made so many tabaxi
- Elidyr is Jacques characrer in the Theren Agenda side campaign now
- Word of the thing
- It’s a seal “arf arf”
- The dragon council has a fantasy adventurers league. They drafted adventurers from all the campaigns.
- The nerd herd are definitely a reference
- Making money through actual work is for chumps.
- Blake in the background of the episode
- There’s a giant hole.
- Everything is moist here.
- Spent awhile arguing about tabaxi and their Darkvision. Like it started in 2021 when I first started DMing for Cass. One of Bret’s earliest characters
- Dimmer like a dimmer diamond
- When the DM doesn’t remember why he had the players rolled perception
- Everyone gets to hold Has’ hand
- Hearing Divi just humming.
- “Adventurers again. Damnit”. This is one of my favorite running gags I do.
- Bret spending 30 seconds doing math. In his head. Cause calculators are for chumps. Yup.
- Divi just on fire behind everyone while they’re talking
- Haskell and gideon being a thing. There’s a written story about it maybe will be available somewhere sometime
- Blake with “he and haskell are totally gay for each other”
- Theren def threw up in his mouth.
- Weird things happen in times of drama I mean trauma.
- Drakesville but it’s a town full of goblins.
- Bret being bored ha. Or was it Theren. Or sunshine.
- Divion is the dragonborn evolution of eevee.
- Goblinese and goblinites.
- “Sunshine is watchi-static” bret disappears again
- Goblin king town from the Labyrinth
- End of the session questions
- I really don’t throw combat at my players a ton because I’m more of a role play dm and I like just everyday adventure. Though we are definitely getting into the section of the campaign where combat will become a lot more regularly


Episode 25- Sunshine at Night Quick takes

The quick takes and Episode were both longer than I expected them to be. A lot of exposition. And a lot of backstory and world building. Hope you enjoy

- Bret not being Theren is gonna throw me off for awhile
- Words hard
- Deon Eveningmoon side stories have still not actually happened. But they will
- Deon has bongos
- The in session intro is why I actually put an intro to this episode
- Gideon sad dad
- World discussion
- 420 blaze it all year. That’s the w**d number
- Dark humor.
- Summer months are a vacation for real.
- Gideon assists a troubadour troop
- Two moons with a “elliptical?” Orbit
- The moons are Amon Moll and Amon Mell not Digi and Mon
- Creating a steel dragon named Bottle Opener that looks like the Pokémon Duralodon.
- I am the best dad ever
- I name young dragons and Wyrmlings based off of everyday items I see while looking around
- When it’s Carson bret and I just playing it truly does become episodes of Adhd. We stay on track mostly. But so many wormholes branching off
- Bret taking a sneeze so they didn’t have to have small talk is the funniest bit ever. This is my favorite “Arion leaves the mic” moment so far
- The text based during this time period fizzled out. I got a little burn out on the text based adventures but hopefully will come back full speed
- Nothing worse than Theren being right
- The memoirs of the ancient green dragon The Librarian have 317 novels (he’s on his 318th) the last 200 have just been day to day writings of his life. “Read 17 books today” then lists them all
- Naming a two of behind the scene ancient dragons this episode: The Light of Heaven. the Groundskeeper. There is so much dragon Lore that just has never come up. Maybe we will get into it more eventually
- 40 minutes before we actually get close to real role playing
- Theren being screwed out of 200 gold before leaving Luzden is a fantastic addition
- Erfolg Would Not Say Dipsh*t. He’s too serious for that
- Sunshine at night laughing with Gideons joke about cats and dogs was 30% to much ha
- If your character works at something, training to improve themselves then I’m fine with gaining an ability/feat as a bonus just due to that character development.
- I talk about resources. They are a dynamic I’ve added to the main campaign where they were allowed to pick 3-5 things to add as a resource. Haskell took a bartender friend who they could return to as well as the tattoo they got in the text based. Others have not received theirs yet cause they haven’t given me their full list. Lame procrastinators
- Players never using their resources, forgetting their magic items, and just not keeping up on stuff is a core part of real dnd and I love having it as a part of the story
- Gideons getting toasted. Rolls a six on drinking some strong moonshine
- Sunshine at Night spent some time at Fjorbs so he’s friends with Asteria and a few others from that text based adventure
- Sunshine immediately attacking Gideon is great
- This is Bret’s first Monk. The last campaign we ran before this podcast and world was created was Bret as the Dm and Carson and I both ran Monks in that world. A campaign we are going to redo in the future for the podcast eventually. Once this story is done
- And if we last that long ha
- Anytime I say “I don’t care” I’m usually checking on the thing I didn’t care about. My “I don’t cares” are never true. Usually.
- This episode is so long. Like this was supposed to be a short little introduction and the two of them kept going and I’m not about to stop two players from some fun role playing if they’re into it. The recording was three hours. I cut it to less than 2
- Lot of good words and talking by these two players
- “There are good people in the Commonwealth”
- Bret as sunshine being like “I’d love to hear your vows” after he just didn’t listen to them in episode 7-8 or whenever it was. Makes me laugh a lot
- Then he lists them anyways after yelling at bret.
- “Never again”
- Toz is Tozhug Blackarm King of Duskshear
- His previous job was Fjorbs. Talking bad about Fjorbs within my hearing jeez
- Beer pitcher of holding is some great world creation. Self fill beer glasses
- Backstory time- bret can’t remember the guy from his own backstory. Nothing says a good mentor like creating a child alcoholic…
- Alexander is from Fjorbs
- Me giggling as bret and Carson talk about Fjorbs without ever saying Fjorbs
- Then Carson Freaking just plugging his new character idea he has for a time cop like sorcerer. A campaign we have not started but is on the list. Like so many other ideas
- When did Gideon meet this time cop. Lord
- Sunshine is “not a big animal person”
- I did two horrible hades runs during this.
- Bret’s anxiety over me not throwing something at them.
- AHHH the outro was not lined up right
- This is how I know not even my players listen to this. No one told me the intro was off and I have to find out a few weeks later. Jeez guys


Quick take Tuesday from Ep-24.5 A conversation with a librarian. Where Arion listens to the episode and puts out his thoughts on it.

- I love me some No Mans Sky
- My part of a gaming podcast would be. “Oh yah it’s fun”
- Literally a month or so after saying “can’t wait for my kids to be older” I downloaded Halo and my 6 yr old loves it a lot.
- Preamble ramble
- Shadows name is very on the nose
- Theren making 2600 less gold than haskell when selling loot is my favorite.
- It’s a Loud silence
- The librarians ploymorphed form wears tw**d
- Is it a wall or is it a net. No one knows
- Lore dump
- “The gods” Gideon is a Paladin. Take a hint
- An npc knowing a characters name without introduction is my favorite thing. Especially when the player notices it
- Gideon doesn’t handle interventions well or not.
- Time to discuss dragon lore.
- The dragon wars were a terrible time on Kellstar
- We mention The Matriarch and the Sexton, on top of The Librarian and The Groundskeeper, these are four ancient dragons that are part of what we are calling the Dragon Council. More info will appear as they move through the world.
- “It’s an honor for you to speak with me” made me laugh. Every time
- Wizards are all desperate grad students
- Oh and another thing
- Trying to decide if it was too meta for Gideon to just realize that he was speaking to The librarian and not just his assistant or something. He went from believing dragons were extinct to knowing that they have the ability to polymorph
- Mentioning Zane from Fjorbs text based.
- Destiny Thorn pistol reference
- “You don’t get to know that”
- Love that my players have to hide things from me.


Yes, it's a chipmunk. But close enough. :D



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