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Canasta Palace Lovers A place to share tips, tricks and vent, if need be.


Hannelie, my last partner, was okay, but the final round, I'm down to my last card and after he lays down a wild card onto our cards, he is down to his last card, what the idiot should have done was freeze the pile, but f**k no. If he had paid attention, he would have known that all the cards were on the table and either we had them or the opponents. Now, if we had them, we would naturally lay them down and if we didn't we would throw them away. Luckily, I drew one of our cards and could go out because all I had left was a card they needed to get a perfect and so did my partner. What an idiot. Some people just don't think. We were far enough ahead and he should have known to freeze the pile as he has played more rounds than me, so there is no excuse for not knowing how to play.


Otti, my last partner was the biggest as***le yet today/this evening. He would not meld even though he could have. I melded three out of the four rounds and that is because the final round neither of us could meld. He apparently thought I would meld as he froze the pile, but he should have guessed again because I was nowhere close to melding. Perhaps, he should have held onto his stupid wild card he used to freeze the pile. He did that the 3rd round to just so he wouldn't have to meld. I gave the pile away as I had nothing else to throw and didn't want to meld. He was an as***le the whole game.


Lucio Mauro, my last partner, was a dick. Every single f**king round he had to lay down a pair. It didn't matter who melded, he could meld and then a turn or two later, he would lay down a f**king pair before we even had a canasta, same thing would be if I melded-it didn't matter who. He was a f**king idiot. I finally had enough, so when he did this the final round, I decided to do the same dang thing because there was no way we were going to catch up to the opponents and I thought why not have some fun with his game. I laid down a pair after he did. That left us both with one card a piece and the most we had in any group was 5, so we would need either that card and a wild card or two wild cards. He eventually quit, but I actually did end up getting two wild cards, but we still lost which was fine.


The more I play canasta, the more I get tired of having to do all the work and by that I mean do all the melding and then make all the canasta. Far too many of my partners will not f**king meld when they can and I do not understand it. Sure I've played more rounds than they have, but that is no f**king excuse, you would think they would be trying to impress those playing by knowing what they can do, but instead they look like utter failures. I've been playing for a few years now and I've come to the conclusion that they are too insecure about what to lay down and therefore they don't. I remember when I first started that I wanted to make an impression and do what I could to help my partner out, so I would meld as soon as I could. Now, I'm changing my mind and starting to figure that why should I, I mean really, why should I? I lose trust in my partners when I play and then they either make a canasta or lay down pairs and what the f**k am I supposed to think other than why the f**k didn't you meld. I just don't get it. If you wanted to lay the s**t down, then you should have f**king melded. I'm tired of carrying the weight of the team and am just not willing to do it anymore and I don't care if you have only played a handful of times, I'm tired of it. Learn how to play before playing with partners. When playing partners, think of your partner, what if they can't meld and you can and you are sitting on your ass not playing. Just think about it. I remember one round when I truthfully could NOT meld 50 points because all I had was pairs and not a single wild card. My partner was adamant about not melding that game, of course we lost, but when that particular round was over, I was pi**ed, really pi**ed and I no longer trusted them at all and that is all it takes for me to lose trust in my partner. The rest of that game, I played cautiously, which means that I did not lay down unless I knew that I myself could make the canasta, which generally meant there had to be 4 or 5 cards in that group.


ReGenia, my last partner was a stupid f**king moron. I'm not sure she even knew how to play the game. She had played over 700 rounds, but I'm not sure how other than to just sit in the game with her thumb up her ass. I'm sorry, but I lost trust in her after the first round. She could have made a canasta and went out for who knows how long because when the opponents went out, she was f**king holding three f**king jokers and nothing else, not a f**king thing, just three f**king jokers and we only needed one to make a canasta and I'm thinking she actually could have made another one if she would have used the other two on another group. I mean who the f**k does that??? She never melded either and the final round considering we were losing so bad, I decided I wasn't going to meld and left that up to her because I was 99.9% sure she could meld and when the opponents went out, I was right. She could have and yes I could have as well, but I truly don't think this bitch knows how to play other than to match the numbers with the cards. I don't think she knows how to count or maybe play the game otherwise. I had no problem losing the game because she lost too and it will hurt her just as bad as it does me. I'll remember this name and why because I just don't think she knows how to play.


Dwjr, my last partner was an as***le. The one round he froze the pile before the opponents had even melded and there truly was no reason for him to do so. After he did that, he proceeded to throw our cards away, two of which would have helped me get a canasta and possibly go out shortly after, but he threw them away like a f**king idiot. I couldn't believe it and have no f**king clue what he was thinking. Also, each time I would meld, on his turn, he would make a pair with a canasta to take the f**king pile and there were only two f**king cards in the pile-who the f**k does that??? Why the f**k didn't he wait it out a bit to do s**t like that as he didn't gain anything important. He was just a f**king as***le every f**king round he did something stupid.


My last partner, Barb, was a terrible partner. We finally got caught up to them going into the final round. The problem was I didn't get a single wild card the final round, I had three jacks, 3 kings, two 9's and three 4's and no wild cards. I couldn't meld. Barb freezes the pile with a deuce, not sure if she thought I was holding back or what, but dang I was running out of cards to throw and the only single card I had left and knew the opponents would take it was the Ace, but I threw it as I wasn't taking a chance of breaking up anything else. Sure enough, they took it. The opponents eventually went out without us melding and we go back over 400 points. I see what my partner has and she has two deuces and I see where she could have melded 80, but had she not thrown that deuce away she could have melded the 90 we desperately needed. So, yeah, I'm pi**ed. Plus, when she froze it, I didn't have a single card as to what they had laid down so it was truly a guessing game and throwing away what the opponent to my left threw away if I had it in my hand and if I didn't, I just threw my single cards. I cannot help it if I cannot get a wild card and partners should never assume that their partner does if they aren't melding. If they are going to freeze the pile, that's fine if they have the back up to meld later as I don't care, but don't rely on your partner to be able to meld is all I'm saying.


My last partner, Josi, was an idiot. We were behind the entire game. I was trying to get us ahead and the one round I thought I could totally do this, but she just wouldn't f**king lay down cards. She added one f**king Ace to what I had laid down, so I thought well, I'll lay down Queens with a wild card to see if that would help, she still wouldn't f**king lay down anything. It was getting toward the end of the round and I'm still holding onto a joker and a deuce and I decided that I needed to put those somewhere and decided to put them on the 7's, even though we only had 3 laid down. Her next turn she lays down five 6's with a deuce, not she did not take the pile and I was like "wow". Then play continues for a couple more turns and she is like "it can't be" and I messaged that if she would lay down cards when she gets them, we could have had a canasta, but when you hoard cards and don't play as a team, not much I can do about it. The final round, I meld because she certainly wasn't going to. Then the f**king idiot puts 3 wild cards on our three Aces like a f**king idiot. She was f**king stupid. The opponents go out shortly after that and I'm like you f**king dick, you should have melded when you could because I couldn't meld right away and I'm pretty sure she could have because she still had two wild cards in her f**king hand. She was terrible as a partner. I told her she should be playing a singles game if she wants to hoard cards like that as she is NOT a team player.


Grammie Lill, is the stupidest partner I have ever had. The one round instead of making the canasta with her wild cards, she lays down one and I use my two to make the canasta. The opponents go out and she is stuck with a joker and a deuce. Not why the f**k didn't she go ahead and make the f**king canasta because then I would have used my two wild cards to make two pairs and I could have gone out, but f**k no. Then the final round she did something f**king similar. I added two kings, she put down one wild card and I made the canasta. I had one left, but had no clue she was going to go out, the motherf**ker could have gone out had she made the f**king canasta. She laid down 4 sevens with a wild card. She didn't need me to make the canasta and she could have f**king went out. We won, but what the f**k, she must not be able to think straight or something. What a f**king idiot.


What the f**k is wrong with players??? I just had a partner that would not break up a pair, but would rather give the opponents a f**king perfect???? Who in their right f**king mind does that??? Seriously??? I have had more partners do that than I care to count and I'm f**king tired of having to call them out on that. Dumb motherf**kers. YOU BREAK UP PAIRS AND YOU DON'T GIVE FREE CANASTAS TO OPPONENTS. It pretty much is f**king common sense. If you want to f**king win the game, then f**king play like it. Apparently, I get all the players that want to f**king lose.


Newbie_143, my last partner, was a huge idiot. He would freeze the pile when there was no need too and he did that twice. He also did NOT like to meld when he could. He would hold onto cards instead of laying them down, which was obvious the one time when I went out and he's over there holding a group of cards he could have laid down, but for some f**king reason didn't. Yeah, each time the opponent after me got the pile because well, gee I had nothing else to throw and it was a f**king guessing game on my part. The last time though the opponent was using it as a bait and it worked and he most likely figured my stupid partner would freeze the pile. The opponents did cheat in the 3rd round when they had to meld 120 though, the one opponent didn't even have a wild card and made the pathetic attempt and could only meld 50, but truthfully was just showing his partner what he had in his hand and what to hold onto if he could and if they were to ever meld. The pile was large as no one had taken it and I never did plan to take it as I had several wild cards, it was just a matter of getting my stupid partner to add cards to what I laid down. I eventually made pairs to where I just had two wild cards left. He finally added to what I had and then I was able to go out before the opponents even melded. Although, we lost because the opponents were that far ahead. My stupid partner, you would have thought would have only played 100 rounds instead of over 6500 the way he played as he was pathetic. He was a f**king idiot. Most people figure out that I meld early when I can and he obviously was re****ed because he wouldn't meld and would hold off until I think it finally would dawn on him that I couldn't-f**king idiot costs us the game and it never had to be that big of a f**king gap in score mostly because of him needlessly freezing the f**king pile.


My last partner, Mozelle, was terrible. Every single round she would make the attempt to bait the opponent and would end up losing the battle. She was an idiot. I unfortunately did terrible at getting wild cards. She apparently thought the first round that I was holding out and must have been under the impression that I could meld, but I had nothing. I could meld 45 points, but that was it. She finally melded, a bit too late, but at least we didn't get a negative score and I hoped she paid attention that when I took the pile that is when I could have melded the 50 points. I had absolutely nothing. The next round I managed to meld right away and I thought about pointing this out to her, but kept my mouth shut. I did manage to eventually draw a couple more wild cards and make the canasta and go out. I get us caught up to within 200 points, but her baiting the opponent just didn't help and I only knew this because when the game would be over I would see where she had just thrown a card that she had in her hand. It was terrible how often she must have been doing this instead of f**king laying the s**t down. It's no wonder we lost. Instead of baiting them, you lay the s**t down. The one round, I melded, she proceeded to lay down a pair and I'm thinking "bitch I hope you got more wild cards" and she didn't, I ended up drawing a joker. That left me with two cards in my hand and I eventually added the one card to what we had laid down in hopes that she understood that if she had another one in her hand she should lay it down, but she never did and I drew another one and went out. She did have another one in her hand.


Regina, Ines, Kiwi. Regina was my partner and the worst. We were behind from the second round on mostly because the one round they got all four red 3's and then two canastas and we only got one canasta. Then in the final round I thought maybe we could possibly get a closer score as the pile started out froze, I melded and we were going along. Then it started to get tricky as all the low cards were in the pile. The opponents finally decided to meld and forget the pile, my f**king stupid partner instead of throwing a 4, she decides to throw a f**king Ace, which the opponent used a deuce and two Aces to meld with. I'm thinking what kind of f**king idiot does that because if she was paying attention, she would know that at least 5 of the 4's were in the pile and none of the Aces were. They took the pile. Then Inez, is telling her partner Kiwi to make a canasta. The whole f**king game was a joke because the cheating going on the final round. My f**king partner being stupid, but then she would play stupid at times anyway. I didn't understand her play on occasion so I'm not sure if she was mad how I played or what. I hate melding 50 points with two wild cards, but I did the one time because it didn't seem like she was ever going to.


FCB, my last partner, was a jerk. I wasn't able to meld 3 out of the 4 rounds. The one round when I did meld he does the "it can't be" and that totally pi**ed me off. Not sure if it was because I was actually able to meld or if it was because of what I threw away. Either way, it pi**ed me off because I have no clue what he has in his hand nor does he mine. I hate when people do that not knowing what anyone has in their hand at the time. I had nothing in my hand that the opponent had thrown, so it becomes a guessing game and I also pay attention to what others have thrown, so don't ever do the "wow", "hello" or "it can't be" when I'm playing because you know I may not have a choice or I can't predict what someone has in their hand.


My last partner, Selina, was one for the books. The first round the opponents went out fairly quick. I melded and it was only a few turns before they went out. My partner only played a couple things and she had the nerve to "hello" me. I had a wild card and no where to put it, did she honestly think I was going to p**s away my last remaining wild card on nothing... At least I had one, which is more than I can say for her. So the rounds after that, I got rid of my wild cards as soon as I possibly could even if it wasn't towards a canasta, because I didn't want to get the "hello" again. So, the following round when the opponents went out and she was left holding a joker I went "hello" and I did that because she had laid down four 10's. If she had been paying attention, she would have known we were getting towards the end of the round. I didn't have any wild cards left as I melded with both of my wild cards. So yeah, same thing in the 3rd round. I melded with two wild cards and I had another one I wanted to get rid of so I took the pile with a pair. Now, normally I don't play like this, but when a partner p**ses me off (that hasn't even played 1,000 rounds), I'll play the way they seem to think I should, so that meant getting rid of my wild cards as soon as I can. So, I did the same thing in the 3rd round. We lost by 2,000 points, but it was worth it because when I play with someone who doesn't have much experience and they seem to think they know everything, etc... I figure fine, I'll play the way you want and when we don't get canastas, be sure to look in the mirror because just remember you didn't want me to have wild cards in my hand. It's funny because that first round we didn't have 4 of anything, everything was 3 and no where to put a wild card and I'm not good at guessing, so I held onto it. Like I said the opponents went out rather quickly. If partners are going to point s**t out like that early on, I'm remembering it and will adjust my playing to suit their needs. I figure if they give me grief on how I play after that, I just remind them about the "hello" earlier.


My last partner, Newbie_73 (designated I'm sure). Was terrible, he would lay down pairs instead of making a canasta first. When he would do that I was lead to believe he didn't have enough for a canasta, which after the opponents would go out, I would see he was holding a wild card as was I. I had no clue because, he should have made the canasta or at least put it on the pile towards a canasta instead of making a f**king pair. I never did play on that pair because well, I didn't have any cards to do so, that is how useless that pair was. The final round, instead of laying down all his cards, he held onto them after he froze the pile the first time. Had he laid down all of his cards, I would have used my wild cards toward a canasta, but couldn't as he froze the pile again and then I had laid down another one of our cards, so now I was stuck with two wild cards and no where to put them because he didn't lay down a f**king thing. We were towards the end of the game with no canastas and he hoards cards, freezes the pile twice and instead of laying down any cards from the first time, he keeps them in his hand. Did he honestly think that the opponents weren't going to go out at some point??? I'm sorry, but I could have predicted that considering we weren't laying down anything. I had no clue where to put my wild card as all our groups had 3 cards had he just put one card on one of the groups, I would have put one of my wild cards on it, but I wasn't going to put it on the wrong one. So, I held onto them. What a jerk. He obviously did not consider what I may have had in my hand.


Won this last game with my partner Canada. The one opponent quit the start of the 3rd round as he was pi**ed his partner went out on him after he took a huge pile and it had 4-5 wild cards, which he did not play at all, but instead he laid down most, if not all of the cards. So, truly his partner was probably pi**ed that he didn't just go ahead and make the canastas and who can blame him as I would have been because that partner went ahead and made the canasta and went out, which left him holding all those wild cards and a handful of cards to boot. It was really funny as his partner didn't even ask as once she made the canasta she had no choice as the throw away card was her only card. She deserved a better partner because that guy was being an as***le by freezing the pile midway through each round and I caught onto the first round so the second round I purposely was trying to give it to the opponent, but she wouldn't take it and I'm not sure why as she sure hesitated. When you get an as***le of a partner like that, it is best to do a couple things either try to give the pile away or not meld and try to go out on your own as they aren't teamplayers.


Debbie2, my last partner, quit on me the last round. We got way behind the very first round as the opponents took a large pile with about 3 wild cards in it and got around 2200 points to our only 600 points. So yea, we trailed the entire time. However, after she quit, I feel the computer and I did pretty good as we only lost by 600 points. What I learned about Debbie2 is that she preferred not to meld unless it was an easy meld (no wild cards or took the pile) and she also liked to hoard the cards. The first round I truly thought we were doing good as she laid down four Aces and I laid down three 6's and then she added four 6's and we got a perfect, so I thought, wow, this is going to be a good game. Well, then all of a sudden, she froze the pile, which is where things went south. It was froze for quite a few turns and then the one opponent added a couple wild cards and then they eventually got the pile. The second round I totally struggled to meld, but eventually did and was totally pi**ed when my partner took the pile and then made a canasta with 3 wild cards right away. Then added to what I had laid down. I just was like WTF??? She should have melded sooner and maybe that would have helped our score that round, but she was waiting for me or the pile or something. The final round it was going to be a very long wait if I had to meld, but she started and let time run out, so the computer took over and melded right away. Play is going on and I eventually draw the wild cards needed to get a canasta. We go out and only lose by 600 points. I think we did pretty good to come back after being down by 1500 from the start.


Sharen, my last partner, was terrible. Although, if she would have melded that first round, it truly would have made a difference in who won the game. She waited for me to meld and then lays down a pair of Aces with a wild card. Now, why would you do that??? If you had that to meld with, lay it down. Anyway, the first round we didn't get a canasta because of that play, we were only behind 250 points at that time and that is how it was pretty much the whole game, trailing by 200 points. We could never catch them by too much as they always got a canasta and we would get about 15-20 more points than they would each round after that, but otherwise, we just couldn't get any further ahead. The final round, she played so very slow that I had no idea if she wasn't paying attention or what her issue was and considering she threw one of the opponents cards away, I assumed she only had the opponents cards. So I froze the pile, nope, she had Aces, she threw the wild card I used to freeze the pile to them because I figured they had Aces, but they weren't out yet, so why would a person not just throw the Aces instead of knowingly throw a card they do have laid down? I've never understood that play. If you don't know for sure, chance it, what do you have to lose? Seriously, they most likely had them was my thought, but I couldn't guarantee it. If I didn't have anything else to throw and it came down to throwing one they actually had laid down and one they might have in their hand, I'm throwing one that isn't laid down yet, yes they probably have it, but I won't know that until I throw it.


TEO is a partner I do NOT ever want again. He played like a selfish as***le jerk. Obviously, he expects me to know what he has in his hand as well as everyone else's. Apparently, I threw a card away he was wanting and it pi**ed him off to where he started throwing high cards away and even cards the opponents had laid down. I thought what a f**king as***le. We weren't even melded yet as I couldn't meld, so not if he thought he was telling me something or what, but he was an ass. He acted this way throughout the f**king game. He melded once and I melded the other times. I also made the canastas with the exception of one and he was hoarding those cards, which again proves my point of him being a selfish jerk on many levels. I had no clue he had those cards and then he lays down 4 of them to get his only one canasta of the game. Whenever I would meld, I could plan on him taking the pile after my meld with a pair and a wild card, which would totally p**s me off, especially if I struggled to meld and when he would do that, he wouldn't get much out of the pile, just another reason to p**s me off. If you are going to do that type of s**t as least make it worthwhile and have a back up wild card or two to help make canastas, but he never did and if he did he would never use them that way, but to make other pairs. He often would throw our cards if he felt I made a mistake and I wouldn't have any clue why as if the opponents don't take the pile and if I don't have the cards the opponent has thrown, I don't want to break up a pair in my hand, so yeah, I'm throwing a single card that hasn't been played yet, his issue is that he has them in his hand, which I also wouldn't know as they hadn't been thrown yet. He expects me to know this s**t, but he doesn't know what I have in my hand and I don't know what he has in his hand. He was selfish as***le and I never want him as a partner again as he sucked. It's one thing to make a mistake, but he was doing this s**t on purpose, especially over and over and then the "it can't be" thing a few times. What an ass.


We only played one round and my partner was a f**king as***le and I can't remember his name as he didn't stick around long. I struggled to meld as I started out with one deuce and a pair of 6's. It took a while before I got another pair and then I finally drew another deuce. I melded, but then my f**king partner, kept throwing the opponents cards and I got pi**ed and decided, fine, two can play that game, so I started to do the same thing. He eventually left, which was probably the best thing that happened. The computer and I won by 15 points. It was hilarious as I totally thought we were going to lose big time by the way things were going, but after the computer got a canasta because I had used my wild cards to meld, I had nothing else in my hand. Anyway, after he did that, then I was down to their cards and if I would have had to throw any away they would have gotten another canasta, but as luck would have it, I drew a wild card and was able to use the pair of Queens in my hand and go out, that is the only way we won. I hope that as***le of a partner, learns that he most likely could have melded early on to avoid all the s**t, but chose not to and like many before him that I've played, it doesn't work that. Just because a player has played more games, does NOT mean they can meld or have a better hand. Fu***ng meld if you can and quit allowing opponents to run away with the f**king game.


Ariel, my last partner, was an idiot. She didn't like to meld unless she felt like I couldn't and trust me, 3 out of the 4 rounds, I struggled, but managed to meld. She only melded once. I watched her after I would meld and she would take the pile with a pair and lay down cards that I knew weren't in the pile, then proceed to make a canasta and I'm totally thinking WTF??? Why didn't you meld??? I struggled and you have no problem. I think the one opponent felt the same thing about his partner. I'm guessing he was struggling and then when his partner would make a canasta and lay down pairs, he was like "wow", so I'm guessing he felt my frustration. I don't give a s**t how many rounds a person plays as that has nothing to do with it, it is the cards and if someone doesn't get dealt good cards, specifically wild cards then they most likely can't meld or if they don't have enough Aces or 10 point cards. I don't give a s**t if someone has played over 20,000 rounds that she means they have experience playing, but it depends on what cards they have in their hand as to how they can use them and if their partners don't step up to the plate, then those cards are fruitless.


Hedia, my last partner played like a jackass. The one opponent quit the 3rd round. We were ahead and won, but she was a total jackass. She took the pile with 3 black 3's and all of which I had, so I know when she took them what was in it. So, she throws an Ace, which is fine as the opponent threw that to me and I didn't have any. No big deal, but her next turn, she throws a 6 and they have those laid down and I'm thinking what the hell??? She has black 3's to use and the opponents only had 6's and Kings laid down and we also had Kings, so I'm thinking the motherf**ker had pairs and I was right, but when I went out, I saw she was holding our Queens which I had laid down and not sure why the f**k she was holding those. She had a pair of 10's as well in addition to the f**king black 3's. Why she was playing that way is beyond me. She also wouldn't take the pile when the opponent would throw one of our cards and I'm guessing there just wasn't enough in the pile for her. I was pi**ed. The only positive thing about her was she was polite. She melded once otherwise the other two times I did and naturally both those times were when the pile was froze. It was funny as the one time when it was froze I actually got the pile, so haha on her. The other time the opponents got it. Anyway, there is no f**king good reason to throw an opponents card when you have f**king black 3's to use, there is never a good reason. I don't care if we are in lead, it just is common sense, which I know not many players have, but just try to use some or that critical thinking, which is also on short supply now.




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