a master at work (just kidding. i just really love MGS)
champion of caldera!
as a solo player, i highly enjoy champion of caldera! since warzone is pretty much a dying game already, a twist on the normal solo battle royale mode, like this one, is really refreshing. since i take so long to queue up for resurgence solos (and even if do end up getting in a lobby, i'd still have 200 ms ping), champion of caldera has been a very feasible alternative. normal solo BR has been so stale now.
rebirth victory reel
here's a short reel of some of the rebirth dubs i got the past few weeks. my friends UG Commentary and Nico Macalino (idk why i can’t tag him) are here, as well!
quick rebirth win
quick rebirth win hehe
that scared me ☠️🥵🦆
quack quack
i love the cooper carbine
got another dub with the cooper carbine! also, i'm still learning how to properly record my gameplay.
my first dub in caldera
got my first caldera dub! that endgame though 🤔
my last dub in verdansk
tomorrow, verdansk goes away for good. here's my last dub in that dumb, old place we've come to love. cheers, everyone! see you all in caldera!
one of my last few dubs in verdansk :(
can't believe we're finally leaving verdansk :'(
got the saltiest post-game lobby ever after getting a dub lolz
invincible exploit (AGAIN)
ran into a player who exploited that bug where he takes absolutely NO damage at all. i've encountered this before, but it seems like in this instance, i was able to be invincible as well, as long as i kept shooting him at the same time he was shooting me.
this could've been a dub, but oh well.
iron trials solo dub
i've had several wins by now (not too many, but not too few either), but this particular iron trials solo dub felt very hard-earned. from losing my loadout and perks mid-game to holding my position during the last few circles, this match is clearly one of the more difficult games i've had ever since i started playing warzone.
either way, the iron trials format makes the game much more tolerable! they should keep this, at least for solos!