Iceweb Homestead

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  • Iceweb Homestead

Iceweb Homestead We are Gage, Lakota, and our 2 ruthless kiddos, homesteading on .19 acre in an urban area!

Lakota is a selft-taught gardener and is currently taking a course in permaculture. We took a plunge to become as sustainable as possible in an urban area.

We are now providing Blueberry Muffins 8-9oz candles! They smell like Blueberry Miffins, Brown Sugar, and Vanilla! As yo...

We are now providing Blueberry Muffins 8-9oz candles!
They smell like Blueberry Miffins, Brown Sugar, and Vanilla! As you burn the scent slightly changes from a mix of all to vanilla, then to brown sugar and then to Blueberry Muffins!! They also come with a bamboo lid!
Made from Organic Soy Wax, Fragrance Oil, Wax Dye Colorant.
Burn time is about 30 hours!
Currently, we do not ship. We do Local Pick up and Drop off for these ones! Contact me for more info!

Amelia and I made pocket peach pies tonight!

Amelia and I made pocket peach pies tonight!


Stalking someone’s personal information on the internet and threatening to cause financial harm because you two don’t agree on something or have different opinions on something is weird.

So I have decided to make a Reptile themed soap line to help support Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary where they take in al...

So I have decided to make a Reptile themed soap line to help support Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary where they take in alligators and other reptiles that cannot be released back into the wild.
The first soap is going to be called Lyle which is named after their Nile Crocodile!

I would like your guesses as to what scent you think this soap will be! Leave your guess in the comments!

Photo of Lyle below! 🥰


Today I learned how to S*x Isopods!!
Some species are harder to tell though. Like the armadillo kind.

Here is the bug spray recipe. You can save this digital copy for free or I have 45 H**p copies that are (7.1in x 5.5in) ...

Here is the bug spray recipe.
You can save this digital copy for free or I have 45 H**p copies that are (7.1in x 5.5in) being made that will be embossed with my page seal. Those will be here in a couple of days as I am not producing them myself.

These are $5 (Cost of producing them is what causes the cost to be high) shipping is included in the cost.

Please feel free to share this post!


Empower yourself and the planet! Remember the R's and make a difference: Refuse, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, and Repurpose.

Happy Earth Day!!


1 Gallon of Kombucha
32 servings of a 4oz serving size.

* First Fermentation

1. Supplies
- Room temp of 69-75
- Cheese cloth or T shirt fabric with large rubber band
- 1 Scoby
- 2 cups of finished kombucha that isn’t flavored (starter tea)
- 2 1 Gallon Glass jars
- 2 Stick on Aquarium thermometer
- 4 Cups Fresh Spring or well water (DO NOT USE CITY WATER!) you can use Distilled but then it doesn’t have the minerals in it as well.
- 8 Cups of fresh Spring or well water (DO NOT USE CITY WATER!) you can use Distilled but then it doesn’t have the minerals in it as well.
- 3 Tbsp organic Black or Green Tea or about 10 bags of tea bags.
- 1 Cup Organic Cane Sugar

2. Instructions
- Put Aquarium strip on the 1 Gallon Glass Jar that will be brewing your Kombucha
- Put the other one on your Kombucha Hotel 1 Gallon Glass Jar.
- Make STRONG black or green tea (about 10 bags to 4 cups of water) make sure its organic/natural tea bags or loose leaf tea- steep for 10 minutes or until it cools to room temperature, you may add sugar in while tea is HOT)
- Add 1 Cup of sugar and mix it VERY WELL
- Add the Scoby and Starter tea to 1 of your 1 Gallon Glass Jars along with the 8 cups of water.
- Add your starter tea to that same 1 Gallon Glass Jar
- Add the room temperature sweet tea to your glass jar
- Stir
- Put the cloth on top of jar and rubber band it to it (this helps keep bugs and stuff out!)
- Place it in a room where the temperature stays at a regulated area of between 65-89 degrees (this is not too cold to where mold would form and not to hot to kill the good bacteria)
- Let sit for 5 days out of direct sunlight. (DO NOT MESS WITH OR MOVE YOUR TEA/SCOBY, YOU NEED TO LET A NEW SCOBY FORM)
NOTE: If you placed it in a cooler area or it’s winter time, you may not have a very big Scoby form or perhaps non at all!
- Day 5: Taste to see if you like it and if there is any carbonation. If you like it’s flavor then you can either drink it the way it is or you can flavor it and start a second fermentation. If you want it stronger you can let it keep fermenting and taste it daily until you like how it is.
NOTE: If you like the flavor way it is, and don’t want to add flavoring, add 1tsp of natural organic cane sugar per 16oz bottle and then stir it well, place the cap on VERY TIGHT or get one of those flip cap bottles. Fill the bottles 1 inch from the top. Place it in the fridge. (A Scoby may form in any bottle. If you don’t like it you can pull it out and place it in the Scoby hotel. YOU CANNOT place a flavored Scoby in a Hotel or make new Kombucha.

* Second Fermentation

1. Supplies
- 8 16oz glass bottles (I use the ones with the flip lid) Make sure they can take a good amount of internal pressure
- 1/3 Cup Natural fruit or juice etc of your choice per 16oz bottle (Higher sugar content in the fruit means the more it is carbonated and the faster it does it.)
- Large 1 Gallon Pitcher
- Funnel
- Absorbent Hand Town

2. Instruction
- Add Kombucha to Pitcher
- Prepare flavoring into either a pure or juice
- Measure up how much flavoring you need and add it to each 16oz bottle using the funnel.
- Using the funnel, pour Kombucha into the 16oz bottles until it reaches 1 inch from the top.
- Clean up around the caps with the cloth to ensure that it’s dry.
- Cap your bottles- if using a twist cap, (MAKE SURE IT’S TIGHT)
- Place them in a dark place with stable temperature for 3 days to increase carbonation. Then place it in the fridge.

- Prepare Flavorings into either a pure or juice
- Measure up the flavoring to 19.95oz or 2 1/2 Cups
- Add Flavoring to pitcher
- Add Kombucha to Pitcher
- Using the funnel, pour the flavored Kombucha into the 16oz bottles until it reaches 1 inch from the top.
- Clean up around the caps with the cloth to ensure that it’s dry.
- Cap your bottles- if using a twist cap, (MAKE SURE IT’S TIGHT)
- Place them in a dark place with stable temperature for 3 days to increase carbonation. Then place it in the fridge.
NOTE: You may want to burp your bottles every 3 days if you are using bottles not meant for brewing fermented beverages and they are at ROOM-TEMP. Burping them is just opening the caps just a little and then closing them really fast. You will want to do this to COLD Kombucha over a sink or outside incase it gets messy. Room-Temp Kombucha will MAKE A MESS sometimes.

This Recipe is for sweeter, and NOT DRY- (acidic) �If you would like it more dry. Place them at room temp and burp them every two days until they reach the flavor you would like. Then place them in the fridge. ��They will last 8-12 months in the fridge, and you WILL WANT TO BURP EVERY 30 DAYS while keeping them long term in the fridge.
NOTE: The longer they sit, the more DRY they get.

How much Kombucha should you drink?
4oz every day. But you may consume up to 12oz a day safely. Otherwise you could risk getting ketoacidosis and need to go to the hospital.
Children older than a year old can safely drink 1-2 oz a day that has been watered down.

People who shouldn’t drink Kombucha are as followed:
Pregnant or nursing mothers.
Those who have Kidney disease or HIV.
Those who have compromised immune systems.
Those who have a dependency to alcohol
Those who have too much bacteria in the small intestine.
Children below 1 year of age.



Beautiful summer is starting to emigre, the flowers, fresh air, and beautiful weather. Many will be out and about exploring, gardening, playing!
But sadly that means that those nasty mosquitoes are out as well! Here is my favorite bug spray to use when we are in areas that are high with still water and those flying blood suckers are out.

This is really versatile, if you don’t have all the oils listed, simply use what you have or feel free to exchange them with other bug repelling oils, such as lemongrass, vetiver, and patchouli. You will want to end up using a little less than 100 drops for a 8oz spray bottle!

Please note that children under age 10 CANNOT use eucalyptus and rosemary oils. You can double up on oils or replace them with some that are safe. I would double up on cedar-wood and citronella.

1/2 cup Witch Hazel extract
1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 tablespoon Vegetable Glycerin
5 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
10-20 drops CedarWood Essential Oil
10 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
20 drops Geranium Essential Oil
20 drops Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil
20-30 drops Citronella Essential Oil

Add everything into a 8oz amber glass spray bottle shake really well.

To Use:
Shake really well before use and spray everywhere other than eyes, mouth, and nose. Apply as often as needed.



My husband often gets headaches and from time to time so do I! I don’t like to take over the counter medicines if I don’t have to, so that means that alternatives are needed. If you’re at home simply adding these oils to your temple and thin skinned areas such as your wrists will do the trick, but if you are like my boyfriend and travel often, it’s not always that easy to have oils on hand all the time. So I have started making this balm for him and to easily carry with him during his travels. You can make it into a tin or a push up lip balm container. This recipe makes 1oz containers. Please do NOT use peppermint essential oil with children younger than 6 and do NOT use rosemary essential oil on children younger than 10.

- 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
- 2 tablespoons Shea Butter
- 2 tablespoons grated Beeswax or 1 table spoon Candelilla Wax
- 20 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
- 10 drops Lavender or Lilac Essential Oil
- 10 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
- 5 drops Rosemary Essential Oil

- Double Boiler (either store bought or home made)
- Measuring Spoons
- Small spoon to mix with
- Eye Dropper or Pipette
- 2 .5 oz Containers or 1 1oz Container (you can use what suits you best)

1. Warm up the double boiler over medium heat until the water is at a simmer
2. add the coconut oil, shea butter, and wax until melted
3. Add the essential oils and mix well
4. Using the eye dropper or pipette start placing the mixture into your containers then let set at room temperature for about 60 minutes.
5. Seal with an airtight lid and store in a cool dark place for up to 12 months.

To Use:
- Apply a small amount of the balm onto the temples, back of the head, shoulders, and behind the ears. Gently massage into the skin and breathe in its aroma.

NOTE: You can adjust the consistency of the balm by re-melting it in the double boiler and adding more coconut oil if you want a softer balm or more wax if you want a firmer one.


Get Well Gummies

I LOVE elderberry syrup! Once I learned that I can turn these into Gummies (among other things,) It makes it WAY easier to get this beneficial berry into my picky kiddos.

- 1 1/2 cups Tart Black Cherry Juice
- 1/4 cup Unflavored Gelatin of your choosing
- 2 tablespoons Raw Honey
- 1/4 Elderberry Syrup of your choosing (I make mine home made)

- 1 small saucepan
- Whisk
- Silicone molds of your choosing
- Thick baking sheet
- Refrigerator
- Air tight container

1. Pour Cherry Juice into the small sauce pan and heat over medium heat until a light boil.
2. SLOWLY add the gelatin in and whisk quickly until all of the gelatin is mixed in and you don’t see any clumps and it’s all dissolved.
3. Remove from heat, add elderberry syrup and honey. Whisk well.
4. Place silicone molds on the thick baking sheet and slowly start filling the molds with the mixture. Scrape any bubbles off of the tops.
5. Place the baking sheet that is holding the molds filled with elderberry into the fridge for about 45minutes.
6. Pop the Gummies out and place in a air tight container for up to 14 days.

To Use:
If you used a 1 tablespoon mold, you can give kids 10 and under 6 Gummies every 3-4 hours and 11 and up 12 Gummies every 3-4 hours until you feel better.


Herbal Rejuvenating Facial Serum

Facial serums are very lightweight moisturizers that contain high concentrations of skin nourishing ingredients. It’s a big part of my natural skincare routine. I apply mine right after cleaning my face before I do anything else. The carrier oil in this recipe is Rose Hip Seed Oil; This oil hydrates the skin quickly while plumping, promoting collagen production, and reducing the fine lines through aging or keeping your face in a certain expression. The combination of essential oils are known for their ability to repair skin, fights free radicals, reduces cellular inflammations, scars, acne masks, spots, along with promoting new skin cells, reducing wrinkles, treats eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. One 2oz bottle should last you 4-6 months. Meaning these ingredients should cover well over 11 years! (Other than the Rosehip oil, that will need to be purchased every 4-6 months)

- 2oz Rosehip Seed Oil
- 6 drops Myrrh Essential Oil
- 6 drops Helichrysum Essential Oil
- 6 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
- 6 drops Geranium Essential Oil

- 1 2oz Glass Dropper Bottle

1. Pour all ingredients into the Small Glass Bottle.
2. Place the lid on the bottle and then roll it in your hands to mix everything up.
3. Store at room temperature for up to 6 months.

To Use:
Apply a Dime sized drop onto the face, then massage it into the skin using small gentle upward strokes until the skin has fully taken in the oil. Then apply your facial creams and finish up your facial routine.

Rough Cost per bottle:
(this includes a new bottle each time.)

If you plan on using the same bottle and just making a new batch it would cost 

1. 2oz Drop Bottles:
2. Myrrh Essential Oil 10ml:
3. Helichrysum Essential Oil 10ml:
4. Frankincense Essential Oil 10ml:
5. Geranium Essential Oil 5ml: (Purchase 2 of these)
6. Rosehip Seed Oil 1oz: (Purchase 2 of these)

TOTAL FIRST AMAZON CHECK OUT PRICE TO MAKE YOUR FIRST BOTTLE= $88.12 (this doesn’t include shipping)

Then each time you have to make a new bottle you just buy the Rosehip Seed oil (x2.) which totals to your next 32 purchases being $27.46


Many individuals face challenges presently; as such, I'm sharing this in hopes of providing some assistance. You can acquire complimentary heirloom seeds from and receive numerous seeds at a reduced price upon making a charitable contribution. is a community resource connecting people with the means to produce our own food. We offer Free Heirloom Seeds to individuals, organic gardening & sustainability resources, as well as a community hub for people trying to preserve natural eco diversity & life on earth.




Honestly if I could go anywhere to visit. It would be to Australia. One person who made a big impact on who I am today is Steve Irwin. All I want to do is just meet his family and learn from them. I’d love to meet Bindi one day and tell her how I used to watch her, her mom, dad, and younger brother on Animal Planet growing up and made sure to get ready fast before school started so I could watch the Crocodile Hunter. I even one year got a few episodes on Video Now! I have been a supporter of them since I was around 8-9 years old of not younger and I’m 27 now. My honest main goal in life is to create a wildlife sanctuary/ Rehabilitation center for endangered wildlife along with living and thriving from a small family farm. I try my hardest to be eco friendly and learn how to help the environment. One day I pray it will happen. I also want to say happy Steve Irwin Day! To the person who got it all started for myself and many others. You will be forever missed Steve!

We got this a year ago and their note still hangs on our fridge! Gage looked at the note last night. Jillian Ragan Natha...

We got this a year ago and their note still hangs on our fridge! Gage looked at the note last night.
Jillian Ragan Nathan Ragan

We received some happy mail today! Thank you Jillian & Nathan! I will be reading the book all night tonight and on our w...

We received some happy mail today!
Thank you Jillian & Nathan!
I will be reading the book all night tonight and on our way to Kentucky this weekend!
Gage is excited about the coffee as well!
Came home from the dentist and seen this waiting for me outside of the door!

Go check them out! They are beautiful people inside and out and I’m beyond lucky to call them our friends!

Their YouTube channel:

Their website:

This is Our Dry Sourdough Starter Care Guide that is also the the Wet Sourdough Starter Care Guide after the 3rd day! He...

This is Our Dry Sourdough Starter Care Guide that is also the the Wet Sourdough Starter Care Guide after the 3rd day!

Here is the link to the Dry Sourdough Starter Care Guide:

I also have Provided my family's Favorite Sourdough Sandwich Bread Recipe for Free!

If you are seeing this and you would like to Purchase a Dry Sourdough Starter please contact us!

This starter is 152 years old this year and contains Whole Wheat Flour, Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, and Unbleached Bread Flour. First started in a small bakery located in California USA.

We ship every Friday, Shipping and tax is included in the price!
Product is packaged in a Paper Food Grade Mylar bag that is leak, water, and odor proof!
Each Packet is $15

(If that Friday lands on a holiday where our post office is closed it will be sent out the day our post office opens back up again, Also, the starter will have a best by date, You may ignore it as it doesnt go bad as long as its keep it out of direct sunlight and at a cool temperature, A kitchen cabinet will work just fine.)
No Refunds unless proven that the package was damaged during transit.

Butchered our first chicken. Not as bad as I thought it would be. We get our chicken from stores still (that will soon c...

Butchered our first chicken.
Not as bad as I thought it would be.

We get our chicken from stores still (that will soon change) But you can purchase them whole in-store. It’s cheaper, you get the cuts the way you want them. You learn a new skill. And you get to make your stock afterward. So then you don’t have to buy it later on. You can then give the cooked carcass to chickens if you have them to eat the extra meat and then turn the bones into a bone meal for the garden.
If the chicken had its feet those make fantastic chicken stock as well!

BBQ sauce from scratch, freshly cut up chicken all bone-in for flavor for a part of our dinner tonight.

Dehydrated raspberries turned into a powder, then on the right on top we have dehydrated Kiwis, and the bottom is dehydr...

Dehydrated raspberries turned into a powder, then on the right on top we have dehydrated Kiwis, and the bottom is dehydrated Strawberries. All being conditioned for a week and then put into long-term storage. The powder will only have it's nutritional value up to 6 months, so we will want to use it within 4 months. The rest will be good for at the very least 2 years!

Soughdough starter is looking fantastic today. Did a slow fermentation overnight last night, making a few loaves tonight...

Soughdough starter is looking fantastic today. Did a slow fermentation overnight last night, making a few loaves tonight and baking them tomorrow morning.
Yes it takes 2 full days to bake one loaf of bread. But it's great for the digestive system and tastes way better! I'll be making sandwich sourdough bread with no extra store bought yeast.

Starting some Coffee seeds! If they sprout and make it to May (not easy to germinate etc.) they will be available at $20...

Starting some Coffee seeds!

If they sprout and make it to May (not easy to germinate etc.) they will be available at $20 per plant.
Because they are sprouted in Michigan they will be used to our climate etc.

Remember that they do NOT like anything lower than 50 degrees and in winter they are required to be in a stable temperature and humidity environment. Like a house. They make fantastic house plants!

Some stickers we are planning to sell! “❤️” react to your favorite ones!

Some stickers we are planning to sell!
“❤️” react to your favorite ones!


Hornworm season is upon us!
In the last two days I have found 8 hornworms on our pants!

Wood ButterFor a long time I had NO CLUE how to take care of my wooden items. Washing them and they always ended up crac...

Wood Butter

For a long time I had NO CLUE how to take care of my wooden items. Washing them and they always ended up cracked etc. I learned that I wasn’t giving them the TLC that they needed. They need to be hand washed in warm water and dried right after, the wood butter needs to be added and once a week they need to be deep cleaned with a distilled white vinegar mix and then buttered again after hand drying them. This butter is low waste and natural!

- 2 tablespoons beeswax
- 6 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil

- 1 Double boiler
- Popsicle sticks
- 1 Glass jar that can hold something hot and has a air tight lid.
- 1 Clean soft cloth

1. Pour a couple of inches of water into the bottom of the double boiler, bring to a simmer over medium heat.
2. Combine beeswax and coconut oil in the top of the double boiler and heat until they are fully melted (smaller chunks will help speed this up)
3. Stir with the Popsicle stick and then pour the mixture into the glass jar.
4. Let mixture cool at room temperature until they are set and then place the lid on the jar
5. Store in a cool dark place for 12+ months.

To Use:
Place a small amount of the butter on clean dry wooden items. Making sure that the layer is thin and then buff with a clean soft cloth. Allow the wooden items to soak up the oils overnight or 12 hours.

Herbal Massage Oil After a stressful day, a great way to relax is with a massage. When using these botanicals, the massa...

Herbal Massage Oil

After a stressful day, a great way to relax is with a massage. When using these botanicals, the massage becomes way more therapeutic, relaxing the body, mind and spirit. Most people make massage oils with using essential oils. I however love using dried herbs. If you happen to not have the herbs in this recipe, you can always use about 5 drops of essential oils or double up on the ones that you do have!

- 2 tablespoons dried Calendula
- 2 tablespoons dried Chamomile
- 2 tablespoons dried Lavender (I use Lilac)
- 2 tablespoons dried Roses
- 1/3 cup Sweet Almond Oil
- 5-10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil

- 2 Pint Glass Jars with air tight lids

1. Combine all of the herbs into one Glass Jar and then add the Sweet Almond Oil. (Make sure all of the herbs are cover in the oil and submerged in it)
2. Tighten lid snuggly and place the filled Glass Jar in a cool dark place. (I use a cabinet in my bathroom)
3. Let sit for 6 weeks or longer. (The longer you let it sit the stronger it gets)
4. Strain the herbs and add the essential oil then pour it in a clean air tight Glass Jar.
5. Store in a cooler area of the home or at room temp for 12-18 months (Mine is always used up before this stage)

Bath Tea Herbal bath teas help you relax while taking in the properties of herbs. Herbal baths have been used all the wa...

Bath Tea

Herbal bath teas help you relax while taking in the properties of herbs. Herbal baths have been used all the way back from 1500 BC. Hippocrates Developed a method of treating diseases through water. That soon became popular with Greece and other countries to where people would regularly go to places called Bath Houses for water massages and aromatic therapies. Many people do this without even noticing. Such as placing oatmeal in a sock and taking a warm bath to help with dry or rash skin.

There are many different combos when it comes to herbal baths depending on your needs such as: 

* Stress and softens skin= Calendula & Chamomile
* Stress and Sleep aid= Chamomile, Lemon Balm, & Hops
* Relax, Helps Cold and Flu symptoms= Chamomile, rosemary, eucalyptus (don’t use eucalyptus on children younger than 10)
* Stress and Sore Mucles= Chamomile, Thyme, Peppermint, & Rosemary
* Refreshes, Revitalized, Congestion, and Sore Muscles= Eucalyptus, Peppermint, & Thyme.
* Sleep aid= Hops & Hyssop
* Stress and Refreshes the mind= Lavender, chamomile, & Peppermint
* Relax= Lavender, Lilac, & Rose petals
* Stress and Fatigue= Peppermint & Rosemary
* Clears mind= Sage & Lemon Balm

- 1/2 Cup of dried Herbs of your choosing.

- Sock or Cloth bag
- Rubberband

1. Fill the bag with the dried herbs.
2. Hook the bag under the tub spout that the water will be going into the tub.
3. Draw your bath water and once water has been drawn, place the tea bag into the bath.
4. Sit in bath for 15-30 minutes.
5. Remove the herbs and place them into the compost bin or dispose of them how you would like and keep reusing the bag.



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