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Ku M'buka CCAP ku area 36 ku Lilongwe, mpanda wagwera galimoto.

Ku M'buka CCAP ku area 36 ku Lilongwe, mpanda wagwera galimoto.


Tsogolo la ulendo wa timu ya Flames, yomwe ikuyenera kunyamuka lamulungu kupita ku COSAFA CUP m'dziko la South Africa, lilimmalele pomwe osewera ochuluka apezeka ndi COVID 19.

Malipoti akuonetsa kuti ma player 8 komanso mmodzi mwa othandizira mphunzitsi wa timu, apezeka ndi nthendayi.


Anthony Mfune wagoletsa chigoli choyamba cha Karonga United yomwe ikusewera ndi Mighty Wandrers pa Mzuzu Stadium mu FDH Bank Cup.

Karonga United inafika mu Mzuzu 2 O'clock usiku, italengeza kuti sikwanitsa kusewera masewero amenewa.

Chigoli chalowa pa 23 minutes.


President wadziko lino la Malawi Dr. Lazarus Chakwera wati iwo akugwira bwino ntchito limodzi ndi wachiwiri wawo a Saulos Chilima, ndipo sakufuna kuti wina awasokoneze.

Dr Chakwera wanena izi lero lachiwiri pa 11 May 2021 pa Katoto roundabout mu mzinda wa Mzuzu, pa ulendo wawo wobwerera mchigawo cha pakati kuchoka kumpoto komwe amagwira ntchito za boma.


Nyumba yamalamulo ku Malawi yakana kuvomeleza dzina la mayi Martha Chizuma kuti akhale mkulu wa bungwe lolimbana ndi za katangale ndi ziphuphu la ACB.

Mayi Martha Chizuma anakaonekera ku komiti ya PAC ku nyumbayi lero lachiwiri pa 11 May 2021.

Pakadali pano zomwe achita a PAC zakwiyitsa a Malawi ambiri omwe akuona kuti a Chizuma amayenera kukhala mkulu wa bungwe la ACB.


Khoti lalikulu la Supreme lagamula kuti chisankho cha phungu wa nyumba yamalamulo cha dera la NkhataBay central, sichinayende bwino ndipo chichitikenso.

A Raphael Mhone ndi omwe anatengera nkhani ku khoti kudandaula kuti chisankho chomwe anapambana a Symon Vuwa Kaunda sichinayende bwino.


Mkulu wakale wa bungwe la Malawi Broadcasting Corporation MBC, a Aubrey Sumbuleta awamanga.

Apolisi amanga a Sumbuleta kummawa wa lero loweruka pa 17 April 2021, potsatira lipoti la bungwe loona ufulu wa anthu, lomwe linapeza kuti a Sumbuleta ankachitira nkhanza ogwira ntchito aakazi ku MBC.






*Defended by counsel Chris Kolezi Phiri of Legal Aid Bureau, Mzuzu office*


*A form three female student, kapando CDSS, euthini mzimba*

The senior resident magistrate court has today sentenced the accused person to serve a jail term of 12 years I. H. L. effective 12 November, 2020, the day he was arrested.

Brief facts of the matter are that on the material date the victim was called by the accused into school staffroom as she was knocking off from school where he r***d her.

The victim reported the matter to her in-law at her home village who latter informed the mother of the victim.

The mother of the victim together with other people went to confront the teacher who denied ra**ng the victim.

Consensus was reached that the victim be taken to *Kabwafu health centre where a medical assistant officer Mr James Kokonongwa treated and examined the victim. He gave her medication* without prescribing anywhere.

On 12th November, 2020 the victim developed some side effects which prompted the mother of the victim to report to shepherdness who happens to be a member of community mother group. The shepherdness reported the matter to *Tikondane CBO*

By then, some members of Mzimba Community Radio & MACOHA were at the CBO on Civic Education on issues concerning *GENDER BASED VIOLENCE* Sponsored by *UN-WOMEN* who alerted Euthini police unit who arrested the accused and the whilstle blowers proceeded to Kabwafu health centre for medical report from the medical officer. The report indicated that the victim was r***d.

In court accused pleaded not guilty to the charge. State paraded 7 witnesses to prove it's case. But the 5th state witness , the medical officer a *Mr. James Kokonongwa*, when was asked to say anything on the medical report which the state presented, surprised the state when he denied the authenticity of the medical report claiming that he was under duress of the whilstle blowers, he produced another report which was served to the defense counsel prior to trail, which had negative result. He went further by tendering the second medical report which was written on *18th November, 2021.* He emphasised that this is a true reflection of what he found. Cross examined as to why he gave the victim medication whilst knowing that the result was negative? The M.A state that he did so because the victim insisted that she was defile

On close of prosecution case, court found accused with a case to answer after state proved it's case beyond reasonable doubt.

The defense lawyer registered 5 witnesses but paraded 3 and closed it's case.

On submission for court to convict the accused person on judgement, state prayed to the court that there is enough evidence warranting the accused person to be convicted whilst the defense counsel challenged that the only state witness who was competent enough is the medical officer who examined and treated the Victim since he found that the victim was not r***d.

On his ruling the trying magistrate court agreed with the state that there was sufficient evidence for the accused to deserve conviction. Accused was then convicted.

On factors aggravating the offence state informed the court that:
* the victim deserves custodial sentence considering that he was a teacher who could have played a pivotal role of parental care in protecting the girl child than exploiting and abusing by ra**ng her.
* from evidence it shows that it was a calculated move since he called the girl into the staffroom while she was in company of her two friends only pretending to beg her mango *za dudu* and complimenting her on her coming to school for night prep. eventually ending up ra**ng her.
* State bemoaned the malpractice shown by the medical officer who accepted to be in friendship with the guys who escorted the victim to kabwafu health centre as well as the accused person as they drink together on market days at kapando trading center.
* State prayed stiffer punishment as the case is becoming rampant in the country.

In mitigation defense counsel prayed for linient sentence as the convict is a first offender,
* He has lost his his jobs and benefits due to conviction,
* He has family obligations,
*Defense counsel prayed for non custodial sentence saying that he has been remorseful and coorperative right from investigations and trial,
* If the court is to give him custodial sentence then it shouldn't be more than 36 months.

In sentencing the convict,
*the court agreed with the state that the convict deserves a custodial sentence as he was a teacher who could have protected the girl student,
*The trying magistrate also took his time to lament the unprofessional conduct shown by the medical officer who has 6 years experience,
* He even mentioned the perception of the public at large if the court is treat the matter with kid gloves.

*He finally sentence the convict to 12 years I. H. L with effect from 12th November, 2020*

*MI/EU/CR/37/11/2020 & Court Case Number 232/2020 Refers//.*

*Matter investigated by Sub Inspector Felix Kuwani of Euthini police unit and prosecuted by Pro/Sub Inspector Snowden Chimombo of Mzimba Police station.*


Masana a lero lachisanu pa 9 April 2021 nthawi ya 2 oclock, khoti mu mzinda wa Lilongwe limva ngati kuli koyenera kupereka kalata ya chiletso (Injunction) ku unduna wa zamaphunziro, kuti bungwe la aphunzitsi la TUM ndi aphunzitsi asiye kunyanyala ntchito.

Aphunzitsi akunyanyala ntchito pankhani ya ndalama za allowance ya COVID 19.


Khoti ku Mzuzu lagamula kuti mmwenye yemwe anatchula Happy Mhango wa HRDC kuti ndi galu, asalakwenso kwa zaka zitatu komanso apereke ndalama yokwana K700, 000 kwa a Mhango.

Chigamulochi chaperekedwa lachinayi pa 8 April 2021.

Mmwenyeyu anatchula a Mhango kuti ndi galu ku shop ya Airtel pomwe amalowerera pa mzere.

Khonsolo ya mzinda wa Mzuzu mogwirizana ndi apolisi ali kalikiliki kuononga malonda a mavenda omwe amayala zinthu panja ...

Khonsolo ya mzinda wa Mzuzu mogwirizana ndi apolisi ali kalikiliki kuononga malonda a mavenda omwe amayala zinthu panja pa msika.

Izi zachitika mongozizimutsa kummawa wa lachitatu pa 7 April 2021 koma eni malonda athawa.


Mmwenye wa zaka 32 zakubadwa, ammanga ku Mzuzu kamba komutchula munthu wina kuti ndi galu.

Wachiwiri kwa mneneri wa polisi ku Mzuzu Paul Tembo wati mmwenye anapita ku shop ya airtel komwe anapeza anthu pa mzere koma iyeyo amafuna angowapitilira anthu nkumapita kutsogolo.

mwa omwe anali pa mzere panalinso Happy Mhango yemwe ndi wapampando wa bungwe la HRDC ku mpoto, yemwe ataona izi anafunsa kuti kodi chikuchitika ndi chani. Apa mpamene panali kusinthana mau mpakana mmwenye kumutchula Mhango kuti ndi galu.

Izi zachitika masana a lachiwiri pa 6 April 2021.

Mtsogoleri wadziko la Malawi walandira katemela wa COVID 19.

Mtsogoleri wadziko la Malawi walandira katemela wa COVID 19.

Sun 7 Mar 2021 10:15Moto watentha bus ya AXA yomwe inali paulendo wopita ku Karonga kuchokera ku Mzuzu.Ngoziyi yachitiki...

Sun 7 Mar 2021 10:15

Moto watentha bus ya AXA yomwe inali paulendo wopita ku Karonga kuchokera ku Mzuzu.

Ngoziyi yachitikira pamalo otchedwa Luwuchi ku Chiweta m'boma la Rumphi.

Pakadali pano sitikudziwa za chomwe chayambitsa, kukula kwa vutoli ndi kuchuluka kwa anthu omwe akhuzidwa.


Speaker wa nyumba yamalamulo a Catherine Gotani Hara wapezeka ndi matenda a COVID 19.

A Gotani Hara anapita kokayezetsa ataona kuti anthu awiri ogwira ntchito kunyumba kwawo apezeka ndi nthendayi.


Mtsogoleri wadziko lino la Malawi Dr Lazarus Chakwera wafika mu mzinda wa Mzuzu masana a lero lachinayi pa 25 February 2021, komwe akuzagwira ntchito za boma.

Imodzi mwa ntchitozi ndi kupereka ma certificate kwa ophunzira omwe amaliza maphunziro awo pa sukulu ya Mzuzu University MZUNI.

Mwambowu uchitika pa internet kaamba ka mliri wa Corona.


Nthambi yoona za ngozi zogwa mwadzidzidzi kuno ku Malawi ya DODMA yauza ma khonsolo onse kuti asiye kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama zomwe anawapatsa za ntchito yolimbana ndi COVID 19, ndipo azibwenze ku account ya DODMA.

Kalata yochokera kwa Commissioner wa DODMA yati izi ndi zomwe agwirizana a komiti yoona za matenda a COVID-19.

Galimoto la nduna yoona zophunzitsa anthu pa zinthu zosiyanasiyana a Timothy Mtambo, yapezeka ku Bwengu litabedwa ku Lil...

Galimoto la nduna yoona zophunzitsa anthu pa zinthu zosiyanasiyana a Timothy Mtambo, yapezeka ku Bwengu litabedwa ku Lilongwe.

Malipoti akusonyeza kuti galimotoli linabedwa ndipo woyendetsa anammangilira nkumusiya kumbuyo kwa galimotolo.

Anthu aku Bwengu akuti galimotoli linachita ngozi pamalowo, kenaka mbava zinathawa.


Bungwe la TUM lati kunyanyala ntchito pakati pa aphunzitsi kukupitilirabe.

Iwo ati zomwe ena akufalitsa kuti kunyanyala ntchito kwatha nzaboza.

Mtsogoleri wa TUM W***y Malimba wati pali gulu lina la aphunzitsi lomwe likuuza nyumba zofalitsa nkhani kuti aphunzitsi abwerere ku ntchito, zomwe siziri zoona.

A Malimba ati aphunzitsi akhale kunyumba mpakana nkhani yawo ifike kumapeto.


Komiti yoona za matenda a COVID-19 yakwana pempho la aphunzitsi m'dziko muno loti azilandira ndalama za allowance.

Nduna ya za maphunziro Agness Nyalonje yauza nyumba ya malamulo masana a lero lachitatu pa 24 February 2021 kuti komiti yoona za matendawa yaona kuti ndi zosayenera kuti aphunzitsi awapatse ma allowance.

Aphunzitsi anayamba kunyanyala ntchito lolemba pofuna kukakamiza boma kuti liziwapatsa ma allowance a COVID 19.




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