Sick Plays Gaming

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Sick Plays Gaming Ex Pro Fortnite Player, Owner Of Team Sick, here to inspire the world! Owner Of Team Sick ! Building The Biggest, The Best, And Most Engaging Community Ever !

Come Be Apart Of the Team And Family !







Team Sicks 500$ dbd tournament!

S2 Tournaments host Dead By Daylight tournaments with some of the best teams in the world! Are goal is to continue to grow and make our tournaments bigger an...


I Miss When Fortnite Use To Be Good!


This Was So Crazy I HAD To Post It! (Only PUBG Video You Will Ever See From Me)


Doctor Is Not To Happy About That - Dead By Daylight


They Love My Mikey - Dead By Daylight

We are here to host top notch professional gameplay of dead by daylight!We host tournaments every 2-3 weeks for $$$ and ...

We are here to host top notch professional gameplay of dead by daylight!
We host tournaments every 2-3 weeks for $$$ and its completely free to play in them!
We have the top DBD teams in the world playing in these tournaments!
We also are looking into hosting tournaments for other games like Call Of Duty, Fortnite, Apex and maybe even more in the future!

S2 is here to bring top notch professional Dead By Daylight gameplay!


Come join the S2 tournament discord we host fortnite dead by daylight Apex and call of duty tournaments for $$$

these tournaments are held every 2 to 4 weeks!!

And it's completely free to play in them!

Check the pinned comment!




SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR ALL THE MISSPELLING ! just had to let all this out

6 Years In The Making!

imagine if I did what they told me to.. Give up on my dreams, to stop chasing what i love to do cause its unrealistic.. Cause You Cant make money from it unless you are really successful I would be just like the rest of them, hopeless I never let anyone put me down my whole life I use to let other judgement affect my ways of looking at life and how I felt on the inside.. it took me so long to learn that no ones opinion matters. love you for who you are are... AND REMEBER THIS PEOPLE WILL HATE PEOPLE WILL BE MEAN. ITS APART OF LIFE ... WE ARE HERE FOR A REASON WE ALL HAVE A PURPOSE.. are jobs are to find are purpose and to chase that purpose as far as we can.. My life changed the day i found my purpose... I was 18 years old close to 19 in my last year of school.. i use to rap and never thought it would been anything other then something to do for fun.. but when my teacher told me that i have inspired people to be better to do better and changed their life it all came to me at once, I knew my purpose i knew why i was put on earth... it was to change the world on a scale never done before at what i do... and i knew it couldn't be music there is already way to many goats and legends.. so i sat down and thought long and hard on how i could build somthing that would be infulencehel that would impact and inspire the people by the millions and forever esatblish that... so since i was a people purpose and always loved to talk and played video games my whole life and always wanting to make funny videos i decided how i would start this... i started uploading videos on youtube and facebook did alot of IRL videos and slowly learned how to edit and record videos in a more of advanced way since i use to go to school for audio and video production... after a while i started to stream and upload gaming videos ... i did my best to upload one video everyday while working and becoming a dad in the process. after a while i was around 1k subscribers and been uploading for a year.. A old friend of mine who was really advanced at editing videos streaming and computers hit me up and this caught me by surprise as i only knew him a litte bit.. friends of friends you can say well he told me "I see what your doing bro i love the grind and passion and your purpose but you fu***ng suck.. i already talked to my wife and if you agree to this then this friday i will be flying from texas to indiana and ill move in with you help you pay the bills and ill teach you everything i know... when he said that i was in shock! why would this guy i barley know want to risk all this for me? i looked at it as a sign that we were ment to cross paths... and as crazy as it sounds i said yes and that friday he came up and moved in... the next day we went right to work.. he showed me so much and we also learned so much together... after a month or so we where going through my youtube channel and redoing the titles and discription and thumbnails on my videos... and out of no where one of the videos we changed hit the algorithm and in 1 day had over 40k... he told mme to call of work and stream.. i had one sick day left and he said that if he was right and the stream was gonna be as good as he thought i would have to quit my job and chase this dream. and as stupid as it sounded then i agreed.. that first stream after all that happen was insane. never had more then 3-4 viewers within the first hour we had 40-50 people buy the middle of the stream it was around 200-250 at the end 300... i quit my job.. and after that stream i knew that i dident want this feeling and vision i have to be just for me.. So thats when i made Team Sick at the time it was sick clan... it was crazy cause i was living out my dreams i was a fulltime streaming building something.. the team was growing the channel was to... i was learning so much and improving everyday... everything was going amazing and i was happy... that all lasted for about a year and at this time we where 3 years into this dream... as i thought it couldn't get better i was sadly right.. i lost my brother to depression and it broke the entire family.. as hard as it was on me IT WAS NOTHING compared to the pain in my moms eyes.. it is somthing i would never wish on any person for any reason. it was so hard to watch her go through what she did.. ill never forget that s**t, my mom asked me to move back in with her and of corse i did and for the next two year i was not as active as i once was... from taking care of my mom and kids i did not have time to stream.. i still ran the team and played the game often... so during that time i was still learning how to be a leader how to better myself and chase my dream... well after everything was better and i thought it was the right time to comeback i made my return... the team had fallen of due to my inactivity and not bringing in people.. so i decided to change the teams name and colors so we went from sick clan to team sick from green to blue... My youtube channel was dead and i was hopeless it felt like.. i decided to take a risk.... and go to facebook gaming.. and it was the best choice i ever made so far.. all of the amazing people i know today and respect are from there from streamers to people in the community... I was able to grind and be noticed by these amazing people.. but the best of it all is those i found who are now on the team... these people are so important to me cause once we become successful and all that the people we talk to after that point its all business there in it for the benefit.. not for the purpose... not for the same reason... the people on this time are in it cause THEY KNOW.. THEY KNOW THAT I WILL LEAD THEM TO SUCCESS TO LEGENDARY STATUS! TO THE TOP.... they listened to someone who they barely knew they heard my passion behind my voice.. the last 6 years of knowledge of mistakes bad decisions i made.. all the things i scarf iced to be where i am today the journey the time away from my kids that i will never get back.. family get togethers i missed out cause i knew where i needed to be.. i knew i had to fail many many more times then i would succeed to get here... they saw that... and i know everyone on this teams ask themselves why the hell did he chose me.. And as i would tell them if they asked me themselves.. I see people for who they truly are i see the best version you can possibly be... and i need you here i need you to help me chase this dream and be apart of greatness.. after 6 years of chasing this dream i learned alot.... i learned people will hate you no matter what its apart of the job... there will be hard days and there will be good days.. i learned that the people you love and trust the most will hurt you one day MOST OF THE TIME.. so you gotta chose who you think in your life right now is worth it... that family and people who care about you will laugh at you.. that you have to cut off friends who dont have the same drive, passion, dream or anything that deals with what you do... you will have to grind and do things that you dont want to do... this 6 years has been the hardest of my life.. from learning how to become a man a dad a streamer/content creator a team leader a motivator a legend the lost of my grandpa my brother.. those nights of crying cause i knew what was coming i know i am gonna change the world... i just had to keep grinding.... and now where here.. from all those years i learned so much did so much and now im dangerous i understand my full purpose more now then ever.. its harder and harder to learn new things but i know i will always learn new things.. and when it comes my time me and this team will change the world inspire the people who lets us and we will forever pave our name into the gaming world and our purpose will be felt all over the world by all types of people! and my son who is me in every way will continue chasing this dream when i die... he will be me in everyway but better.... if you made it this far i want you to comment so i know... over time i will come back to this and continue to add more things from the past and add whats new. if you wanna be apart of the team or support the dream please hit us up! i promise you will be shocked on how i run the team and even if you didn't want to be on the team i can help you with anything that deals with pcs streaming editing videos and ect! we are always here to help! forever and always!
Team Sick, The greatest to ever do it!


Running the Fortnite Tourney With Sick Stamps check the comments !


Running With Sick Stamps check the comments !


if you wanna come support and show some love then check the comments!
it would mean alot to me if yall did and we always show love back!!


sorry for all the miss spelling!

Here is My Story.....

6 Years In The Making!

imagine if I did what they told me to.. Give up on my dreams, to stop chasing what i love to do cause its unrealistic.. Cause You Cant make money from it unless you are really successful I would be just like the rest of them, hopeless I never let anyone put me down my whole life I use to let other judgement affect my ways of looking at life and how I felt on the inside.. it took me so long to learn that no ones opinion matters. love you for who you are are... AND REMEBER THIS PEOPLE WILL HATE PEOPLE WILL BE MEAN. ITS APART OF LIFE ... WE ARE HERE FOR A REASON WE ALL HAVE A PURPOSE.. are jobs are to find are purpose and to chase that purpose as far as we can.. My life changed the day i found my purpose... I was 18 years old close to 19 in my last year of school.. i use to rap and never thought it would been anything other then something to do for fun.. but when my teacher told me that i have inspired people to be better to do better and changed their life it all came to me at once, I knew my purpose i knew why i was put on earth... it was to change the world on a scale never done before at what i do... and i knew it couldn't be music there is already way to many goats and legends.. so i sat down and thought long and hard on how i could build somthing that would be infulencehel that would impact and inspire the people by the millions and forever esatblish that... so since i was a people purpose and always loved to talk and played video games my whole life and always wanting to make funny videos i decided how i would start this... i started uploading videos on youtube and facebook did alot of IRL videos and slowly learned how to edit and record videos in a more of advanced way since i use to go to school for audio and video production... after a while i started to stream and upload gaming videos ... i did my best to upload one video everyday while working and becoming a dad in the process. after a while i was around 1k subscribers and been uploading for a year.. A old friend of mine who was really advanced at editing videos streaming and computers hit me up and this caught me by surprise as i only knew him a litte bit.. friends of friends you can say well he told me "I see what your doing bro i love the grind and passion and your purpose but you fu***ng suck.. i already talked to my wife and if you agree to this then this friday i will be flying from texas to indiana and ill move in with you help you pay the bills and ill teach you everything i know... when he said that i was in shock! why would this guy i barley know want to risk all this for me? i looked at it as a sign that we were ment to cross paths... and as crazy as it sounds i said yes and that friday he came up and moved in... the next day we went right to work.. he showed me so much and we also learned so much together... after a month or so we where going through my youtube channel and redoing the titles and discription and thumbnails on my videos... and out of no where one of the videos we changed hit the algorithm and in 1 day had over 40k... he told mme to call of work and stream.. i had one sick day left and he said that if he was right and the stream was gonna be as good as he thought i would have to quit my job and chase this dream. and as stupid as it sounded then i agreed.. that first stream after all that happen was insane. never had more then 3-4 viewers within the first hour we had 40-50 people buy the middle of the stream it was around 200-250 at the end 300... i quit my job.. and after that stream i knew that i dident want this feeling and vision i have to be just for me.. So thats when i made Team Sick at the time it was sick clan... it was crazy cause i was living out my dreams i was a fulltime streaming buliding somthing.. the team was growing the channel was to... i was learning so much and improving everyday... everything was going amazing and i was happy... that all lasted for about a year and at this time we where 3 years into this dream... as i thought it couldent get better i was sadly right.. i lost my brother to depression and it broke the entire famiy.. as hard as it was on me IT WAS NOTHING compared to the pain in my moms eyes.. it is somthing i would never wish on any person for any reason. it was so hard to wach her go through what she did.. ill never forget that s**t, my mom asked me to move back in with her and of corse i did and for the nect two year i was not as active as i once was... from taking care of my mom and kids i did not have time to stream.. i still ran the team and played the game often... so during that time i was still learning how to be a leader how to better myself and chase my dream... well after everything was better and i thought it was the right time to comeback i made my return... the team had fallen of due to my inactivity and not bringing in people.. so i decided to change the teams name and colors so we went from sick clan to team sick from green to blue... My youtube channel was dead and i was hopeless it felt like.. i decied to take a risk.... and go to facebook gaming.. and it was the best choice i ever made so far.. all of the amazing people i know today and respect are from there from streamers to people in the community... I was able to grind and be noticed by these amazing people.. but the best of it all is those i found who are now on the team... these people are so important to me cause once we become successful and all that the people we talk to after that point its all business there in it for the benifit.. not for the purpose... not for the same reason... the people on this time are in it cause THEY KNOW.. THEY KNOW THAT I WILL LEAD THEM TO SUCCESS TO LEGENDARY STATUS! TO THE TOP.... they lisened to someone who they barely knew they heard my passion behind my voice.. the last 6 years of knowlege of mistakes bad decisions i made.. all the things i scarficed to be where i am today the journey the time away from my kids that i will never get back.. family get togethers i missed out cause i knew where i needed to be.. i knew i had to fail many many more times then i would succeed to get here... they saw that... and i know everyone on this teams ask themselfs why the hell did he chose me.. And as i would tell them if they asked me themselfs.. I see people for who they truly are i see the best version you can possibley be... and i need you here i need you to help me chase this dream and be apart of greatness.. after 6 years of chasing this dream i learned alot.... i learned people will hate you no matter what its aprt of the job... there will be hard days and there will be good days.. i learned that the people you love and trust the most will hurt you one day MOST OF THE TIME.. so you gotta chose who you think in your life right now is worth it... that family and people who care about you will laugh at you.. that you have to cut off friends who dont have the same drive, passion, dream or anything that deals with what you do... you will have to grind and do things that you dont want to do... this 6 years has been the hardest of my life.. from learning how to become a man a dad a streamer/content creator a team leader a motivator a legend the lost of my grandpa my brother.. those nights of crying cause i knew what was coming i know i am gonna change the world... i just had to keep grinding.... and now where here.. from all those years i learned so much did so much and now im dangerous i understand my full purpose more now then ever.. its harder and harder to learn new things but i know i will always learn new things.. and when it comes my time me and this team will change the world inspire the people who lets us and we will forever pave our name into the gaming world and our purpose will be felt all over the world by all types of people! and my son who is me in every way will contuine chasing this dream when i die... he will be me in everyway but better.... if you made it this far i want you to comment so i know... over time i will come back to this and continue to add more things from the past and add whats new. if you wanna be apart of the team or support the dream please hit us up! i promise you will be shocked on how i run the team and even if you dident want to be on the team i can help you with anything that deals with pcs streaming editing videos and ect! we are always here to help! forever and always!
Team Sick, The greatest to ever do it!


When GOB Itsjustdiff is in your game and you almost clutch up the 1v3!!! but there where just better !!

day 3 of my return after a 3 month break!

GGs to everyone in the video!! I will be uploading as much as i can!

don't forget to support the dream by showing some love!


One day when I do everything I said I would achieve... I wont sound so crazy anymore



if you wanna come support and show some love then check the comments!

it would mean alot to me if yall did and we always show love back!!


If you can see this post and wanna support me in chasing my dreams and help change the world then check the comments !
we been grinding and we hit the algo and its been nothing but amazing !!
it would mean the world to me! hope to see you all !!



If you can see this post and wanna support me in chasing my dreams and help change the world then check the comments !
we been grinding and we hit the algo and its been nothing but amazing !!
it would mean the world to me! hope to see you all !!



If you can see this post and wanna support me in chasing my dreams and help change the world then check the comments !
we been grinding and we hit the algo and its been nothing but amazing !!
it would mean the world to me! hope to see you all !!



If you can see this post and wanna support me in chasing my dreams and help change the world then check the comments !
we been grinding and we hit the algo and its been nothing but amazing !!
it would mean the world to me! hope to see you all !!


If you can see this post and wanna support me in chasing my dreams and help change the world then check the comments !
we been grinding and we hit the algo and its been nothing but amazing !!
it would mean the world to me! hope to see you all !!


If you can see this post and wanna support me in chasing my dreams and help change the world then check the comments !

we been grinding and we hit the algo and its been nothing but amazing !!

it would mean the world to me! hope to see you all !!


if you guys wanna support the dream and see what new things we have going on !!


it would mean the world to me and i wont forget those who support me !


Insane things going on ! on the other side !! CHECK THE COMMENTS!



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