`Boss Mobs Drops and Spawn time guides!`
NAME: Cruel Jupiter (CJ)
Map/Location: Practicing Yard(PY)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 6 hours
Drops: Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot,) Lvl[30] Items (Rosa, Ring), Resistance Upgrade, Refining Stone, Golds
NAME: Dark Arts Master (DAM)
Map/Location: Leonine Campus B3
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 4 hours
Drops: Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot,) Lvl[30] Items (Rosa, Ring), Resistance Upgrade, Refining Stone, Golds
NAME: Guillotine Master (GM)
Map/Location: Prison/Middle Hole/Root Hole (Don't have specific area)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 4 Hours
Drops: Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot,) Lvl[30] Items (Rosa, Ring), Resistance Upgrade, Refining Stone, Golds
NAME: Bumbero and Spice Boy
Map/Location: Middle Hole (Near Entrance of Rote Hole)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 2 Hours
Drops: Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot,) Lvl[30] Items (Rosa, Ring), Resistance Upgrade, Refining Stone, Golds
NAME: Dark Arts Agent (DA) and Bilanggo
Map/Location: Root Hole (Near the bridge in Head B entrance)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 4 hours
Drops: Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot, +10 ingredients) Lvl[30] Items (Rosa, Ring), Resistance Upgrade, Refining Stone, Golds
NAME: Astral Swordsman and Crimson Swordsman
Map/Location: Root Hole (Near the bridge in Head B entrance)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 12 Hours
Drops: Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot, +10 ingredients) Lvl[30] Items (Rosa, Ring), Resistance Upgrade, Refining Stone, Golds
NAME: Young Time Master
Map/Location: Root hole ( near head b. entrance)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 2 hours
Drops: Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot,) Lvl[30] Items (Rosa, Ring), Resistance Upgrade, Refining Stone, Golds
NAME: Ultimate Destroyer
Map/Location:PrisonTestZone (Near Miner Spot)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 48 hours
Drops: Honor Weapons & Golds
NAME: Giant Hawk
Map/Location:Laboratory 7 (Inside PTZ)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 48 hours
Drops: Honor Weapons & Golds
NAME: Mr Pet
Map/Location: Head B.30F (End of the Map)
Time Interval/Re-spawn:8 Hours
Drops:Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot, +10 ingredients) Refining Stone, Resistance Stone, Golds
NAME: Revolver
Map/Location: Head B.50f, Head B.51f, Head B.52f (End of the Map)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 8 Hours
Drops:Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot, +10 ingredients) Refining Stone, Resistance Stone, Golds
NAME:Ms Chemical
Map/Location: Head B.90f (End of the Map)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 8 Hours
Drops:Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot, +10 ingredients) Refining Stone, Resistance Stone, Golds
NAME:Time Cutter
Map/Location: Head B Left Wall (Entrance located at HB.90F)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 8 Hours
Drops:Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot, +10 ingredients) Refining Stone, Resistance Stone, Golds
Map/Location: Head B Right Wall (Entrance located at HB.90F)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 8 Hours
Drops:Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot, +10 ingredients) Refining Stone, Resistance Stone, Golds
Map/Location: Head B.Underground (End of the Map, Near Root Hole Exit)
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 8 Hours
Drops:Refines (Lux, FBurr, Burr, Protpot, +10 ingredients) Refining Stone, Resistance Stone, Golds
Map/Location: Director Room
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 72 hours
Drops: Sove Weapon & Golds
Map/Location: Another World North
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 72 hours
Drops: Sove Weapon & Golds
NAME: Lucian and MIA
Map/Location: RCB1
Time Interval/Re-spawn: Reset Every Entering Map
Drops: Dark Lunar Set & Golds
NAME: Priest of Wrath
Map/Location: St. research complex
Time Interval/Re-spawn: 8 Hours
Drops: Sove Weapon & Golds
NAME: Sonya
Map/Location: St. research complex
Time interval/Re-Spawn: Saturday 9:30PM
Drops: 1st = golds / 2nd = Golds / 3rd = Golds / Final = Sove [P] +10 Weapons, Refines
NAME: Mutant
Map/Location: Saint power plant
Time interval: MON / TH 9:30PM
Drops: Celestial Fragment, Refines, Golds
NAME: BigBot
Map/Location: Saint power plant
Time interval: WED / FRI 9:30PM
Drops: Celestial Fragment, Refines, Golds
NAME: Veno
Map/Location: Saint power plant
Time interval: Saturday 9:30PM
Drops: Astral Fragment, Refines, Golds