Today is launch day!! We have been to church this morning and this afternoon. Once we're recorded and edited the show, we'll make sure it's available later this evening. In the interim, please make sure you are subscribed to wherever you listen to podcasts. To show your support, you can leave us a voicemail on our website. #LaunchDay #celebration #IPressMyPurpose #WiththeQuickness #podcast
We're getting ready for our official launch on May 22, 2022. Listen to our first soft launch episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Shout out to @FBCLG . We have nothing but LOVE for ya! #ChristianWalk #BelieversAreAchievers #SpreadingPositivity #biggiesmalls #pressmypurpose #WithGodAllThingsArePossible #powerofprayer
Check out the official logo of the With The Quickness Podcast. A podcast that helps new and rededicated Christians enjoy their walk as followers of Jesus. Official launch date May 22, 2022. #pressmypurpose Featuring post-sermon commentary from First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens and The Potter's House of Dallas.