If work is a means to an end, how do you know if you should stay where you are? It seems like we are having to re-evaluate where we are at in our lives on a daily basis. Kathy & Elaine want you to know that it's ok to question what you want from work...that it's actually good to find purpose in everything that you do. It's all a part of the process that will help you to let go and live more fully.
Listen to episode 32: Should you stay where you are?
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"Girls compete with each other, women empower one another" -Unknown
Listen to episode 31: True Wealth and Leadership for Women Entrepreneurs
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If there's one skill to help you in these trying times, it's learning how to let go of the outcome, and instead, cherish the process. Stunt professional and personal trainer Kirsten Andersen had to pivot major parts of her business, and she could have easily lost her way. By focussing on the process of adapting, and less on the outcome, she was able to embrace change and emerge even stronger than before. She shares many lessons and tips that any entrepreneur can benefit from.
Listen to episode 30: Let go of the outcome, Cherish the process
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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Doreen Downing will help you to find and develop your true speaking voice. She too used to be mortified of speaking in public, until she began choosing love over fear. Now she helps people to conquer their stage fright and to recover the essence of their vibrant inner self.
Listen to episode 29: Find and Develop Your True Voice with Doreen Downing
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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Are you throwing money at a problems so you can stop doing the hard work of having to solve them yourself? Do you also abdicate responsibility to avoid disappointment in others, only to let yourself down? Learning to ask for help, the right kind of help, is an important skill and one you'll hear all about in this episode!
Listen to episode 28 - Stop Throwing Money at Problems Instead of Doing the Work
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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Your negative programming, behaviors, and habits can serve you up to a point...where they then become destructive. Teri Karjala specializes in counseling and women entrepreneurs, and in this episode, she shows how you can remove your old programming and embrace new stories as a way to take you to the next level.
Listen to episode 27: Remove Negative Programming with Teri Karjala
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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Modern living means we've come to expect magical cures and solutions for all that ails us. The really hard stuff though, doesn't have easy fixes. Elaine and Kathy share entertaining stories about how to put in the hard work, embrace the process, and come out the other side stronger than ever.
Listen to episode 26 - Is There A Pill For This?
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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It's the one thing you can't ever get rid of, so do you really want to spend your life unhappy with your body? Self love and intimacy coach Kerri Cust will teach you to revere, appreciate, and love your body. Do that and you'll expand to the wholeness of who you are and feel alive and full every day.
Listen to episode 25: Let's Get Naked! …Physically & Emotionally
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here @StillHumanPodcast | Linktree available on these streaming platforms
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There's nothing mainstream about you, or any of us. Eva Vennari wants to help you think differently about who you are and what you eat. With individualized holistic healing you can turn back the hands of time...and then go do more of what you were meant to do in this world.
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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Just because you're told you aren't good at something doesn't mean you can't learn to be better. Special guest Tania Vasallo shows that you can empower yourself and take your career and personal life to places beyond imagination. It begins by having conversations, opening up to others, and owning your destiny.
Listen to episode 23: Be a Freedom Seeker, Not a Victim
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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Being an entrepreneur can be really hard. Especially when you're trying to do everything yourself. It doesn't have to be that way. All it takes is a little trust and the right people for you to free yourself from the pain and frustration. Guest Jordan Dawson of @cincy_assist explains how you can make the leap and instantly improve your quality of life on episode 22.
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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You've felt it at one time or another: that feeling of never ending mistakes and drama. You hate it when it's there, but miss it when it's gone. That's totally normal...as long as you have a process for letting go and moving forward. Listen and you'll learn how!
Episode 21: Could it be that your purpose is to serve as a warning to others?
-Subscribe to the Still Human Podcast here https://linktr.ee/StillHumanPodcast available on these streaming platforms
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