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Delaware Valley Journal Covering Philadelphia, Delaware, Bucks, Montgomery, and Chester Counties, and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

PODCAST: New Polls Says PA Still Supports Free Market Policies"A new poll from Pinpoint Policy Institute shows Pennsylva...

PODCAST: New Polls Says PA Still Supports Free Market Policies

"A new poll from Pinpoint Policy Institute shows Pennsylvania voters strongly support pro-growth policies and reject the “new right” populist economic agenda of bigger government and higher taxes. Pinpoint Executive Director Gordon Gray talks about the poll’s findings, including a three-point race between U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and challenger Dave McCormick, and what it says about Keystone State politics.

“'Pinpoint’s new poll clearly demonstrates that across the three critical Blue Wall states, both Republican and swing voters strongly embrace pro-growth policies, including lower taxes, fewer regulations, and smaller government,' Gray says. ..."

A new poll from Pinpoint Policy Institute shows Pennsylvania voters strongly support pro-growth policies and reject the “new right” populist economic

PA Voters Say Inflation Is Their Top Issue. So Why Are They Backing Harris Over Trump?"Despite Pennsylvanians consistent...

PA Voters Say Inflation Is Their Top Issue. So Why Are They Backing Harris Over Trump?

"Despite Pennsylvanians consistently listing inflation as one of the top issues in the 2024 election, polls show Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris and U.S. Sen. Bob Casey Jr. either tied or leading Republicans Donald Trump and Dave McCormick.

"It’s a conundrum for pollsters and political strategists.

“'It makes no sense whatsoever. None,' longtime Pennsylvania Democrat political strategist Neil Oxman of The Campaign Group told DVJournal.

"After Biden took office and Democrats pushed through trillions in new government spending, inflation soared from 1.4 percent to above 9 percent — the highest increase in prices since the end of the Carter-era inflation of the 1970s.

"Oxman suggested polling reflects the inconvenient truth that Trump’s personality turns off certain voters particularly when he starts making personal attacks.

"Polling results appear to confirm his theory.

"A Quinnipiac University poll released Aug. 14 showed 60 percent of those surveyed did not believe Trump was honest. That’s compared to 48 percent for Harris. More than half of those who responded to an Emerson College poll released Thursday viewed Trump unfavorably. Harris scored just below 49 percent. Similar results came from a Siena College/New York Times poll released Aug. 10 with 51 percent viewing Trump unfavorably while 48 percent disliked Harris. ..."

Despite Pennsylvanians consistently listing inflation as one of the top issues in the 2024 election, polls show Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris and

Green Innovation Is Key to Addressing Climate Change by Bjorn Lomborg."At the turn of the 21st century, in the famously ...

Green Innovation Is Key to Addressing Climate Change by Bjorn Lomborg.

"At the turn of the 21st century, in the famously bold words of Francis Fukuyama, history had come to an end. There was relative peace and trust among major powers, significant economic growth, and rapid strides against poverty. It seemed like most major issues had been resolved.

"Against this backdrop — and with the West emerging victorious after a century of significant conflicts involving democracy, fascism and communism — climate change became the top concern for wealthy nations, global institutions and the elite jet-set.

"From that moment on, climate advocates have eagerly pursued the goal of ending reliance on the fossil fuels that had fueled two centuries of incredible growth. Although this would require hundreds of trillions of dollars, they were confident that substantial growth was on the horizon. This was seen as the final push toward a bright future.

"Time has proven that the notion of climate change being humanity’s last major problem — or that the world would unite to address it — was deeply misguided. Geopolitics and economic realities make a swift global transition from fossil fuels unfeasible.

"Russia, Iran and North Korea have become major destabilizing forces against global security. None of these countries are likely to support climate efforts.

"According to McKinsey & Co., a strategy and management consulting firm, achieving the sought-after net-zero target would require Russian climate policies costing $273 billion annually — about three times what Russia spent on its military last year. This is highly unlikely. ..."

At the turn of the 21st century, in the famously bold words of Francis Fukuyama, history had come to an end. There was relative peace and trust among

Dougherty and Gill Battle for Northeast Philadelphia’s 172nd District"If control of the Pennsylvania House comes down to...

Dougherty and Gill Battle for Northeast Philadelphia’s 172nd District

"If control of the Pennsylvania House comes down to a single seat, could that seat by in the city of Philadelphia?

"Republicans see an opportunity to flip Philadelphia’s 172nd, a seat that Rep. Kevin Doyle (D-Philadelphia) now holds. However, Doyle, who suffered various personal woes, lost the April primary to Sean Dougherty, the scion of a well-known Philadelphia political clan. His dad is Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Kevin Dougherty, and his uncle is recently-convicted labor leader John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty.

"Aizaz Gill, 31, the enthusiastic and community-minded president of the Burholme Town Watch and Civic Association, is the Republican candidate.

"Gill believes the northeast Philadelphia district could be a GOP pick up, noting Rep. Martina White (R-Philadelphia) is in the adjacent district and the 172nd is represented on the city council by Republican Brian O’Neill.

"The son of immigrants, Gill says he’s 'seen the American Dream firsthand.'

“'I love my community and want to give back for everything it’s given me,' said Gill, a political consultant. ..."

If control of the Pennsylvania House comes down to a single seat, could that seat by in the city of Philadelphia? Republicans see an opportunity to flip

Yaw Introduces Bill To Provide Loans For Energy Projects"Following warnings from PJM Interconnection that blackouts coul...

Yaw Introduces Bill To Provide Loans For Energy Projects

"Following warnings from PJM Interconnection that blackouts could be on the horizon due to a lack of reliable electricity supply, state Sen. Gene Yaw (R-Bradford) wants to secure Pennsylvania’s energy future.

"He announced Wednesday a plan to create a Pennsylvania Baseload Energy Development Fund to provide low-interest grants and loans for energy projects.

“'We must play a more active role in incentivizing generation and addressing looming reliability challenges with market-based solutions,' said Yaw.

"The Keystone State supplies almost 25 percent of baseload electric generation capacity to the PJM grid which supplies power to 13 states and the District of Columbia. Thanks to the state’s large natural gas deposits, it’s the second-largest net supplier of total energy to other states, according to the federal Energy Information Administration.

"PJM officials fear that’s not enough to keep the lights on for the mid-Atlantic region. Its grid has enough confirmed, reliable power through the spring of 2026. After that, the supply gets shaky thanks to new Biden-Harris administration EPA emissions policies, which are expected to force the closure of coal-fired power plants and discourage the production of new natural gas generation.

"Earlier this year the Independent Market Monitor, which keeps an eye on the PJM grid, predicted 58,000 megawatts of power generation may be shut down by 2030. ..."

Following warnings from PJM Interconnection that blackouts could be on the horizon due to a lack of reliable electricity supply, state Sen. Gene Yaw

CIARROCCHI: Lies, Damn Lies, and Biden/Harris Statistics by Guy Ciarrocchi."Gaslighting: telling someone to trust what t...

CIARROCCHI: Lies, Damn Lies, and Biden/Harris Statistics by Guy Ciarrocchi.

"Gaslighting: telling someone to trust what they’re being told — and ignore the reality that they see and hear.

"The idea that the government would do it to its own citizens makes you think about a sci-fi movie, or life in a totalitarian nation like North Korea, China or the former Soviet Union. Citizens are kept ignorant so that they wouldn’t know how bad their lives are. And so that the decisions of the leaders are never questioned. Worse, it causes division among fellow citizens because anyone questioning what the government tells them is portrayed as disloyal, ignorant — or 'weird.'

"That the Biden/Harris administration would mislead us on so much for so long is nothing short of gaslighting. They repeatedly work to make us believe an alternate reality based on 'statistics' — and demand that we ignore the obvious contradictions in what we are experiencing in our daily lives. That those in power are doing this to win, to retain and expand their power and those of their political allies is a tragic turning point in American history. Not campaign history: American history.

"Mark Twain wrote that there are three types of lies: 'Lies, damned lies, and statistics.' It makes you wonder if Twain would have created a fourth category if he ever met Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. ..."

(This article first appeared at Broad + Liberty) Gaslighting: telling someone to trust what they’re being told — and ignore the reality that they see and

Bucks County Warns Of Potential Voter Intimidation/Misinformation Campaign"Bucks County officials want people to know ab...

Bucks County Warns Of Potential Voter Intimidation/Misinformation Campaign

"Bucks County officials want people to know about a potential voter intimidation/misinformation campaign.

“'This is yet another attempt to sow confusion, distrust, and misinformation in our election process, and disenfranchise duly registered voters,' warns Bucks County Board of Elections Chairman Bob Harvie.

"Multiple residents have said they received a call or text message from a group calling itself 'Voters Protection' or 'Volunteers with Voter Protection.'

"The messages claim there was either a problem with a resident’s voter information or that the voter information was incorrect. Other messages said a resident isn’t registered to vote, no longer registered to vote, or that they won’t receive a mail-in ballot because of wrong identification. Voters have also been told their April Primary vote wasn’t counted due to a Voter ID problem.

"Voters are instructed to call the Board of Elections. So far, no voter discrepancies have been found.

"The Bucks County Board of Elections said it doesn’t call or text residents, but typically sends official mail via U.S. Mail. ..."

Bucks County officials want people to know about a potential voter intimidation/misinformation campaign. “This is yet another attempt to sow confusion,

Harris, PA Dems Now Back ‘Un-American’ Border Wall"Does Kamala Harris support building a border wall? A new report says ...

Harris, PA Dems Now Back ‘Un-American’ Border Wall

"Does Kamala Harris support building a border wall? A new report says yes, but details are unclear. If a future President Harris decides to spend money on a wall, would local Pennsylvania Democrats be on board?

"Despite an Axios headline declaring, 'Harris flip-flops on building the border wall,' the answer isn’t clear.

"It used to be that Democrats presented a united front against any talk of a border wall during the Trump years.

"In 2017, Harris – then a freshman senator from California – vowed to block border wall funding calling it 'stupid.' She later said the wall was 'un-American' and 'a complete waste of taxpayer money.'

"Pennsylvania Democrats, particularly those in the Delaware Valley, also found any notion of a border wall untenable.

“'We should never confuse a concrete wall with border security,' said Sen. Bob Casey Jr. in 2019, who voted against pro-wall legislation. He argued that “smart and effective” border security would better deter smugglers.

"Rep. Madeline Dean (D-Montgomery) has repeatedly said a wall on the southern border would be costly and ineffective. She accused former President Donald Trump of going outside the law to get a wall built.

“'I’m opposed to the wall; I think it’s a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money,' said Rep. Susan Wild (D-Lehigh) during a 2018 debate. She later called the wall proposal expensive and ineffective.

"Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Delaware) mocked the Trump administration’s request for $5 billion to fund a wall. In a social media video, Scanlon said the cash could be used to repair the SEPTA system. After a visit to the border, Scanlon claimed there was no national security emergency.

"And Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Chester) compared trying to come to an agreement with Trump on a budget for a border wall 'like negotiating with a terrorist.'

"But according to Axios, the politics are changing. ..."

Does Kamala Harris support building a border wall? A new report says yes, but details are unclear. If a future President Harris decides to spend money on

Point: Beware Bias by Omission by Tim Graham."A long time ago, the American people expected reporters to gather and repo...

Point: Beware Bias by Omission by Tim Graham.

"A long time ago, the American people expected reporters to gather and report the facts, explain the arguments of political parties, and keep their opinions out of it. Today, reporters openly express their opinions, in their stories and in nearly every utterance on television and social media.

"The 'objective' media’s long, slow descent into public distrust comes from their self-important belief that the people cannot be trusted to choose leaders for themselves. They must be guided by a highly educated elite who represent the lifeblood of democracy. Criticize the media elite, and they imply you signal your preference for authoritarianism. They never seem to recognize that criticizing the media is part of a vibrant democracy.

"Two types of bias are the most dramatic: bias by commission and bias by omission. Everyone can see the commission of bias when journalists insist, for example, that Donald Trump is comparable to Adolf Hi**er or when writers compare the coolness of Kamala Harris to Beyonce and Taylor Swift. It’s the bias by omission that can be more difficult to detect.

"In 1992, CBS News correspondent Betsy Aaron warned, 'The largest opinion is what we leave out.' She said, 'I always say worry about what you’re not seeing. What you are seeing you can really criticize because you’re smart and have opinions. But if we don’t tell you anything, and we leave whole areas uncovered, that’s the danger.'

"During the 2020 campaign, the pro-Joe Biden media refused to focus on the New York Post scoops on Hunter Biden’s laptop, an omission compounded by the Post being squashed on social media. When the subject burbled up, the liberal media then promoted a Biden campaign-organized letter trashing the laptop story as bearing 'the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.'

"A Media Research Center poll of swing-state voters taken by McLaughlin & Associates after the election found 36 percent of Biden voters were unaware of the evidence from the laptop linking Biden to corrupt financial dealings with China through Hunter’s lobbying exploits. Thirteen percent of these voters (or 4.6 percent of Biden’s total vote) said that had they known these facts, they would not have voted for Biden. If that had happened, Trump would have won the election with 289 electoral votes. ..."

For an alternate viewpoint, see “Counterpoint: Media ‘Bias’ Is a Perennial Part of Elections.” A long time ago, the American people expected reporters to

Counterpoint: Media ‘Bias’ Is a Perennial Part of Elections by James Rosen."Donald Trump’s esteem for Vladimir Putin is ...

Counterpoint: Media ‘Bias’ Is a Perennial Part of Elections by James Rosen.

"Donald Trump’s esteem for Vladimir Putin is well known. For more than a decade, starting before he became president, Trump has expressed admiration for the Russian strongman, from his October 2013 claim that Putin had 'done really a great job of outsmarting our country' to his July 2018 assertion at their Helsinki summit that he trusted Putin’s denial of having meddled in the 2016 U.S. election over FBI evidence of Russian interference.

"The Trump-Putin bromance was mocked by some of their critics. In Vilnius, Lithuania, the capital of the former Soviet republic, a large mural depicting them embraced in a deep kiss became a tourist attraction.

"As bad as Putin is, Trump has an affinity with a far more murderous Russian dictator. His repeated accusations of the news media as “the enemy of the people” tie him directly to Josef Stalin, who sent millions to their deaths over three decades as a Soviet despot. At a 1956 secret meeting of Communist leaders after Stalin’s death, the new Russian leader, Nikita Khrushchev, said Stalin had originated the phrase.

“'It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations,' Khrushchev said.

"Trump routinely draws enthusiastic applause at his rallies when he gestures to reporters standing in the back and upbraids them for peddling 'fake news.' His bombastic insults are new for a president or former president, yet political diatribe is hardly new in American politics. In fact, it is as old as the republic itself. ..."

For an alternate viewpoint, see “Point: Beware Bias by Omission.” Donald Trump’s esteem for Vladimir Putin is well known. For more than a decade, starting

Pittsburgh’s Bad, but Philly’s Worse, When It Comes to Housing, New Analysis Finds“Philadelphia may be known for Ben Fra...

Pittsburgh’s Bad, but Philly’s Worse, When It Comes to Housing, New Analysis Finds

“Philadelphia may be known for Ben Franklin, Rocky, and cheesesteaks, but it’s listed far below Pittsburgh in a new ranking of real estate markets. Why?

“Too many underwater mortgages and not enough jobs, according to an analysis by WalletHub.

“Analysts compared 17 ‘key indicators of housing market attractiveness and economic strength’ to come up with their ranking. The data comes from median home-price appreciation and how affordable housing is, along with job growth.

“At the top of their list: Two Texas communities, McKinney and Frisco, followed by Cary, N.C., Nashville, Tenn. and Durham, N.C.

“Pittsburgh perched at 196 for the best place to buy a house, while Philadelphia is down at 294 among the 300 largest U.S. cities. …”

Philadelphia may be known for Ben Franklin, Rocky, and cheesesteaks, but it's listed far below Pittsburgh in a new ranking of real estate markets. Why?

I Never Considered Myself Anti-Union. But Wrong Is Wrong. by Kim Howard.“I’ve never considered myself anti-union. In fac...

I Never Considered Myself Anti-Union. But Wrong Is Wrong. by Kim Howard.

“I’ve never considered myself anti-union. In fact, if you had asked me a couple of years ago to describe my attitude toward unions, I would have said I’m “pro” union, not “anti.”

“But I’ve always been anti-cheater. I’ve always been anti-bully. I’ve always been anti-deceiver.

“And because of that, my colleagues and I are working to throw the Labor Union Association of Flight Attendants-Communication Workers of America, AFL-CIO (AFA-CWA) out of our workplace.

“Avelo Airlines is a young and growing low-cost carrier. When the company was just getting started, the AFA-CWA filed an application for an election to vote in the union. The company was never really given a chance to meet flight attendant expectations on its own before being organized. …”

I’ve never considered myself anti-union. In fact, if you had asked me a couple of years ago to describe my attitude toward unions, I would have said I’m

Fanta Bility Foundation Holds Backpack, School Supplies Giveaway“Family members of Fanta Bility, the young girl accident...

Fanta Bility Foundation Holds Backpack, School Supplies Giveaway

“Family members of Fanta Bility, the young girl accidentally shot to death by police while leaving a football game in 2021, marked the third anniversary of her tragic passing this week by giving away backpacks and school supplies in preparation for the new school year.

“The Fanta Bility Foundation handed out 300 backpacks filled with pens, pencils, folders, notebooks, markers, and a pencil case on Sunday at Sharon Hill Elementary School in Sharon Hill. Pretzels and ice water were also given away to those who attended.

“The giveaway was held across the street from the Academy Park Football field where the eight-year-old was killed as she left with her family. Bility’s sister was wounded but survived. …”

Family members of Fanta Bility, the young girl accidentally shot to death by police while leaving a football game in 2021, marked the third anniversary of

Williams, Moro Face Off for State Representative in 160th District"Voters in Pennsylvania’s 160th District, which stradd...

Williams, Moro Face Off for State Representative in 160th District

"Voters in Pennsylvania’s 160th District, which straddles Chester and Delaware counties, have a choice this November between two-term incumbent Republican Craig Williams and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Moro.

“'I’ve knocked on a couple of 1,000 doors already,' said Williams. 'That makes well over 10,000 doors knocked in the district since I started running The enthusiasm level is unlike any other election I’ve been in, which has been really constructive.'

“'I’m getting a lot of positive responses at the doors relative to my work on the Pennsylvania budget, especially my work on law enforcement and keeping communities safe,' said Williams. Residents also give him high marks for working with PennDOT to get roads repaired, he said.

“'I had town hall [recently] with 1,900 people on the phone talking about road projects in the district,' Williams added.

"But Williams knows he’s in one of the 'top-targeted races in the state as Democrats try to hold onto their majority.' The Democrats won the state House by a one-vote majority in 2022 and are trying to keep and expand it. While conversely, Republicans are trying to regain it.

"Moro, a real estate broker, was unavailable for an interview. Previously, she had run for Congress until the district was eliminated. She wrote 'The Civil Graces Project' and co-founded Neighbors for Crebilly, seeking to preserve Crebilly Farm. ...

Voters in Pennsylvania’s 160th District, which straddles Chester and Delaware counties, have a choice this November between two-term incumbent Republican

HOLY COW! HISTORY: When Hawaii Had Its Own Money by J. Mark Powell."Think fast. You’re Lt. Gen. Delos Carleton Emmons. Y...

HOLY COW! HISTORY: When Hawaii Had Its Own Money by J. Mark Powell.

"Think fast. You’re Lt. Gen. Delos Carleton Emmons. You’ve just been assigned a critically important new command. It was attacked by the enemy less than two weeks earlier, and the threat of imminent invasion is very real. What are your top priorities?

"That was the situation confronting the three-star general when he arrived in Hawaii on Dec. 17, 1941. Japan had delivered its devastating sneak attack on U.S. military facilities at Pearl Harbor just 10 days earlier. Emmons was all too aware that those islands were all that stood between the Empire of Japan and the West Coast of the U.S. As 1941 drew to a close, whether the Stars and Stripes would continue flying over them in 1942 was far from certain.

"While Emmons’ immediate focus was defending the vital outpost in the Pacific, he also had to safeguard against harmful consequences should it fall. For instance, if Japan were to invade and seize the territory (Hawaii wouldn’t become a state until 1959), the conquerors could also get all its currency.

"It was a lot of currency, too. In that era before online banking, business was conducted in cold hard cash. Even if military authorities got word an invasion force was heading for Hawaii, there was no way all that money could be rounded up and sent to safety on the mainland. And should Japan seize it, a sizable financial windfall would suddenly be available to fund its war machine.

"Necessity is the mother of invention, they say. If the cash couldn’t be carried off the island, the cash could at least be rendered obsolete if it fell into enemy hands.

"Starting on Jan. 19, 1942, Emmons’ troops collected all the banknotes they could find. 'HAWAII' was printed across the back of each bill. ..."

Think fast. You’re Lt. Gen. Delos Carleton Emmons. You’ve just been assigned a critically important new command. It was attacked by the enemy less than

Fake Cop Touts Wild’s Immigration, Drugs Record in New Ad"U.S. Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.) is considered by some political o...

Fake Cop Touts Wild’s Immigration, Drugs Record in New Ad

"U.S. Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.) is considered by some political observers to be one of the most vulnerable members of Congress this November. Representing part of the Lehigh Valley, her district was given an R+2 ranking by Cook Political Report on its partisan voting index. Open Secrets ranked Wild’s 2022 reelection campaign as the sixth most expensive in the nation with $34.5 million.

"Spending has been much less this year, so far. But a new ad boosting Wild’s candidacy got under the skin of the president of the Le-Hampton Lodge 35 Fraternal Order of Police.

"The problem? The ad, touting Wild as tough on crime and illegal immigration is narrated by someone identified as 'Officer Jeff Potts.'

"But Jeff Potts isn’t an officer.

"And the ‘police officer’ patch he wore in the ad can be bought online for $4.95.

“'[He’s] impersonating a police officer in my jurisdiction!' an irate Lodge 35 President Gene Hatcher told DVJournal.

"While the ad, paid for by the Democratic Party-affiliated nonprofit House Majority Forward, claims Potts is currently an 'officer,' Potts told he started working as an Emmaus auxiliary police officer in 2009. Lehigh County records show he last worked for the town in 2019. He made $17.95 an hour and almost $27 in overtime that year. ..."

U.S. Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.) is considered by some political observers to be one of the most vulnerable members of Congress this November. Representing

New Crime Reporting System Leaves Gaps in PA Data"In January 2021, the FBI started using the National Incident-Based Rep...

New Crime Reporting System Leaves Gaps in PA Data

"In January 2021, the FBI started using the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) instead of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system for police departments to report crime statistics.

"And while some major police departments (including Philadelphia’s) have made the change, in 2022, almost a third of law enforcement agencies did not report data to NIBRS. That includes about 90 percent of the departments in Pennsylvania.

"But the D.C.-based Council on Criminal Justice claims around 80 percent of Americans will be covered by the new system by the end of the year.

"What’s not in dispute is that, for the past three years or so, crime reporting in the U.S. has been less reliable.

"Rafael Mangual, a fellow with the Manhattan Institute think tank, said changing to NIBRS is cumbersome for police departments.

“'Under the UCR, police departments were told to report the most serious crimes [in a single episode].' said Mangual. 'Only the most serious crimes would actually get reported to the FBI. So, the numbers were always a little off.'

"However, under NIBRS, up to 10 crimes per episode are reported. ..."

In January 2021, the FBI started using the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) instead of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system for police

Analysis: No Beyonce’, But Dems Did Get A Surprise Speaker Thursday Night"The hours leading up to Vice President Kamala ...

Analysis: No Beyonce’, But Dems Did Get A Surprise Speaker Thursday Night

"The hours leading up to Vice President Kamala Harris’s Thursday night convention speech were filled with rampant speculation about a surprise guest. Some paranoid Trump Republicans were certain it was going to be former President George W. Bush selling out to the Democrats. Talk of Taylor Swift turning up in Chicago hit the betting markets. Others were betting on Beyonce’.

"Despite the fact that some journalists actually filed inaccurate reports about Beyonce entering the building — an all-too-accurate reflection of the current state of the media — no big-name celebrities unexpectedly appeared at the DNC.

"But a 'surprise speaker' did show up: Kamala Harris.

"Harris’ performance was surprisingly solid. She sounded confident, she largely avoided the cackle, and she delivered a well-crafted message to the pumped-up crowd.

"Some CNN 'journalists' called it one of the greatest convention speeches of all time, comparing it to Barack Obama’s legendary oration in Boston during the 2004 DNC gathering. Uh…no. (See previous comment about the state of the media.) There wasn’t a memorable line or rallying cry to be heard.

"Then again, this is Kamala Harris, who has already given the world a disproportionate number of memorable lines — and not in a good way. A Venn diagram of Harris’ acceptance speech and the phrases 'unburdened by what has been' or 'significance of the passage of time' would have an empty center.

"Kamala was competent. And with her record, that’s a win. ..."

The hours leading up to Vice President Kamala Harris's Thursday night convention speech were filled with rampant speculation about a surprise guest. Some

Crozer Health Buyer Found Despite Transparency Questions"After more than two years of protests, negotiations, and lawsui...

Crozer Health Buyer Found Despite Transparency Questions

"After more than two years of protests, negotiations, and lawsuits over reduced services, there appears to be a buyer for Crozer Health in Delaware County.

"CHA Partners, LLC (CHA) announced earlier this month it has entered an agreement to buy Crozer from Prospect Medical Holdings. Crozer would turn back into a nonprofit hospital after six years of serving as a for-profit medical facility. It had previously been a nonprofit for decades.

“'We believe this is a positive step for our physicians, employees and the communities we serve, and will help secure Crozer Health’s future as a critical healthcare provider in Delaware County,' said Prospect and Crozer officials.

"Crozer’s fate has been up in the air since the COVID pandemic.

"Despite receiving $72 million in federal taxpayer dollars for 'operational costs,' Crozer reduced services at four hospitals in 2022. Cuts included closing the maternity care and intensive care units at Delaware County Hospital. A crisis center at Crozer-Chester also shut down.

"The company asked for more than $330,000 from seven municipalities to use for specialized emergency vehicles to support paramedics on calls. A resolution was eventually reached that led to Delaware County taking over the service. ..."

After more than two years of protests, negotiations, and lawsuits over reduced services, there appears to be a buyer for Crozer Health in Delaware County.



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