@thatsbuck crypto thread
#cryptotrading #crypto
// cryptocurrency crypto mining blockchain block chain gte tokens tokenization global token exchange scams news bitcoin dogecoin ethereum tether BNB binance xrp cardna polygon shiba litecoin tron solana unisawp avalanche cosmos cronosapecoin sandbox kucion axie raven aave terra
Thatsbuck blog magick occult kabbala thread
// forbidden practices moses israel outside nations abominable actions magick sex hex egypt egyptian ; elements elemental enoch spirit herbs dividing roots adept absinthe aeromancy air alchemy potions balefire bael baal banishing casting out bindrune cauldron candle ceremonial magic centering ceremony chakra divination dowsing earth energy work familiar fire gaia gnome grimoire grounding herb invoke invocation jewitch karma litany lunar deities magi zoroastrian astrology magus may pole meditation medium spirit world necromancy neo pagan neo-pagan new moon full moon cycle occult occultist pantheist mason pantheon paranormal rite ritual ritual garb runes samhain wiccan witches third eye vibration voodoo ward zodiac where did does evil come from impiety angels and women the gods heroes of old
; thelema OTO templars magic school clubs catholic magick Lichenstein the litch homosexual magic aleister crowley hellenism renaissance
Thatsbuck blog psychology thread
// psychology existential strengths based strength finder box finder psychological the soul inductive abductive reasoning abnormal paranormal ghosts demons abuse active theory actualization adaptive behavior science aptitude test attitude aversion therapy conditioning behavior therapy developmental psychology ego sigmond freud masons pedophile doctors emotional intelligence experimental psychology gestalt hierarchy of needs memory intuition hysteria mental health mind narrative observation Parapsychology Psychoanalysis Quantitative reverse psychology disorder motivation spiritual suicide telepathy divination thinking pattern transference trauma unconscious mind
Thatsbuck blog Christian thread
// christianity christ savior messiah christology apologetics hermeneutics doctrine salvation the gospel of christ's resurrection easter christmas what do Christians believe the lamb sinless virgin birth crucifixion crucifix roman torture execution the spear the empty tomb joseph of Arimathea Pontius pilate the apostles witnesses of resurrection god so loved the world he sent his one only son perish second death heaven angels demons saints holy spirit spirits the word of God what does the bible say about me`
Thatsbuck blog women's rights
// contraception voting abortion mistakes impiety birth control murder infanticide animal kingdom parasite eve fetus little human man woman DNA egg embryo partial birth abortion pregnancy reduction rape incest woman's choice reproductive rights suction aspiration sacrifice womb sacred zygote conception contragestion criminalization menstruation miscarriage neonate ovary selective abortion ultrasound heartbeat monitor heartbeat bill
Thatsbuck blog Gaming Thread
// twitch twitch tv e-sports esports e sports video games videogames livestream streaming gamers ok gamer 3d augmented AR future competitive arcade arena console PC mobile game design influencer teams sponsors metagame multiplatform old school online PVP PVE pro gamer pwned rage quit championship multiplayer sweaty sweatlord tilt toxic VR virtual reality