Old age is nothing but getting frozen. Old age has nothing to do with body or mind. It is to do with getting frozen with old concepts. Looking for the truth makes you young.
You have to go the space where whatever you carry now will become redundant. Let this to be told to your being. All this will not come with you to that space. Prepare yourself for that space. This clarity will awaken "Shivatvamasi".
Contemplate on this. Where am I going where my eyes and visualization will not come with me, my speech and verbalization will not come with me, my mind will not come with me, not even my soul will come with me. How am I going to exist in that space? What way am I going to be in that space? Contemplate, meditate, do Vakyartha sadas on this today. I cannot teach. But you can learn. Anybody who contemplates on this will become young. Understand. This is the technique to make you young and beautiful.
Because old age is nothing but getting frozen. Old age has nothing to do with body or mind. It is to do with getting frozen with old concepts. Looking for the truth makes you young.
Whenever you start looking for a place, space where all this will become redundant, your third eye will be awakened, your vak will be awakened, your mana will be awakened, your emotion will be awakened, you un-clutching will be awakened, your Shivatva will be awakened.
Raise yourself through this contemplation. Become young through this contemplation. Become beautiful through this contemplation.
Upanishads Demystified, Verse 3
Bengaluru Aadheenam, 08 August 2016