It has come to my attention, that the donation for the BWB competition that was held back in May, never reached the Kentucky Lyme Disease Association. I made the mistake of mailing the money in cash, off to their PO Box, and left it as an anonymous donation. I was contacted recently and was informed that it never reached them. I know it was an ignorant move, and I was not in the best head space when I sent it.
I have since spoken with KYLDA and confirmed that it was not received. I am making payments to them going forward to rectify this situation. I made my first installment payment toin the amount of $250 dollars, and will be putting forth more for the foreseeable future, every month until this debt is satisfied.
I haven’t asked for help to fix this, due to I feel this is my fault. I don’t want people who have helped in the past, to have to put more in. I know that this should have never happened, but a mistake was made and I am going to resolve it
I want to apologize to everyone that helped, supported and sponsored this competition. I failed in this endeavor and will make up for it. If you do not want to speak to me any further after this, I completely understand. I am ashamed on how ignorant I was to think I could mail in this. You guys trusted me, and I let you down. Please accept my sincere apologies for this transgression.
I hope you all can find it in your hearts to forgive and understand that there was no malicious intent with this.